IT'S POOR ARITHMETIC TO CULTIVATE YOUR CROPS WITH POOR PLOWS AND IMPLEMENTS. BUY THE JOHN DERE OR THE OLIVER. THAT'S THE KIND YOU GET WHEN YOU BUY FROM US, AND YOU WONT LOSE TIME, AND HAVE ANNOYTNCE REPTIRINC OUR IMPLEMENTS ARE CHEAP, BECAUSE THEY ARE GOOD. LET OUR HARDWARE STORE BE YOURS. IF ANYTHING SHOULD GO WRONG WE WILL MAKE IT GO RIGHT , OR REFUND YOUR MONEY. COME AND SEE US. Gilliam &, Bisbee HEPPNER, OREGON NIAGARA Soluble Sulphur Compound I Patents issued Nov. 12, 1912 The Sulphur Tree Spray of To-Day NOT A NEW THING, BUT A NEW AND BETTER WAY T IS A SULPHUR SPRAY, not an EXPERIMENT. The sulphur is in the same chemical form as is the sulphur in the lime-sulphur solution, but being freed from the lime (the lime being found really detrimental), possesses a higher power, by fourfold, as an in secticide and fungicide, SOLUBLE SULPHUR is Very penetrating going through and through all scale and insect crusts; whereas the lime in the lime-sulphur solution solidifies and neutralizes the sulphur, forming a harm less crust or coating. Soluble Sulphur does not paste up the surface of the tree, preventing the normal function of bark and leaves, but cleans the surface from all such hindrances to tree growth. SULPHUR has always been recognized as the important ingredient of spray value in the lime-sulphur sprays. The lime has been per forming the office of a "necessary" evil: simply an agency for ren dering the sulphur available. . In Soluble Sulphur the sulphur is rendered available by the use of a non-injurious element, thereby allowing the sulphur to perforin its work in a fuller and more complete way. We are not trying to coax you into "trying" a new spray, but we are offering you the old and tried Sulphur Spray in a form far more effective, more convenient and less expensive. We furnish you with the dry materials. You supply the water and make your own solu tion by simply stirring together for an instant. , We can save you 25 per cent and more on your spray expense. Will you let us show you? In addition to the money saving, there is a saving on the handling of over 500 pounds, storage, leakage, return of barrel and a lot of trouble. SOLUBLE SULPHUR COMPOUND used at 10 pouuds to 50 gal lons of water (winter strength) is equal in spray value to 33 degrees lime-sulphur solution used at one gallon of solution to eight gallons of water. Thus 100 pounds SOLUBLE SULPHUR COMPOUND added to 500 gallons of water will make 511 gallons of winter spray. Therefore 100 Bounds of Soluble Sulphur Compoud will make 61 gallons of nearly 14 per cent more epray, winter strength, than a 50 gnllon barrel of lime-sulphur solution. VAUGHN & SONS THE GAZETTE-TIMESj Th Heppner Gaiette, Established March 30, 1883 Tin H'ppner Time, Established Nov. IS, 1897 Consolidated February 15, 1912. VAWTER CRAWFORD. - Editor and Proprietor Issued every Thursday morning, and entered at the Postornc at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: On Year. $1.50 Sis Months, 75 Threa Months, 50 Saul Copies. 05 ADVERTISING RATES: Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch, 25c, subsequent in sertion., 12 l-2c; display, regular, 12 l-2c: locals, first insertion, per line, 10c.; subsequent Insertions, per Una, Sc.; lodge resolutions, per line. Sc.; church socials and all advertising of entertainments conducted lor pay, revile ' rates. MORROW COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Thursday. March 5, - 1914. Where is that proverbial cold snap for March? It has not hit Morrow county yet and we are willine to oass it up if it's just the same to the weather man. C. A. Barrett, of Athena, the present joint senator from the 19th senatorial district, compris ing Umatilla, Morrow and Union counties, will be a candidate for re-nomination. Mr. Barrett has made a fine record for himself during his incumbency, of office and will no doubt be complimen ted with another term. Another Morrow county boy has thrown his hat into the ring for political honors. Mr. J. 0. Hager,, ot Heppner, will seek the nomination for county clerk at the hands of the republicans and his announcement will be found in the list of political asoirants elsewhere in this. paper. Mr. Hager has lived all his life here at Heppner, is a splendid young man and should make a strong candidate. This gives us a three cornered fight should no other aspirants, and the race should be an interesting one. GREEN CARNATIONS For St. Patrick's Day $1.00 per dozen The JEWELL GREENHOUSES THE DALLES, OREGON. Phone B 2721 Funeral Director and Embalmer CALLS ANSWERED DAY OR NIGHT. L L. CASE The lrrigon Road. As atated in last issue, a party of Heponr citizen, consisting