PAGE TWO rtfK UAZLTTK TIMES, fTSPPNSR, ORE., THURSDAY, APR, 19, 1917 CECIL ITEMS. iSx..W- - ' ? ' "At 1 1. SI - f"V V, -A KF:qrFHYiiriA I n i Law-ruidJiiuuiu a SATURDAY IS SPUD DAY AT THE STAR Saturday is "spud" day at the Star theatre and Manager Sparks has ar ranged for "a matinee In the after noon to -which all children" bringing one potato will be admitted. Pota toes are worth their weight in eold. bo Mr. Sparks figures that one Is the equivalent of the other so far as their purcnastng power is concerned on this special occasion. A free ticket for ten weeks will be given to the cniia Dunging the largest potato. Piano Tuning and Repairing. t , wl8h t0 lnn0UIce that Weafter ui uiase regular trips to Heppner andYfctnlty to tune and repair pianos and player pianos and remove mars oa piano cases. I solicit your work and point to my former work in this community and an experience trf 17 years In Ihe business as an assurance to you of the quality I service I can give to yoa. ! Rate reasonable: HOWARD S 'SOULB. T' Leave orders Humphreys Drty Co' - Reference Virginia Crawford, Pianist ! C. Oay -Wakefield, Piano Dealer. -: I A 19 2t f Mr. Perkins, who has been ailing for the past two weeks, went to Port land for treatment Edward Melton has moved - his camp outfit on the hill so that he can finish up his last quarter of seeding, A lecture will be given in the Cecil hall at 3 o'clock in the afternoon Sunday. Subjuct: "An Adequate Church for Changing Times, William Ahalt. a former Cectlite has returned from Skinner creek and Is now working for C. A. Minor. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Minor spent Sunday In Heppner with Judge Van Vactor, Mrs. Minor's father. Miss Mabel Oliver, who resides five miles this side of Arlington, has ac cepted work with Mrs. Henry Street-er. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd and son Heppner Wednesday and returned Teppner Wednesday and returned last Friday evening. C. A. Minor has. been down from Heppner and has shipped another car of extra fine beef cattle to Portland. Grandma Nash, who learned of the illness of her son Frank, chief of po nce at fenaieton, has gone to render a mother's Assistance. . . . Aiirea snaw s interests were so well employed Sunday that he failed to heed the call for dinner or offer proper explanation Mrs. Carter, who has been working at Melton's the "past ten days, left Sunday with her son Melvin, for lone where she will work for Matt Halvor- , sen. Last Sunday the Mothers' Circle, while in session, demanded: and -so- cured the presence of Walter' Pope. Many are wondering what the ontr come of the affair will be. t; Grandma Melton, who Is suffering with heart trouble,: encountered i a serious spell last week. Grandma is past 72 and rallies with, great difficulty.- .: 'i Mr. Clow Logan, a cousin of Boyd Logan, arrived here Sunday. 'Me is a real estate agent and makes regular trips to tnis place. of the cooking department of Hynd Brothers' force of men at this place, is 111' Trtth" tonsilttls, which was brought about by the prevailing cold epidemic, ; ; ., . : , .. ' The Cecil ba!! that is announced for April 21, promisee to be one of the big events of the season. Music will be furnished by the celebrated xylophoae orchestra of Portland. ; . Mr. Beta, wad to baling the Frettt- Hir rrnn nt klfaffai lna - .rtitaM hone Sunday morning. The veter-l inarian of LaQrande wired treatment but its application did not save the animal ' j Annie Lowe, Minnie Lowe, Annie Hynd. Loaisa Shaw and Rafus Bur roughs, together with Mr. and Mrs. Hynd, spent an enjoyable evening at the Franklin Bone. The young peo ple participated in