THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPN'ER, ORE., THURSDAY. JULY 29, 1915 PAGE FTVB WEEK'S, NEWS. Local And Personal Happen ings of Heppner And Vicinity. John Murphy, prominent citizen of Monument, spent Friday in Hepp ner, Pearson, the tailor, moved into his new quarters on Main street this week. W. T. Campbell, Social Ridge far mer, was doing business in Heppner Monday. Thos. Morgan was called to The Dalles Friday by the very critical ill ness of his brother, Seth Morgan. Miss Lera Glthens visited at the country home of Al Osmin, with her friend, Miss Lena Osmin, a couple ot days this week. , M. D. Clark and family spent Sun day with the family of S. E. Van Vactor, at their mountain camp near the Slocum mill. Milt Maxwell, the merchant of Par kers Mill, was in Heppner Monday, coming down in his jitney with two passengers. Oscar Otto has moved his musical Instruments and office into the build ing on May street recently vacated by Louis Pearson. W. P. Cox has returnedfrom his vacation spent at Lehman Springs, and is again at his post in the First National Bank. Remember we do everything in the Painting and Paperhanging line and do it well. . BRADFORD & SON. "Sam Esteb, who is at present en gaged in business at lone, was up from the Egg City over Sunday to visit with his parents at this place. This section of the universe is en joying a copious rain at the present, sufficient to lay the dust and postpone harvesting operations for a few days. E. J. Merrill, of Hardman, shipped two car loads ot fat cattle to the Portland market from the local yards this morning. He was accompanied by Clark Stevens. S. W. Spencer, of the First Nation al Bank, began his vacation this week which he will spend in company with Mrs. Spencer in their mountain camp near the Slocum mlii. O. G. Crawford is singing that song "My Wife's Gone to the Country" this week, Mrs. Crawford having gone to the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner to remain for a week or ten days. Dr. H. T. Allison accompanied Pat Currln on his trip to Portland Wed nesday. While Mr. Currin is in a very critical condition, it is not ex pected that he will be any worse for the trip on the cars. Dr. F. N. Christensen, accompan ied by his mother, departed for Port land on Sunday and after spending a few days In the city they will go on to the coast at Tillamook beach to re main for a few weeks. Oscar Keithley and family, Mrs. Tilden Williams and Claud Keithley returned from a short visit to Port land on Saturday. They went out to their Eight Mile home that evening In the Keithley auto. We are requested to make the an nouncement that the ladles of the Christian church will hold a window sale of good things to eat at the con fectionery of It. M. Hart on Saturday next, from 10 a. m. until noon. Harry Dorman, a recent arrival from Tacoma, is sick at the Heppner Sanatorium, suffering from an attack of typhoid. He was working at the farm of D. 0. Justus when t'fen ill but had been there a very short time. Mrs. W. 0. Hill returned on Sun day from Eugene, where she was call ed earlier In the week by the serious illness of her father. Mr. Morrison died shortly after Mrs. Hill's arrival and was buried in Fairmount ceme tery. It is reported to this office that grasshoppers have but recently land ed over the Gooseberry section, and as a result the farmers out that way are suffering the loss of their gar dens. They are taking everything green. Phlll Cohn writes friends In Hepp ner that they are having a very jolly time at the big San Francisco fair where they arrived in good shape and are enjoying to the full the grandeur and magnificence of the great expo sition. B. H. Quackenbush, of Rhea creek this week purchased the residence property of Dick Wells in the east part of town. He will take possess ion of the same September first, in time for the opeulng of the fall term of school. Glee Boyer is here from Boise, Ida ho, visiting with his brother, Demp sey. Glee has lived at different points since leaving Heppner, spending much of the time In Nevada. H!s father, Joe Boyer, is now located at Vale, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cornett went out to Parkers Mill Saturday end Mrs. Cornett will remain there for the balance of the heated term to en Joy the exhilerating mountain air while the Judge takes care of the "ranch" In town. Born At Portland on Friday, July 23, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson, of Range, Oregon, a daugh ter. Their many friends In this coun ty extend congratulations to these good people upon the arrival of this, their first born. The Brotherhood of American Yeomen. will organize In Heppner with a charter membership of about 25, on Friday night, August 6, at I. 0. 