THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPNER, ORE.. THURSDAY, OCT. 12, 1916 tare fotr UAfhlNG 10 FLAX : People's Cash Market Phone Main 73 Wholesale and retail dealers in FRESH AND CURED MEATS Western Oregon Has Thousands of Suitable Acres, "as Good as Any in Belgium," Says Bulletin. Prompt attention given all orders. HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor I Everv Home can have j a Musical Instrument or vrite tor catalogues. coupon rv, Sherman.;-jfsY&Ga 1 PORTLAND. -' " OR "G ?M' TIBE SIM t i IS HEPPNER YOUNG MEN'S POPULAR RESORT BILLUE3S ArD POOL University of Oregon, Eugene, Oct. 2. "Western Oregon is especially adapted for both dairying and flax culture. Conditions become even more favorable when both are com bined," says a flax bulletin recently ! issued by the University of Oregon. The bulletin is entitled "The Culture aud Manufacture of Flax for Fiber and Seed," and may be obtained free upon request. "Dairying and the cultivation of flax operate to balance each other," says the bulletin. "The clover and vetch crops that provide the fodder for cattle are the very crops that re store to the soil the nitrogen that is depleted b flax growing. The great est demand upon the soil made by flax is for nitrogen yet one crop of cluver will restore as much of this element as is taken out by two crops of flax. On the other hand, flax seed, hulls and straw are all good sli ck food, the seed especially." The bulletin deals with produc- J tion, demand, freights markets, pro, prices, expert-opinions aud con- Iditions in foreign countries, as to flax jNo one should attempt to raise flax without being informed as to soil, the proper kind of water for retting and climate. "Western Oregon has I thousands of acres of suitable soil, much of which has been passed upon rta and declared as good as "j ' - Wonderful Values in Pianos, Plafier Pianot latins Marines, tic. d TIoS We greki-io-vm to carry only what Dltfu' j is soou, van wui endure and wnat I ra ro Aet- isfullyvon'nthepricea!teil. Our OT i. oYs8 easy payment terms p! ire the best SnerW cbUSatl musicclinstruTTe - f- v every- g ciC" one s resi n. rti I aoge9 Otl" I Narn . " WE SERVE ALL THS LEADING BRANDS OF SOFT DRINKS AND THE BEST LINES OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO. -: -:- O. B. Ko!EiKan, in the Palace Hotel. : t T t t ? ? ? ? t ? ? f On SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 191 6, at the Chas. Stanton place 2 1-4 miles from Eight Mile Schoolhouse. We will offer for sale the following property: 13 Head Work Horses. jany in Belgium or other flax produc- 4,4,4,4,4.4,4,4, 4. 4,4,4,4,4. 4. 4. 4,4,4, 4.4, 4.4,4, 4, 4. 4,.4.4. 4, 4, 4, .!.. . :; 4.4,4.4. 4,4,4, 4, 4. 4. 4,4,4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. i. !''TUM-A4UMBER" TITM A HIM" "TUM-A-LUMP" X a BUYWORO for ? IWfl-A-LUM k J GOOD LUMBER $ First, last, and all the GOOD FUEL timol f ...... t 4. ,4.4,4,4,4,4,4,4.4,4 4, """ twmwj tan country have just sold their wheat at the banner price of 74 cents. This is the best figure paid In Morrow county this season. t time! And here's why There's More to the Retail Lumber Business than just ing countries," says the bulletin. 25 From the Gazette of Oct. 22, 1891. Nels Jones addition to the town of Heppner is the latest. It contains some excellent building lots. Messrs. J. F. Willis, J. W. Lieual- len and Mr. Ferguson of the Lexing- "SellingrWood." Our business policy is to help you to BUY WHAT YOU WANT. If you are satisfied, you'll come back, and we will be saved Just ao much expense in trying to SELL. This SAVING we put into better SERVICE, which helps to better satisfy you next time. It's very simple it's right it's good business. We lose no time "explaining or apologizing or triyng to smooth things" we don't have to. WE ARE IN BUSINESS TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS IN THE BUILDING MATERIAL LINE. To do that properly requires a fund of expert Information that raises this business to the dignity of a rrotession. We are proud of our business, and we'll take great pleasure in helping you to solve any and all building promems. And this does not obligate you in any way We'll be glad to do it. "SEE WEIGEL AND CRONK ABOUT IT" Mr. Haves of Heppner, accompani ed by Andrew Neel of Lone Rock, vi sited our town the first of the week. Mr. Hayes is one of the harness mak ers who expects to open a shopMn Condon soon. He is much pleased with Condon and its outlook. Con don Globe. 44 . 4,4,4,4,4,4,, ij 4 ... A TIIM.