13 IIOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION db. n. a mun(soK Chiropodist 321 Thirteenth Street, ABOENITE CO, Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen) I received the medicine all O. K and It has certainly done the work. Have teen using It three days and can not smoke at aU. Please tell me if it can tie obtained in other cities. And oblige, yours truly, b. a whjzksok. Portland, Ore, July 3, 1914. Mothers ! Fathers! Does Your Boy Smoke Cigarettes? Do You Want Him to Quit Using Them? rHOWELL-BOSS CO., Ine. Bopreaoiitatives of Manufacturers, 312 Morgan Building. Portland, June 27, 1914, ARGENITE CO, City. Gentlemeni Enclosed find check for One Dollar ($1.00) for which please send me two more bottles of your Cigarette Bemedy. I hare used the preparation with ex cellent sncoees and wish to give some to friends that they may be helped as Z was. Very truly yours, & J. PBOWELU The habit is hard to break and no matter how much your boy would like to quit he cannot without some outside assistance Are you willing to help him? If so now is the time. Argenite is the scientific prepara tion of Silver Nitrite in combination with antiseptic and soothing ingredients. Harmless but Absolutely Effective Argenite is the nearest positive cure of the tobacco habit known, not only for cigarette smoking but for cigar and pipe smoking as well. YOUNG MAN Why Smoke and Spit Your life and Brains Away? More boys and young men are made weak and inactive, slow and sluggish by cigarette smoking than by all the other vices combined. The boy's vitality is sapped, his moral courage weakened and his health impaired by their use. FATHERS Why Not Stop Smoking Now and Quit Setting the Example Before Your Boys WHY NOT STOP IT NOW. WE'LL AID YOU. The Silver Nitrite treatment has the endorsement of the medical profession, of school boards and the Juvenile Courts. Portland, On, Hay 14 14 jaanonra oo, cuy. I lavs and 701a preparation Argen ite in several cases of hard smokers and can WgMy mniiii it for young boys who hare aquired the habit DR. 0. IISOTOt For a limited time only we will mail you a full sized bottle of Argenite for 50 cents in express or money order. Don't put it off. Don't delay. Write today. ARGENITE CO. 451 MORRISON STREET Portland, : : Oregon Pendleton, On, May SO, IMA, ABGEMTTE CO Portland, Oregon, Dear Sir! Ton asked me to lot yon know how the Cigarette Bemedy worked. Wen, it worked all right. After taking toe first dose I tried to smoke a cigarette, but couldn't finish it I have new need all of the bottle and hare not smoked for two weeks. Von may use this letter if yon think It will do any good. Tours for the good work; BUFTO W. BBOWN.