The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, April 01, 1915, HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 10, Image 16

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Ellensburg and Kittitas County
Continued From Pace 1.)
irrigated area of the ounty by nearly
150 per ent.
The citation of large crop averages
has become a commonplace in North
western publicity. Nearly all sec
tions of the country have their shel
tered spots, sunny nooks and barn
yard corners where potatoes of fab
ulous size and number actually are
taken from the ground. The inter
ested outsider wants to know the
year-in and year-out average. The
writer today asked one of the rep
resentative farmers in one of the pro
ductive sections of the valley, for
figures on his last year's potato crop.
He stated that 160 acres in potatoes
had yielded him an average of eight
tons to the acre. He made a state
ment as to the weight of potatoes
taken from a certain favored half
acre which would not do to print, for
it would sound like a He and would
really misrepresent the average of
the soil.
The same man gave his estimate
for the hay production of an average
irrigated ranch, operated ijy an aver
age farmer, under one of the good
irrigating systems, at three tons of
timothy,, or five to six tons of alfalfa.
He Inquires About Fruit.
Vegetables and fruits are success
fully raised In the Kittitas Valley,
although not to the commercial ex-
Electrical storms are of rare occur
rence, aud destructive storms of wind
o hail likewise do not figure in the
ranchers' estimate of crop liabilities.
The altitude of the valley, and its'
proximity to the snow peaks of the
Cascades, make its atmosphere clean
and vigorous. The rainfall Is light
averaging between nine and ten
inches. Snow falls in the Winter to
a depth varying with different sea
sons. Some Winters will be compar
atively opeu, while in others sleigh
ing may last from Early December
nntil late February. Some zero
weather Is experienced practically
every Winter, and sometimes the
thermometer will go to 10 or 15 be
low zero. Those who have experi
enced this sort of weather understand
that in a very dry climate It Is ex
hilarating but does not cause suf
fering. Climate Appeals.
The Winters In this valley are en
tirely free from wind, the air being
Invariably quiet during cold veather.
With the opening of Spring, and the
consequent warming of the air in this
and the lower valleys of the Yakima
Valley and Columbia Basin, moun
tain air flows down to replace the
rising atmosphere of the warmed
area. The result is a great frequency
of mountain winds during Spring and
early Summer. These winds occur
tent that obtains in the farming com
munities where hotter Summers or
immediate proximity to large cities
make staples of these branches of
In flavor, texture, and especially in
keeping qualities, Kittitas Valley
fruits and vegetables, practically ali
the standard varlties of which are
grown in this section, compare very
favorably with those produced else
where. Approximately 3000 acres of
land in the valley is in apples, and
there Is a lesser acreage devoted to
other fruits.
This in general, is the character of
the country tributary to Ellentburg.
The town itself has a population of
6000, closely estimated on the actual
count of the school census. Its area
within corporate limits is one square
mile and 30 acres. It is substantially
built with stone, brick and frame,
with wide streets and many trees and
shrubs in its residence blocks. Its
social life is democratic and whole
some. The citizenship of the city is
in race and type American, of North
Europe extraction, British, German
and Scandinavian being most promi
nently represented. One of Wash
ington's three normal schools is lo
cated at Ellensburg, with a $300,000
plant. A grade school and a high
school costing $50,000 and $00,000
respectively, afford modern educa
tional facilities for the children.
There are eight churches, with' total
memberships of 2105. A modern Y.
M.'C. A. building adds to the social
equipment of the city. There is also
a free public library, with a circula
tion and reference list of 4327 vol
umes. The press is represented by
one daily and two weeklies.
Business Investigated.
General business conditions in El
lensburg, while they have felt the ef
fect of the country-wide lethargy of
recent months, are In the main sound.
Deposits in the three banks aggregate
approximately $1,400,000. Mercan
tile collections are good. Wages run
at about 50c per hmir in the trades,
$30 to $45 and board for farmhands,
$50 to $80 for Btore clerks. The
labor demand is brisk in Summer,
but not at other periods of the year.
