The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, April 01, 1915, HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 3, Image 9

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War Does Not Affect
All Canadian Growth
THAT war has had 110 effect
upon the development of the
country newly opened up by the
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway In Brit
ish Columbia Is best evidenced by the
progress being made in a number of
towns along the new transconti
nental. The latest comes from Van
derhoof, in the Kechaco Valley, where
some of the local men formed a syn
dicate to erect a modern, electric
light and power plant and install a
water system in the town. The new
company, a 50,000 corporation, is
planning to build a power house In
the town immediately and start on
setting up poles and stringing wires,
as well as lay pipes for the town's
water system with the first dawn of
Eventually this company expects to
utilize the G000 horse power easily
provided by the Stony Creek Falls,
in the Immediate vicinity of the town.
The growth of this particular town
has been remarkable. Inside of three
months from its inception, Vander
hoof had some CO substantial build
ings, a bank, a newspaper, lumber
and planing mills, hotel and many
business houses and stores.
The opening of the new transconti
nental, which has thrown open one
of the richest parts of Western Can-
' ada is playing an important part in
filling Central British Columbia with
settlers. The trains from the East
are steadily bringing in new families
to the rich valleys along the Grand
t Trunk Pacific in British Columbia,
' and, although it is not generally
known, there are millions of acres
ot good land available for pre-emption
In Central British Columbia,
, near the new railway, according to
figures announced by the Hon. W. J.
Bowser, Attorney-General of British
Columbia, a short time ago.
The value of a thorough prepara
tion of the seed bed is becoming gen
erally recognized. Statistics prove
that CO per cent of poor stands are
due to insufficient preparation of
the soil, also that poor seeds will
yield fair crops if sown in a good
seed bed, whereas the best of seeds
will be bait a failure if sown on in
differently prepared land.
Imperial Pulverizers, made by the
Peterson Manufacturing Company,
Kent, Ohio, leave the subsoil packed
and firm, and the tnpsoil free from
clods and crusts a kind of soil that
holds the . moisture and produces
strong, sturdy plants.
The discs in this pulverizer (ire al
most "V" shaped. They are set close
together and each has a one-inch
cutting edge. As a result they cut,
crush and break up the clods Instead
of pressing tlirm down Into the top-
This Implement does the work of
leveler. roller, pulverizer and har
row, all In one operation, saving the
purchase of additional implements
and saving the time and labor ot
making extra trips over the field.
Heal and Ideal,
This Ufo is a wonderful thins,
As we who are living it know,
For eomo of us chuckle and sing
While others are weighted with woe.
There's nothing as bright as It seems
And little as dark as it looks,
Tet It isn't so vexing
and strange and perplexing
And queer as they make It in books.
The world Is a wonderful place
Whose marvels will never be known.
To some full of beauty and grace,
To others a horror In stone.
There's magic In sunshine and cloud
And music In breezes and brooks,
But perhaps It's as well, on
The wholo, we don't dwell on
The world as It's painted in books.
And love's a mysterious force,
With springs In abysses profound.
That guides every star In Its course
And lightens the earth's weary round.
It batters all barriers down
That separate nobles and cooks,
Yet In life Master Cupid
Is feeble and stupid
Compared with his portrait In books.
The girl Is a treasure whose worth
'Twere vain to attempt to declare,
There's nothing that's precious on earth
That can with her value compare.
6he charms by her science and art
And lures by the dainties she cooks,
But goodby to her lover
If she should discover
' The goddess depicted in books.
London Chronicle,
i The "telescribe" Is an instrument
recently perfected, capable ot repro
ducing on the wax cylinder ot the
ordinary dictating machine both sides
Of an ordinary telephone conversa
tion, .
To Know
Good Crackers
Look for this package on your dealer's shelves.
You may be lure that it contains fresh, crisp,
well baked, and delicious soda crackers.
Pure, wholesome and appetizing. Perfection
Sodas are "different.?
9 Dealers throughout Oregon
will gladly supply you with these
splendid "Oregon Made" crackers
811 I
Pill $
PtfijlMic Coast Biscuit Co.Ii
m0m Portland, Oregon ii
Grange Favoring New
Rural Credit System
MCLTXOMAH County Pomona
Grange at Gresham, Or., has
passed resolutions favoring a rural
credit system for farmers that will
provide long-time loans at a low rate
of interest. The grange inaugurated
what It is hoped will be a state-wide
National campaign for this system.
The first set of resolutions, Intro
duced by V. H. H. Dufur, provides
that the state shall Issue non-interest
bearing bonds to the general Gov
ernment, which shall loan to the
farmers the cash represented by these
bonds at not more' then 3 per cent
interest to run C, 10, 15, 20, 25 or
50 years. The money would be
loaned on the CO per cent valuation
of farm property, and the state would
handle the money through a land
The second llluu, Indorsed by the
Masters' and Lecturers' Association,
makes the postal saving fund the
source o supplying farmers with
long-time loans at 4 per cent. Accord
ing to this plan, the postal saving
fund shall be loaned to the farmers
of the country. To accumulate a
sufficient sum, the deposit, now lim
ited to $100, shall be Increased to
$1000. This plnn proposes that the
money shall be loaned through the
land office.
Since both plans will require Con
gressional action the Grange declared
It would not support candidates for
Congress unless they pledge them
selves to support some rural credit
system. Representatives to the State
Grange from Multnomah County will
bring before that body both resolu
tions. The measures were discussed by W.
H. H. Dufur, Roy Gill, H. E. Davis,
T. J. Kreuder, C. H. Welch, H. A.
Darnall, Theodore Brugger. H. W.
Snashall, Eugene Palmer and Mrs.
Eugene Palmer.
Seattle, Wash.
Write for Price Mt and
Shipping Tan..
(Please mention this paper.)
Absolutely Free
A beautiful 42-plece set of dishes
given to our direct cream shippers this
year. Write for particulars
I'. O. Bos 235, Portland, Or.
Creamery 12. Seventh and Everett Sts.
COMB IN and have your mouth
examined while In Portland, t
use the very latest Seleniiflo
Painless Method.
DR. A. w. Ki:i;vi:,
Addressi Majestic Theater Bldit..
351 Washington St, Portland, Or.
Stock Ranch
SO acres In alfalfa. More can be
put In. Abundance of water. 3uu
acres good wheat land, balance
fine bunch grass pasture. Bis
outside range. Water piped tc
buildings. An allotment In t'e
Forest Reserve for 1200 sheep
goes with place. Price $!t pel
acre. Good terms. One of the
best stock ranches In Eastern
Oregon. Write lor our list.
4IP1 Kuultable Dullilinx.
Tirana, Wash.
lOO Canril Powtr lrtandMnt
pure while light from (kerosene) coal
oil. Beat either gas or electricity.
V e want one person in eacn luetuit y to
whom we can refer new customers.
Ttikv athuitage ot our Special Otter t
secure a Beeeon Burner PRCS. Write
HOME St Pm CO.. 101 Hon IMf ., Unsai City, Ift.