THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER. ORE, THTTRSDAY. FER. it, 1S17 PAGE THREE L. MONTERESTELU MARBLE AND. GRANITE WORKS PENDLETON. OREGON Fine Monument and Cemetery Work. All parties interested in getting work in my line should get my prices and estimates before placing their orders. 'v. - . ALL WORK GUARANTEED Licensed Embalmer Lady Assistant J. L. YEAGER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone Residence Heppner, Oregon WE SELL PURE WHITE FLOUR NONE BETTER HEPPNER FARMERS' UNION WAREHOUSE CO. WE HANDLE WHEAT AND WOOL. HIGHEST PRICES PAI DFOR HIDES AND PELTS. WILL BE ISSUED We herewith publish two letters which come to ub through the office of county superintendent of schools, Mrs. Shurte. One is regarding the issuance of professional teacher's certificates of merit. Both letters are, or should be of deep Interest to the school teachers of Morrow coun ty and for that reason they have been handed to the Gazette-Times for pub llcatiou. They follow: February, 12, 1917. To County Superintendents: This, department is Interested in having the teachers throughout the State meet the requirements for the professional teacher's certificate. The certificate is issued without cost to those applicants who meet the re quirements established by this De partment. We believe that much professional growth will come to the teachers through the efforts put forth to earn this certificate. We have today in Oregon some teachers who go from county to county after but a year's residence in each, and who fall to give the right service In every district where they go. The profp3sonal certificate Is a guarantee that a teacher is interest ed in her work, and that she is pro gressive. Other things being equal school boards should give preference to the teacher holding this certifi cate. This action on the part of the school board would tend to eliminate those teachers who are not Interested In their work and who do not care to make additional preparation from year to year for the benefit of the districts and the children whom they are to serve. Very sincerely yours, J. A. CHURCHILL Supt. Public Instruction. a . .a. .a, ' AlAAAilAill WTTTT f TTTT"" W TTT AAXLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA T7TTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTT IWood and Coal 1 HEPPNER WOOD YARD 8 hmIi . t a t a r- tr f- IT IN. A. aAKK, proprietor, SUCCESSOR TO E. E. BEAMAN; x FINEIROCK SRINGSNUTJCOAL 8 $11.00 Per Ton Phone 396 Heppner, Oregon FUNERAL SUPPLIES MODERN EQUIPMENT - PAINSTAKING SERVICE CASE FURNITURE COMPANY To. Teachers: A plan has been adopted by this department for giving public recogni tion to those teachers of the State who prove themselves to be progres sive and successful in their work. To all teachers who show a proper professional spirit, and who (1) teach successfully for at least eight months during the year 1915-1916; ( 2 ) meet all requirements for a teac her in a standard school and comply strictly with the laws relating to fire dangers and fire drills; (3) send prompty to the county superlnten dent all reports requested by him or required by law; (4) attend the annual teachers' institute or teachers training school, and at least one lot cal institute; (5) read during the year, under the supervision of the University of Oregon or the Oregon Agricultural College, at least two books on the teachers' reading circle list; will be given by this department without charge, upon the written re commendation of the county supenn tendent, a professional certificate of merit. This certificate will show all the requirements which the teacher lias met and should be of great assistance to the holder in securing proper re cognition from boards of directors and other school officials. Very truly yours, J. A. CHURCHILL, Superintendent Public Instruction FOR SALE 1840 Acre Wheat and Stock Ranch, welt improved. Pleaty of spring water for stock. All farm implements and improvements go with the place. Easy terms. Eight miles from railroad. Inquire M. J. Devin ft Sons, Heppner, Ore, . Tour friends can buy say thing you ecu give them except your photograph. Slssbee Studio, Kellogg is the Morrow county agent. See the truck en the streets, doing daily demonstartlon work. SPECIAL AFTER INVENTORY SALE fnf f PA Some good broken lines and V4U11CC some to be discontinued. Prices from 10 to 20 percent less than regular. A PPT TT C Fancy "Rome Beauty" Ap lmjO ples bought to sell for $1.75 now $1.25. PHELPS GROCERY CO. INDUSTRIAL ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Vale to have new brick business building. Lebanon expects to establish a fruit cannery. Bandon Woolen mill to oDerate and employ 20. Toledo Farmers are working for a cheese factory.' Coos Bay-Keel laid for sixth large vessel in local ship yard. Roseburg Chinese start big truck farm of 250 acres. , Toledo Schafer Bros, installing shingle mill on upper Siletz. Klamath Palls Box factory to be started at once will employ SO. Grants Pass will experiment with New Zealand flax in this district. Portland-Tacoma ship yards place rush order for 4,000,000 ft. lumber here. Hood River ML Hood R. R. will build two-mile extension toward Lost Lake. Bandon More than f 1,000,000 .; worth of goods shipped over bar, here last year. . ToledoLincoln Co. plans buying ' portable sawmill to cut lumber for planked roads. Independence Electric service on S. P. to be inaugurated as far as this city by March 1st. t I - Independence Valley and Ellets R. R. reported ready to begin erec tion of shops here soon. Portland Eccles interests order $125,000 worth of new equipment for Sumpter Valley Railroad. Coos Bay North Bend Mill ft Lumber Co. to build 14 mile logging road up Davis Slough at once. Roseburg-; Eastern capitalists lease 3200 acres of land near here to drill experimental wells for oil. Florence Vancouver men take op tion on large amount of cedar near here and plan to erect shingle mill. Portland Shipyards here are humming. Big steam schooner to be built, owned and operated by Port land men. . Grants Pass Chrome deposits in Illinois Valley to be extensively worked this summer.' 4000 tons shipped out last summer. Grants Pass Beet growing is be coming the popular Industry here. The land 'can be made to produce from $76 to $100 per acre under correct treatment. Toledo Packing herring is, new Industry here. 85 foot lumber car rier being built at Taft, fishing schooner Freemont and passenger boat Newport being put in commis sion at Hansen ship yard here. Southern Pacific at its own ex pense, is maintaining complete pat rol system for tunnels and bridges as well as its stbres of supplies which might be destroyed and hamper ope ration of road when needed for rapid transportation of troops and sup plies. With the danger of war hanging over the country we are brought face to face with the value of our indus trial plants and railroads to the gov ernment. Conservation legislation for their protection should be the or der of the day. Suburban residents are seeking ex tension of carlines, but Pres. Griffith of P. R. L. ft P. Co. said it was im possible, "until Portland treats the stfeet car company a little more gen erously." We would suggest that the residents ask the Jitney drivers union to put autos on the run at 5c fares. The Dalles $260,000 to be spent here this year on building Witten berg-King Co's. new plant to cost $60,000 Catholic boy's school will be erected at cost of $12,500 Lib by, McNeill ft Llbby to construct dormitories for employes New gar age worth $36,000 to go up and ad dition of another is started. For gale or Trade Belgian stal lion, 8 years old, weight 1600, bred from Imported horse, will sell for $200 or trade for horses. Good colt getter. Jas. Carty. For Sale $4 Pure Bred Leghorn hens. Inquire of D. C. Gurdane. Glasses fitted satisfactorily by Dr. Wlnnard, or money refunded. His prices are reasonable, and he Is where you can always find him. No charge tor testing eyes. tf. s Three Sizes of BUICK this year Seven passenger, six cylinder, 55 horsepower - - $1635.00 Five Passenger, six cylinder, 45 horsepower - - - $1170.00 Five passenger, four cylinder, 35 horsepower - - $785.00 These prices are F. O. B. Heppner BUICK DESIGN BUICK VALVE-IN-HEAD POWER .': The Tightness of the Buick Valve-in lead motor and not the enthusiasm of its salesmen has made the Buick conspicuous for leadership. This new four has a Buick Valve-in-Head motor (with electric starter) which develops thirty-five horse power on brake test&nd is so reliable for ruggtd service that no eulogy is necessary among "men who know Buick." Kb lines are beautiful.. Finish and color are exception al Deep, tufted black genuine leather upholstery. Cov ered floor and running board, with aluminum bindings, give a trimness of appearance that is peculiarly Buick. Body, hood, fevers and running gear are painted a glossy, kmg-wr jing black; wheels are black with white stripes. Tires 31x4 inches. SEE THE BABY BUICK AT THE HEPPNER GARAGE ALBERT BOWKER, Local Agent All Buicks have the Delco lighting and starting system. There is Bone better. STALLIONS AI AJLTA STABLES, PENDLETON, OREGON One extra, good. b!g, black imported Percheron, 5 years old, weight 2300. ?c?Ji.wo lfflorted 60a t"e great 140,000 Carnot, (66666) 66(66. Other Ptercheroas, Belgians, Shires and Clydsdales that are de sirable, besides a number of young ones with correct pedigrees from one to three years oM and Percheron and Belgian mares. All will be priced t leli. That Ton Cannot Gse J. R. JUSTUS, Importer, Longer I might Change PENDLETON, OREGON. Your friends can buy "anything you can give them except your photograph Bring the Kiddies early while they are fresh and rested The picture will be prettier. SIGSBEE STUDIO OYER STAR THEATER Heppner, Oregon. Two spans of geldings for sale, 5 , years old, well broke. F. E. Mason, I Lexington. St. BLACK LOSSES SUflELV PREVENTED , by CUTTER'S BLACKIEQ FILLS Lowyrlced, I m ires it. teiuniei r m 1 prelecredbT I J weuem Rock . IP . H. men. because mm mm V Kettet whtr ui- vaoolnu full. tf0 Write for bookU t and trvtlraoaUK fiQ-dMiDWcHickltflftBt. I4.M Unny talectof, but Cutter" i simple, and The tuperlof Ity o( Cutter prodwM i di t orr IS yeanoisprcUIUInB in VMTIWES ANI Sltlinvs ONLY. INSWT OM CUTT i. 11 UotUiMbi Tha Cutttf Laboratory, CatitaiH JJ CITY MEAT MARKET UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT All kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats and Lard TMs is the place to buy Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Salmon, Halibut, Smelts AGEXTS FOR "JSEALSUIT" OYSTERS Johnson & Johnson