rni: four THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEFFXER, ORE., TIU RSFAY. AFRIL 27, 191 J tfhM? IWUlSIBlllL HEMS i T V Y ? ? ? t ? v f ? ? f t t t ? V HEAL ESTATE BARGAINS We are offering a house and lot in'JLents, Oregon, for sale or trade. This lot is 50 by loO and has a number of young fruit trees on it. Will trade for a small place near the mountains or for Heppner property. Vould trade for work horses, broke or unbroke. Price tor this property is $1200.00. A Good Eight-Room Dwelling, Barn and other outbuildings, fruit trees and acres of land in Heppner at a bargain. This can be bought on time and if you want it and can give a good note you don't need any money. 127 Acres of Land Fair house, good barn, G acres in of good alfalfa land, some good farm land on the hills. Running water all the season. A dandy little poultry and dairy ranch for sale cheap. We have other good properties for sale. Come and see us if you want to get bargains. Smead & Crawford Real Estate and Fire Insurance Office in the Fair Building f Y t ? ? ? ? ? ? T t ? Y t ? Y t Y t t t t ? f Y t t t Y t t Y ? t ? Y Y Y OF GENERAL INTEREST Monmouth street. plans to pave Main v v v v v FOR SALE cellent Milk Cows Ranging in asre from one to six vears. OWNER IS OVERSTOCKED and will sell these cows at com mon stock prices. Buyers may have privilege of taking any number from one to a dozen. Will also sell one Jersey bull (subject to register) This stock may be seen at the N. L. Shaw ranch 51-2 miles soutn ot Lexington and 7 miles west of Heppner in Clarks C'n. lour ODDortunitv to hnv thpp excellent cows and a bull At a Bargain c k $25 FOR A NAME. Help us find a suitable name for our butter and we will send you a check for $2."). Try to embody in your suction sonicthin? of the richness of llavor, the healthful wholesomness of acres of clover blos soms which tend to give the mellow richness, and sweet-smelling goodness to our quality table butter. THE NORMAN CREAMERY CO. is anxious for all householders in Heppner to enjoy the pleasure of its new product, of which it is justly proud. This butter is made for Eastern Oregon people by Eastern Oregon industry, therefore it is fitting the residents of this section should decide up on a name for the new product. The Name Contest Closes MAY 15. SEND YOUR SUGGESTIONS TO The Contest Dept., THE NORMAN CREAMERY CO. The Dalles, Oregon. Just a little posteript to Invite you to visit our factory when you are in The Dulles. We will greet you cordially. Albany would spend $5,000 on new city hall. Newport has donated a site for a kelp factory. Baker Operations at Cougar mine to start soon. Rickreal Contracts lei for $5,000 school building. Roseburg is to have a new $15,000 Methodist church. Bend is to have 4500 population within six months. Halsey Rich gold vien discovered in Blue River district. Corvallis Architect planning $200,000 library building. 2,000,000 ft. lumber carrier has been launched at St. Helens. Gresham Work has started two-story brick business block. 1 Construction work is being rushed on Grants Pass sugar factory. Portland Blake-McFall Company nas established a paper box factory Eugene A company here is turn ing out ready-cut knock-down houses Salem Architect getting out plans for $15,000 brick business building. Klamath Falls More sawmills opening up and increasing payrolls. Falls City Enlarged factory to make loganberry Juice is being built. North Bend Reports sav another large sawmill is to be erected here. Eugene Fifteen telephones in stalled on College Hill, costing $5, 000. Baker White pine yards workinc day and night to keep up with or ders. Dallas Rumor says Vallev and Siletz road will be completed to the coast. Portland Chicago company has ordered 150 carloads of broccoli from here. Astoria Bear Creek Lodging Co has started operations to cut 50,000,- 000 feet. St. Helens McCormlck shipyard to Dunu tliree new vessels two at Astoria yard. Contracts for building two large steel ships have been awarded to Portland firms. Coos county court lias awarded $64,000 road contract between Co quille and Harsh field. Portland Manufacturers of cocoa nut butter will build two-story fac tory, to cost $40,000. Portland Jones Bros. & Co., of Watsonville, Cal., have established a vinegar factory here. Monarch Lumber Co., near Kenton closed two years, plans to resume at once, employing 300 men. Douglas County Water, Light & Power Company will erect an offier 'milding for thunselves at Roscburrr Salem Tlieo. Roth, a businr-s-man, now head of the Industrial de partment of the Chamber of Com merce. will establish a flax industry. Bend-Tho Shevlin-Hixon mill wiili a capacity of 300,000 ft. in two In cur shifts, although completed onlv three weeks ego, will increase size of ilant one-third. HEPPNER 25 YEARS ABO Prom the Gazette of April 30, 1801 Three four-horse loads of wo.