The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, October 22, 1914, HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 9

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    The . Gazette-Times.
Home and Farm Magazine Section
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$7,500 Trlxe Bull Head of Herd on Northwestern Stock Farm.
ONE OP THE BEST BLOODED BULLS in the Northwest is shown in the above illustration. It is Ollie Johanna
Sir Fayne, No. 59096, winner of the second prize at the Chicago Dairy Show in 1913, and present head
of the llolstein-Frcisian herd of the Carnation Stock Farm in the Snoqualmie Valley.
Ollie Johanna Sir Fayne No. 59096 is still a young bull, but is of a wonderful type and confirmation. As
he develops and matures he should rank as one of the best show animals of the breed.
During the show of 1913 he won first grand championship honors at a number of the leading state and
interstate fairs and stood second at the great National Dairy Show in Chicago.
His sire, Sir Johanna Fayne No. 42147, has 22 ARO daughters, one son with two ARO daughters and two
daughters with two ARO daughters. His dam, Ollie Watson Prima Donna No. 71767, has a record for seven
days of milk of 618.7 pounds and of butter 31.101 pounds. Her 30-day record of milk was 2,073 pounds, and
of butter 108.20 pounds.