The Gazette-Times. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1914. Home and Farm Magazine Section .i ' ' '.V :'"'f: fee (Logged Off Land in the Raw.) Have you ever had the satisfaction of yanking out with dynamite, or one of the many machines for that purpose, the stumps from logged off land in the Northwest? The joy of the man who clears such land can hardly be equalled. He has the possession of. virgin soil soil of a finer charac ter than they who first plowed the prairies could boast of. He has unlimited possibilities in the way of crops. He knows not the woes of the owner of "worn out" land. Once his land is cleared, he sees the way to affluence quickly. Such land in the Northwest is reasonable in price. Very often it is accessible and close to a railroad. And when once it is cleared, plowed and planted its posses sor has the delight of the old pioneer with none of his discomforts. 1