THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HErPN'ER. ORE., THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1916 r fV. TWO THE GAZETTE-TIME Ti.f ilf;-;i':r, vemler 1. 1S; Coilsohd;- led KstablislH'il KstaM F.'l-ri:aiy IS. li'i: V AWT Eil OHAWrOUP - - Proprietor ARTHlK R. CUAWKORD - - - l-Mitoi lt-suou every Thurvlny enteio.i at the iVsloi'.k Oregon, ;is sew' nK;nin. a.ul ? ;.t Htppnet', matter. rusor.ii'Tiox rati:s: One yeav Six Mi Mis Three Months.... MOItKOW I'M MY OFFICIAL rATKlt Thursday, May 11, 1916. In state politics this year, republi cans have the privilege of voting for a man whose party fealty cannot be Questioned for a moment. Chas. B. Moores, seeking nomination for the office of Secretary of State in opposi tion to Ben W. Olcott, present iucum bent, is a native son of Oregon. Ho has always been a true republican. But this Is not the only consideration in his favor; he is well equipped by education and experience to give tho people of the state an economical and iusiness-like administration, and this Is what is wanted in these days of burdensome taxation. Mr. Olcott is a man of fine qualities but we never did admire his political affiliations, and fnrthpp. we cannot see where he is entitled to support of republicans; it seems to us that the democratic HERBERTW. CQiUNO ADDRESSES VOTERS Lpxington, Off., May 6. 1916. To the voters of Morrow County, Ore gon- I ask your attention and forbear ance wiuie l mane a siau'ineui iu re gard to my caudidacy for the office of School Superintendent. You are interested in the welfare f our schools, which means the wel fare of the rising generation, the boys and girls of today who are to be the men and women of tomorrow. In the conduct and supervision of these schools, you want efficiency. Too of ten a vote is given a candidate on ac count of personal friendship or some other consideration than efficiency, but the man with business foresight looks beyond these minor considera tions and asks: "What can you do? What experience have you had?" Now, while I appreciate friendship as much as anyone, and know I have mauv friends in Morrow County. I ask you to ocnsider my qualifications first. Ask yourself, "What can he and what will he do, if elected, to raise the standard of efficiency of our schools?" In the first place, I am a graduate of one of the best Normal Schools in the West the Bellingham Normal. I taught several years before com pleting my Normal Course, and have had over two hundred months exper ience in school work. Five years of this time I have done high school work: at the present time I am teach ing the first and third years of high Qualifications of t ni r i r n For County Commissioner of Morrow County. Geo. A. Weak twin, of Hitrtlman, has leen a continuous resident of the south end of Morrow county for thirty-two years. The southern portion of Morrow county lias more miles of road than all the rest of the county and lias re ceived less improvement than any other portion, Heppner should support a candi date from thnt section for the busi ness from the roads tributary on the south is ninny times greater than from the north, which trade is cared for by Lexington and lone. Relieves in immediate Improve ment of all roads as fast as means for same can be secured without crippling persons or industries. An efficient, industrious, business like administration of all county nf fairs. (Paid Advertising) press of the state is too anxious for his success, and this no doubt is ac counted for on the grounds that Mr. school at the new town of Rieth, for- I Olcott was campaign manager lor meriy called Pilot Rock Junction) Oswald West, and they feel that he should be rewarded for the good ser vices rendered the democratic party of the state. Mr. Moores should re ceive the republican endorsement at the Primary election on May 19th. Of the various candidates in the field for Public Service Commissioner from the Eastern Oregon district, we have not a word to say personally. So far as can be gathered at this time they are all excellent gentlemen, and perhaps not one of them but would fill the place in an honorable way, yet there is but one gentleman of the entire number who seems to us to be especially wll qualified to take a place on this Commission and there represent the people of the state and uphold their part of the contract that at the present exists between the pub lic service utilities and the common wealth. This man has the knowledge and the "sand" to back it; and the knowledge he possesses is just what should be in the hands of at least one mebmer of th board. Robert Ser vice, of Baker, has had experience that particularly qualifies him to deal with rate questions and to handle the matters that are presented continual ly before the Commission by the transportation companies, and should he be placed on this Commission he will be able to see that the peoples' side of all these questions gets the consideration due. True, he is beins criticised from some quarters, and is called a biased man, which is not so when viewed from the proper angle, and the charge is made largely for political effect. We have no reflec tion to cast upon the Commission; nor do we criticise their actions in dealing with matters that have come up heretofore. But it can be said, frankly, that the big service corpor ations have always got the long end in the decisions that have