THE GA7!KTTK-TI:.iES. HKI I AKK. i'ir.. mi iinn.Ai, .n.r, !- PACIK FOfR : . t SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER The best family daily paper in the" state and your own weekly paper for The Daily Portland Telegram and The Gazette-Times both one year for This offer will be in force from now until Juiy 15, 1915, and may be taken advantage of by new as well as old sub scribers. ' Subscriptions are for one year in advance. Old subscribers to The Gazette-Times in order to participate in these rates must pay up all arrears due and the $3.50 in addition will pay for both papers one year in advance. GOOD ONLY UNTIL JULY 15, 1915 PORTLAND NEWS LETTER Portland. June 1 The Bureau of Foreign anil Domestic Commerce, of the United States Department of Commerce, at Washington, D. C, has sent a representative to Portland who will endeavor to establish a branch I ISureau in this city for the purpose of aiding shippers and importers in se curing a profitable foreign market for all Oregon products and also to advise thorn where goods of foreign make may be secured to the best ad vantage. This branch bureau will be of immense benefit to all producers of grain, lumber, livestock, wool and fruit. . , As instances of the activities 01 tne Riiroan nf Fnrpien and Domestic Commerce, and which are of partic ular interest to the people of the Wil lamette Valley, the following are cit ed: A responsible agent in Brazil has advised the Bureau that he de rtrican manufac turers of preserved, canned and dried fruits, jams, jellies ana cauueu -Kioo 4 hiioiPss firm in Switzer land desires to purchase large quan- titles of canned iruus, ior casn. re tailed information regarding these .,.) dn.ilor tHo nnnnrtunities may be obtained by addressing the Bureau at Washington. At a recent meeting of the Mem l. the Portland Chamber of Commerce went on record as fav oring the fullest application ot tne Bingham bill, which allows a 5 per cent preferential in favor of Oregon made goods of all kinds when re quired for municipal, county or state purposes. Unfortunately, the char ter of the City of Portland requires that goods be purchased from the lowest bidder, regardless of the source of the goods, so that, until the charter is changed by vote of the people, that city will be unable to comply with the provisions of the bill. FOR SALE! One 5-Passenger Cartercar Guaranteed in good mechanical condition and fully equipped.! for $450 One Fore Door, 1912, 7-Passenger Speedwell Guaranteed first class condition and fully equipped. for $900 E. H. KELLOGG At Heppner Automobile & Machine Shop. Phone No. 572 In order to encourage a large at tendance at the Portland Rose Fes tival June 9, 10 and 11, the rail roads centering in that city have announced round trip rates of one and one-third times single fares for that entire week. This will apply to all territory within approxi mately 200 miles from Portland. On June 1 a new bank opens at Yoncalla with capital stock of $15 000. This takes the place of the former State Bank of that city which recently closed its doors on recommendation of the state bank examiner. The dates for the annual Multno mah County Fair, at Gresham, have been set for September 14th to 19th inclusive. The Cherry Fair which hae been a notable annual event at Salem for a number of years, is to be omitted this season. j! .. m m 4 Initial Stationary Tablets with Initials in Deft Blue, : 15 cents Envelops to match, :::::: 10 cents Also correspondence cards and box paper Humphreys Drug Co. gives lasting protection to all your buildings. The natural oils of this genuine asphalt keep Genasco from cracking and leaking. Genasco is easy to apply. Come see this roofing of real economy. RE1D BROS. - - - Heppner Ore. Douglas county expects to ship not less than 150 cars of prunes this sea son, as against 90 cars shipped last year. The success ot Mandel Witepskie director of the Royal Hungarian Or chestra was unique and phenomenal He was playing as first violinist in an orchestra directed by the once fam ous leader, Lipski. On the evening the orchestra was sclieduled to ap pear before the State