The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, September 28, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Local And Personal Happen
ings of Heppner And
Heppner People Have Good Reason
For Complete Iteliance. Di Chick announces an increase
Do you know how !'n r population this week as fol-
To find relief from backache;
pretty well and the different ware-, VAAAAAAAAA . .
nouses are making a good showing of '"""V
grain receipts. J mmmimmmimmm
lo correct distressing urinary ills;
To assist weak kidneys?
Your neighbors know the way
Have used Doan's Kidney Pills;
Have proved their worth in many
Here's Heppner testimony.
Mrs. A. Missildine, Court St., Hepp
ner, says. it was a good manyiwhpn hnnline reallv begins
years ago that I took Doan's Kidney , .
Pills and I know from the benefit I Dr' Chfck Is ln receipt of a report
received at that time that they arelthis weck from the mee of the State
all that is claimed for them. If it iBoard of Health as t0 the water taken
would be necessary to take a kidney from the mains of t,,e City of Ione:
lows: On the 22nd inst. to Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Swanson, of Ione, a son;
Sept. 23, to Jos. Sibley and wife, of
Wells Springs, a son.
C. E. Lundell, of Gooseberry, is
getting his wheat to the Farmers'
Union Warehouse in Ione. He states
that so far the roads are fairly good
but this condition cannot last long
Stephen Irwin left Sunday for a
brief business trip to Portland.
Wm. McRoberts took an auto load
of Heppner people to the Round-Up.
Bert Logston, head meat cutter at
the City Market, spent the Round-Up
week in Pendleton.
Jack De Voro was in the city to
day after a load of grain sacks. He
took out 2000 bags.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Boyer were in
the city Tuesday from their ranch on ja reat deal of mnAl(nnl , thom , tal bacteria,
upper Hinton creek. j Prlce 60C) at aU dealerg Don',t A part of Gmiam C0Unty, or some
Miss Clara Voyne, Boardman's new simply ask for a kidney remedy get i other portion of the state lying west
medicine agina, I would use Doan'd
It is pronounced to be pure and
Kidney Pills, for I have always had ! wholesome and contains no determen-
school teacher, attended the insti
tute in Heppner this week.
Professor W. L. Suddarth and
wife were over from Irrigon this week
attending the teachers' institute.
J. B. Huddleston and sister, Miss
Beatrice attended the big Pendleton
show, going over on the special train,
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Missildine had. Foster-Milburn
;Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
of Ione, passed through this place on
Tuesday. There was sure some live
ly transfer of real estate, a repetition
of what we enjoyed on Friday last.
A good, soaking rain would be great
ly appreciated.
W. A. McClintock was down to
Ione Tuesday. He lias finished his
Ralph Adkins and Miss Ruth Bow
man were married Wednesday eve
ning at the home of the groom's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Adkins on threshing on his Gooseberry farm and
Black Horse was represented at the Rhea creek.' The young people will got better than 25 bushels per acre.
Round-Up. We saw Dan Hanshew j make their home there, where Mr. 'He will now thresh for some of his
and wife and Frank Moyer and wife Adkins has had charge of his father's neighbors. Mc says people out his
there. ranch for the past few years. jway will be hauling grain until the
See the Alabama Colored Trou- Wiss Bownian was one of the pop- middle of next summer,
badors at the Star theatre Friday and ular young scllo1 teachers of this phill GHffln has t)le biggest rig on
Saturday. Big dance Saturday after county and has many Wends here. Ithe road for hauling wheat at present
the show. luo iimes CAienus congrai- into Ione, Tnree big lva!,ls flld ten
I horses to pull them gets a lot of grain
to the station each trip. Ho is haul-
S. 'Williams crop to the
?in on his
Miss Mae Severance and Miss Etta
Adams of Hardman were south end
' own when that has been delivered.
Mrs. C. A. Low departed for Salem
T 7 WlU.rt 1 A
i. . it noun ul ruiiiAiiu imaweu , t
. , . .., .J l. l..H.. l ! ai i t .... . .. i 1 II n II I M J.
leuciiei-s vwiu mieiiueu mo iubluuib m inrougii neppner Wednesday on nis ; warenouse now an( wjh D0
in is my. way nome irom me liounu-Lp. Air.
