.PAGE SIX THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEFPNER. ORE., THURSDAY. OCT. 12, 19H 1 15 IB ESTATE We are offering a house and lot in Lents, Oregon, for sale or trade. This lot is 50 by l."0 ami has a uunibor of yoiuiii- fruit tiws on it. Will trade for a small place near the mountains or for lleppner property. A'ould trade for work horses, broke or unbroke. Price tor this property is $1210.00. A Good Eight-Room Dwelling, Barn and other outbuildings, fruit trees and 8!s acres of land in lleppner at a bargain. This can be bought on time and if you want it and can give a good note you don't need any money. 127 Acres of Land Fair house, good barn, 6 acres in of good alfalfa land, some good farm land on the hills. Running water all the season. A dandy little poultry and dairy ranch for sale cheap. We have other good properties for sale. Come and see us if you want to get bargains. Smead & Crawford Real Estate and Fire Insurance Office in the Fair Building V t ? t ? T ? J T t ? t 1 I t ? Green tomatoes In any quantity at 2 cents a pound, at our nursery in Heppner. Harry Cummings. See Beach & Allyn, Lexington agents, (or a trade on your old car fur a new Ford. For Rent Five $8.00 per month. zett-Tinies office. room house Inquire at at Ga- Clioice cuts of fresh meats. See the Old Reliable Dutchman at The People's Cash Market. tf. KAR.MKHS I pay the highest market price fur grains of all kinds. Consult with me before selling. W. W. SMEAD. For Rent r-Living rooms over Peo ple's Cash Market. Inquire Henry Schwarz. A man and wife desire a position on a ranch for the winter. Inquiries may be made at this office. Compe tent and experienced. We will loan money on good Im proved farms in Morrow county and we are also prepared to make loans on improved stock ranches. If you desire a loan come aud see us-it you want a loan on Heppner residence property we can arrange it for you". Smead t Crawford. - (Hastes fitted satisfactorily by Dr. rVtnnard, or money refunded. His prices are reasonable, and he is where yoo can always find him. No charge for testing eyes. tf. We are offering one of the best residences in Heppner at a sacrifice. If you want a good home and have $600 cash wo can do business, for our terms on the balance will be your terms. There is no better bargain in Heppner. We will be glad to show it to you at any time. SMEAD & CRAWFORD. LOST. On the Blue Trail Road between three and five miles out of Heppner on Pendleton road, a toupee in a collar box. Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this office. r CITY MEAT MARKET UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT All kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats and Lard This is the place to buy Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Salmon, Halibut, Smelts in I Johnson & Johnson Choice Flour, Feeds, Wood, Coal and Posts, for Sale by HEPPNER FARMERS' UNION WAREHOUSE 0. Handle Wheat and Wool. Highest Price Paid for Hides and Pelts. ICE CREAM SPECIALS PURE -:- DELICIOUS -:- REFRESHING TRY OUR STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM Made from fresh crushed strawberries. You will like it. SOFT DRINKS OUR SPECIALTY THE PALM HIGHEST GRADE OF CANDIES IN THE CITY 6 lots 40x90; 1 lot 50x110; 1 8 room dwelling, woodshed and other outbuildings; 1 5-room dwelling, woodshed and other outbuildings; 1 barn, used for livery stable, 64x64. This property is in a small eastern Oregon town and is for sale at $1500 cash or will trade for Heppner prop erty, Morrow county wheat laud, or would trade for an auto. Owner's business calls him away and he is desirous of closing a deal on this property before leaving. Further particulars will be given by calling on us. 8MEAD & CRAWFORD. YOU can afford to protect your family, your creditors or your business when you can get Pure Life Insurance At Cost. All speculative features left out. It will save you money to inves tigate our proposition before in suring. GVARAXTKK Kl'XD MI-'E ASSOCI ATION- of Omaha, Xehrusko. See BRIGGS & NOTSON, Heppner, Oregon. Agts. ELM losses ma ttaam by CUTTER'S BLACKLEG PILLS I-owpriccd, at. l!5l pi' Iff -Vi n t.v ra veb-t-i P .fk ffl men. V'-h'-.j tfcrv afll&jfe where otUrY. ,-&V Uar.y it.rrt'jr, .V t ., a;i"i".t a:i'.l .'creit. The siifj"rl'irltv ul -V : pr.jK. i. e due ' -vt lS years oispertnliziit.; in VACCIMf AND SFKIIV3 ONLY. iMbibT O.I CiinJs.lv' a. U UK1 U.iuble. wrier 'lirect. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST FARM MORTGAGES E. J. Roberson, 702 Title & Trust Building, Portland, Oregon. Licensed Embalmer Lady Assistant J. L. YEAGER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone Residence Heppner, Oregon M. R. Mathew, traveling salesman who makes his headquarters in The Dalles, was interviewing local mer chants this week. Victor Wiglesworth and wife of Galloway were Heppner visitors the first of the week. John W. Maldment of Lone Rock was in Heppner Sunday. M. S. Corrlgall, president of the First Natioanl Bank, was in the city Tuesday from his ranch on Butter creek. C. E. Jones was in the city Tuesday from his farm home In the Eight Mile section. Omar Stanton of Hardman was a Tuesday business visitor in Heppner. Your (rif nds can buy anything you can give ihem- excq I your