been made, and the people are certainly entitled to have a man on the Commission that will contend for "fair play" in their behalf, and who in the mean- near Penaieton, ana i niso now u State Life Certificate in Oregon. I came to Oregon in 1894, and have lived in this state over half of the time since. I have lived in Mor row County about four years, having a homestead in Alpine precinct, twen-y-one miles north of Heppner. In regard to my being an up-to- date school man, please consider what some of those in a position to know have to sav about my work: Here is a letter from Umatilla County School Superintendent, and I take the liberty of saying that I believe our Morrow County Superintendent will endorse these statements if asked. "Pendleton, Oregon, May 6, 1916. "To Whom it may concern: "It gives me great pleasure to rec ommend Herbert W. Copeland who has tauirht in this county during the past two years. He is well quali Tied from a literary standpoint and i: a man who puts into practice hi; ideas when he feels that they are right. 'He is a good Instructor and a Rtrone discinlinaran, and as such would be a good man far any schoc He is "wide awake" and tries to keep in line with the progressive tenden cies of the day. From the stand point of this office he is considered one of our best men, being of that sort who is willing to co-operate with us in our many undertakings. "Mr. Copeland is a man who is thoroughly capable of taking charge of a school, either as an instructor or as sunerintendent, and as such I can commend him to others, feeling con fident that his work will give satis faction. "Respectfully yours, "I. E. YOUNG, "County School Superintendent." The Board of School Directors where I am teaching say, in their letter of recommendation. "We have found him faithful to duty, tactful, iand efficient." I Here is a paragraph from a letter from the State University of Oregon time is qualified to deal justly with , ln regarri to my reading circle work ED WRIGHT RKPl'ISMCAX CANDIDATE FOR PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER. Some of the reasons wiiy he should f.vpect Republican votes at the com ing Primaries: A bona fide and continuous resi dence in Eastern Oregon for thirty eight years.. (Born in Union County) A record for honest, conscientious and efficient service in Public Office. A consistent Republican. A reputation for good judgment, fairness and honesty. An Invitation to the pulilic to in vestigate by reference to any reput able farmer, banker, merchant, or other business or professional man n Union County. His platform: "Conscientious ser vice to the State at all times, demand ng absolute fairness." (Taid Advertising) Robert Service the corporations as well, because of the knowldge he possesses concern ing their affairs and management. We hope that the voters of Morrow coun ty have been able to get a close line on Robert Service, and have fully ac quainted themselves with his particu lar fitness for the place he seeks, and laying aside their personal likes for the other fine gentlemen who are seeking their favor, do themselves a genuine service by giving him thier support at the primaries on the 1 9th. There may be republicans, and a ' goodly number of them, too, who think that Teddy Roosevelt Is the man to be nominated to defeat Mr. Wilson. We note that a great many of the leading democratic papers are also quite anxious to have Teddy head the republican ticket; they much more prefer him to Mr. Hughes, and the reason is plain. Roosevelt can not win. there is too great a number of republicans who would rather pre fer to support Wilson and the demo crats will stand pat. Mr. Roosevelt has many excellent points but a mighty big bunch of the faithful can't overlook the "crime of 1912." "I enjoyed your two papers tnor oughly. The evidence of careful study, combined with the free play or conservative but keen criticism, made them altogether the most in teresting of several dozen papers which I have just examined." I believe I should be especially strong in "field work"; i. e., getting around among the schools and dis cussing school questions -with direct ors, parents and teachers. Hoping to receive the support of all those wishing to see in the office of County Superintendent a man thoroughly acquainted with condi ions and interested ln school work, I am Respectfully, HERBERT W. COPELAND. (Paid Advertisement) CANDIDATE WHO 18 WELL OPAL- IKIED FOR POSITION SHOULD BE SELECTED. The voters at the Primaries May 1 19th, should carefully consider the different candidates for Public Ser vice Commissioner before voting. Great good can be accomplished by the right kind of a Commissioner, and great harm can ue done be a Commissioner who is not qualified for the position J. W. McCULLOCH of Malheur County, is endorsed for this position by Judges, Bankers, Pulilic Officials, Businessmen, Farmers, Stockmen, Local Granges, County Granges, and all classes of citizens. YOU CAN The Heppner creamery is putting out a superior article of butter. Their "Willow Brand" is as fine a produc tion as can be had anywhere and the entire output of the creamery should be handled by the merchants of the county. Furthermore, Mr. Morgan should have the united supDort of all those who are interested in promot-- MAKE NO MISTAKE BY SUPPORT- lug the dairy industry of the county. ig J, W. McCULLOCH, Heppner is within easy reach