James Cossman, Instructor in the wilson 8ays he has toured over 6000
t i,ih 0t,onfioH n,o in.! miles of all kinds of roads this year,
juiic ii it. ii oviiuuii nviuuiu viiv , n j i i i i
it in tMu ritv thfl fnro nart nf "ut beyond any doubt the roughest , '"onuay morning, navm.g w mi ner me T
the week that he ha3 encountered is the sixty , infant daughter of Geo. lily of Mor-
mile stretch lying between Heppner ean, who she was taking to live
Ned I lowland and wife of Condon nn(j Pendleton and commonly re-1 wltn the parents of Mrs. Ely, Mr. and
passed through Heppner Monday on ferre(j j0 a8 the Blue Trail. iMrs. Adams. Mrs. Low has had
charge of the baby since the death
their way home after attending the
Mrs. M. A. Loehr returned to her
home ' in Portland the first of the
week after a visit of several days with
Mr. Loehr in this city.
S. Y. Pitts, representing the Uni- of Its mother some four weeks-ago.
versity Society of New York City, The new platform of the Wilson
spent a few days in Heppner this Si(ling Grain & Eievator Co. at the
week Mr Pitts is selling the Ameri- c R JohnBon piaee is now completed,
can Encyclopedia and is visiting at the scales are in and under the mana
the various teachers institutes over,gement of w T- McXabb tlle new
William and uavia Hyna speni the country. At Dresent he Is makin
ine cuuimjr. ni present ne is mailing inomnanv have heeun tn receive eran
Tuesday in the city on business ; headquarter8 in Lincoln, Nebras- wHndeS
They returned to their Sand Hollow ka LWe untl( rf'ta ld tllat - Mt-Nabb has
home ln the afternoon.
The Misses Merle and Marie Cason
of Ione spent Sunday ln Heppner vis
iting at the home of their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cason.
Mnrcellus Morgan, son of
Morgan of this city, arrived in Mepp-ton In the ione Bchool
ner last night from his ranch on low
L. A. Doak, principal of the Ione ' Mr. and Mrs. Art Pierce were down
school, accompanied by his brothers, , from Parkers Mill several days this
E. A. and S. H. Doak, attended the week visiting with friends in and a
Institute here this week. S. H. Doak bo,,t lone. Mr. Pierce has been en
is orineiDal of the Lexington school gaged in tlie lumber business at Par-
Tom jand E. A. Doak holds a teaching posi- kers during the past year with Chas.
Alfred. He will dispose of his in-
cr Willow creek to transact business. Cora Mae Crawford came up to this
Mrs. Chas. A. Jones returned to Wednesday evening from Ione
her home in Taseo, Wash., this morn- j wllere e lied been visiting her par
ing after spending several weeks with :ents the first of the week.
her mother, Mrs. E. N. Crawford in
this city.
Piano tuning and repairing. All
work strictly first class. Charges
moderate. Telephone 42 or call at
Eastern Hotel. F. H. McGowan, pia
no tuner.
The Democrats are just sure now
that Woodrow Wilson is a second Lin
coln. Yes, even without the retros
pect ie vhicli whs necessary to show
the excellent qualities of Lincoln.
On the Blue Trail Road between
throe and five miles out of Heppner
on Pendleton road, a toupee in a
collar box. Finder will be rewarded
by leaving it at this office.
Mrs. George Purdy visited a few
days tills week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Bowker before going on
terests there and return to Ione and
take up farming again.
Mr. R. E. Ha. bison of Hillsboio,
Oregon, has been negotiating a trade
for the A. Liebl farm west of Ione
Should the trade be made it is under
stood that Mr. Liebl will take over
some fine property near Hillsboro
as part of the purchase price for his
, place. The Liebl ranch is one of the
Frank Cronan of he Bank of Ione ;best , thfs sectiorii there being about
was transacting business in Heppner aeres of d farm lanQ
Wednesday evening.
