HEPPNER MILLING CO. offers its tmost product, made from .selected I'lue m Stem wheat WHITE STAR FLOUR NONE BETTER Ask your grocer for it they all handf? it and take no other. When you buy a barrel of White Star Flour your money is put into circulation at home. It. buys more wheat to make more flour. When you buy outside flour your money never comes back it is a loss to the county. Rye, Graham, Wholewheat and Pancake Flours in 10 and 25-lb. sacks. For Sale by all the Stores. Bran, Millfeed, Shorts and specially cleaned Rolled Barley always on hand. Stock Taking Sale We are going through our stock and throwing on the Bargain Counter ALL ODDS AND ENDS AND SHORT LENGTHS at prices that will GO. 20 per cent OFF on all Ladies' waists, dresses, wrap pers, kimonos, bathrobes, skirts, underskirts, suits, coats, shawls, scarfs, furs. Children's and Misses' coats and sweaters, and lots of other goods too numerous to mention. 10 per cent OFF on Men's suits and overcoats; Youths and Boys' suits and overcoats. A line of Men's $1.00 and $1.25 Golf shirts at 50c. Thomson Bros. City Meat Market KINSMAN & HALL, Proprietors Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, SCGAR CURED HAMS Try Some of our Sausage. COMMERCIAL BE ON HEW FOOTING i Interesting Meeting Ad dressed By Tom Rich ardson, of Portland. Because of other attractions in the city, the meeting called for Tuesday evening at the I. 0. O F. Hall in the interests of the re-organization of the Heppner Commercial Club was not as largely attended as it should have been. Especially is this true of our business men. who are expected at all times to have the larger interest in all matters pertain g to the development of our section. However, there was a good attendance of represen tative citizens which includes a large number of the ladies. The meeting was addressed by Tom Richardson, promotion and community organizer of the Port land Commercial Club, who de livered an interesting talk along the lines of his work and streng thened the cause greatly at this place. Mr. Kichardson has been en gaged in this work for the past 35 years; he was the original community booster, and his good work in Oregon under the dir ection of the Portland Commer cial Club cannot be estimated. He has put many a sleepy old town in this state on the map. We do not like to have the out side think Heppner belongs to the class of the sleepy ones, yet we have been in drowsy state for some time, and Mr. Richard son has convinced us that the time to awake has come; it is right here and we must act. His line of argument was based largely upon the great opportu nity that is just now opening before the state of Oregon. The l'aiiama eannl Is eomiileti'd. The greateHt exposition in the his tory of the world is to lie held in 1915 at our door. The city of San Fran cisco and State of California are spending more than 50,000,000 to bring about this event. It means j the attracting of millions of people to the Pacific Coast and these must lie routed through our state, and while on their way many of them must lie induced to make stops at the various towns in the rural com munities en route. This can only lie done by the local communities tak- ug hold of the matter themselves. and Mr. nichardson fully explained how this can be done. His talk covered other points a quality of the potatoes made a liig hit and the Heppner p. topic deserve encouragement for their enterprise in advertisitu: In thin way. Mr. Chapman also desired to express ap preciation of the great work done byT-J. Mahoney as a memler of the State lianker'sAgriculturalCom inittee at Salem in furthering Senate Bill "2, and expressed the further wish of being present at tlieTuiwlnv evening meeting to meet the Hepp ner live wires. We wish to assure Mr. Chapman and the Portland Commercial Club that the people of Heppner have a warm place m their hearts for him and his great organization for their work's sake, and thank them very mticn tor sending Mr. Kichardson to us at this time. Mules and Horses to Sell. I have for gale 16 head of 3- and 4 year old males, well broke; also sev eral spans of mares. For further in formation call at my farm. P. E. MASON, Lexington, Ore. J 1-2 m. I have three year old mules, ready lor work in the Sorir.e. onnri wnrk horses and jack that I will sail, no I am overstock. This is a hanrain Call at my place in Sand Hollow. lm M. J. DEVIN. Own Your Own Home Every man should own his own home. Rent is a dead horse You are better contented and will save more mnnpv if vnn mtm im ... JtWHJUUl own nome. raying lor a home on terms is the your money in a savings