HEPPNER MILLING CO. offers its finest product, made from selected IMue Stem wheat WHITE STAR FLOUR NONE BETTER Ask your grocer for it they all handle it and take no other. "When you buy a barrel of White Star Flour your money is put into circulation at home. It buys more wheat to make more flour. When you buy outside flour your money never comes back it is a loss to the county. Rye, Graham, Wholewheat and Pancake Flours in 10 and 25-lb. sacks. For Sale by all the Stores. Bran, Millfeed, Shorts and specially cleaned Rolled Barley always on hand. A SAM CLEMENS PRANK. Stock Taking Sale We are going through our stock and throwing on the Bargain Counter ALL ODDS AND ENDS AND SHORT LENGTHS at prices that will GO. 20 per cent OFF on all Ladies' waists, dresses, wrap pers, kimonos, bathrobes, skirts, underskirts, suits, coats, shawls, scarfs, furs. Children's and Misses' coats and sweaters, and lots of other goods too numerous to mention. 10 per cent OFF on Men's suits and overcoats; Youths and Boys' suits and overcoats. A line of Men's $1.00 and $1.25 Golf shirts at 50c. Thomson Bros. City Meat Market KINSMAN & HALL, Proprietors Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, SUGAR CURE 13 HAMS Try Some of our Sausage. True Story of the Trick He Turned In Artistic Whitewashing. The Hannibal of today, with its thriving factories, street car" and i briek pavements, is a very different ' place from tho "languid, yawning jjlifsouri village of Mark Twain's boyhood. The river has not changed, and without the river Samuel Clem ens could scarcely have been Mark Twain. Yet perhaps it had no more influence upon him than had this picturesque old town of his boy hood. John A. Fry went to school with Mark Twain, and lie knows the truth about the whitewash story. "Sam Clemens? Yes, I knew him. Went to school with him, and I'm hound to say that he did keep up with us, but nobody ever knew how ho manag. d to learn anything. Shiftless, lazy and dadblasted tired born tired ! No study in him. All the time too busy getting up some new kind of devilment. And he sure was a boy, Sam was, who knew how to entertain himself. "E-(.'T hear about him and the whitewash? Can't say whether he ever put it in any of his books or not, but it's a fact, every word of it. Well, sir, one time he went out over the neighborhood and took contracts for whitewashing tight board fences. Then, come night, he blew his whistle or eat meowed to get out tho boys. Told 'em he had a good trick they could play off on the neighbors, lie lot on that peo ple would be awful mad if any whitewash was put on their fences; they wanted to plant vines and flowers along their fences, the neighbors did, so he said, and then explained to .us how lime would surely be terrible hard on the plants. People would wonder who had done it; neighbors would be awful mad ; it would kick up no end of a row. "Well, that sounded reasonable and all right. And there we were, us boys, just a-spoiling for excite ment. To worry folks a lot we thought was most as good fun as a minstrel show. So that's why the scheme that Sam Clemens got up looked so almighty attractive. But I disremember whether the boys hooked the lime to make the white wash with or whether they come by it honorably. Anyhow, come night with enough moon to see with, the boys started in to whitewash the fences. They 'just flew at it; they soused it on; they worked and they sweated, burned their hands and faces with the time and let their selves be bossed by Sam Clemens till the work was plumb through and done. "And then what happened? Well, sir, the next day Sam goes around to the different houses, collects foi the jobs and gets no end of compli ments. People, I reckon, never did have so much whitewash on their fences before." "You might us well tell it all," I urged. "Were you one of the boys who assisted that night in making the neighbors mad ?" "Well," said Mr. Fry as he struck a match to relight his pipe, "never mind about that." Keene Abbott in Harper's Weekly. Gu:lty Anyhow. Daniel O'Connell was at one time defending a man accused of murder at Clonmel. The circumstantial evidence was so strong against the prisoner that the jury had already determined upon their verdict of guilty when the man supposed to be murdered was brought into court alive and unhurt. The jury were desired to return their verdict at once, and they did so, but it was one of "Guilty." "What does this mean ?" said the judge. "If the man has not been murdered how can the prisoner be guilty?" "Please, yer honor," said tho foreman, "he's guilty. He stole my bay mare three years ago." Beat Her Out of