1HE Gazette-Times. IIEPPNER, OREGON S3 Home and Farm Magazine Section THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1914 4 m ySgSsSL- f " Typo of Holstein Cattle Frequently Ssea on Northwest Farms. ITolstcin cows arc favorites of many farmers and dairymen, and for good reason. The milk check that comes in every month is a very nice thing to take to the bank. W. W. Robin son, who owns a big farm of 2,600 acres near Ellensburg, expects soon to have 300 registered llolsteins on his farm, lie figures that he will have a milk check corning in of $3,000 a month, or $10 a cow. If he does, that will be very good returns. It is estimated that $20,000,000 to $30,000,000 a year is sent from the State of Washington arid $10,000,000 to $15,000,000 from the State of Oregon for meat, dairy and poultry products. Ilere is a drain that should be stopped. Here is a chance for the bankers and farmers to get together. If the farmers will take care of all the cattle, the hogs and the poultry that they can handle on their farms, the bankers will furnish them the money to buy the poultry and livestock. Because the banker knows the loans would be safe. 1