Purely mercantile enterprises are
pretty well represented, but oppor
tunities exist for new enterprises of
a producing nature, and for these
electric power Is available at rea
sonable rates of purchase from the
municipal power plant, which is run
by the Yakima River.
The topography of Kittitas Valley
gives to the valley a climate all Its
own, singularly free from extremes.
after every warm spell in Summer,
keeping the air of the valley perpet
ually freshened.
The Autumns are quiet, sunny and
prolonged. The Spring season, too,
ies of long duration, plowing being
usually started in March if not In
February. The climate is considered
very beneficial to health, the year
round, only those Individuals finding
it not adapted to their physical wel
fare wiinae nervous systems do not
thrive when constantly subjected to
a greater or less degree o exhilaration.
Get Your Farm Home
a OMR where you have highly pro
ductive soil good ell m ate ready
markets unexcelled transporta
tion flno churches and schools
where you can en joy all comforts
1 of civilization. This land Is sold
only to settlers who will actually occupy
and Improve it
You Have 20 Years
to Pay
gleti Und tor from til to $30 per aen-frritad
ode from $96. One-twwitteth down, balance
within twenty years, with interest at 6. boam
Miorv nnai payment coma aue. four lann win
have paid for itself.
$2,000 Loan for Farm
Vfm w-fll land 9tm on to 12.000 on certain i
fjone, with no other security than tha land ftattf.
Eert iculari on request. YoahaveSOrearatofwrj
ittreatonly6. It yon want place already
established reedy -to atcp Into-fet one of ur
nady-made farm. flanM. by experta. Out
ervfee and advice It yourA.
This Great Offer Bamd a Good ln4.
Finest land on earth for mixed farming aC
grain irivwitif -irrigated and ether lands.
Dalnrbi&Hof mnd Livestock
Make) Big Incomes Hre
Stock brings good prfoee and ean be rales!
cheaper than anywhere era. Cattle diseases
practically unknown no duty on livestock frees
Canada. Ideal country for dairying. Last
fear's averstro milk price paJd by Carlyle Dairy
Company, Calgary, wan per MSlbfl Oil
this low priced land with its cure graiaaraps.
you can make big profit! raising grain.
Owing to present conditions in bttrope ttrit
continent must supply Kurom with grain and
Iood products, which Insure a kigkmt prteas ever
nown The beat land will betaken fStvsotiaat
m sreeiooi to yog. Vail art
Dist Representative,
271 Pine St Portland, Or.
111 1
For Water, Oil. Wine. Mining
and Cyanide.
Wood fine for Irrigation, City sys
tems, SI lulu- rawer PUata.
Pacif icTank & Pipe Co.
78 Oak Street,
Portias. Or.
Tiffswr-w ... ....
Keep Kids Kleen
The most practical, bnttliful, playtime
rarmctits evtt ttiientnl for children 1
to 8 yciri of arc Made in one piece
with dmp back, family ettpprA on or
off. fcimty wasucii. No bint
elastic bands to etup circulation.
M ade in blue dfnira, and bhir and
white hickory stripes for all the
year round. Also lighter weight
nutwinl for sum raw wear. All
pumenM trimmed with fast red or
blue galatra. Made in Durch nock
with elbow nerves ajid hijfe
neck stid long alceree,
75c the suit
vonr rfrslrr r.nnn, attnnlv via
ttwiH IMiJ tkm .hum
on receipt of prire, 7$c ch.
A New rnrr If They
Suit f ALE. Km
I MaJt By
Strauu Sc. Co., San Francisco
400 Acres in
PfiO neres. 700 acres srood wheat
land, balance fine pasture. 400
acres now In r'all-uown ' frrain.
fenced and cross-fenced. Abun
dance of water. Comfortable
buildings. Located iu one of (ho
best wheat belts In Intern Ore
gon and 12 miles from good town
and railroad. Horses, machinery,
etc., go with iilaue. Price IJi per
acre. t)ood terms. Write for our
list of Kastern Oregon stock and
wheat ranches. It will pay you.
Acme Realty Company
401 Equitable iliilldlnar,
Tacama. Kut,
r, 1 'jM'V" e M
Cut your irood tilth a Vaughan Port
able DRAG 8 AW, weighs only Ut
pounds Can be handled by one man
or by two men on any kind of ground.
Manufactured by the
240 Eaat Beveath St Portland, Or.
. Seattle nmcj 78 Marlon Street.
trt a Fall Oeacrlatlaa Writ Vm.
TRADES Your Farm
620 Henry BatUUnf, Portland, Orefon,
Community Shipping
Means Better Prices for
Your Stock
Doubtless, you know how to
raise stock but the problem
"How to aell at a profit" Is hard
to solve That selling Is a busi
ness separate from laisinp Is
proven by the fact that our pres
ent system of marketing alls
for a middle-man to negotiate
between the small raiser of stock
and the Stockyard Salesmen.
Middle-men must be paid for
their risk and time spent collect
ing and shipping stock; you In
directly pay another man to do
for you what you can do for
yourself and the middle-man's
profit can be diverted to your
pocket if you accept our service.
We can put you In touch with
reputable Commission men at
the Portland Union Ktock Yards
who will give you all the infor
mation you need. If we call be
of service to you,
Stock Editor
408 Oresoalan Building, Portland
Tt M
u Fxrih. &m Sim ALORS.
. wlatmn hraM, powdw m dtMtai. wfta a
I KNOW von caa sail vonr ttumDS with the
I'X" cl icaper. quicker and better than with
I any other known drice.
i uiuubs unn 171
I One nan eaailr haarflea made of Krepp
lstcel;cuUhi-eakoife1ontefonlef. limplr.
I compact, dtvrlopinrmormoui power, pulls
any stump that l-inch Keel cable will bold.
2W f m Hrel cable and all equipment in
cluded. Works anywhere. Vtri by
U, 8. Gov't In Alaska and by sev
eral statee aud couuties.
Toa caa nuke 123 lead wend
1 200 an acre la spare (baa work!
k Write today for catilor sbowinf
. actual pbotorrapbi of tbc K"
in ate, and eptclal mm
aaaaapHUvtatf orfer. H
wj.rrrzPATKicK II
scamc wash. H
NewVVonder-Worker Makes
Butter in 3 to 5 Minutes
FiiaBal si'aiHilar ereaniery rrrjttpr, tyetn wwnt aai
wcQ aa tottr milk or ertum- with just a tew
vwnrs oi ine wm. iry it - ai ear rati
you'll be astounded, the New
KING BaU. Bearing
Separator and Aerator
is the moat seDitatiofia dairy Inven
tion In years. New arientirV nrlnd
pleenUrelydifferetit frumcluurunc
ueui sv to jjfetnimora outuiKI
extra profit soon papa its curt.
Try it 10 Day FREE!
Yw'tl Mr acmln mr mamtf. snaHir.
Mt-ftit, bkcfc brMaiinc fthufiw, Tbe
KinahasaanlUrvoiila val.n(jd,
riDcrackiorcornwtohoW (rrawaf
dirt. A ta-rur oldeh4ld cmr ww 'U
o mm. up. ttoM bar cueulw. etc
$150MA to Afnt
niManpeawn. BaJrr or eamamaaam.
BTcw-vwnrrni'adtlnf .Write
at oot lor fw Hapli mo buy
Do You Want a Homestead?
Lint of Government lands la each
ktate aublert to homestead and for
wbat best adapted. Also descrlptioa at
OreKon by eountlea. Send for itt-pan
book, "Advantages of Oregon." frloe
cenla, postpaid
41 Paaaaia Hli PaHlaad. Or.
Become An Expert Automobile Man
Our expert
Instructors w
qualify you i
In to 8
Why plod along: In an underpaid position
whn there is Mf job a siting for you
H i Me for rarticnlars.
(- lllii Ht., rartlaad, Or.
Hides and Wool
Established 1880.
Ship your bldea and wool to
Bissinger & Co.
ftesSftlf, VT ah Inert na
Write for shipping tags.
Water Tanks
Write for Catalogue
Grays Harbor Commercial Co.
Cosmopolis, Wash.