HOMl ND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION Exhibition Birds vs. Mongrels BY G. L. WOOD, POULTRY EDITOR. FROM the advent of the first trap nest there has been more or less Indiscriminate trap-nesting, and the records have had every degree of variation. When a mongrel hen made a good record there has been a big noise made that thoroughbred stock was not necessary to get eggs. But there have been a number of mongrel pens entered in the Eastern egg-laying contests and so far they have not made very enviable records for their owners, neither have they given the mongrel hen any prestige as a layer. There has been the other class of entries who are proclaiming a spe cific egg laying type different from the standard of perfection in many details. These promoters are ob jected to by the fancier from the one standpoint that nearly all of the ex hibition qualities are sacrificed in getting their layers. Mongrel vs. Show nird. It has taken years to develop the exhibition bird to his particular type and color, and as a rule 6he has not been a bad layer. Sometimes she has gone into the contests and come out at the top of the list. The fancier will not eventually object to length ening her body If it is found that she can lay more eggs with the additional length. But he does object to sacri ficing her other qualities, which it has taken time and patience to de velop, turning his favorite fowl into a mongrel. Not all the egg-strains of the coun try are sacrificing their breed, but many are, and I would warn the man who Invests his money In any par ticular egg-laying strain to learn whether the breeder has stock that still has its exhibition qualities in-( tact. The bird as described In the' Standard of Perfection will survive, and that authority will be revised to meet conditions when necessary. Future Development, There will be an interesting strug gle for business between the man who sells layers of every shape and Scratchings in the Poultry Yard THOSE who become discouraged at a few failures will seldom succeed with poultry. Failures are often met In any line, and poultry Is no exception to this rule. It takes persistence to make a success at any thing. Fortune seldom comes to the sloth ful person. Fortune moves on soon after the knock upon the door. Those who would have fortune enter, must open the door promptly. This is es pecially true In poultry raising. Musty food, mouldy food, and tainted food of any kind should not be fed. Selecting for hardiness should be the main object, health and vigor to be given the preference In selecting each individual. The weakest and most useless of a flock should be weeded out as soon as possible. The best way to feed. cabbage or beets to puullry is to suspend them' from the ceiling in a bag made of one-inch mesh netting. In this way the birds can pick it and get food and exercise .at the same time. Mrs. G. B. Parks, of La Salle, Weld County, believes she holds the record in hatching chicks under hens. Four hens hatched 67 chickens from as many eggs. Three of the hens sat on 15 eggs each and one on 12, and every egg brought a chicken which lived. It Is a good plan to seed the breed ing yards to rye in the late Summer. This furnishes an abundance of green feed all through the Fall, Winter and Spring. The yards should be plowed right now and sowed in late August at. the rate of two and one half bushels an acre. Wheat seed ing can be sown In the same way but rye Is more satisfactory. The chick ens relish green rye and it stimu lates laying. We have also noticed that the eggs from hens ranging on green rye are highly fertile and hatch strong, vigorous chicks. When a bird Is debilitated it needs something nourishing to build up the wasting tissues. There is nothing better than a raw fresh egg every morning until the fowl shows signs of recovery. Then change off to a little cooked meat with a little mu riate of Iron added to the drinking water. When It is noticed that a color and the one who has developed or is breeding a laying strain of a standard variety, and who can go Into the show room and walk away with the honors. The biggest win in any exhibition of the future will be with the layer who can land the blue ribbon. Expert breeders are not behind the times in this respect and it is hardly reasonable to suppose that the ones who have developed the poultry In dustry are going to let others come in and get the cream of the business. Their theory for the exhibition hen as a layer has received a high endorse ment from uo less an authority thi Professor T. E. Queensberry, director of the Missouri State Experiment Station, Mountain