Sight. A Washington suffragette was en tertaining a number of delegates from distant cities. "Might I inquire," said the lady from South America, "why that ex tremely plain person in tho red arm chair arrogates unto herself so many airs?" "Sho is a Daughter of tho devo lution," said the lady addressed in awed tones. "Her ancestor fought in the Revolution." "Oh !" said the lady from South America. "I myself am a daughter of seventeen of them." Bold In War. Theword Gumboil when used as a surname has nothing at all to do with any part of the anatomy. It denotes that its first hearer was a man of considerable importance and great power in the state. It is de rived from the Norse word "gum bald," which itself has nothing to do with any affliction, but means "bold in war." , LEXINGTON ITEMS. Mrs. Anna Picketts is on the sick list. There is some windy weather around Lexington these days. Mrs. Louis Fridley entertained her sister and children from Kent for a week's visit. Harvey McAlister is having about 13 acres of land adjoining town plowed which he intends to sow to corn. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Oness Gibson last Monday, a daughter. No wonder Oness wears one of those everlasting smiles. We understand Dr. McMurdo was out two days last week fum igating and lifting the recent quarantine at Joseph Eskelson's. The Ladies Aid had their regu lar business meeting last Wed nesday afternoon and elected their officers for the ensueing year. Mrs. Irene Zink was called to Washington by the sudden illness of her mother, who, on account of advanced age, will not likely recover. Mrs. Charles Willis returned to her home in Spokane after a pleasant two weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thornburg. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Allen re turned to their home at Weston after a pleasant three weeks visit with their daughter, Mrs. John Padberg. The married ladies of Lexing ton played basket ball Friday night against our local high school team. The referees were Mr. Beach and Mr. Dinges and the score was 14 to 10 in favor of the married ladies. The high school is preparing a debate to be given in the near future. They are expecting a noted lecturer from the State Normal here" to give a lecture and as soon as it is settled as to when the lecturer will arrive, no tice will be given to the people and the debate will then be given. A tryout was given the debaters last week. If you want to save money on your Fire insurance, see Smead. tf. PEOPLE who do not know Should know that FRIEDRICH "THE TAILOR" turns out the best fitting anil best made clothes in Heppner RED FRONT Livery & Feed Stables WILLIS STEWART, Prop. First Class Livery Rigs kept constantly on hand and can be l'uvniislicd on short notice to parties wishing to drive inU. the interior. Firstelass Hacks and Buggies Call around and see us. AVe cater to the : : : Commercial Travel ers and Camping Parties and can furnish rirs and driver on short notice. HEPPNER, ORE. t''f r JOO vill i i CAsronu rCOjF- Tl : , f 1 ALCOHOL 3 PER itht AVegetablePreparalionrorAs similaiingiheFoodandRftftila lingUtcSujmadisjmdBoweJsaf Promoles DigestionheenU ness and Rest.Contains neiifer Opiinu.Morphine nor Mineral.! OT Narcotic. MfinfaiiJkSMiiimm jUx.Snaa AUeMt- jtnattad ihnSeti- Qontittj Suqnr Aperfect Remedy forCfjnsfipa- non , aour aromacn.mamiuw Worrasorrswns.revmsfr ness and Loss OF SleP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought tfearstne Signature Am M TT if i ft .ft In Cla i 1IJ:1.'.,I.LMMM H Exart Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years TMC eiNTAUR COMPANY. NCW TOH CITY. Nickoson Buffington WELL DRILLERS All Work Guaranteed 3 Gasoline Outfits Prices and Terms Reasonable See Us Before Drilling NICKOSON & BUFFINGTON IONE, OREGON Flowers for Parties SILK CORSAGE, SHIELDS, CORDS and TIES FUNERAL DESIGNS A SPECIALTY The Jewell Greenhouses THE DALLES Phone B 2721 OREGON First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON Established. 1887 CAPITAL STOCK, - $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits, - 35,000.00 To those who are sending Holiday remittances to Foreign Countries, we suggest the use of our Foreign Drafts which are sold at reasonable rates 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Accounts ih lift E,. Gonty 249 Columbia Street Portland, Oregon Taxidermist and Furrier I have removed to the above address from Heppner. All kinds of Mounting, Tanning, and Fur Dressing. Anyone wanting work in this line can leave orders with E. N. Gonty, Heppner, or forward to me at Portland. Guarantee good work. Prices reasonable