The Gazette-Times. HEPPNER, OFEGOX tv3 TVT Home and Farm Magazine Section THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1914. W I ::v"i.:J.: ;' ' : - Three-Year-old Champion Steer. Though the fair season is now virtually half over, there remains to be seen some of the largest of the shows, particularly in livestock exhibitions. The Oregon State Fair at Salem, beginning September 28; the Western Washington fair at Puyallup, beginning September 29; the Northwest Annual Livestock show at Lewiston, Idaho, beginning November 30, and the Pacific International Livestock Exhibition at the Union Stock Yards at Portland, Oregon, beginning December 12, all offer opportunities for the breeder of fine stock to exhibit the results of his training. ( Every breeder who has pride in the stock he can produce should be represented at one or more of the annual fairs. Not only is it of value to him because of the prizes he may capture, but also because of the value of association with other breeders. Many pointers may be secured in conversation with other men interested in the same lines of work, and every breeder owes it to himself not only to exhibit his stock at the fairs, but to attend the shows in person. The handsome animal shown above was bred in the Northwest and is a splendid specimen of three-year-old steer. lie is a cross between a Hereford and a black Poll and is the winner of numerous ribbons and medals.