Grove, Missouri, under whose charge the best data of the laying hen have been developed. He says In part: Show Bird Good Layer. "It does not mean that you have to entirely disregard shape and color to breed a good laying strain of any variety. One of our contestants In the Buff Leghorn class from Michigan entered his birds In a good poultry show two weeks before our contest began last year. .We now find that some ot his highest scoring pullets and some of those which have won the highest honors in the show room, are also those which have made the highest records in the contest by lay ing the greatest number of eggs. "His pen is fine in color and shape as well as leading when It comes to the egg basket Of course, we all know that after a pullet or hen has laid a large number of eggs, It tells on their appearance for the time be ing, at least, but that does not neces sarily mean that these birds will never be in 'show condition again, or that their progeny wtll not be birds good enough to go intothe show room. We have been Impressed with the show qualities and the beautiful shape and color of one of the New Zealand pens of White Leghorns. This pen cornea from a breeder who has won In the contests of that country and is now also making good records here. We are quite certain of one thing, I. e., It is not necessary to breed a flock of mongrels for them to prove to be satis factory layers." bird is mopish, but otherwise seems in good health, this sluggishness can be quickly remedied by giving a family liver pill just the kind that you would take yourself when out of sorts. Repeat the dose each night for three nights in succession. Al low the bird free range. Labor Saving. The use of labor-saving appliances and methods presents another angle which Is worth considering. In many cases it enables the manager to be come Independent of experienced helpers, since he Is able to personally look after the more important mat ters requiring skill and Judgment, and delegate the rest ot the work to ordinary laborers. Now this ques tion naturally arises: Will the indi vidual fowl or growing youngster do as well when handled in this whole sale way? Is there not a loss of ef ficiency as compared with more painstaking methods? This point may be open to debate. But admit ting it for the purpose of argument, there Is this to be said: The best policy is that which secures the great est net returns from the business as a whole, not merely from the indi vidual productive units. Baltimore American. Wnera 3 At poultry profit! fol Have you ever figured this out? We have made an exhaustive study of this im portant problem arid the answer is in our new Poultry Book, just off the press. Send 10c for a copy. to-day, and we will enclose our Cash Value Coupon. The book is worth scveraldoltars tothc poul try owner. THE C E. COMET CO. 1S1 Conkrjr Itlun., (levflnuit, O. S. C White Leghorns Casa Granda Strain of Oregon's World Famous Layers; Kinglet Marred Hocks: Roval Red Strain of 5. C. It. 1. Keds and Crystal White Orpingtons, Stock and Ekks for hatching. Mating. List free; write today. casa c;randa POM.TRY CO, Ronclturs;, Orea-on. ASK your friends to buy their Railroad Tickets to Cali fornia, via the Pacifc Northwest. WW ORENCO'S Remarkable Trees Enclosed Find Check. Merlin, Or., Not. 9, 1914. I received my "Orenco Trees" today, and they are entirety ntlifactory. U doeg me rood to receive sur-h remarkable trees, packed in such splendid shape. En closed find check or $231.50. (Si 3 ued) H. E. THOMAS. We grow our own trees And guarantee them to be In first-clasB condition in every respect when delivered. If you need any Fruit, Shade or Ornamental Trees, it will be to your interest to communicate with us. We are the original Introducers of the now famous Vrooman Franquette Walnut. BEWARE OF IMITATOKS! YOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO TAKE CHANCES. Ask for our free walnut literature on this remarkable walnut. We also have a fine stock of Italian Prunes, Cherries, 2-year-old Fears, large Shade Trees and some ery fine Berried Hollies, as well as all other lines of relia ble trees. For Reliable, Dependable Trees address Oregon Nursery Company Salesmen Wanted. Orenco, Oregon. FINE STOCK RANCH 960 acres good land, 700 acres fine wheat land, balance bunch grass pas ture: 400 acres now In Fall-sown grain; comfortable buildings; on main county road, close to school; 12 miles from county seat and railroad; located in the best wheat section of Eastern Ore kron. Price 125 per acre; $4000 cash, balance crop payments, S per cent. We have good wheat ranches from 160 to several thousand