&.IUM II KRFR fil Council met in regular session Mon day evening, Mayor Matlock presid- ig. All councilmen were present ex cept Garrigues. The minutes of the last regular session were read ana approved. W. Van Cadow presented a petition to the council asking an appropriation of $20 to place a suit able tower on the Palace Hotel to display signal service flags, he offer ing to expend $10, the total amount necessary being $30. On motion, the same was adopted and an order drawn accordingly. ! 1 ? T f T t f ? T t f ? t f t ? 6 Head two year old mares. 2 Head 3 year old horses. 1 Two year old horse. 2 Head yearling colts. 1 Saddle mare with colt. 1 S-in. Mandt wagon with rack. 1 3-in. Studebaker wagon and rack wtih trail outfit. 1 Studebaker hack. 1 covered hack. 1 4-bottom Disc plow. 1 3-bottom, 12-inch Syracuse plow. TER 1 Star chop mill, 1 -section steel harrow. 1 4-horse wood frame harrow. 1 2-hcrse wood frame harrow. 1 12- steel garden plow. 1 garden cultivator. 8 Sets work harness. 1 13- 7 Superior grain drill. 1 Blacksmithing outfit. 2 Saddle, bridle and chaps. 1 Telephone. Household goods and other small ar ticles too numerous to mention. MS: All sums of $l0.f;0 and under must be cash. Sums over 10. CO will hv iven 12 months' time with approved security, at 8 percent per annum. 5 percent discount for cash on sums over $10.00. Sale Begins Promptly at 10 A. M. Free Lunch At Noon E. E. MILLER, Auctioneer CHAS. STANTON, OMAR STANTON, Owners. NO TIME WASTED. Prompt Many : 4. -J. 4.4, 4. n t xx 4 t f 4.41 it 4. Why Advertising in THE GAZETTE-TIMES Brings Results to the Advertiser Being the third of a series of advertising talks by the "Devil II The Field of The Gazette-Times. k tick OT ine uazene-Aimea lutiuueo munu" countv, with an area of 2400 square miles, and the nortliprn portion ot Grant county. Tlie pnncipai in dustries of this great section are stock raising and agriculture, the chief products being wool and wheat. This year record prices have been paid for both avooI and wheat and because of the great amount of both produced large sums of money have been brought into the country. This gives the people greater purchasing power than ever before and makes the field of The Gazette Times unexcelled for the purposes of the advertiser. Next week we will explain how the circulation of The Gazette-Times covers this field like a blanket offers the only logical medium through which advertiser can get his claims before the people of 44 t f ? t XX Action Is Pleasing Heppner Citizens. Get down to the cause of every thing. Bad backs are frequently caused by weak kidneys. Help the kidneys to get rid of kid ney backache. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kid neys only No time wasted trying to cure oth er troubles. Heppner people endorse their merit. Mrs. J. C. Wattenberger, Hnppner, says: "I have never had occasion to take a great many of Doan's Kidney Pills, but what I have token has prov en very satisfactory. Different ones of my family have used Doan's Kid ney Pills whenever it has been neces sary to take a kidney medicine and have found them very beneficial. I can always speak a good word for Doan's Kidney Pills, for I know they are a medicine of merit." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Wattenberger had. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. AT HEPPNER, MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1916. A v n -rv ' ain the this section 4. ? NOTICE FOR PUHMCATIOX Denartment of the TntprW TT. S. , - 1 - - -1 . , T 1 "1 . T I ) i f NOTICE is hereby given that William TT I TT T f" T .. I V. on January 29th, 1913, maile Home stead Entry, No. 011521, for W'i E'fc & E W, Section 18, Town ship 2 South, Range 29 East, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above des cribed, before C. C. Patterson, Unit ed States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 11th day of November 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles A. Hlnton, Walter Luck man, Walter Kilcup, and John Wood ward all of Lena, Oregon. F. C. B RAM WELL, Register. 8 I f f XX tx II ft ' 4 k f r 1 mm i, , , , ' i V i '"3 'vi";; 1IF riTlT rPAlT w p turn 7 IT f m i. EX-U. S. SENATOR will address the people at 8:00 P. M. at STAR THEATER This is the most important presidential election since the Civil War and it is the duty of every man and woman to become acquainted with party issues. NO MAN IN OREGON IS BETTER ACQUAINT ED WITH NATIONAL QUESTIONS THAN MR. FULTON AND THE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE ARE FORTUNATE IN SECURING HIM. A Free Picture Show WILL PRECEDE THE ADDRESS, AND EVERYBODY, REGARDLESS OF PARTY AFFILIATION, IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND. MONDAY. OCTORRR 1 6 1 o 1 6 t ' 7 vv, j. y ii V ? V V V ? V V t ? Y t ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v f Y Y t Y