-; "rom Canyon City arrived this week This is the first of the season fron that vicinity. Minor Bros, are desirous of buying up a car load of Morrow county pota toes for Nebraska markets. Our pota toes are finding great favor in East ern states. The work on the Main street blu near our home ranch, is progressin rapidly, with a large force of hand at work under the direction of Mat shal Rasmus. A ledge of basalt come to the surface at this point, and th boom of the blasts are heard daily. Henry Heppner will shortly begin construction of a brick on the site of the old store building. It was a Dakota editor who wrote: "The price of our paper is not ad vanced by the McKinley bill, but we wish to correct the misapprehension of some subscribers who appear to think that It was placed on the free list." POLITICAL COLUMN PAID ADVERTISING FOR COIXTY TRK.XSl'RKlt. I wish to announce to th Ttanm cratic voters of Morrow county that I will seek the nomination for the of fice of County Treasurer at the com ing primary election to be held in Jiay, iit. HANSON HUGHES. FOR COUNTV CLERK. TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF MORROW COUNTY: I herehv announce that I will be a candidate for the office of County Clerk at the primaries to be Weld May 19th, 1916. .Respectfully, J. A. WATERS. (Present incumbent.) FOR SHERIFF. I announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the will of the Republican voters, at the primary Election to be held May iiitn, mi6. GEO. McDL'FFEE, FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. I hereby announce that I will be a candidate, at the eimulnir nrimam. election, for the Republican nnminn. tion for the office of District Attor ney or Morrow County. S. E. NOTSON. FOR CORONER. To the Renublican voters nf u. row County: I hereby announce my uauuiuacy ior tne omce of Coroner for Morrow County, subject to your win at me primaries. May 19, 1916 very respectfully, M. L. CASE. FOR COIXTY CLERK. I hereby announee tbt t nin k. candidate for the ouujeui 10 me win ot the Re publican voters, at the primary elec- nuu, iu ub ueiu ttiay itftu, 1916. H. F. TASH. FOR COIXTY SCHOOL SUPEHIX TKXDHXT. X hereby announce mvaoif o..,u .... i wmui- date for the nfflen nf ,,, ..i.i - " . fvidtij Bl WUUl superintendent subject to the will of me iiepuuncan voters of Mo-row county at the primaries on Ma 19 Verv 1'petw.tfMlK. LENA SNELL SIIURTE. FOR COUXTY SCHOOL SIPERIX 1 EX DEM'. To the Republican Voters of Mor row Countv: T wiuh tn mum,... nat I will seek the nomination for lie omce of County School Snnerin. tendent at the primary election on May 10. 1516. HERBERT W. COPELAND. FOR COIXTY TREASURER. To the Republican Voters of Mor row County I will be a candidate for the office of County Treasurer at the primary election May 19, 1916. OSCAR BORG. FOR COUXTY TREASURER. To the Republican Voters of Mor row county: I wish to annnnnen tlmt T am a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Morrow county at the primaries, aiay latii, laiti. Respectfully, J. L. WILKINS. FOR COUXTY TREASURER. -r al t I i & A. R. REID for your Rough and Dressed Lumber, Wood and Posts At the Mill or delivered 4,.4Mt,MHHM,44Mt,,,,t,,t,,t,.l,,4, FOUND GUILTY ! of competing with the mail order houses, such as Jones ' Cash Store, Rice & Phelan Send me your orders, or write me in regard to same I BUY POULTRY AT ALL TIMES Egg City Cash Store JOB MASON, Proprietor. IONE : : : OREGON Bay on Automobie To the Renublican Vntera nf Mnr. row County: I hereby announce mv ramlhhirv for the Office Of Cnnntv Trnimm-or r.C Morrow Countv. suhieet. tn at the primary election of May 10, ltflb. v cry respectfully, T. J. HUMPHREYS. IOR SHKHJKF. To the Dciii'K-.-atie Voters of Mor row CoUlltv: I llerehv nnnnnnra tlmt I will be a candidate "for the office of Shenlf, subject to your will at the primary election on May 19, 1916. Respectfully yours, JEFF JONES. mm Wefiavi Auto Suppj EQUIP YOUR CAR WITH ALL THE SUPPLIES YOU NEED AND YOU WON'T HAVE TROUBLES ON THE ROAD. COME IN AND SEE OUR SPLENDID LINE OP AUTO SUPPLIES AND THE LOW PRICES WE ASK I FOR THEM. YOU'LL SEE WE'VE GOT THINGS RIGHT I RIGHT PRICE, TOO. VAUGHN & SONS FOR COMMISSIONER. To the Republican Voters of Morrow uounty: I hereby announce myself aa a pan. didate for the office of Countv f'nm. mlssioner before the coming primar ies, May 19, 1916. E. L. PADBERG, lone, Ore. FOR COUXTY COMMISSIOXER. To the Republican Voters of Mor row County: I will be a candidate for Commissioner suhieet tn the win of the Republican voters on May 19, 1916. G. A. BLEAKMAN. Hardman, Oregon. GET G.-T. PRINTING AND WON'T REGRET IT E. G. Locke left a peculiar netrin. cation at the Gazette office yesterday. tt is nothing more or elss than a toad, just as natural as life. It was dis covered in the heart of the core taken out by the diamod drill at the head of Butter creek at a depth of 100 feet below the surface. It will be kept at the Gazette Office for a few weeks where the public is invited to call nn,i .inspect it. after which ft. Will ho Cent to tne Smithsonian Institute at Wash- on us 6 lots 40x90; 1 lot 50x110; 1 8 room dwelling, woodshed and other outbuildings; 1 6-room dwelling, woodshed and other outbuildings; 1 barn, used for livery stable, 64x64. This property is In a small eastern Oregon town and is for sale at $1500 cash or will trade for Heppner prop erty, Morrow county wheat land, or would trade for an auto. Owner's business calls him away and he is desirous of closing a deal on this property before leavine. Further particulars will be given by calling Stallion Owners Attention! We have a limited number of Stallion and Jack Rec ord books for sale. These books give a complete record of every service made during the season. Price 75c We are also prepared to handle your advertising at very reasonable prices. . The Gazette-Times Printerv IN Alt MAIN 432 HEPPNER 'III' AN OREGON PRODUCT Manufactured for the Whirlwind Remedy Co Elgin, Oregon. The Whirlwind Kidney and Rheumatic Remedy HENRY HOWARD Local Agent ft. i X lngton. AT THE HORN PASTIME SMEAD & CRAWFORD. t