WEEK'S NEWS. Local and Personal Happenings. Arthur Phillips, of Morgan, was in the city, Saturday. Geo. Chapin was down Hardman, Saturday. from M. S. Corrigall and son were in town from their Butter creek home Saturday. D. A. Porter, of Lexington, spept the day in Heppner, Satur day. Eph Eskelson and wife, of Lex ington, were trading in Heppner, Saturday. W. S. Smith, of lone, came up for the Elks' annual ball last Fri day. Fine Missouri jack for sale. Inquire at stable of McRoberts & Evans. St. R. W. Munkers, of Lexington, was a business visitor in this city Saturday. R. D. Richardson is putting in his time this week in the country installing several oil burners. w. w. (jillette ana son were Heppner guests from Echo, Fri day and Saturday. J. A. Waters, republican candi date for county clerk, was in the city the first of the week. M. E. Bundy, of South Springs, was in the city, Monday, and made this office a pleasant call, Mrs. Josie Jones and daughter Venice went to Portland last Sat urday, where they win remain for some time. Mrs. Frank Nash of lone came up from that place Monday to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Walbridge. Miss Loveta Hall is now assist ing in the Heppner postoffice, having taken the position left vacant by Miss Venice Jones. Willard Blake was in Heppner on Monday. He is working in the interests of his candidacy for the sheriff's office. R. V. Whiteis, the lone mer chant, came up from that city and remained over night in Hepp ner last Saturday. E. W. Rhea and wife, Claud Sloan and wife, and Carl Rhea, of Echo, were over for the Elks' ball last Friday evening. . Chas. Manning and Geo. Shick are over from Yakima. Charley is looking up a location here and when he gets settled his family will come. Willis McCarty came up from Portland last Thursday and is visiting with relatives and friends in this city. He is still in the employ of the O-W. R. & W. Co. Mrs. Emma Dice, of Davenport Iowa, arrived in Heppner, to visit with her daughter, Mrs. 0 G. Crawford. Mrs. Dice may decide to remain here permanent ly. The Parsons orchestra fur nished music for a grand ball at lone on the night of the 25th. The affair was well patronized and is pronounced the best dance of the season. Mrs. N. C. H. Turner, head nurse at the Heppner Sanatorium was operated on at that institu tion Saturday evening tor an acute attack of appendicitis. At the present time she is doing nicely. Miss Doyle, of Portland has charge of affairs during Mrs Turner's illness. Heppner Lodge No. 358, B. P, 0. E., initiated a class of eight candidates at the regular meet ing last Thursday evening. Those of the class were: Messrs. Buck ley, Wheelhouse, Wilhelm, Eric son, French, and Will, of Gilliam countv. Jack Mills; of lone, and John Doherty, of Heppner. T. D. Matthews, of Pendleton, spent several days in Heppner last week. Mr. Matthews was formerly an extensive stockman on Butter creek, and although he still retains his property on the creek, he is now living in Pendleton. For Sale Four full blood mam moth Bronze turkey hens and one torn, all one year old birds; hens $3.00 each; torn $1.00. Address Mrs. C. P. Bowman, Echo, Ore. Oscar Keithley and family and Claud Keithley, of Eight Mile, arrived in Heppner from Lents, Monday, where they have been visiting for some time. Matt Halvorsen, extensive far mer of the lone section, came up on the local train Monday evening. Go to tha Bakery for yonr bread 26 loaves (or il 00. For Fure bred, registered Duroo Jersey (wine for breeding stock write G. L Hurd. Stanfield, Ore. 4t. For Sale About 200 sacks of good clean bine stem wheat, good for Beed. Inquire at my raooli. m 5. lm. JEFF JONES Wanted A position by man and wife on farm or ranob. Plenty of the right sind of experience. Inquire at this office. tf. Tha ladies of the Christian chnrch will Rive another window Bale nex' Saturday, Maroh 7, at the Scrivner building. Home made "goodies" and oluckenB will be on sale. Political Announcements (Paid Advertisements.) COUNTY CURL To the Keimblican voters of Mor row county, I hereby announce thut; I will be u candidate for nomination I before the coming primaries f'jr tlio ( oliice of County Clerk. I earnestly j Kolicit your support, and should I1 be nominated and elected, I promise j a fa it littil and efficient administration of the otlice. J. A. WATERS, lone, Oregon. " .i r; .i .1 At Christian Church. Have we a real, live, up-to-date Sunday School at the Christian church? Answer this question bv stopoing in next Sunday morning at 16 a. tn. and seeing for yourself. The morning subject will be. "What are the Women doing on the Mission Kield?" C. E. at 6:80 p. tn. Eve nine chnrch service at 7:30. Subject The Burden Bearer. " We try to make them all live services and yon are Invited. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for nomination for the office of County Clerk, at the Republican primaries to lie held May 15, 1914. I feel that my three yews experience as Deputy County Clerk gives ine all the necessary qualifications, and 1 hereby respectfully solicit the sup port of all Republicans at the Prl-. tnary election. Very respectfully, A. M. MALLORY. " w . - .1 r; .i .1 -m Make this your slogan and you will always- wear To the Democratic voters of Morrow County: V I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Clerk?" on the Democratic ticket, and ask, your support at, the coming primary, to lie held May 15. 1914. If nomina ted and elected I promise faithful and etiiclent attention to the duties of the office. E.R.HUSTON, Eijjht Mile, Oregon. s I wish to announce to the Repub lican voters of Morrow County that I will seek the nomination for the; office of County Clerk at the eoming primary election. J. O. Hagek. , For Sheriff. -s' Subject to the will of the Republi can voters of Morrow County, I an-: nounce myself a candidate for thai otlice of Sheriff. II elected I promise ! a faithful performance of duty andt strict enforcement of law. All those j interested are cordially invited tof inspect the records of the Sheriff's office, which have been in my charge,! also my record as a deputy, or as a, private Individual. UEO. McDUFFEE. High School Notes. Miss Long a music class will soon put on the musical operetta "Syl'ia" and it promises to be treat. Iho new Chemlstrj table is com nleted and baa been installed. It is a groat improvement and is greatly aopreoiatei by tha haid working Chemistry class. Aftet several months of consistant suggestions and urgent requests the Freshmen have secured caps and much to the disappointment of the uoper- clagsmen thoy are nrt of the promised green color but are blue and gold, the colors of the class. But green dye Is cheap and it is promised that it will not be long before they are the re quited color. On Friday morning a challenge ws posted on the bulletin board signed by the boys of the Freshman and Soph more classes and of the Commercial Department, challenging the Senior class to a baseball game to be played on the first good day. Much interest was aroused and the high sounding acoentance nf the Seniors started much boasting bv the different classmen By Monday morning the interest had not abated and great was the delight of the school whnu Prof. Hoffman announce! in assembly that the game would he played Monday afternoon, Those who were to play came to school for the atfernoon session dressed in ball suits of various styles, sizes and colors and after meeting the first two classes the whole high school ad journed to the Depot grounds "vheie the game was soon under way. From the firt the umlernlnssinen seemed to have the advantage, running in six scores in the third frame. The opper- chiesmen showed poor form at the bat apd only a few hits were marked to their credit. Ihe fielding of both teams was such as could be greatly improved uoon and in this department as well as in bntting the underclassmen had the advantage. At the end of the ninth the score stood 15 to 6 in favor of the lower classmen. Althoneh the game was loose! v played there were a few who featured particularly. Among these was Maddook, one of the "dignified" Seniors whose base steal ing furnished tallies for his team and fun for the andience. The pitching of Wright and the fielding of Wilson and Fisk might also be mrntionod as features for the other team. Iwo more games will be played and the Championship settled beyond dispute as soon as the weather permits. Subject to the will of the Republi can voters or Morrow County, I an nounce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff . If nominated and! elected I pledge myself to the people of the county a faithful performance of duty and strict enforcement of law. JEFFNEAL. To the Democratic voters of Morrow County: I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the otlice of Sheriff of Morrow County, subject to your decision to le rendered at the coining primary election, Law enforcement and strict attention to official duties is my platform. ANDY HAYES. To the republican voters of Morrow County. I hereby announce myself as an applicant for the office of Sheriff of Morrow County. If nominated and elected I will discharge the duties of the office to the very best of rat ability. W, W. SMEAD. "THE PERFECT HAT" SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF NEW GORDON HATS The new, popular-styled Gordons are here all the late