THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPNER, ORE., THURSDAY. DEC. It, 1911 PAGE SIX t t t New Lumber Yard j Now open in building formerly occupied by Independent Garage on Main Street. LUMBER, LATHS, SHINGLES, BUILDING MATERIAL. LUMBER IN CAR LOTS A SPECIALTY. Get Our Estimates Before Building H. C. GITHENS MB 11 , 31 hi EI(S)iri(ip)wr-$725.00 49 35 lriipwir, $910.00 THE MOTOR IS A WONDER, UNUSUALLY POWER FUL BUT WONDERFULLY ECONOMICAL 20 TO 25 MILES ON A GALLON OF GASOLINE IS THE USUAL REPORT. THE FASTEST SELLING COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE EVER OFFERED. mr ISO MMk mi w br i m stock readly foir tMhrciry, MM P) Teachers' Examinations. Notice is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Morrow County. Oregon will hold the regplar examination ot applicants (or State Certificate at Heppner, Oregon, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, Decem ber 20, 1816, at 9:00 o'clock a. m. and continuing until Saturday, Dec ember 23. 1916. at 4:00 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Forenoon. U. S. History. Writing, Penman ship, Music. Drawing.. Wednesday Afternoon Physiology, Reading, Manual Trai ning, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods in Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, History of Education, Phychology, Methods in Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic Art. Thursday Afternoon Grammar, Geography, Stenograp hy, American Literature, Physics, Typewriting, Methods in Language, Thesis fcr Primary Certificate. Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography, Physical Geography, English Litera ture, Chemistry, Physical Culture. Friday Afternoon School Law, Geology, Algebra, CI vll Government. Saturday Forenoon. Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping. Very truly yours, J. A. CHURCHILL, Superintendent of Public Instruction INDUSTRIAL ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST A. H. Buck to install mill on Slus-law. Oregon City $20,000 hall. -Moose will erect A. J. Conrad to locate shingle mill on Coos Bay. North Bend Another ship yard promised here. Wanted to Kent. We have a client who wants to rent 900 to 1200 acres of good wheat land for 2 or 3 years. Our client has he machinery and money necessary o get the best possible results. For further Information call on Smead & Crawford. ICE CREAM SPECIALS PURE -:- DELICIOUS -:- REFRESHING TRY OUR STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM Made from fresh crushed strawberries. You will like it. SOFT DRINKS OUR SPECIALTY THE PALM HIGHEST GRADE OF CANDIES IN THE CITY We are offering one ot the best residences in Heppner at a sacrifice. If you wait a good home and have $600 cash wo can do business, for our terms on the balance will be your terms. There is no better bargain in Heppner. We will be glad to show it to you at any time. SMEAD & CRAWFORB. . Mortgage Loans Ob Improved Farms at the lowest rates and on long time. Repayable in such installments as the borrower may wish, Liberal prepayaMit terms arranged. . No commission charged. Loans closed promptly. Mortgages purchased. WM. MacMASTER 701 Corbett Bldg. Portland Oregon A New Model Typewriter! tf5 BUY IT NOW! Yes, the crowning typewriter triumph is here! IT IS JUST OUT-AND COMES YEARS BEFORE EXPERTS EXPECTED IT. For makers have striven a life-time to attain this ideal machine. And Oliver has won again, as we scored when we gave the world its first visible writing. There is truly no other typewriter on earth like this new Oliver "9." Think of a touch bo light that the tread of a kitten will run the keys! CAUTION! The new-day advances that come alone on this machine are all controlled by Oliver. Kven our own previous models famous in their day never had the Optional Duplex Shift. It puts the whole control of 84 letters and characters in the little fingers of the right and left hands. And it lets you write them all with 28 keys, the least to operate of any standard typewriter made. WARNING! This brilliant new Oliver comes at the old time price. It costs no more than lesser makes now out-of-date when compared with this discovery. For while the Oliver's splendid new fea tures are costly we have equalized the added expense to us by simplifying construction. Resolve right now to see this great achievement before you spend a dollar for any typewriter. If you are using some other make you will want to see how much more this one does. ' It you are using an Oliver, it naturally follows that you want the finest model. Thoti writers of all other machines can Immediately run the Oliver Number "9" with more tipeed and greater ease. 17 CENTS A DAY! Remember this brand-new Oliver "9" is the greatest value ever given 1b a typewriter. It has all our previous special inventions visible writing, auto matic spacer, 6 V4-ounee touch plu the Optional Duplex Shift. Selective Color Attachment, and all these other new-day features. Vet we have derided to sell it to everyone everywhere en our famous payment plan 1 7 cents a day! Now every user can easily afford to have the world's crack visible writer, with the famous HtlNTYPE. that writes like print, included Fit KG if desired. TODAY Write for Full Details and 06 ong the first to know about this marvel of writing machines. See why typists, employers, and individuals every where are flocking to the Oliver Just mall a postal at once. No obligation. It's a pleasure for us to tell you about it. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO., Oliver Typewriter Building, Chicago. Riddle broccoli will ship 30 car loads this season. Washington County budget $9000 less than last year. Klamath Falls Work started on New Baptist church. Springfield-40 sacks clover seed net S. P. Ness $969.90. Portland Journal is advocating a state board of Charities. Springfield dedicated $35,000 Me thodist church and parsonage. Gresham Cannerymen decide to rebuild burned packing pant here. Wasco county advertising for sale $260,000 road bond recently voted. Banks United Ry. busy with 30 men on old survey up Wilson river. Bend sells $35,000 to Denver firm in raising money for Strahorn road. Oak Grove, Clackamas County, votes ten mill tax for paved highway. Under municipal ownership, Eu gene water board adds two mill tax levy. Applegate Dry land dredges be ing installed here to work placer ground. Eugene Aggregate tax levy is IS. 75 mills for county and 42.9 mills for city. Portland First of a series of ships launched by Peninsula Shipbuilding Company. "Flax mills and a linen factory for western Oregon'' Is thy campaign, now under way. Sutherlin Douelas Co.. turkev raisers sold about 12,500 for approxi mately $37,500. Salem Northwest Fruit Products Co. has used 1000 tons cull apples making sparkling beverages. Canyon City Fox breeding for fur trade to be new Industry here. P. A. Snyder investing $10,000. - Marshfield Coos Bay R. R. Co. in corporates for $5000 to build and op erate a railroad in Coos County. Monroe potato industry gets uplift from sale of twenty carloads of ear ly white rose for seed at $1.85 per 100 lbs. 'Portland merchants made an ex cursion the past week to investigate the flax Industry now being developed in the Willamette Valley. Salem Bill prepared for teacher's retirement fund. Five per cent of salary is to be set aside for a term of years, when the state is to add $2,' 000. New State Boards and Commis sions proposed are Fire Warden, Board of Charities, and board for wayward children. There will be others. Grants Pass-Utah-Idaho Sugar Co voluntarily raises contract price ot jeets from $6 to $7. The extreme advance is due to good sugar prices caused by war conditions. Springfield Waterville potato aiser sells 5 acre crop for $1,000 besides saving enough seed for 6 ac es and feeding part of the crop to J families and 6 hogs. At GrantB Pass the I. W. W. outfit was thrown out of the sugar beet fac- ory. Grants Pass has had the fac tory long enough to be able to dls- inguish sugar beets from dead beats. Gazette-TimeB, Corvallis. YOUR CHRISTMAS STOREIi Has Anticipated Your Needs Toys Scarfs FOR the children QOMETHING sew you will find our ladies. You may stock complete with have your choice in toys at moderate pri- any color or design, ces See them today. GIFTS FOR MEN Handkerchiefs Neckties Shirts Hosiery Garters Etc. New line just arrived 1 35 Holid EATS Our grocery department is well qualified to supply the Christmas table. s am Hughes Co. I We will lean money on good Im proved farms in Morrow county and we are also piepared to make loans n Improved stock ranches. If you desire a loan' come and soe us-lf you want a loan on Heppner residence property we can arrange it for you. Smead & Crawford. Choice cuts of fresh meats. See he Old Reliable Dutchman at The People's Cash Market. tf. 6 lots 40x90; 1 lot 60x110; 1 8- room dwelling, woodshed and other outbuildings; 1 5-room dwelling, woodshed and other outbuildings; 1 barn, used for livery Btable. 64x64. This property is in a small eastern Oregon towa and Is for sale at $1,600 cash or will trade for Heppner prop erty, Morrow county wheat land, or would trade for an auto. Owner's business calls him away and be is desirous of closing a deal on this property before leaving. Further particulars will be given by caning on us. SMEAD & CRAWFORD. The HORN PASTIME VICTOR GROSHEN, Prop. SOUTHEAST CORNER MAIN A MAY STREETS Complete Line of Candies and Cigars and all the Leading Soft Drinks. Card Tables in Connection. First Class Service Give Us a Gall Ours is the Store for your gun ana ammunition TYPHOID b no than Smallpox. Am OTttleiiet haadimmmalnl the almott mlrtcuiort cffi Cacy, ad hamlemieM, of Antityphoid Vwxlnrttao. Be vaccinated NOW by vtit phyilcian, you and nut family. It li mot. vital than bone, hmmna, AJk your phyilcian, draff lit, or Knd for "Km TOD had Typhoid?" tell lot of Typhoid VatxkM. fesultf from ua , and danger from Typhoid Carrier. THE (UTTER LABORATORY, BERKELEY, . CM. re.cina wcciaae . n njzL3XUam. ylNTING ON THESE I G ABSOLUTELY I BUY A NEW GUN: HUNTING IS FINE SPORT. GETS YOU OUT IN THF OPEN; MAKES YOU ALERT AND QUICK; AND IMPROVES YOUR HEALTH. WE'VE GOT THE GUN YOU WANT. WE'VE GOT THE AMUNITION YOU NEED SHELLS LOADED AS YOU WANT THEM. WE WANT ALL OF YOUR HARDWARE TRADE. COME IN ONCE AND WE WILL GET IT FOR LIFE. VAUGHN & SONS M-4"r4 i! V!