photograph Bring in the kiddies early, while they are fresh and rested The pictures will be prettier. SIGSBEE STUDIO OVER STAR THEATER HEPPNER, OREGON INDUSTRIAL HEMS OF GENEHAL INTEREST I Canby buys local water system. j lone to have modern store building. I j North Plains to get electric lights, j ! Stanfield New creamery to be ! started here. The third sawmill for Bend has be gun operations. Riddle will ship between 40 and 60 carloads of prunes. Gresham New garage is largest in Multnomah county. North Bend men start new shingle mill on Larson inlet. Marshfield is working for cannery to handle hxal products. Myrtle creek prime crop will ap-' proximate 2,000,000 pounds. Eugene State highway planned from Florence to Klamath Falls. Portland Plans under way for another large steel ship yard here. Portland Lougshoresmen's strike to be settled on open-shop basis in Seattle. Grants Pass Bids to be considered for Josephine county's new $75,000 courthouse. baiem is getting the one-man street cars, made pecessary by jitney competition. Duf ur Dispatch "Is there anyone left who wants to be a candidate for some office or other?" Douglas county Pomona grange disgusted with political agitations Is advocating some cheese factories. Salem State sold 25 tons of flax at 7 cents a pound to California niilK Same vas produced with convict la bor. State is handling 750 tons. C. E. Spence, Master of the State Grange says the People's Land and Loan measure on the ballot this elec tion spells confiscation for the farmer. H. A. Darnell in Mt. Scott Herald on Single Item veto: "It can cost no one a cent and it has the virtue of possibly saving some thousands of dollars every session of the legis lature so its support can hurt no meri torious measure." The car men of the northern roads threaten to strike unless they get a raise in wages. They are peeved be cause the Adanison law does not ap ply to them. Well, threaten to tie up the business of the country; that's what the other fellows did and they made their bluff stick. Oregon Railroad commission aban dons valuation of Oregon trunk line of Hill system, as Interstate Com merce Commission is doing same work. This work of the Federal government is being duplicated in nearly all states at public expense and shows the folly of joint control of the railroads of 45 states and also by the nation. For two carloads of chromium ores recently shipped from Riddle to Illinois Steel Company at Chicago the Oregon Nickle Mining Company re ceived a check for the sum of $3,068.- 5, says the Riddle Tribune. In the shipment were a little less than 100 tons of ore, and it is easy to compute that the rock was worth above $30 per ton f. o. b. at Chicago. Elbert Bede, President Willamette Valley Press Association Bays: "The state fair board this year slighted the country newspapers and gave all their advertising to the city dailies and ma gazines. That should set well with the country newspapers that have given the state fair so much free space and have boosted early and late for its success." Salem Southern Pacific Co. in statement on car shortage says it is due to small demurrage charges col lected in this state. It says: "Car efficiency can be obtained only by fix ing the demurrage rate at a figure that will make it incentive and benefit to the general shipping public to release cars with the greatest pos sible dispatch, and as the 53 rate ob taining in California haV brought a- bout tills to an extent not equaled in any other territory, we have to re commend its adoption in Oregon, where because of the low rates and the 'average agreement,' five times as many cars are held in excess of the free times as in California." s A. R. REID for your Rough and Dressed Lumber, Wood and Posts At the Mill or delivered FOR THE MAN WHO CARES Jiyies or tne 1 lmes For the ease of a perfect fit, the as surance of correct style and the sat isfaction of long service wear THE FLORSHEIM SHOE "FOR ANY WEAR AND EVERYWHERE" SAM HUGHES COMPANY G. M. Allyn. Lexington garage man, received a dislocation of the right wrist this week while attempting to start a balky Ford. He was In Heppner Tuesday to give the injured arm treatment from a local doctor. Dan Smytlie, of the Smythe-Loner-gan Co. of Pendleton, spent a few days in Heppner on business the first of this week. H. N. Crawford left Monday for I the Stanfield ranch near Echo, where he will work for John Spencer, fore man of the ranch, through the winter. Mrs, Cleve Adkins was operated up on at the Heppner Sanatorium last week for appendicitis. She Is re ported recovering as rapidly as could be expected. Ours is (he Store for your gun ana ammunition I lMUNTING ON these fJSjm PREMISs ii iSliiM IS ABSOLUTELY I BUY A NEW GUN: HUNTING IS FINE SPORT. GETS YOU OUT IN THF OPEN; MAKES YOU ALERT AND QUICK; AND IMPROVES YOUR HEALTH. WE'VE GOT THE GUN YOU WANT. WE'VE GOT THE AMUNITION YOU NEED SHELLS LOADED AS YOU WANT THEM. WE WANT ALL OF YOUR HARDWARE TRADE. COME IN ONCE AND WE WILL GET IT FOR LIFE VAUGHN & SONS i 1 1 A . .t. t. t. .,. ., tTTTtTTT M4441W The HORN PASTIME VICTOR GROSHEN, Prop. SOUTHEAST CORNER MAIN & MAY STREETS Complete Line of Candies and Cigars and all the Leading Soft Drinks. Card Tables in Connection First Class Service Give Us a Call t i i i