0. F. hall. R. N. Moffat, of Port land, who has been here for some time working in the Interests of this society, which is a fraternal insur ance association, furnishes us with the following list of charter mem' bers: Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bowker, Dr. H. T. Allison, Arthur R. and Spencer Crawford, William R. Fletcher, Jesse VIckers, Edward D. Clark, Helen Aiken, Arthur E. Vickers, Edgar B. Ayers, Mrs. Emma May Vickers, Mr, and Mrs. L. K. Harlan, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Smith, Mrs. Hessie Mc- Atee, Miss Evelyn Shipley, Miss Edith Thorley, E. G. Harlan, G. G. Ingals, H. Siebels, and H. A. Nagle. The Peoples Cash Market is under going extensive repairs this week. Mr. Schwarz, the proprietor, is de termined to have his market in first class sanitary condition. New paint, new paper and new fixtures are being placed to bring this about, and the renovation Is going on from front to back. Not the least of the attractions of the shop, however, is the fair pri ces charged for the choicest cuts of meat, and all other produce handled on the basis of a small margin of profit. Visit this market and see how nice Mr. Schwarz is fixed up. He will be glad to show you through a clean ly and sanitary institution. Adv. Andy Rood filed suit against King & Nagle the latter part of the week to replevin his American a-jtomobile that had been in the shop for the past ten weekB undergoing repairs. Mr. Rood claims that the repair men were to put his car in good shape for a certain sum, and after it had been there this unreasonable length of time and 'they had been unable to make it run, he desired to remove it, Whereupon he was asked to pay three times the sum agreed upon and the suit followed. The machine is now in the hands of the sheriff awaiting the outcome of the suit. A good many Heppner citizens seem to be slow in complying with the orders of the Mayor to muzzle their dogs. The request is a reason able one and there should be none to pass It up unheeded. There are many varieties of dogs in this com munity some good, some bad and some indifferent, but they all come under the same classification when It comes to rabies, and they all come under the same heading when a reg ulation is made by the city authorit ies. Put on the muzzle before the marshal takes your pet in hand and administers unto It a worse fate. A trip to the foothills in the vicin ity of Black Butte Sunday revealed to ub a lot of good grain that has apparently survived the heat blight that visited the lower section of the country. Up that way none of the grain appears to be hurt in the lmst, and there are some excellent fields of' wheat and barley. Garaens are looking fine and so far have escaped any injury from the grasshoppers, tho this pest Is pretty thick in places. They seem to be on the move now and may leave that part of the county he fore doing and serious damage. Pat Currln, who was severely In jured several weeks ago by being thrown from a load of wool near Lex ington, and who has been confined in the hospital at Heppner ever since, was taken to Portland yesterday and will be placed under treatment there at St. Vincent's hospital. He received very severe injuries to his back and It Is feared that they may yet prove fatal. O. J. Cox, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Gladys, were in Hepp ner on Tuesday. Mr. Cox now has hi? family located in the mountains In the vicinity of Parkers Mill, where they will spend the heated term. He cae to town to got his injured hand attended to as it does not seem to be properly healing and is giving him no small amount of trouble. A Sunday school was organized last Sunday afternoon in the Matteson district, starting off with an attend ance of twenty-three, besides several visitors. Mrs. Geo. Moore was chosen as superintendent, Miss Pifer, secre tary and Miss Brown, treasurer. The school will meet regularly each Sun day afternoon at 2 and a large at tendance is expected. Waldo Vincent, who was in town Friday, says that he is in the midst of hay harvest. Grasshoppers are bad at his place and threaten to take all his garden, a job they are able to perform in very short order when they get down ot business. There was some indication, however, that the pest would move iu to greener pastures, I. C. Large was over from Monu ment Friday to receive a car load of bucks, Cotswolds and Rambouletts, Just arrived from the Willamette Valley. He started out with them that night, intending to drive nights and rest during the heat of the day. The animals were In prime condition and very fat. Mr. and Mrs. H. Scherzinger de parted Monday for San Francisco and the California fairs. They expect to be gone until Soptember first and af ter a few weeks in San Farnclsco, they will journey on to San Diego and visit other points in Southern Califor nia. ' Mrs. L. G." Herren would call the attention of the ladies of Heppner to her choice stock of ladies wash dress es, waists and suits. A fresh stock every ten days. Dr. Wlnnard has taken special course in treatment of eye, ear, nose and throat. tf. Consult Drs. Lowe & Turner, '-'.ve specialists at Hardman, Friday, July 30th, Heppner, Saturday and Sunday, 31st, Aug. 1st; Lexington Monday, August 2nd; lone August 3rd. FOR SALE Residence property in Heppner. For prices and terms address G. W. Thompson, Weiser, Idaho. WOOD FOR SALE. 16-ln. pine block In car lots, J7.16 f. o. b. Heppner. For further partic ulars write E. L. ROOT, lm. Mosier, Oregon. NOTICE FOR SEALED BIDS. Sealed bids for a reinforced con crete bridge across Willow Creek will be received at the office of W. W. Smead, Mayor, until 4 P. M., August 20th, 1915. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Re1 corder, J. P. Williams. All bids must be accompanied hy certified check for twenty per cent of the bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated July 20th, 1915. W. W. SMEAD, Mayor. Heppner, Oregon. Notice to Property Owners. You are required to repair your old sidewalks and remove grass from the front of your property bordering on the streets. By order of the CITY MARSHAL. FOR BALK OR RE XT. My house and lot just west of The First National Bank is now for sale, or maybe I would rent it for the school term. W. P. HILL. Phone 48F21. Heppner Milling Company an nounce a striking reduction in the price of flour. See their adv. in an other column. A (CM Keep Dogs Muzzled. Heppner, Oregon, July 20, 1915. Owing to the prevalence of rabies in the immediate vicinity of Heppner, the City Council, looking to the wel fare of the people of our town, has ordained that all dogs shall be muz zled or kept chained up until such time as the City Health Officer thinks the danger is past. Therefore the Marshal has been instructed to kill all dogs found running at large with out muzzles within the corporate lim its of the City of Heppner on or after July 25th, 1915. Due notice will be given when this order is annulled. This order will be strictly enforced. People outside the city limits are re quested to keep dogs at home as there will be no exception made. Rabies has erased to be a Joke and the welfare of the people demands this action. W. W. SMEAD, Mayor. FOR SALE OR TRADE At ranch or in town. Pine cord wood. Write Box 197, Heppner, or See R. H. Weeks, Hamilton Ranch. Also pas ture to let for 75 to 100 head of cat tle. J. IK.Om For sale at a bargain. Right for a small family. Good place for chick ens. See Smead & Crawford. Dr. McMurdo has bought out Dr. Allison's office and is now located at Patterson & Son's drug store, tf. Highest cash prices paid for hideB and pelts. tf. HEPPNER MILLING CO. "Pride of the Pacific" is the place to forget summer' heat and dust, also The Cares and Worries of The Day to enjoy life at its best, down by the sea where the ocean breezes blow. Reached only via the OREGON-WASHINGTON Railroad & Navigation Co. Tickets on sale daily at low fares for the round trip Ask J. B. HUDDLESTON, Agent Heppner, Oregon Cheap House and Lot. A good rooming house in La Grande for Morrow county property. Inquire SMEAD & CRAWFORD. FRUIT CANNMl SUPPLIES We carry in stock a full and com plete line of Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, Etc. Economy Jars and extra tops and clamps Ball Mason Jars and extra tops and rubbers Wide Mouth Mason Jars and extra rubbers Also Kerr Self Sealing and White Crown Self Sealing tops. Will fit any Mason jar. Phelps Grocery Co. We have a client who is thorough ly versed In dry farming, who wants to rent a section of wheat land. If you want to rent, let us know at once as this man is anxious to get settled. SMEAD & CRAWFORD. NOTICE OF ESTRAY. Drink Celro Kola, "First for Thirst." 5c at your favorite fountain. Light bay gelding, blazed face. young horse, not over five or six years old, branded on left stifle, foretop clipped off, weighs about 1, 150 or 1,200 pounds. Came to my place on Eight , Mile about two months ago. Owner may have this animal by paying charges and for this notice. C. E. JONES, J 15-4t. Eight Mile, Ore. Choice Flour, Feeds, Wood, Coal and Posts, for Sale by HEPPNER FARMERS' UNION WAREHOUSE CO. Handle Wheat and Wool. Highest Price Paid for Hides and Pelts. Isabel Sedgwick, M. D. has open ed offices in the I. O. O. F. building and will devote special attention to osteopathic adjustments. Office hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, Mrs. Carrie Vaughn. SALESMAN WANTED To sell our fruit and ornamental nursery stock, roses, shrubbery, etc.; exclusive territory, liberal cash ad vance weekly on orders; free out fit. Yakima & Columbia River Nursery Co., North Yakima, Wash. FOR SALE 3000 Posts (in town) 10c each. PHELPS GROCERY CO. Dr. McMurdo has moved his office from the Fair building to Patterson & Son drug store. tf. STRAYED FROM MY PASTURE NEAR HEPPNER. 1 Brown two-year-old gelding 1 Sorrel 2-year-old mare 2 small 2-year-old mules All branded O. W. on right hi , W12 pay liberally for any Information leading to their recovery. Probabaj returning towards Monument. SHERMAN WAKEFIELD. MINOR & CO. HAS MET THE DEMAND THE DEMAND FOR A PRACTICAL SUMMER SHIRT A SHIRT THAT IS SOFT, LOOSE AND COOL. A SHIRT THAT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD ON THESE HOT SUMMER DAYS. ITS THE "SPORT SHIRT," AND ITS MADE THE WAY IT SHOULD BE MADE WITH LOW, LOOSELY FITTING COLLAR AND BODY, AND SHORT ROOMY SLEEVES. IN GREYS, WHITES AND TANS. at $1.25 and $1.50 SPECIAL SALE ON ALL OXFORDS GUN METALS, PATENTS AND TANS. BUTTON AND LACE. REGULAR $4.50 OXFOBDS SPECIAL $2.95 REGULAR $3.75 OXFORDS SPECIAL $2.45 EVERY PAIR OF OXFORDS INCLUDED AT THESE PRICES. MINOR & COMPANY "GOOD GOODS"