The Gazette-Times. HEPPNER, OREGON Homeland Farm Magazine Section THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1914. Splendid Example of Diversified Farming in Northwest. DIVERSIFIED FARMING is gaining in favor in the Northwest every year. The improvidence of depending upon one crop for success or failure is impressing itself upon the farmer and he prefers, to carry out the old proverb, not to put all his eggs in the same basket. ;.$.. A noticeable feature of the recent Oregon State Fair at Salem was the number of diversified farming ex hibits. Few exhibitors depended on displays of any one product, but grain, berries and fruit went hand in hand. No retrogression in grade could be noticed from the years when the exhibits represented the sole efforts of the many growers. The above photograph was taken on the farm of W. E. Johnson, near Nehalem, Oregon, and shows three different crops under cultivation, and new land being cleared. In the foreground is land in the process of be ing cleared. In the center may be noted the hop fields, and in the background are the fields of wheat and of oats.