5 T Clothes for the May-Day of Life A MAY DAY SUIT FROM n nr a no am WILL SUIT YOU Our Clothes have STYLE and WORKMANSHIP A Hard Combination to Beat Order Your Suit TODAY Louis Pearson THE TAILOR hoOSEVELT. Here's the Best of All ! Ridgeways World Famous Teas They easily stand at the head of the list of all blended Ceylon and India Teas. "H. M. B." Originally blended for Queen Victoria; something fine. Quarter pound' tins, 25 cents; half pound tins, 50 cents. SILVER LABEL "5 o'clock Tea." A choice blend; better than the usual English blend sold here. Half pound tins, 40 cents; pound tins 75 cents. SATISFACTION GUARATEED OR MONEY BACK Phelps Grocery Co. Spokesman Review. ! Roosevelt is 55. The average age of 24 presidents, Washington to Mc- Kinley, was 68 years, 4 months and 15 days. Had Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley been spared to round out their natural lives the average would be greater, probably 70 or more. : Our only ex-president therefore has reasonable expectation of 15 I years of vigorous existance. Since ' be is a rugged wonder, bis span of i life may carry him to 80, the age of i John Quincy Adams at death, or 83 j with Jefferson, or 85 with Madison, or even 90 with John Adams. i Proof that Roosevelt is a rugged wonder is found in his extraordinary mental vivacity and physical vigor after the strain of seven years in the White House. His amazing strength is without parallel in American history. Grant, .we believe, was the only ! ex-president to tour the world after two terms in the White House. Washington was weary and longed for the peace and quietude of rural life. John Adams wrote much In retirement. Jefferson interested himself in education and founded a college. Jackson retained his party's leardership. John Quincy Adams went to Congress. Tyler was in re tirement from 1845 to I860 and then was president of a peace con ference. Filmore commanded a corps in the civil war. Johnson served a short term in the United States Senate. But all the other ex-presidents went into quiet retirement. None of them even measurably approached the strenuous after achievements of Roosevelt, who seems as young at 55 as most men at 30, and after two terms of president sets upon the hard task of exploring the planet. With all the eager enthusiasm of youth he plunges into the depths of the African jungle, and between contin ental explorations finds minor ad venture in a strenuous and unsuc cessful campaign for the presidency. Now he emerges from the trackless jungle of unexplored Brazil, where he traced for a thousand niiles the un known headwaters of a great river, emerging alive and sound from the hardships and perils that drove to madness one of his party and drown ed another In the wrirlpools of the angry river. Five of their seven canoes were sucked down in the tur bulent rapids. And here he is, "fit as a fiddle," to make another race for the presi dency, lead a regiment, a brigade, a corps or a division in Mexico, write several books or race off to Tibet or the unexplored depths of Borneo. He is he world's most virile and In teresting personality. Even his critics must confess him that. JOHNS For REPUBLICAN Governor W I I: ?!.y AmSl. MIL J Give this Job to a man , who will reduce Taxes and cut down expenses If you had an interest in a private business you would want it conducted on business principles. You have an interest in the affairs of this State. The State of Oregon is a business institution run for the benefit of the people in it vim, in a certain sense, arc stockholders in :ts business interests. TAXES MUST BE REDUCED! In the coming primary election, Charles A. Johns, of Portland, will ask the vote of every person who believes the State of Oregon needs to have taxes reduced and expenses cut down. The only way to reduce taxes and cut down expenses is to apply the same principles in running the State that yqu would apply in running your own business. How many institutions would run along with an increase of oper ating expenses from year to year ? Not many. Well, let's reduce our taxes and cut down our expenses. Charles A. Johns, of Portland, is running on that platform and stands on his platform. Get him on the job! , Start thinking about this today! Will you elect a man who will cut down expenses and reduce taxes, br a politician, as our next Governor f The issue is clear. One will cut down taxes the other will give jobs to his political friends. Which do you want ? Paid Advertisement. 830 ACItKS FOIt SALE One hundred and thirty acres in cultivation, plenty of running water, all fencod. Fair buildings. 190 acres of good pasture, 2 acres in alfalfa 3 acres more that can be put In alfalfa. 