of the uaid Advertisement) most of our farmers who now milk cows, and the opening of this enter- support to the Heppner creamery and prise in our city should be the means place its product above all outside of getting many more started in the competitors, even if you have to pay business. Boost for the home enter- a premium sometimes to keep the big prise; let our merchants practice fellows from freezing this infant in what they preach, and give their full d us try to death. fi fuMv: . , rajs- Jjl 1 " li : Prince Albert gives smokers such delight, because its flavor is so different and so delightfully good; it can't bite your tongue ; it can't parch your throat; ycu can smoke it as long and as hard as you like without any comeback but real tobacco hap piness ! On the reverse side of every Prince Albert package you will read : " PROCESS PATENTED JULY 30th, 1907" That means to you a lot of tobacco en joyment. Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality I Covrr IfMWi b U J. Reynold the national joy smoke in goodness and in pipe satisfaction is all we or its enthusi astic friends ever claimed for it! YOU'LL And chary howdy-do on tap no matter flow much of tinnier you mrtw Ihm neck oftht woooa you orop into, r . . Albert it nihl there -et the first piece you pass Mat seHs fooacco i ne icpry 6a j Ha for a nickel end the tidy nd tin fore dime; then there'e the hend- eome pound enn heii-pouna mi humidors end the pound enretal-ill humidor rith eponfie-moieioner wv that keept the to bacco in eucn beni-up trim ell-the- timel m -n . mni fymiT.nntina Tin m humidor and the pound 1 TO. beni up trim f "-'-. I your I Mjcfl.J4 SO to It answers every smoke desire you or any other man ever had! It is cool and fragrant and appealing smokeappetite.that you will get chummy with it in a mighty short time ! Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say so on the national joy smoke? R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C Liiil!i Miff v ''! vi vii 'Hiii;',Hrmni! TOBACCO IS PREPARED; FOR SMOKERS UNDfRHE fROCESS DISCOVERED IN MAKING EXPERIMENTS TO PRODUCE THE MOST DE LIGHTFUL AND WHOLE i m m w. . . a r.n n f . -UMC. JUBAU.U rvnuu .liARI PROCESS PATENTED JULY30i9ff :!;,;iWws!0NSA4N.C.aSA. iES HQT BITE THE T0NC: ,.:,;;;,i,-.-.,ii .'i'lhiii'iliiPi'ili'jiiHhi TkU U h rtnm tiie ol th Prince Albert tidy red tin. Read this " Patented Process" mesMte-tc-jrou and realize what it meana in making Prince Albert so much to your liking. FULL SORTMENT FRESH AS) OF CAIES JUST RECEIVFD CRISP CRACKERS & DAINTY The largest variety of the best COOK IES & WAFERS in the city. Some entirely new ones. PHELPS GROCERY CO. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR PUBLIC SERSICE COMMISSIONER. Mr. Service is well qualified for thin position. He is a successful bus- inesrj man, an expert accountant and a lawyer. He says that "although the rall- rouds are fighting him on every turn, he has the hope that the common peo ple will stand by him and promises that lie will do his best to restore their rights and do substantial jus tice to all." Mr. Service says he had no purpose to wrong the railroads but will see that they do not have the opportunity to take advantage of the people. For the past eight years Mr. Ser vice has specialized in Railroad ltate Regulation as his record shows, and his last case resulted in a judgment of $18,000 in his favor. A vote for him is a vote for the bent interests of the common people. HKAI) HIS PAGE IX THE STATE PAMPHLET. (Paid Advertising) We have the most experienced Vulcanizer and the best plant in Eastern Oregon. ALL WORK GUARANTEED, and prices right. We are the Eastern Oregon Service Station for Silverton tires, and repairs. We repair and Silverton Tire, as well as all other makes of tires. CATES & CO.. THE DALLES, OREGON. 1 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING D. C. ROGERS WALL PAPER FIRST DOOR NORTH OF POSTOFFICE MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST FARM MORTGAGES E. J. Roberson, 702 Title & Trust Building, Portland, Oregon. WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS FOR HATCHING $1.50 for setting of 16 eggs. W. CLAUDE COX. A young widow lady with a little girl of five years wants a position on a farm for the summer. Has had ex perience. Write of Inquire at the Gazette-Times. FOR SALE Organ In good con dition for sale cheap. Inquire at this office. FOR SALE 3000 Posts (In town) 10c each. PHELPS GROCERY CO. Now Is the time to have your spraying done. Don't put It off. Leave your orders with W. E. Walbridge. Glasses fitted satisfactorily by Dr. Winnard, or money refunded. His prices are reasonable, and he Is where you can always find him. No charge for testing eyes. tf. WANTED By man and wife po sition on ranch or any kind of work. Inquire at this office. 2t. Dr. Winnard has taken special course ln treatment of eye, ear, nose and throat. tf. GROCERY SPECIALS Every Indication Points to Higher Prices But we were fortunate in buying before the rise and have a large stock of canned goods which we offer at a reduction. All our 25 cent sliced pineapple, table peaches, pears, raspberries, strawberries, grapes, blackberries go at 20c Corn 10c, tomatoes 10c, solid pack tomatoes 2 for 25c, deviled meats 5c, 3 salmon 25c, 3 oysters 25c. Other things too numerous to mention. Come in and stock up while they last. You will pay more. Thomson Bros.