a number of games and refreshments were served. Last Wednesday W. B. Ewing pro ceeded to drive to the mountains ; above Heppner band of 1(0 head of cattle for Spring pasturage. Al-j vin Cummiura.. who waa in Cecil the first of the week, went along to help ! anve uem - - Lena S. Shurte, Mr. Pitt man and chauffeur were entertained Tuesday noon at the home of Mrs. Bennett These distinguished educators made visitations upon our rami schools while enroute through the valley. They also spoke upon the vital prob lems or education and how best to realise the effective and, efficient ru ral schools. These meetings tend greatly to taster the harmony , of forces that shall contribute to this succeasv -: '.. s,mt . - .i' i The cold epidesau that manifested Itself with fever, sere throat and ton- stlltis left tangible evideace o( its so journ here hut week. Clyde and Amy Franklim were prevailed neon to leave their compliments of regrets The Streeter children were so badly afflicted they were taken to Arlington where treatment was prescribed for then? by Pr. Chick, . , n, . 'One ef the largest land deals of this county Was closed Monday. A Henrlckson of Oaklaod. Ore.., takes over the W. B. Bwlng ranch on Wil low creek in exchange for- property near Oakland. The consideration is $80,099. Jackflynd took the parties to Heppner In his ear Monday, where the papers were made out ,.'v:Chnwch f Christ. , Preaching at 11. A. M. and 7:i0 P. M. Morning subject: "The Mis sion of the Church, Kvening: "The Most Important Command Bver Giv en." Good music. ' A cordial wel come for alL V"!.-, -'.--"?.! it i!" ' ..f:By! Mrs. Josephine Forward of Sump- ter has arrived in the city td visit with her mother, Mrs. Bllia Ayers, who has been in poor health tor some Miss Louise Shaw,, who has ehargef VanDayn is also here from Spokane. Mr. Lowe has been doing home car penter 'work upon hh Irrmg-rooms ana- sinee tne work of parnttnr mnd oiling has been done the rooms pre sent an inviting and cosy appetRmnce. Last Monday ..eyenjpg e, kisses ;for Manager Sparks .wishes ti an nounce tor the heneflt f the Lexing ton people that his programs now are entirely different from those shown at Lenfestoa. Kwrmerty, through the aneeiaent of Mr. Semrka and Mr. Leach, the two show raoeHtos . shewed, praeticaUy tho snm tlms.' but since the Star has nrransed Us sieir pro gram, there is ao dupUcatioa of films., The Oregon Oarage received ever; 1760 -sounds of new ReaubUc tires this week; which nanism all the old stock they had on hand, t These Urea are of nil sicsn. Whore A lam stock of rnhber ads i cnrriod Snnhw4thmkhows4tobesome elerianilsia ! sv yes Ume. nia frequent x raninewansnt,. lutonrea , the buyer that ho Is ettlsc bo shelf- UNION PACIFIC follows the flag ; Union Pacific System stands able and glad to ' give td the Nation the ' same stipreme'service in time' of war as in time of peace. P.-U.:.;...U.,;,,IJ : JJMBBSSSLt. - . ..!,.;. '.u i . i -i. ';', ' ; ! .,j.ff ' ' ' SETT: i sSflflCi MHmw 111 . 6u THIUR!DaY, NLY HEARST PAM NEWS :id THE IRON CLAW 'Hie Vanishing Faker" LUKE and THE BOMB THROWER, Coincdy FRIDAY a n AD Dira r eaiure ig Diuei WITH LOUISE LOVELY fl (33)Efl-C (LD(GKlTrl : . . jEuscma the $M 1 SAfp ,fr shipie -:- efficient I Cash MaiKet Mione Main 73 . ofeMle aUd rewil dealers fa 'FRESH AND CURED MEATS' MRYMWARZ Prtprietor ' 44 The I n lv vwwr U11M1UWU LOU TELLEGEN Also A Go'od Comedy Sunday and Monday: ,qlSr No children under 16 admitted, except with parents or guardian A STRONG MORAL PLAY J TUESDAY: Fannie Ward in "THE CHEAT" WEDNESDAY: Mutual Mrad Program III' fleppnerf ooi Yard E. E. BEAMAN SUCCESSOR TO N. A. CLARK ' Leave Wers at Humphreys Dnig Co. y WE HANDLE BLACISIITH COAL IN SACKS OR - iN' TON LOTS. w-v."