shades, blues, greens, blacks, browns, grays and combinations. See the advertised "YELLOWSTONE PARK" hat. This year, the hats are decidedly different. Thejr haye individuality, and those with the new bands the small velvet and the plaited are especially classy. Everybody knows the GORDON. Their wear ing qualities are not surpassed by any $3.00 hat. For style they are real leaders. Buy one and put on a 1914 appearance. We'll help you to keep it by putting the "Milwaukee Gold Initials" in it. A Few of Our Splendid Specialties: SINCERITY CLOTHES, GORDON HATS, IDEAL SHIRTS, DOUGHERTY SHOES, NAP-A-TAN SHOES, HEADLIGHT OVERALLS, COOP ER'S UNDERWEAR, CONKLINS and HODKINS GLOVES.. MINOR & CO Remember that the Gazette Times turns out the printing which draws trade to the user. I am a candidate for the Republi can nomination for the office of S eriff of Morrow county. If nomi nated and elected 1 will con luct the affairs of said office In a business like manner and In strict accordance with law. Vonrs respectfully W. J. Blake, lone, Ore. For Commissioner. To th? Republican voters of Mor row County: 1 hereby announce thut I will be a candidate for nomination before the coming primaries for the office of County Commissioner subject to your will. G. A. Blenkman Hardman Oregon To the Democratic voters of Morrow County: 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for the otlice of County Com missioner at the coming primaries May 15, 1914. If nominated and elected I promise a faithful discharge of County affairs and a progressive roads administration. R.F. Fhaskk, GoosiviiurciiiiY, Ore. To the Democratic voters of Morrow County: I hereby announce myself as n candidate for the oflice of County Commissioner at the primary elect ion. Jeff Jones. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature tf For Treasurer. I hereby announce that I will seek the Republican nomination for the office of county Treasurer before the coming primaries. Frank Gilliam, For Assessor. . I will be a candidate for the Demo cratic nomination for Assessor and will appreciate your support before I the coining primary election. j J. J. Wells. IRRIGON. Jerse Davis is on the sick list this week. Finley Gravbeal and brother, Lee, went to Pendleton Monday. Mrs. Gravbeal returned Tuesday. Irtigon is the place to get your lovely weather. If yon don't believe it just come down and visit na a while. Frank T. Collins' show took inlrri eon Friday evening. There was a full house and the show was immanse lv enjoyed. Rev. R. E. Blacstnan was in lrri gon Saturday and Sonday and held ser vices in the chnrch Sunday morning and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Roaderick and daughter have retnrned to lrrigon to make their home here. They are heartily welcomed bv all their frien ls and are prepared to boost. Everybody danced at the E. and W. hall Saturday night and enjoyed them selves better than usual, even. Sev eral atttended frond outside towns and all promised to come agian. O. W. Caldwell, road master, pnt a large force of men to work on the Imgon-Heppner road Monday morn ing. Soon we'll have autos bnzzing in and out of lrrigon and they wont all belong to outsiders, either. Wednesday a delegation came over from Heppner to discuss the new road proposition with the lrrigon people. A town meeting was held that evening at the hall and the measure found favor with all. It was deuided that ! work was to origin immediately. The I road Is to extend westward along the right of way as far bb the county road line where It will then run due south to Heppner. For Joint Senator To the Republican voters of Morrow County: 1 will be a candidate on the Re publican ticket in the May primary for re-nomination as joint Senator for the District comprising the coun ties of Morrow, Union, and Uim tllla. Respectfully, Athena, Or. C. A. Bakkhtt. Jeff Jones, of Heppner and R. F. Fraser, of Gooseberry will con test the democratic nomination for county commissioner. Mr. Jones is a pioneer resident of the county and one of our successful ranchers. Mr. Fraser is an am bitious and energetic younjj man, a successful farmer, and there is promise of a lively race. We Specialize on COFFEE The following arc some of pur best brands, all packed in airtight containers: EDWARDS, Superba, steel cut, lib and 21b tins SHILLING'S BEST, steel cut, lib anI 2-21b tins. GOLDEN WEST, steel cut, 1 and 2-2Ib HILL'S BLUE CAN, steel cut, 1, 2, 3ii EDWARD'S DEPENDABLE, Kei 2-21b tins. EDWARD'S Country Club, lib and 31b Every Can Guaranteed Money Back If Not Satisfactory Phelps Grocery Co. P Ue PALM has a complete line of CONFECTIONS, CIGARS and SOFT DRINKS Try our Pop Corn always fresh. R. M. HART i j l