Teacher's As sociation, held in Nebraska in 1904 Lipski was called home by the illness of his mother. It was impossible for the engagement to be broken Seizing upon the only possible means of carrying out the promise of his director, Witepskie showed his great originality and daring. Resembling his leader in general appearance, he donned his uniform As the curtain arose he grasped his baton and was soon lost hi the land of swaying modulations and entranc ing strains. The deception was com plete. As the last echo of the Hun garian rhapsodies filtered back from the alctves in the auditorium, the audience awoke. People arose to their feet as a unit. Continued ova tiona made the hall ring and re-echo No violinist has ever received a great er tribute to his powers. His success was certain. Lipski, driven insane by the death of his mother, was lost to the music- ale world. Witepskie wan heralded as the new director. From that night until today he has been recog nized as the foremost Hungarian musicale director of the world. His interpretations are such as build up that tenacious chord of sympathy be tween the players and the audience which is so essential to true success His musicale ideation is fiery and ar dent, vet tinged with enough of the reverie and the plaintive to make it all-entrancing. Never before has an opportunity to hear this great artist and his follow ers been accorded the people of the west. For the first time, an orches tra composed of genuine Hungarian players is to appear here. To hear them play the chimerical and soulful compositions of their countrymen is to become an Bdmlrnr of the wonder ful Mandel Witepskie. STRAYED FROM MY PASTURE XKAK HEPPNER. 1 Brown two year-old gelding 1 Sorrel 2-year-old mare 2 small 2-year-old mules All branded O. W. on right hip. Will pay liberally for any information leading to their recovery. Probably returning towards Monument. SHERMAN WAKEFIELD. Stephen Harer was tn from Long creek the first of the week with wool and loaded out fen Tuesday with freight for the interior. tallions Imported and Home Bred Perch erons, Belgians and English Shires Young, Large and Rugged with the Best Pedigree now at Commercial Stables at Pendleton. REMEMBER Owing to foreign war market horse3 will get scarce and high priced, and just so with stallions. Arrange to see these stallions. You will like them and the prices will be right. J. R. JUSTICE, Importer Now at Pendleton, Or. GALESBURG, ILLS. PERFECTION AT LAST Terriff 's Perfect Washing Machine Is the cheapest, most convenient and ea'siest working machine in the world. FOR HOUSEHOLD OR LAUNDRY USE Built on the right principle. Waraanted to wash collars and waistbands clean. Don't buy any other until you have given this machine a fair trial. E. J. Bristow, Agent IONE, ORE. A Business Change. ON JUNE 1st, Arthur Vickers took an interest with his father, . . Vickers, in the Wall Paper Store. This boy served an apprenticeship with his father and has worked in the leading shops of the United States and British Columbia. We do not hesitate to promise the people of Heppner and vicinity first class work at rea sonable prices. We do painting in all its branches. Paperhanging a Specialty. Thanking the people for their liberal patronage, we solicit your trade with an Exclusive line of Wall Paper and Paints. E. E. VICKERS REDFR0NT Livery & Feed Stables WILLIS STEWART, Proprietor. First Class Livery Rigs kept constantly on hand and can be furnished on short no tice to parties desiring to drive into the interior. First class Hacks and Buggies Call arouad and ssee us. We cater to the Commercial Travel ers and Camping Parties and can furnish rigs and driv er on short notice. HEPPNER - - OREGON 0 AUGER I WILL GIVE $1000 If I FAIL to CURE any CANCER or TUMOR I treat before It POISONS deep glands ir attuhis n mm NO KNIFE, NO PAIN, NO PAY UNTIL CURED WRITTEN GUARANTEE No X-Ray or other swindle. An Island plant makes the cures ANY TUMOR, LUMP OR SORE on the lip, fneo or body long is CANCER 120-PAGE BOOK Sent Fret Testimonials of 10,000 CURED. Write to some ANY LUMP in WOMAN'S BREAST is CANCER tt always gallons dsep tlandi and KILLS 0UICKLY Poor cured at hull price if cancer is yet small Address Old Dr. & Mrs. Dr. Chamley & Co.' 43 436 Valencia st, San Francisco, Cj KINDLY MAIL THIS to someone with CANCER TYPHOID is no more necessary than Smallpox. Army experience bas demonstrated ths .Imm mltacitmti WfU i n,lntllvnhnMVBri,n.linn. UD naiminit,u. . v'. ....... Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and your family. It is more vital than house insurance. Ailc your physician, druggist, or send for ' Have you had Typhoidf" telling of Typhoid Vaccine, results from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers. THE CUTTER LABORATORY, BERKELEY. CAU raooucia vacclsss a aisuaa uasia u. s. so. uciat: Dr. Wlnnard has taken special course In treatment of eye, ear, nose and throat. tf. We have a client who is thorough ly versed in dry farming, who wants to rent a section of wheat land. If you want to rent, let us know at once as this man is anxious to get settled. SMEAD & CRAWFORD. Dan Morrow was over from Grant county this week with a big load of wool. Mr. Morrow has been freight ing out of Heppner for the past 20 years. Five pound pails pure leaf, open kettle lard, at 75c; 10 at $1.60. Keep this under your hat. At City Meat Market. tf. Cheap House and Lot. For sale at a bargain. Right for a small family. Good place for chick ens. See Sinead & Crawford. WANTED A, harvest Job for a man and wife and 16 year old son for the coming season. Woman to cook; man can handle machinery or do anything else. Or I would accept a position on a rancn by the year with a place to keep a family. Ad dress 1104 Wilson St., Ikiod River, Oregon, Wo have a fine new Bungalow, a good barn and two lots in Lents, Ore gon, valued at $6000 to trade for Morrow county land. If interested come and see us. This property la not over-priced. SMEAD & CRAWFORD, TO THE PUBLIC Heretofore have granted the use of my invest ment to a private Individual; in the future the public shall have the ben eflt; there will be no charge made for use of hearse where my services are required. Undertaking supplies priced below normal. lmo. J. L. YEAGER. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN F. DYE, D. M. D. DENTIST Permanently located in Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and 6. Dr. H. T. ALLISON Physician & Surgeon Office in Qunn Building. HEPPNER, OREGON Dr. N. E. WINNARD Physician & Surgeon Office in Fair Building HEPPNER - - OREGON As I have rented my ranch, I will sell my 16-ft. Holt combine. It is in good shape, and I will sell at a bar gain, tf. A. S. AKERS. WOOD FOIL SALE. 16-in. pine block in car lots, $7.1 f. o. b. Heppner. For further partic ulars write E. L. ROOT, lm. Mosler, Oregon For the next sixty days we ore making special prices on our best flour in quantities of five barrels and over, at the mill. HEPPNER MILLING CO. CLYDE and DICK WELLS SHAVING PARLORS Three doors south of Postofflce. Shaving 25c Haircuttlng 35c Bathroom in connection. PATTERSON & ELDER 2 Doors North Palace Hotel. TONSORAL ARTISTS FINE BATHS SHAVING 25c J. H. BODE MERCHANT TAILOR HEPPNER OREGON Dr. F. N. CHRISTENSEN DENTIST Offices over 'the New Postofflce. HEPPNER, OREGON A. D. McMURDO, M. D. Physician & Surgeon Office in Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER :-: :-: OREGON FOR FINE UP-TO-DATE HOMES See T. G. DENNISES ARCHITECT and CONTRACTOR C. E. WOODSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel, Heppner, Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Offce on west end of May Street HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office In Court House, Heppner. F. H. ROBINSON LAWYER IONE :-: :-: :-: :-: -; OREGON Dr. JOHN B. DYE DENTIST Room 16, lone Hotel, lone, Ore, Knappenberg & Johnson ATTORNEYS AND COUNCELORS AT LAW IONE -: :-: :- OREGON W. L. SMITH ABSTRACTER Only complete set of abstract books in Morrow County. HEPPNER :-: :-: :-: OREGON CLOTHES CLEANING AND PRESSING . MRS. G. A. FISCHER Upper Main Street, Heppner, Ore "Tailoring That Satisfies" LOUIS PEARSON MERCHANT TAILOR HEPPNER :r: :-: :-: OREGON E. E. VICKERS PAINTER Phone 562 HEPPNER OREGON