THK GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPNER. ORE.. THVKSDAY. Jl'LY 30, 1014 WE SOCK THE KXIFE INTO PRICES OX HARDWARE. A BIOS BUSINESS AT LITTLE PRICES IS OVK WAY OF DOIXG BUS- INF.Hr. WE ARE XOT AFRAID THAT OCR BUSINESS IS SOON GO LCi TO BLOW VP. WE ARE HERE TO STAY, BY CARRYING WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT AND BY DOING A SQUARE BUS INEHN. TRY US AND FIND OUT WHETHF71 WE STATE FACTS OR NOT. WE WILL PROVE TO YOU THAT WE MEAN WHAT WE ft AY. COME A"'.) ski: US. Gilliam h Bisbee HEPPNER, OREGON J. S. Baldwin J0- Successor to E. E. Beaman ffl. LP ACE) Funeral Director IriiuLj and Embalmer CALLS ANSWERED DAY OR NIGHT. Flowers for Funerals andParties Choice Rose Plants and Pansy Plants. Bedding Plants of all Descriptions. The Jewell Greenhouses THE DALLES 20-ACRE FARM FOR SALE 200 acres in cultivation now in crop. Plen ty of water for farm purposes, piped to house and barn. A dwelling, fair barn and other outbuildings. Good - garden tract irrigated by siphon from well. 19" head of work horses harness for 12 head, 3 wagons, 1 buggy, 2 gang plows, drill, 1 header, harrows, cultivator, ami all other necessary machinery for farm purposes, 9 calves, 2"i head of hogs. 9 head of cattle, loO chickens, 20 turkeys, household furniture.' PRICE $16,800 Good school 1-2 mile distant. 5 miles from Heppner. With ranch goes two-thirds, interest in 210 acres ot wheat, 1-2 of 3-4 interest in 160 acres of grain. All of above crop will go better than 20 bu. per acre. TERMS: $8800 cash balance on terms to suit purchaser. Sale must be made in the next 60 days. Owner in poor health. Smead & Heppner, The Gazette-Times Costs Dealer in Leave Orders at Slocum Drug Co. Thone Main 60 Phone B 2721 OREGON Crawford Oregon More-is Worth More LEGAL NOTICES. notice nm itblicatiox. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, July 2nd, 1914. Notice is hereby given that Joseph Conner, of Hepp ner, Oregon, who, on January 12th, 1911, made Homestead Entry, No. CS930, for NEU. Section 19, Township 3 Soutlf, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Commissioner, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 22nd day of August, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: George W. Dykstra, Arthur W. Dykstra, Albert W. Osmin, and Wil liam Soukup, all of Heppner, Oregon. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. J 16-A 13. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 6th, 1914. Notice is hereby given that Walter F. Drum, of Par kers Mill, Oregon, who, on August 17th, 1911, made Homestead Entry No. 09409 for NW!4 SE&, E SWVi. SWVi SW. Section 24, Township. 5 South, Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, U. S. Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 22nd day of August, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Ada M. Ayers, Alfred L. Ayers, Hardy P. Long, O. A. Hoskins, all of Parkers Mill, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. J 16-A 13. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Isolated Tract. Public Land Sale. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, July 11th, 1914. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress, approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517), pur suant to the application of Beulah Barker, of Galloway, Oregon, Ser ial No. 012217, we will offer at pub lic Bale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 16th day of September, 1914, at this office the following tract of land: SW NE, SE14 NWH, and Lot 2, Sec. 30, T. 1 N., R. 28 E., W. M., Serial No. 012217. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. ' J. 23-A. 20. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Isolated Tract. Public Land Sale. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, July 11th, 1914. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517), pur suant to the application of Whitley W. Ewing, of Cecil, Oregon, Serial No. 012544, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.00 per acre, ot 10 o'clock A. M., on the 16th day of September, 1914, at this office, the following tract of land : NW 14 SE , N SW14, Sec. 27, Tp. 4 S., R. 27 E., W. M., Serial No. 012544. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. J 23-A 20. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Intrerio, V. S Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, Aug. 3rd, 1914. Notice is hereby given that Frank R. Matteson, of Heppner, Oregon, who. on June lOtli, 1911, made Homestead Entry No. 09338, for E NW14, NEV4 SW14, NW'i SE'A, and NE14 SE14. Sec tion 2, Township 3 South, Range 28 Eash, Willamette Meridian, lias filed notice of intention to make throe year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Commission er, at his office t Heppner, Oregon, on the 18th day of September, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Allan H. McFerrin, Addison Moore, Fred C. Kelley and Bernie W. Gaunt all of Heppner, Oregon. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. A 13-S 10. NOTICE OF FIX A I, ACCOUNTING, Notice in hereby given that the un dersigned, Administrator of the Estate of James Flood, deceased, has filed with the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon his final account as such ad ministrator and that the Court has fix ed Monday, the 17th day of August, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock as the time and the County Court Room in the County Court House In the City of Heppner, Oregon as the place for hear ing said account and any objections thereto and for the settlement of said JOHN J. McENTIRE, Administrator. J 16-A 13. Don't Forget to Shut Off Water. Don't forget to shut off the irriga tion water when the whistle blows at 8 o'clock. Parties failing to observe this regulation will be deprived of the use of the, water. H. L. & W. po. Inquire about the prices of Com pound, fresh Dried Beef, and Lard at -INTESTINAL INDIGESTION Tlie ( Form of Digestive Disturbance and How is is Drought About. By Dr. R. R. Daniels. Intestinal indigestion is the com monest form of indigestion. At the same time it is a painless form of in digestion. In stomach indigestion you will have pain; you may be doubled up with the colic. But if you have indigestion in the small intestine, it being an organ of low sensibility, you will have but little or no pain. In testinal Indigestion is caused by overeating on the foods which are di gested in thes mall intestines; these are starchy foods of every kind, prin cipally breads, potatoes and cereals. As the excess, unused starchy food fails to be digested it ferments and forms gases and other irritating sub stances in the small intestines. Thus gas hi the bowels, usually with riar rhea or occasionally with constipa tion, sometimes with more or loss dls tress and bloating of the abtomen, are the principal symptoms of intes tinal indigestion. The remote symp often more Important than those oc- curlng in the intestine itself. As the undigested starchy food ferments in the intestines, poisons are formed which are taken into the system, and have a deleterious effect upon many parts of the body. Nervousness and sleeplessness are the results of the effects of these poisons on the rerv ous system. A form of rheumatism, catarrh, too little weight, weakness, frequent colds, and many other dis orders are the results in large part, of the constant poisoning of the sys tem in intestinal indigestion. These symptoms are usually indications of this disorder. Intestinal indigestion is to be cured by reducing the amount of bread, po tatoes and starchy foods. Overeating on tnis class of food is the common est form of overeating, consequently intestinal indigestion Is the common est form of indigestion. To insure proper digestion of the starchy foods, these foods should be well baked and they should be thoroughly masticat ed. Hard toast is easier digested than ordinary white bread; pan cakes, waffles and pastries are prac tically indigestible, and they play an Impoitunt part in causing intestinal indigestion. The Nature of the Beast "Well, uncle, that mule of yours seems determined to stay where he is all day." "Yessuh, boss. I'se been lammin' 'im fur mos' an hour an' he ain't budged yit." "Sheer perversity, I dare say." , "Maybe so, boss, but I calls hit Jes' mule. Das all jes' mule." Birmingham Age-Herald. Mrs. T. A. Stephens and daughter who have been visiting at Seattle for the past month and a half, returned Saturday evening. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature f The Dalles, Oregon. Will Reopen SEPT. 8th, 19U. Far particulars apply to SISTER SUPERIOR A&dfci$S Job CARTR1DG1 Used by the big majority Rifle, Pistol and Revolver Shots IT MUST be a satisfaction to the individual rifle, pistol or revolver user to know that his prefer ence for Reminiton-UMC Metallic is ihared alike by profeeeional experts, crack-ahoti and aporta tnen in all parti of the world. ti dill eceoonte, loo, for the marked inoraaM amy year demand for Reminfton-UMC Metallic. Reminttoa-UMC Metallic! are made for every etandard make and for every calibre in uae rifle, pietol ana revolver. Get them from the dealer who ahowe the HeJ Btll Mtrk rf fmlntUnilMC-lk aim of Spertamen'e Headquartere. I. keep your (un cleaned aad lubricated rltht, uae Rem the new powder eolvent, met preventative, and fua lubricant. Remington Anna-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. . 2MBiadway. New York g. CLASSIFIED COLUMN TRY THIS COLUMN FOR YOUR OWN NEEDS Wanted Sowing to do, plain or fancy. Mrs. Ralph Jones. l'OU SALE A 3-inch Studebaker wagon, practically new. Also a back, good as new. Inquire of J. . Yeager. If you want to save money on your Fire insurance, see Smead. tf. A new Champion mower and hay rake at a bargain. HEPPNER MILLING CO. FOR SALE; 10 to 20 acre tracts under ditch in the edge of thriving town. Good school. See Ike Howard, lone, Ore. Do you contemplate having any work done in the line of building? If so give Harry Johnson a chance to figure with you. First clas work and satisfaction guaranteed, tf. Anyone desiring to lease a good grain and stock farm for a period of throo to five years to a good tenant notify Smead and Crawford. $100 REWARD. I will pay $100 for the arrest and conviction of the party or parties stealing my cattle. My cattle are branded M C on right side, and have right ear split. tf. JAMES CARTY. SOME OIL REDUCTIONS. At Heppner Garage: Gasoline in cases of 10 gallons, $2.75; Eocene coal oil, per case, $2.40; Pearl oil per case $2.15. These prices will prevail until further notice. ALBERT BOWKER. A Farm Hand Came To Town. A Farm Hand came to town one day He had traveled many miles. very tired man was he that Walked down our streets, I'll say. But when on a corner he chanced to spy A bench all painted red. He lost not one moment But sat down with a smile. Around him Other men were talking Of the things past And that were to come, And as the voices died away He was lost to pleasant dreams. He slept and dreamed, God Morpheus was host. The Farm Hand dreamed of famous men, Men whom the people laud; Then dreamed he was one of them, Appearing like a ghost. Finally he was awakened, By someone rudely shaken, "Get up" cried the captain with com mand; "The meeting is over and the Squad's adjourning, "Adjourning 'till another day. ' Your name has been placed on the waiting list, "SVe will elect you if we may." Contributed. R. W. Turner finished heading about three hundred acres of grain this week. Mr. Turner's bluestem wheat will average twenty bushels to the acre. Ray Rogers is taking his vacation and is now in Portland. He will go to Rockaway beach before returning home. of PROFESSIONAL COLUMN F. DYE, D. M. D. DENTIST Permanently located in Odd Fel lows building, Rooms 4 and 5. Dr. H. T. ALLISON Physician & Surgeon Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON Drs. Winnard & McMurdo Physicians & Surgeons HEPPNER, OREGON Dr. A. P. CULBERTSON Physician and Surgeon ( Office in Gunn Building. Phones: Office 192. Residence 523 HEPPNER OREGON CLYDE and DICE WELLS SHAVING PARLORS Three doors south of Postofflce. Shaving 25c. Haircuttlng 35c Bathroom in connection. PATTERSON & ELDER 2 Doors North Palace Hotel. TONSORAL ARTISTS FINE BATHS SHAVING 25c. J. H. BODE MERCHANT TAILOR HEPPNER OREGON Dr. F. N. CHRISTENSEN DENTIST HEPPNER, OREGON Offices with Drs. Winnard & McMurdo FOR FINE UP-TO-DATE HOMES See T. G. DENNISEE, ARCHITECT and CONTRACTOR. C. E. WOODSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office inPalace Hotel. Heppner, Or. SAM E. VAN VACTOR. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office on west end of May street Heppner, Oregon. S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House, Heppner, Or. WELLS & NYS 1 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW IIEPrNER OREGON F. H. ROBINSON, LAWYER lone -Oregon OTIS PATTERSON, LAWYER Room 3, Eagle Bldg. CANYON CITY, OREGON Knappenberg & Johnson ATTORNEYS AND COUNCELORS AT LAW IONE OREGON W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER Only complete set ot abstract books in Morrow County. HEPPNER - - - OREGON CLOTHES CLEANING AND i PRESSING. . ,j Mrs. Wilhelmina Freidrich Upper Main Street, Heppner, Oregon The Gazette-Times Printery can do that job for you in rush time and in first-class shape. TRY A G.-T. WANT AD. They Pay, J the People's Cash Market.