-,.r ' :) 1 ALL WOOD FROM 6tjR YARDS WILL BE SAWED i : fbR'6S CENTS' !PER CORD. )' NEW ELEVATOR CON- 1 i TRACT LET BY FARMERS ; The Heppner Farmers' Union has let their Contract for, the new 100j-000-bUBhel capacity grain elevator to. the pioneer . engineering & Elevator Co., of Seattle. John W. Johnson, the manager of the Seattle firm was In the city ,last week to confer with the farmers- and the i contract was awarded at that, time, .. The company which Mr. Johnson represents has built elevators throughout the North west. . me elevator win cost approxi mately $18,000. R. S, Bradley and wife are visitors In Heppner from McMinnvllle this week. Mr. Bradley was formerly a resident of Morrow county and farm ed here for many years. He has al ways had a longing to get back and Is now looking for a suitable farm here. ,-. ; . -.... , . Born-r-To Mr. and Mrs. Mose Gam bill at lone on Wednesday,, April 18, a daughter. -Mother and child are reported to be doing nicely and Mose is expected to recover soon. FOR sAuc-rdne 32x64 Case Sep arator with long feed, and bundle feed. One , 1 2-f odt put McCormlck Header. One, 12-foot cut Hodge head er. One derrick wagon L complete. All In good order, C. CHASE, Dufur, Oregon. .. ... . ; Miss Beatrice Huddleston accom panied by her niece, Miss, Sadie Hud dleston, came over from the ranch near Lone Rock Saturday after : a load of supplies. Miss Huddleston says' that she and J. B. expect to spend three months on the ranch be fore returning to their Heppner home. W. H. Cronk, the Tum-A-Lum Co. manager at lone, was In the city Sat urday. While here he had a business visit with H. C. Crawford, consulting engineer of the company who was down from the head office at Walla Walla. Louis. PearBon, well known local tailor, returned from Portland Wed nesday with a new eight-cylinder Scripps-llooth roadster. Bert Bow ker drove the car up. jmOFKSgiONAIi COLUMN Dr. H. T. ALLISON Physician A Surgeon Office In Gunn Building. HEPPNER, dRZGON Dr. N. E. WINNARD Physician 4 Surgeon Office in Fair Building HEPPNER OREGON A. D. McMTJRDO, M. D. Physician A Surgeon . Office in Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER :-: :-: OREGON Dr. R. J. VAUGHN ' . DENTIST Permanently located in the 'Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 aid S, HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEY8-AT-LAW ; .... Office in Palace Hotel, Heppner, Oregon '- SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEr-AT-LAW Offce on west end of May Street HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. N0TS0N , ATTORNEI-AT-LAW Office, Roberts Building, Heppner F. H. ROBINSON LAWYER ionb :-: :-: t-:.:-j : orboon -1 CLYDE and DICK WELLtf Three doors soU of PaistoBML PATTERSON &lLDSa I boon North Palace Hotel. TONSOBja ARTWT PINE) BATHS SHAViNO IM MBBOaAHT TA04 HEPPNER :-: W')lQdli "Tailoring That Satlsftes" ' LOUIS PEARSON MERCHANT TATLOR , i HEPPNER :-: OREGON ROYV.WHlTEtS Fire Inpurance writer for best' Old Line Companies. HEPPNER OREGON BRADFORD & SON "The VuTatfe Printers'' Contractding PainW and paper Hanging, Phone SjSf ' 0fl 1st Door Wtst of Creamery n GLENN Y. WELLS Attorney-at-Law ' Heppner, Oregon VAWTER CRAWFORD Votary ptrBLio )' The Gazette-Times Ottlce, Heppner ANTI-URIC. The famous ROOT and BERRY remedy for : BTTtBTTH mtAi. '.Ji-'flv Il"-'- -r ,xiuiuniojja.. .uontain8 no , opiates or chemicals, and , will t not injure the most . clehcate stomach pr digestion. Resuits J guaranteed or money refunded. Price $1.50 per outfit. For Sale by PATTERSON & SON HUMPHREY DRUG CO. 1