The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, November 19, 1914, HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 7

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The Gazette-Times.'
Home and Farm Magazine Section
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A "Breedee of W heat. 3
BREEDING cattle, horses, pigs and chickens is common enough, but how many farmers "breed" wheat f By
breeding is really meant selection, and it is by this that the champion wheat grower of the world, pictured
above, has captured his first prizes. Constant care and experimentation are necessary to secure the re
sults that have brought Scagcr Wheeler of Rosthcrn, Saskatchewan, Canada, fame as a wheat grower.
The' grower is shown above standing in a field of wheat which has few equals in the world. It was a bushel
of wheat from this field that won the first prize and sweepstakes at the recent International Soil Products
Exhibition held in conjunction with the International Dry Farming Congress at Wichita, Kansas. From this
field came the wheat that won against all the world in the Sir Thomas SliauKknessy $1,000 purse offer threa
years ago. This js done by "breeding" wheat ' '