The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, December 24, 1914, HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 6, Image 12

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Practical Poultry Suggestions
BY C. N. PERKINS. of between 10 and 12 per cent In the which are disqualified and sent to
Midland Park, N. J. fertility!" On every hatch of 1000 market or used on the table Is much
THERE are a great many things eggs set, this meant 100 less infertile better than to catch haphazard and
on every poultry plant that one eggs an important item of less loss, cun ate in the Fall,
can vastly improve by thorough- thus helping somewhat In making up Gooi Bcreen doors are necessary to
ly Investigating the conditions, and for the expense of keeping the old provide for ventilation and yet keep
making one's experience bring forth birds through the Winter. 0ut the rats, skunks and minks. Aft-
better methods. Not only was the fertility greatly er the chicks are matured there is
Naturally, this applies more to improved, but the percentage of the Byn another varmint that is as measly
those who have been engaged in the hatches was also greatly increased. Bnj wuy as a louse or mite and
poultry business for some time, but And, moreover, the chicks that did worse than a skunk that gets off
in the case of the beginner, he should hatch would "pop out" Just like pop- wnn a fraction of the year's work,
look as closely as possible to the ping corn, and they were very active, He uses a sack or other receptacle
more experienced for suggestions, and and showed their vitality In their ac- that is convenient to move full-grown
thus avoid errors that have been tlons. fowls from one house to another. To
made by others. To get into a rut Easy to Raise. 611 outward appearances he resembles
and stay there, contented with things Was it hard to raise these chicks? a man but In reality he is a varmint
as they are, just because there is Most' decidedly not. They Blmply of the worst type. A good padlock
some mental or physical work at- coui(jnt be kept from growing Their ni wel1 bolted doors will make his
tached to improving matters, will b etlt never -eemed really ao- vlalts ceaso-
spell ruin in the long run. appetites never seemed really ap Thege &re g(jme of the th)ngg we
Study your own methods and con- Psed, and they were on the go, must guard agangt and that keep U8
ditions, and then compare them with racing around their pens, from morn- on tne firing line, and, when the bat
the methods and conditions on your lng till night. The loss of chicks tor tie is over and the blue ribbon bangs
neighbors' plants. Where you can the first three weeks dropped to a on our coop or that of our customer
see that they have something or some uttle over 3 per cent. It causes us to feel that we are In a
way of doing things that seems bet- The following year, the same meth- business that is really worth while,
ter than your own, adopt the change, nd was followed. Results the next '
working gradually into the new re-
nlnin Tf vi mr K thnt I will nt n-n f 1?"
fc.wc. lk iimj 5 nwin.
so well when applied to your own
plant. If you find this to be so, don't
continue, just because the other fel-
low finds it satisfactory get a better
arrangement, for your plant that's
what brains are given us for!
Experience Safe Guide, tory that It 1b being followed at for 14 days, but recent results indi
Experience, however, should be a present. cate that a more profitable gain may
guide that can safely be followed pro- Last season, the writer thought be secured in even shorter time, pro
vided one has the ability to choose that m getting better than 90 percent vided the same price per pound is to
viaea one nas tne aDiiity to cnoose fertuity frora egg8 lald ,n January be obtained for the finished product,
between the sound, solid result of and early February and set before Practically all special feeding de
practical methods, and the high- February 15, he was doing remark- mands the use of milk, thus produc
sounding, flashy claims made by one ably well. But over 1000 eggs that lng the popular "milk-fed" chickens,
who can dream better than he can were set on February 6, 1914, (that On the farm, milk Is the least ex
act. Take your cue largely from the were laid in the latter part of Janu- pensive, as the butter-fat has already
poultrymen who have been in the ary and up to the date set), tested been separated, and a portion given
business for years not months. 91 1-3 per cent fertile! to the hogs and a sufficient amount
Usually, such persons have worked Such exceptional results are the reserved for the poultry pen. It is a
out the various problems of the busi- outcome of careful study of condi- most essential ration constituent, and
ness in a systematic way, and in most tions, and the use of birds that have when a feeder does not get milk in
instances, their results can be relied been bred, as were their parents be- some form he does not attempt to
upon. fore them, for vigor and vitality, produce stock for market.
There are many little things on They are not impossibilities, and you Fresh buttermilk, condensed but-
every poultry plant that one can can do the same, if you will give the termilk, and skim-milk are preferred
change so as to make matters better, matter the time and attention It Justly in their relative order. The feed is
To improve the fertility of tne natcn-
ing eggs means that larger hatches
can be gotten from the same number
of eggs set in an incubator.