bank oniy Deuer. We are offering bome town homes at nncoo or. A " f-" uuu terms that ought to appeal to you. tome and see us. Smead & Crawford. The Federated Church. The pastor, Dr. T J McMurrav. will occupy the pulpit of the Federated church next Sundav morning and evening. All who attend these servipps nr PYtonrl. ed a cordial welcome. The fore noon service begins at 11 nVWk and the evening worship at 7:30! Our cattle are branded with on right hip or side, and we will pay $200 reward for informa tion which will lead to arrpsf- an A conviction of anyone stealing our siock. minor Bros. If you want to save nionev on vour Fire insurance, see Smead. tf. well and it should have been heard by every citizen of the county. After all, this promotion work is an Individual matter and the indi vidual hrts to take care of it. The speaker took a rap at those who will make their home in the local com munity mid live off of it for vears and yet never have a good word for town find community in which tliev ve and prosper. Such as these he unhesitatingly brands as traitors. J he many examples of how o poky communities of the state have come to the front by community pro motion since the work was taken up here under the direction of .Mr. Kich ardson proves conclusively what our community can do under proper organization. The completion oLtheorsnnizatioti of the Heppner Commercial Club will be made in short order. A commit tee appointed on Tuesday evenlnir Is looking after the financial end of the Club work just now and when this is completed and a HUtlicleut sum is pledged monthly to carry on its work for a period of 24 months, the officers will be chosen, committees appointed r.nd the Club put on a per manent working basis. It is a treat to hear Tom liichnrd- son and should he visit ourclty again at any time we express the sincere hope that it will be under such con ditions that he will have a liearinu- such as the Importance of his work deserves and that he will be greeted by the representative citizenship of the entire county. His work is not of a selfish nature and It is based up on the doctrine that what helps the local community in the county helps the entire county and the entire state. Before the close of the meeting a telegram was read from Secretary C. C. Chapman instructing Mr. Kichard son to be sure to thank Minor Kros. for the potatoes furnished the Port land Commercial Club last year and this year, for Heppner Day at the Club, and also for the State exhibit at the Chicago Land Show. The PEOPLE who do not know Should know that FRIEDRICH "THE TAILOR" turns out the hest fitting and best made clot lies in Heppner REDFRONT Livery & Feed Stables WILLIS STEWART, Prop. First Class Livery Rigs kept constantly on hand and can be furnisluHl on short notice to parties wisning- to drive ml., the interior. First class Hacks and Buggies Call around and see us. We cater to the : : : Commercial Travel ers and Camping Parties and can furnish rigs and driver on short notice. HEPPNER, ORE. p . Ill (iiis i CASTOR m WS IM A LCOHOI. .1 PFU rL..n AVcgelaWePreparalionforAs Simila I ilK Ihp Fnvf nn,ID. j. tuigUteSiomaclisafldBwdsQf OASTORIA IVomofes DigestionJChefrfuf ness and Restf nniain neiitw Opiimi.Morphin norteral. nOT .NARCOTIC. AcfurmDcmmmm AtMeUts jbeetHd miqmuflmr. A iwrfert RpitipHv far CnrnRnn (ton , Sour Stomach.Dlarrtoea wnrms i nnvn Kmns.rpwnsn ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. BpSff araiaeedunclertlieFWM For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of m IF Exut Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA TMC CtNTAUR COMPANY, HEW VOflft ClTV. Nickoson Buffington WELL DRILLERS All Work Guaranteed 3 Gasoline Outfits Prices and Terms Reasonable See Us Before Drilling NICKOSON & BUFFINGTON IONE, OREGON Flowers for Parties SILK CORSAGE, SHIELDS, CORDS and TIES FUNERAL DESIGNS A SPECIALTY The Jewell Greenhouses THE DALLES Phone B 2721 OREGON First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON Established, 1887 CAPITAL STOCK, - $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits, - 35,000.00 To those who are sending Holiday remittances to Foreign Countries, we suggest the use of our foreign Drafts which are sold at reasonable rates' 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Accounts E. Gonty 249 Columbia Street Portl and, Oregon Taxidermist and Furrier 1 have removed to the above address from Heppner. All kinds of Mounting, Tanning, and Fur Dressing. Anyone wanting work in this line can leave orders with E. N. Gonty, Heppner, or forward to me at Portland. Guarantee good work. Prices reasonable