Herbie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hynd of Cecil, has entered the Hepp- j
ner High school for the coming year, i
Will you make your
selection now from a
new complete line of
late overcoats?
We suggest that you do.
To your measure.
The greatest tailoring
house for reliability and
satisfaction. A thous
and patterns and styles
to choose from.
Loose- and tight-fitting styles, long
or short overcoats.
With or without velvet collars.
"Shawl" or "Military" Collars.
"Set in" or "Raglan" Sleeves.
Patterns in solid colors and many
fancy mixtures.
Minor & Co.
Miss Gladys Musgrave of Hardman
was an attendant at institute here
this week.
(Continued from page one)
day, after having spent the
I month here looking after his inter
ests. Tlo is the owner of a tract of
wheat land north of lone which is be
ing fanned at present by A. M. Zink
train at Grand Forks, North Dakota,
to a vast audience at Portland, at the
Exposition at San Diego or in the
prairie states of the Middle West. He
has refuted the slander, sometimes
heard in the effete East, that the peo
ple of the great West do not care
what happens to their fellow citizens
in Mexico or to the flag beyond the
border. No man born In the West has
a firmer faith tn the fundamental pa
triotism and "dominant American
ism" of the people of that section
than does Mr. Hughes. He holds
them responsible in large measure for
the encouragement and support he re
ceived while Governor of New York
in his war upon political graft and po
litical bossism. He thinks they had
past in His Mind and on His Tongue More much to do with conscripting him as
' ; , , , ,, ,.r,j and on which a fine crop was pro-
to her home in Condon, hlie attend-1 . r
ed the Round-Up with Mr. and Mrs.
Dick Sperry of Ione motored up to
the County Seat last Monday morn
ing, bringing up with him some of
the instructors in the Ione school to
duced this year.
No school for the first three days
of this week owing to teachers' insti
tute calling our instructors to Heppner.
Than Any Other Single Problem
With Which Mr. Wilson Has
Soon after Mr. Hughes was nomi
nated a friend said to him: "Govern
or, if the American people forget the
Mexican disgrace they do not deserve
to have you for President." Quick as
The family of Carl Yount arrived a flas,h ,le replied: "The
attend the teacher's institute which from Idaho on Saturday last and have 1,0 oonges tne .Mexican disgrace does
was held here the first of the week, gone to housekeeping in a residence , not deserve to be President." He did
'on Third street not pass around his address of accep
In another column of the Gazette-. ' !tance for compliment or criticism in
Times will be found an advertisement Mat Halvorsen has moved his B,vance of its delivery but the
of the Covey Motor Co., well known threshing machine to the North Side amount of space he devoted to the
auto distributors. They are offering and will have a run of several weeks mex0BI1 ,ijs(rra(.e "that confused
some excellent uargaws in cma. utou uuranoii oui imu way. chapter of blunders" surprised
their ad.
no i
W. H. Cronk departed for Grass one who had talked with him since
F. Hynd went to Valley Monday where he goes to close his nomination. It has been in his j
Uound-TJp last up a deal for a small farm he owns. mind and on his mind more than any!
the champion of nationalism in the
current campaign. He showed his
confidence in their practical idealism
when he made "the Mexican dis
grace" an uppermost issue of his
campaign. He has been vindicated
by the response his arraignment of
the Administration on this score has
everywhere evoked. From Maine to
California "the Mexican disgrace" is
candidate a sore sul)-iec' w'tn redblooded Amer
icans ioaay. uui nownere Deiween
the oceans are the outrages inflicted
in Mexico upon American honor, life
and property more keenly resented
than around the firesides of the great
West. Mr. Hughes is no stranger to
the West. His straightforward talk
on Mexico proves it.
For Your Arm of Whatever Jdae
MAS? mtn nev?r discovered tlio iport in pirtol and re
volver practice till be f.oppei shooting Kap-haiard tmmu
nitioa and learned that he could really A;t something with hiatfun.
A great revival of the sport is sweeping across the country
laymen are tal ;ng a tip from the crack shots-and the sale of
Remington UMC Ammunition for all standard make of pistols
and revolvers is topping all previous marks.
Get your arms and ammunition from the reliable dealer"
look for the RcJ Ball Mark vf Remington UMC the Sifln of
faportemcn's Ilcailquartera in every town.
Sold by your home denier and 679 other leading
merchants in Oregon
Qtan and oil your gun with REM OIL, the combine
twn Powder Soivtnt, Luhricant and Ruit Prtvtntativt
Larytit Manufacturer cf Firtarmt and Ammumtton
tn tht World
Woolworth Euildintf New York
ca - iCt,, . j
mi -V'TK Ai
Mr. and Mrs. It.
Pendleton for the
week, after visiting several days at in Sherman county.
the W. B. Barrat home in tills city.
They returned to their Portland home
the first of the week.
One hundred and sixteen tickets
special. The town seemed to
Emerson and Claud Keithley are practically deserted on Saturday.
up from Lionaon, iaue i.uuuir"'"
gon to visit with Morrow county re
latives. Emerson is engaged in the
mercantile business in London. He
likes the Willamette Valley very
much. He attended the Round-Up.
other single problem wlthwhlch Mr. I
Wilson has paltered. To talk with '
him la tn coo at nnoo tha roaHfv nP
were sold at Ione for the Round-Up ,,, ,j, . , :,
. , . . . , Ms Indignation over the heartless
Mrs. Mary Hale departed for Yak
ima on Friday and expects to be ab-
manner In which American men, wo
men and children, American citizens,
soldiers and sailors have been aban
doned by the Administration along
sent for several months, visiting her and across the Rio Grande, the vic
children residing in and about thatitims of Mexican armed forces, outfit-
Notice to B. P. O. Klks.
The regular session of Heppner
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gorton return
ted with American ammunition and
American rifles, Mexicans whom Mr.
Lodge No. 3T.8 B. P. O. h. will De lnm, Mrs Gorton is much improved
held Thursday evening, September ln health.
28. Como.
ed home from a visit of several weeks I110" JM eoddled "e P
whi, thcr ,i,iiHron roo(Hin i iw. i trlts only to chase the next as ban
It is apparently the belief of Mr.
Wilson that the people of the United
Mrs. Scheniel, sister of Mrs. E. J. ! States are not interested in Mexico.
Bristow, who has been visiting for His defenders have declared that it
some time with the Bristow familv. WflH nn "nlH atnrv nrM mit nf Ania
Chas. Ayers returned to his home departed for her home at Walla Walla Mr. Hughes has a better opinion of
luesuay iron 0n Sunday. his fellow countrymen. He has proved
Ike Howard has been linrvostlmr himself a better judge of their feel-
his peach crop during the past week.
He raised a large quantity of fine
peaches this season and has had no
H. II. Hoffman, E. R.
Trewitt Cox, Secty.
In this city
Wlthycombe at Clackamas, where the
3rd Oregon Infantry was given their
discharge upon their arrival from the
South. Charlie was stationed with
l,o tmnna nonr Run Tllpiro. California.
and speaks highly of the climaticc difficulty In disposing of the fruit
conditions there. However, he is not at E?d Drice9-
at all enthusiastic over army life on Rufus Farrens has begun moving chord In the hearts of his audience,
the border and was mighty glad to his grain to the warehoue at lone, whether speaking in Carncde TInll!
get home. In fact wheat hauling has now set in New York, from the platform of his
ings. He has made "the Mexican dis
grace" a foremost issue of his cam
paign. He has assailed the record of
the Administration In that respect in
almost every speech he has made. He
has never fallpd to strike a responsive
Livery & Feed
First Class Livery Rigs
kept constantly on hand and
can be furnished on short no
tico to parties desiring to drivr
into the interior. First class
Hacks and Buggies
Call around and see us.
We cater to the
Commercial Travel
ers and Camping
and can furnish rigs and driver on
short notice.
Wood and C
N. A. CLARK, Proprietor,
Phone 396
Heppner, Orego