Tt tha fBrtimv hB hvmiehi from
41 iv " o
7o per cent to u, mere are la more . v- an(1 1Q per cent fine snortSi 6S per
possible chicks in every 100 eggs set. tensive to be taken up in this article, cent corn meali 36 per cent oat t!ouri
Not only this, but the fact that the but suffice it to Bay that variety, of and 6 per cent tallow, by weight,
fertility runs so high, means also both quantity and the ingredients of give very good results, producing
that the entire number of fertile eggs the food given the bird3. Is one of the gains which cost from 6.45 to 7.74
are of so much bettor hatching qual- principai Iiarts of the method. Green cents per pound. Low-grade wheat
ity that the net hatching results of food ln abundance must be furnished, flour is a more economical feed than
all the eggs will likely be materially Kemember also this one important oat flour at the present prices of
Increased. point: You cannot force a hen griln. Earl W. Gage, New York.
Eliminating Infertility. throughout the Winter for high egg
If a personal reference may be production, and get fertile, hatchable Judge Show Bird by Laying
pardoned, the writer may say that a eggs the following season. Ability, Says College Man
r-minln nf vearq nan the matter of In the matter 0 tbe hatchabillty """J J
couple of years ago the matter or irjDGE a hen by the meat and egg
fertility was brought forward and be(m etorei thats the J Btan(Iard as well a8 by her size,
the writer decided to try to eliminate cnlcks hatched in large numbers from shape and color,
the loss of so many infertile eggs, eacn sittlng- By again studying the This was the keynote of an address
and at the same time to increase the method 0f feeding and rearing the by J. G. Halpin, of the College of
hatchabillty of all the eggs set. young stock( wltn Btrong, livable Agriculture, University of Wisconsin,
After giving the matter much care- ch)ckg ag the foundation the loss of before the annual meeting of the
ful deliberation and thought, two or cMckg dropped to less than 2 per American Poultry Association held at
three methods were decided upon, cent, Just as a mtle example 0f the Chicago. Mr. Halpin's remarks were
and experiments begun. Some of the carefui attention that was given these aimed chiefly at the poultry fanciers
methods did little to change results. mM?ra t0 get all these results, let who have failed to give sufficient at
One or two ways stood out quite sat- me gay tbat the wrIter examined tention to egg production and have
lsfactorily. The first was to Improve more than a dozen dfferent klnda of put undue emphasis on exterior
the condition and health stamina commercial cblck f00d before the "points."
and vigor ot tne Dreeaers. i ne otner
way was the method of feeding,
To change matters in the first
method took more than a single sea
son. That Fall, practically all the
yearling and 2-year-old hens were
kept over the Winter, and also some
cock birds. Naturally, these old hens
did not lay as well as pullets, and
the expense of keeping them, there
fore, was greater. But one should be
particularly careful In the poultry
business not to look only at the re
sults of the moment, but to plan
ahead, and see the future.
Auese um ncuo hul iu iu
duce many eggs during the Winter
they were fed to put on good solid no specializing, no science, uut tne
flesh (care being used that they did chicken business Is an occupation, a
not become overfat), and to build real one and our success depends on
up their constitutions. The same the manner in which we have con
with the male birds. The result was ducted it. It savors of battle from
that when Spring opened up, these beginning to end. It means a hard
birds were not all tired out frora
heavy Winter egg production,
were full of vigor and strength.
Drct'ding Selection.
When the breeding season arrived.
the yearling cock birds were mated and an application of head louse oint
with only about 10 of the 2-year-old ment, or exterminator, will soon make
hens, and the yearling hens were him surrender,
mated with cockerels that had been The coop, with ample accommoda
hatched early in the latter part of tions for the old hen and her brood
February and were well matured, of tiny chicks, does not have the
These cockerels had never been with happy faculty of enlarging as do the
any hens at any time previous. The chicks; the air is foul and the heat
number of hens given to each cockerel too Intense during the night and when
did not run over 12.
What was the result? An Increase
breeding season were even better than
..... .
anticipated, toe tenuity or eggs sei
ran higher than the year before, and
especially early In the season, when
Jt ts usuauy hard to get good, fertile
eggs Tne oss 0f chiCks also dropped
again. Suffice It to say that this
method has been proven so satisfac-
deserves. Such victories are not to
be gained by wishing!
Do Not Forco Hen
... . . .
The matter of change in the meth-
- - , , , , , - i
Batisfactory kInd was located.
When Van Dyke was asked with
what he mixed his paints, to get such
temarkable pictures, he replied:
"With brains, sir!"
Guarding Against
Losses in Poultry
F every egg hatched and every
I chick matured and developed into
, uuv
there would be. No effort, no work,
fight to win.
After the chick Is hatched, the
mighty mite Is in the coop and runs
ready to get busy, and needs to be
met with some pure kerosene. The
wllv hood Innco la nnf in ha fnrernttnn
given their liberty In the cool morn-
lng they are apt to chill and the bat -
tie of colds and roup may have to be
Musty, sour food gives a chance
for aspergtlosls or Indigestion. Sort
In? nut thn mils, snnrts and those
Special Feeding; Poultry
' -
Fattening for Market
HEN-FATTENING methods are best
adapted for use on" farms whore
It Is beyond reason to crate-fatten.
"Milk-fed" chickens are the most
Donular on the markets, and are fed
mixed to the consistency of thick
cream, or so that it will drip from
the tip of a spoon.
Rations of 50 per cent, corn meal
40 per cent, low-grade wheat flour
i yci i.cuii iu " f,i cute nuci
"I am positive that many of the top-
notcners in tne Dusiness are on tne
wrong track in this matter," said Mr.
Halpin. "I have heard some of the
leading fanciers state that they did
not care for Winter eggs, but if they
are going to Ignore egg production,
they cannot furnish the type of fowl
demanded by the great majority of
their customers the farmers. The
farmer wants results both in eggs and
meat, no matter how well the stock
m n ir Diiia an1 rtn nniiHi'W tiaa4at
Bh0uld be satisfied until his birds give
..i0.0Mn in th hanj. i...
pert men
At (he Vatican.
Where the Italian skies
Arch with their nzuro span,
Rllcnt of lip he lies
There In the Vatican.
What of his high estate?
That does not make him greatl
Prelates and popes and kings,
They are but petty things
Unless In the mortal urn
The fires Immortal burn;
Sympathy, charity, faith,
The simpler, larger trust;
Love that mounts like a wraith
Over the grosser dirst!
Place and pomp and power,
They are if little worth;
Creeds abide for an hour;
Deeds, they sweeten the earth;
Not for the robes he wore,
Not for his churchly ties,
But that his fair life bore,
All that is good In man,
Do we honor him who lies
There ln the Vatican.
- canton Scoiiard, in New York Sun.
Extra: Baking
for Christmas
will be easily done
if you use
Baking Powder
and Imvm It light, moist
and tender
Holiday Special
Pure Aluminum
Combination Double Boiler
$4.50 Tea Kettle for $2.99
ThU offer Rood for 15 dnya from
dnte of Ihla puller by parcel Pot,
Calef Bros.
Complete llouae Fnrolahera
300-3t! Kat Morrison St.
1'ortlaad, Or.
Wheat Ranch
300 acres In rail-sown Kraln, 400
acres more can be put In Brain, bal
ance bunch Brass pasture; place fenced
and cross-fenced; abundance ot water;
comfortable buildings; on main county
road: 12 miles from county Beat and
railroad; horses, machinery, etc., (to .
with place. Located in the best wheat
district of Eastern Ore. Price 26 per
acre; $4000 cash, balance crop pay
ments. Acme Realty Company
401 Kqultable Miilldlnic
Taronia, WaaahiKton.
Our Baby Chick
will start January 1. Place your order
now for chicks from high-bred WHITB
LEGHORN egg-producers. Some ot
our birds have a record of 280 esgs.
Catalogue and prices on application.
i ink. Httfuljimi, Chitt
imp, tMttd thtrmom.i.r. Wl
FRCt S-TRIAL coiinKtin of Ikrtt wilh ill vr wirh uhMiot
GUARAKTCIO Mttn Mh wit). umpt. ttat ,nvfcodr UM
put. bi Kmhl C.I u, i,ulou, ud law dfliv.rn! ptic
rtrt htm al.TS Ms
t Htln Incubator C., TolMlo, Washington
Short's Peerless Anconas
Season 1915. We breed for Winter
eggs and prlze-wnnra, Order hatch
ing eggs and baby chicks now and get
them when wanted. 100 Breeding
Cockerels, $3 to $10. Write for de
scriptive catalogue. It's KHKU.
8017 D Smith Ave., Uvcrett, Wn.h.
by Cuttir't Blioklfj Mil. Lo
priori!, frflnh, reliable; preferred bt
Western KUickmn becauiA thty prtl
m mmm Met wnere ether vaeclnea lain
I La Wrlt for booklet ami tentlmonlala,
W I q 10-dote akie. Blieklei Pllla $l.a
If I ' SO-doae pkae. Blacklea Pllla 4.M
TJ any injector, but Cutter'a bent
Tha aupertorltr of Cutter productn Is due t o?er II
fears of specializing In and aeruma anly.
Insilt an Cutter'a. If unobtainable, order direct
Highest Prices Always Try Us
M Front Street, Portland, Or.
Reference: Northwest National Linlt,
UL TTTSslwt13 Waltf villi
U ' I 14 Hoi ( uiim.
lfftei6KTI PAtO" NufMrv hftrv ii