130 acres in wheat and oats goes with this place. ?20 per acre buys this place four miles from Heppnor. One-half cash, balance terms to suit. Siuead and Crawford. Frank McNally of Elgin Is In the city on a short visit. D. E. Gilman '.vent down to Port land on a brief business trip Tuesday. NOTICE OF E8TRAY. Notice is hereby given that we have taken up and are holding for disposal according to law, at our place at the mouth of McKinney creek, one estray horse, described as follows: A buckskin with star in forehead and two white feet; brand ed H on right shoulder, and bearing also an obscure brand on left hip; weight about 1100 pounds. Said animal may be recovered by the owner by paying pasturage and the costs' of this advertising. RUGG BROS., Heppner, Ore. A 30-3t. Condon Times; The body of Ed win It. Worsham, the young man who shot himself through the head on Friday of last week, was shipped to Evansville, Indiana. His father, it seems, is a doctor and well to do Nothing new transpired to account for the young fellow's rash act, al though rumor has it that a letter from a woman was found torn up in his room. The case was so plainly one of suicide that Dr. Donnelly did not deem it necessary to hold an in quest. HERBERT W. COPELAND Eyesight Specialist. Morrow County Dates for June. Heppner, Palace Hotel, June 15 and 16. Lexington, June 17. lone, at Carle's, June 18 & 19 Morgan, at Joost's, June 20, Castle Rock, June 22. REMGIOX. Belief In a religion, whatever It may be, Is a saving, uplifting quality- It makes for the best in business life and for the highest citizenship. It may be said that this is not always true. There are backsliders in the churches, but there are more out side of them. The mere fact that a man who sins happens to be a church member causes general comment. So the exception proves the rule. It may be said that a man can be up right without having religous con victions. This is true, but the man or woman with strong religious con victions must be upright. It is "can" in the former and "must" in the latter instance. A merchant with a world-wide reputation for integrity, but with no church affiliations, said to the writer:. I have profound re spect for the merchant who sincere ly believes in his religion, whether he be active in church work or not. My books show that these can bo trusted above all others. They have involved me in much smaller losses than those who have had no church connexions and no religious con victions." Is this not a refreshing word in the present period of doubt, distrust and discontent? Leslie's. Shearers to Hunington. Jake Wattenburger, with his shearing plant and crew of 12 shear ers, left yesterday for Hunington, where they will begin work as soon as the plant can be put in operation. Authentic reports state that 40,000 sheep will be sheared in the vicinity of Hunington this year by the Wat tenburger crew. From that point the crew will move to Wallowa county, where other big jobs await them. The men comprising the Watten burger crew are: Wm., John, Jesse and Alex Oliver, Len Rhodes, Elmer Gibbs, Percy Ripper, Fred Stopeu burg, H. Gilbert, W. Schafler, Albert Pearlburg and Dave McCarty. Echo News. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR UNITED STATES SEN- ATOR FROM OREGON. The registration throughout the State shows an im mense majority of the voters areJRepublicans. R. A. Booth, is the Party's unanimous choice for United States Senator. He has announced a platform, progressive and sane. He has made an active, clean campaign and is enti tled to the support of every voter registering as a Repub lican. Let no voter shirk the responsibility of expressing his choice at the primary election, May 5th. Mr. Booth has spent his entire life in the State as one of the developers not as an office-seeker. He knows the interests of the State and can serve its people with great acceptability. He stands for agricultural development and good wages and fair treatment of labor, the reclamation of land, cheap money for the farmer and stable business conditions. He is interested in our State's progress and is devot ed to its people and their interests. If you believe in the restoration pf the Republican Party to power in the nation and want a loyal, capable native son as your representative in the United States Senate, swell his vote on' May 15th. R. A. BOOTH CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE. (Paid Advertisement) We Are Offering a SICK RAMI Consisting of 920 acres; 60 acres in cultivation; house and outbuildings, good orchard; well water ed by natural springs. Best Grass land in the Country Some Timber. This is suitable for Dairying and Hogs, or any kind of Stock. $6.00 per Acre will buy this now. $2000 Cash Balance to suit. Must be sold soon SMEAD & CRAWFORD Heppner, Oregon i