acres. Also stock ranches. Write us. Acme Realty Co. 41 Etinltakie Building, Tacoian, Wank, THE EGG STRAIN $50 a Week or fUW, a Month Which will H beT Quality or quantity? The difference Is only a matter of tne strain. Then order JUBILEE S. C. WHITE LEGHORN CHIX. Easy to raise and good to lay. (12 per 10U Eggs, $7.50 J TBI LEE) IXCTBATOHS Excel All Others And you Know It. If ou don't, your neigh or does, so take his rdvlce; don't take a tianufacturtT'B say-so. isk a JUBILEE opfr itor and you are a Ju llee candidate. Sold by Holbrook's Jubilee Hatchery F 415 Jessup BL, Portland, Or. Our Baby Chick Hatchery wtll start January 1. Place your order now for chicks from high-bred WHITE LEGHORN egg-producers. Some ot our birda have a record of 280 egg's. Catalogue and prices on application. r. CoDDcr l ink. Sell rWtrbiw. Chirk S-THiAL comiractma twtl walk H uw ' at UARANTtC.0 brw turi mm. 5o wmplc that unhxJy cu vmk bag luicMi Cl otu milofw ud low dtbwfui pnet I otu ciuiofrtrt im low aUT arMSmfram sja.rt St Helens Ineubator Co., Toledo, Washington Short's Peerless Anconas Season 1916. We breed for Winter eggs and prize-winners. Order hatch ing egss and baby chicks now and get them when wanted. 100 Breeding Cockerels, 3 to 10. Write for de scriptive catalogue. It's KREH. SHORT'S ANCOXA VARUS. 3617 D Smith Are., Kvtrclt, Wash. DI 1 T 17 LOSSES SURELY PREVENTEB III A I , H tv Cutter',. Black lr, Pills. 1 JWI1V1& priced, fresh, reliable: preferred h) Western stockmen because they nra mm m a teet whsrt thr vaeeines fail I U. g ' Writ for booklet and tetUinontals. P I 10-duH k. Blacklef Pilll $1.00 111 IV 10-sow pkaa. BlMkleg Pilll 4.00 Ilse any injector, but Cutter's best The superiority of Cutter products Is due to orer II years of srwrUltilnf In vfteeinei sifl strum only. Insist en Cuttsr's. If unobtainable, order lilrecL THE CUTTER LABORATORY, Btrkelsy, California. WE ARE CASH RIVERS FOR YOTJH FUITLTRY, KtUiS, VKAI, AND HOGS. NO COMMISSION. Highest Prices Always Try Vt PATTERSON A CO., SI Front Street, Portland, Or. Reference: Northwest National Lank. HIDES FI;HS, WOOL, rUl.TS, ETC. HIHIIAItn-STKN AKT CO., Smttle, Wash. Wrltp for Prior l.lxt and Shipping Tate. (Please mention this paper.) FRCC DR. N. J. FULTON The Naturopath Physician, has practiced for twenty years, twelve years In Portland The many mar velous cures made by Dr. Kulton are sufficient Indorsement as to her ability as a Naturopath Physician. Hundreds ot testimonials are also available. The demands made upon Dr. Fulton from all parts of the country In duced her to devote most of her time for the past three years to the study of a scientific method of care for patients in their own homes. This method Is now perfected, and further information regarding it will be sent on Inquiry. Nervous pros tration, stomach troubles, asthma, kidney trouble, rheumatism and paralysis are treated successfully In your own home. Call Main 1941 or A 6641, or write P. O. Box 984, Port land, Oregon, THIS BOOK SAVES YOU MONEY Sent Free to Any Address Our complete Catalogue gives you the lowest Net Prices on all Building Materials. Our goods are guaranteed and we make prompt shipments every where. Plans for Your New Home 108 -different dwellings in our Plan Book with estimated cost. Sent postpaid for 15c. P. A. ROVIG CO. 1120 Western Avenue Seattle, Wash. MAKE BIG MONEY NOW. Sell the bst Cream Sep arator on the market. Oet the r xcl iik i v e agency for your territory and be inde nendent. It's easy to mak i'rum 110 to $J0 a week. We t each you the business ami appoint you our Bpe i'ial agent. Write today, as wo appoint only one man for each territory. The ( IrvWand (Tram Sep arator Company, 1016 Power nve., Cleveland, Ohio. Beacon Burner FREE PITS VOITR OLD LAMP. 100 Canal Power lndenl pure white lisht from (kerosene) coal oil. Heats cither pas or etpctnrity. COSTS ONLY 1 CENT FOI 6 HOURS Wo want one person in each locality to whom we can refer new customers. Take advantage of oorSpecial Oifer to secure a lleacon Burner PREB. VVnta today. AGENTS WANTED. HOME SUPPLY CC. 108 Htmt BMj.. Kansis City. Ha. VAN-O-LAX CAM1Y CATHARTIC Relieves constipation by remedying the cause. Kor nil ages. Money hack if not entirely satisfactory. Send 10c or 25(1 coin or stamps for box, large or small. VAN-O-LAX CO., 423 Henry r.ldg.. Portland, Or. tOU WANT THE BEST SPRAYER You winl to uve timet temper, trouble and tires. You want to nnt fruit thtt bring thai highcit price You want to know silitboul our iptiyer before you buy. nr.:n. V tf W iiwreumore you ougm nj MACfllttFRTCl Know 1 he ce Manuiacturort 1U2 Morrison St, Psrtltnti, Or ' COTPt-CTI CATALOG 9