of Dr. N. E. Winnard. Sept. 8. E. Notson, Van tor Crawford, A. M. Phelps and A. M. Slocnm went over the road from BepDuer to lrrigon to "spy out land." I tie trip was made on Wed nesday last, the party reaching the home of Oomrnlsaiouer John Kilkenny for dinner, where they "filled ao" on a good, old fashioned meal prepared by Mn. Kilkenny, and the way Unas put oat of light by some of the parly was wonderful to behold. Mr. Kil kenny joined the party here and went alone, to lrrigon to point out the sur vey. It was found that a good road can be made across the sand with but little work. On reaching lrrigon. a meet ing of the citizens there took uo the qnestion in earnest and proposed get ting rihgt to work on their end of the lias and it will be opted by referring to the convppondence from thtire that they Mv! already begun. The c r.utv court is backing up the proposition nd will su court it right through. The county surveyor will make a new survey so Unit the road will be plninlv marked, aud by going over r' e route nboui two times with the grader tne sage brush will be re moved an I (hen the rest will be eay. At a fiw mints only will the drifting sands have to bfl overcome a .id thi can be dona with sage brush and straw. After (bat the travel on the sandy end of the road will matte a first rate road bed. From the mouth of Patid Hollow across the "banana belt to Heppner there Is nothing but good roads all the way until you get nenr Heppner and this part of the road conld soon be put in excellent shape and no doubt it will be. The little Ford of Dr. Winnard's made the trip nil the way through tbe sand belt without any trouble but PO'sibly could not do so at all seasons of the year with the toads in .their present condition across the "desert". The trip home on Thursday waa made via Umatilla and Hermiston, and it was noted that some wprk was being done oh the West Extension, one 1 camp being near the liver at Umatilla and another about a mile and a half out. It ii expected that this .work will be pushed right along and its early completion consumated Spring timi seemed to be at hand down that way and at ' lrrigon the peach trees and almond trees were fast preparing to busrt Into bloom, and were expected to be In full blossom Every-Day Bargains are the kind that help to reduce the high cost of living. A bargain does not always mean the cheapest in price, but the best value for the money. That's what we are offering you every day in the - week. Ladies Blockings I5c pr, 2 pr for - 25c Hardenum lint, stiff or soft - f 3.00 Misses & Boys stockings I5c, or 2pr for 25c Mens work shirts 60c grade -: .50 Ladies Burson hose, tue pair - 25c MenB dress shirts Nra - f 1.25 to 2.50 Original Guaranteed Holeproof stockings Mens heavy weight shirts from 1. 25 to 2.75 6 months without boles, G pr the box $2.00 Mens Hiiits from - 12.00 to 25.00 Lisle or Lustre ' ' ' 3.00 Mens pants from - - 1.50 to 7.00 Silk - 3 ' 3.00 Mens gloves from - - 10c to 2.50 hisses & Boys - 6 ' ' 2 00 BARTON BROS. SHOES FOR MEN . Mens Holeproof sox, 6 2.00 Dress shoes from - - 3.00 to 4.50 .Mens " Bilk sox 3 ' ' 2.00 Work shoes from - - . 2 50 to 6.50 The FLORSHEIM SHOE for the Man Who Cares, from $5.00 to $6.50 the pair Sam Hughes Co. Spring Goods ! They Have Just Induce you to take a Prints, 16 yds for 1.00 Ginghams, Canton, 10c. yd Ginghams, A. F. C, 12-2c. yd Percales, 10 and 12 -2c. yd Wool Serge, all colors, 50c. Ruchings, 25c. yd Shepherd Checks, 25c. to 50c. An ived. Can We look at this new line? Conqueror Hats, $3.00 Standard' Shirts, l.oo to 1.50 Atlantic Shoes, mens, 4.00 Senate Shoes, " 5.00 Pacific Shoes, womens, 3.50 Red Goose Shoes, child ren, $1.00 to 2.50 Tango Ties, special 50c A swell line of Novelty Trimmings, Laces, Insertions, Embroideries, Allovers, Etc. There is a Spring Suit, Strictly Youth ful, Waiting for You Here. Bra. Agents for Standard Patterns in couple of weeks. If April froits do not come to prevent there will be an abundance of fruit raised there this season. A few bunches of cattle are yet In the feeding pens at the mouth of But ter creek, bat it looks like all the hay in that section had disappeared and before tnapy days thene herds will have to be moved out to pastures new ; if not disoo8ed of at the stockyards. Dealer in J. S. Baldwin Successor to E. E. Beaman Leave Orders at Slocum Drug Co. rhoneMainGO I IS fiifn II JL hid ill 1 in -i i mm si . ifi' i ii Our Spring and Summer Samples HAVE JUST AR rived. We invite you to call arid look over this splen did line, which con tains many new pat terns arid exclusive designs. Suits for $16.00 and up. LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR