-.a Gazette-Times IME VOL. MA 40. subscription, 11.50 feu year rr DMRSIFIF.1) FARING mm 11 a n nnr" a t nn atttwi kli IEIII!1I!l Pmw Hogs, Sheep, Poultry and Dairy Prodods All Come in for Share and Growth in Shipments During the Year. tiae Trams Rocket Cff-133 Show S1 a- - To 3e 5&5esL. Big Hihte 3inmin (Erven He- Oust GAIN IN POULTRY SDPSESIS 5GGFERCL . . . - , TSit ?IetteTnnes -heralded "wggL - - - T: 3mffitxoliege xnsranizationim tthe -r -, AVsarausmceiite concert diere " . ILagEaa' -jeveiunc weare ma rpo- csluuii ui zmanuam -uiai :iana. 3 WAS ONE OF PRO GRESS FOR HEPPNER New School Building and Improved Light and Water System Are Important. Features of Progress. T. J. Mahcsey, of t&e Firs National Kan. Sams ? fhe Year's Progress in L lifted Low Farmers ResaesL ,S2kL GL GL.sL.aiaL. mazes TWHSrS. iaffn iTrerge .if SsnnPTEe arssnir. reecais- ss t lEK-arrasaiior! 5k "Morrow coanty s ipuzLnx mtdwersiait rarrhrar ami at- r; jjfae-- mmmri-t-ready results are bejcmninjr t show, in cut b2sr SisnBiit Snrlami.. .WTf.Tit;r--nl-rwf- frav- the better financial euroiidon af the eiunrx .tneraZy-.. ami rat sui:- -ly ,hT -h"-' dmtrramTrrv rtrmr tthe dan in a.Taesttiar; 10 t. .a;;. ;i rffl'ife wfHxllhhiiSrBpokeT.oT "in rpaatiuiee :af -Ihe band iin3ieppner TreetsmotfcihanJwTne jout jn he pircenam ipresented "to -he ttrr'iuinnTed nddBfty or snore rmiBic tovers Ti'ho irraved ihe Jiiu5er,-aikiit--to jrreetlhe. youns: nnwBiciarft. TTnsrbmil Snowed nalaneerom 2r- 'T,-. jnii-. irt cream diir 5r v!t suntis -if 213 risers t lti. sail 5r. Kaawei-- ""'sSS-JtLiC mt inclui th Luslns that Eai? spm tirnnn. tie Hsci cz Snss. wfcith has shown 1 proportonac tmreaaf ar jeosc 2s -pzsz as ra ggu rws ubfrt:.tte-i fieri- Nor this siiiiw tie aasfaeHf-5t ;crr and hoirs that necessaruy 52ws tiu iairy aiisntss. "The eain in oiniltnr sitrnnwsns has hts. misc rnarkacus." fonti"!:;f Mr. JIahoney. "arJ will st.-h a 'iain. f rr o:,tf dy shortly before Orrecnas this ar. suits aiulrrj -3ir tnsfj" Tnumners 'were splayed. mc "3 i;ar aim.. TEift' vcte: zass jc h- ?Tn.RTTirI-iommgrgial Tn arrc arr. -:eT;a,iijaaitBi z& aim Ustco,"T':nw exeeptionally .heavy H3ie;T:amateiir iands, were mmd teii -with Hit- skill-and under- bsxaixdnij: .usual iy accredited nonly tDiTtat- big Tproiessional bands. ! Iir:'diierspecia!Tjmiere.TUimor t2SipiE,3nulliie"'Anvi! Chorus," ' tttR-soliet' bn-v's-exeerted. JL B. $109,000 SPENT HERE DURING THE YEAR. Much Money Spent in Street Improvement the Past Year. .Big Step Toward Permanent Streets in Heppner. A school building that is ample for all needs and erected at a cost of $45,000, is the largest item of expenditure in Heppner for new buildings and improvements during the year 1913. This three story structure was started in 1912, but the largest part of the con- crHn infirm o.tt"It tiwlf nlar'O in 1015 TPKo KniMinrr in vkrif T-imtorJ wit. of Hewberg pressed brick and is heated and ventilated in a scien. ' tine, -although a very simple, manner. "The Henrmer Lieht & Water Ckmcanv has been workinz . since last summer in renewing their plant at a cost of $35,000. New water mains have been laid and an entirely new line of poles 11 1 1 II I 1 'I . f nas oeen piaceu in uie gTounu. a uuuer an a capacity 01 oou horse -power has been installed in a new concrete buildiiig adjoining the old plant. The company will now be enabled to serve Heppner witn day current. shift! from lieppner than. 'idrjTirnie nal seisin ff Hili. "Koyr shipntrnts show asabstaniai insryfci -it-? jus: phcl la 1'Jli 3)hogs were safDpei mt of Erni!i Tjrs pjar I head -x shtnTwI out. Famr? araf sacsmet art leCHr-suKC -ltrtlirrrz mu assfy 'with bnxxi stoif than ever, after soippraif the Susk-x jrariEtL, zsaczxz-zzi. tDjacrror a. Financial returns have been so satistiM'Sirf Siiac macj asze. arwil in the near fufire. endjse their farms wfa "aair-rnc ssianr ami; 3SJBQaCT--3snjD9iH?Rrbr will devote much, more of their time 0 Ere- pmner jr-drrx c" mus. ac- .m-r "TTVFZ- U-.e of av hobbies." said 1L- llainmeir. "bis hesr - 4- T-yr.;" TrrF-VCTT r !":Pnnrt- Terhaps raising of sheep on tie wheat farms of a aascr. t as Sum- nnostenuiiwiypleasrrrnuTn- inir to see the nurnberof sheen m th& wiuac ins sheet. s. cii irrrrnr aiervcaslhe Anvi! Chorus. .LnE':pieet;.suie3Tom toeing ime nur 3.. nr. am. itttnnr .TpT5m-rm?Kipal -wnrfh is iriaiip iiicubjy litiijrhtfu! "by Ihe :anvil fficent. Anjanvu k placed just m A mile and a half of concrete flume was built by the Hepp- Sennedyiiina luther 31cGrnnis h,CT ililimg Company during the year. Besides completing the mill pjefformeil-skillfully inlhe clari- met iiuet:IIioss -Johnson :pieased tiranienseiT m his "tenor -olo. tBonesectioriTvorkedastme -man tm- 3bfir--u?i-i3tmi. bb well as tth-nffinberB'm which lhat di- few ears ajw there sere abwac a iuzt sheen wxi mt jilsaarae- ia the eointT. L wort At tais uuicn. tfiertanft. smiw-inr tner mm: .- results derived taerefmm. The fanners as a. rue ire seil 3iisis with the she? and many are canawxniatSKr rnrniriic x vacaasaui num&er. ffram of .tiie director is tand. It 70 mm mm Qrl? r.e mnth past by in Mo-row CH-nty last jearinwhien Ilfi Cupid failed t' ret m. iris rji work. That munch was 5ett-rarer. However Mr Dan had beer workire tfvertnne and thotiht Sf'tember a very gnwl mjnth in h to rest. Ee re sumeii work immetiiatety after the first of October. Here is given the Kst af Bene li'ts for the jean Lax ton MMirray and Janet E. Pa vre. Henry S. Xorthrup. Martin E. Jocnsiin and Ade-j liue L. Anderson. ' J. H. EeaniornT and May A. Grav. jCi!e rVi. J- Di. 5'tw-5 arriL run 5T!fflL Earrr- t.'trrs'! arrit BerrznE EL EaiKr J"nn A Zles arr; Hicei. I aee sl'a.iusm amaraoii m jmues ji Xac!ssiR Zads and 'iracs- Darr- i -sbbh. itSl?U weiL Ei-var- EL Es? Sinidr nam.. VtRe- anv -win armit 31- aucioi -tsi. mn-t3onc ris xcrrmected vvhrh the -electric 3fc ymmr. .jmu3t" Hi ftcnoRe 1 current -sc that -v.'hen -the anvil a ,1 j 3nninI..ai sta.- wmsI: ml J? L-Htrah'; iT-eaciwcl the hall isdark- TSe- rSctiSsm '3? jam' ;mn- sat T Alilsiin anil Cfi"fr i Crump and Delia LdCitWiMuL Jacob El Carniuit ani Eenry X. ' aweek. Arthur" WhiDi H El TanDria S;inkers. i LeJLiy A. Junes ami. Jams: C. Crawford. Dursc aim; Fan aermer amr Lirrn amt suaui- Eii.inine EL Sucsnx ami CirxEL JThuriew. W. H. Tttrner and Kace E. Bobiit. James F. Farionjr and Sarah ones. I trt!B t 1 r rr 1 J"' i iarencej. totter anu iyma; Rar i WIH FIT Bernie Gaunt and Alta Mcrei- Eorarry on FFrtW nn. t A' Whit an.f vfjirmrwt r iv,..t.i he has reeivwt wort fnnx E. E. GLIIiam and May EL Piirnr Arthur E. Pierce and Anna B. wuiu-ai, ma , .jft .awunrsu Smith e present: tnr? 3am. ay tie' Harvev Theodore Waipote and mc? 1 , iw on causnrs. Xie turctnissun: !in: nr.;'."t!M- rrrumrners ret busy -witii iunnrner jmd wires and .the rspurirr- :fiy Ihici; antl fast. LTiii- hunioresquc. '"What' the mapm B6nnc -ikiatter V 1:11 J atner . brought ixinvn-; 'iw house, and likewise TXtie. . a. aai a iim aahutt -mint ! brourfxt "the "old Tnan" down Zmm zmm awr.; m' anau. nstars; several ihnes. lor tthe au- - .- , 1 oienee "would not be .pacified with j, jrwi :tw uKtaasaeil iill. ttte:projrram-was one of as ss itaaaamr tumai.. nnrntuoi -ta tcemioiiainiernjinn snows Tne 5irzniiSHM ar . am: 3i rresuli iff onudi ard drill on Ihe 3raatf'tflav afc-naart.nfihe.-bnw and -masterful rf . , LleadeEmii) on ihe part oT Captain jmc ?aaE3 xiimiti . iiomi aip- Jieanl. TTheir vork in ihe band Saams. rfetae IfotTanrngagni', iar. calcme iisiieavy enough to be con tawttmitii. isniemlmsitxouTse hr itaell, but ifeexj-nneniber.iiasa:heayyBched-rTtril7tA qikedxarrj-:in ihe college, which teaos -us tto -remark tthat none race, which is now entirely of concrete from the dam above town . to ihe mill the company has also thoroughly renovated the mill. About ?12,000 were spent by this company for improvements the past year. The $8,000 garage on Main street is another building in the 1913 class. It was built by S. P. Garrigues. It is equipped with all ihe machinery necessary for taking care of the automobile, and a better garage will not be found m Eastern Oregon. Ihe city 01 Heppner has spent a considerable sum for street improvements the past year and the result is fine, graded streets. MacadamLtation and other improvements are now in line and Hepp ner will do much permanent street work this year. The $3500 residence of W. G. McCarty on Gale street is a fine home and a valuable addition to the town. The Catholic church expended $2000 the past year on im provements to their property in this city. FOR TRADE 530 acres. 300 acres in wheat, 100 acres summerfallow, 130 acres pasture; plenty of water; all fenced. Will trade for Portland prop-, rial) The problem of furnishing erty. $3500 to be paid in grain 'ork for ?ien in. Eastern nnvmtc j Oregon, which is an important pavmenu,. question at the present time, is This is as good a gram farm as j to be solved within a very short there is in Morrow county. Willi time by the commencement of actual construction work on the I Portland. Ore., Dec. 30 (Spe- PsrsataiE an a xjm ?u jannatm:. ratkertthan xollege band could awaamaiaiissioi'wttaii idoonnuch oilier work and reach nnr aa. jas 10 ttwwwai.. tmicha-hnrh-standard of excellence Se 3Lidif:inrE"riini sboIJtwt Aauve nritthennusical "World. 2l inE Ml I "NIIIL BH.avtiamiaiI'ia- ! T4w Tiariot -rammont ttnA hTirl C.ninty ders EH r?cr-3 ar """ thawiieen invited io-snend acou- Him enmu&..'3iii Jm.Tw-!TOii4 5taD GarnerConrmLSStm tiar tiey m saasi a an ;.er-ia5taaeef w'il oa? an amiinrmai. bmrrrr .ir" max innuan ini-iaio. J.ne mvitaiion nas oeen ' insk'TdT-weeksatihe iPanama-Pa-c:cmc35xposition at -San Trancisco Jesse Beardslev and E.Eth Pearl wt.H pay tins addianiaL aramtF Arthur Keene snd Annie JL ucohwe. -wt aire- iana, .M -jo.r0om dwelling. -i limmrw a. .irfr.V-c mr, . 361 Jttam nnat of 3 tesrcabk- location. 1 wo chicken rh I'Jimrx CTerrt Tmsz 3- -wrr "" g-""n1 3iwMt thouseKarul 4rood woodshed. A CampbetL Victor F. Wurgfesworta f itifa I Irqnn Robert Burroughs and Grace into Che C.nrnmsjn .itS.-a 5 Ethel Brown. additiunaL awiuinr wuL at gaiit; ',101 K. Vernon Jones and Ruby D. ryotes. MaxwelL John Marshall and Anna Muili-ran. Andrew L Tucker and May Akers. Edward Mo Daniel and Sweek. in or 'jmt wita jam;jmm' i-accepted. tah lan jaa Jga 5iotHroL, .in 1 nvlli dbny S25DDJDD B00&3 Are ExrerteL Jtas. LcmttaiL, it tliuacwrft. & Eifie exnertingr the OTiinrr. binms-ffithe-vanuns orSes at ne 2Hirr hunae Vena. tins week- Set is aemir assaat , av- Osnun Eausr. rie vurs. :" a"aB- a:8 onnae - , .. SsmallttruitK -more samnw wtoi at wm la. Xiyoc ; 5501 down, balance easy pay 5as2: un2plsJ3tijB.. piveTIES. Jk -miuaau jwoaMn Sotmai, jbo- j jft. :countrj' home in ihe city. dacnin.aniii uOaen- mhrah AJJffliGAIN. sell at a reasonable cash price with terms to suit purchaser. Smead Si Crawford Card of Thanks. To all friends who showed us their generous kindness during the recent illness and death of our beloved wife and sister, we wish to express our sincere thanks. W. H. Turner Stella Boblit Herrert Boblit. For Exchange. 825,000.00 worth of first 10,000 acre unit of the West Umatilla extension irrigation pro ject. Orders have been received by the local engineers to begin work, supplies are being pur chased, camps established and everything put in readiness for a start immediately after January 1. With the federal appropria tion of $700,000 now available, the work will be pushed straight through to completion and it is expected that the project will be completed within a year. Under j present plans the Government jwill expend about $90,000 per I month. j The entire West Umatilla pro- ; jeci, cans ior uie irrigation 01 iiose-m 01 .v. it ..ni 1 t mostlv income property, in the fs h;"""""1 U1U MW: Citvof Medford. Ore., to ex- -V"' '"7",n change for good Grain Farm near ,lU h,revme!l WI.tth teml tof- do jj a Vi, mj ; Later, a large part of the iuuieisB i. ii. lucsauci, iucu- OtheoG. Crawford and VTuia caver the gaac ysac SMEADi EuAwFOED Later, a large part of the work ...:n k n ford Ore ue uiiueu iui suiau cwmioi;- ' i tors and the contracts offered to The next engagement of im-! settlers as a means of furnishing parlance to Heppner will be the them employment during the than enoueh 1 m inere 1S notning 10 ue uone L.iuDon re oruary io. i.ne many on tneir Claims, people who were fortunate in j l 1 xl . i..L -1 im n ...:n 1 neanng ine ciuu in 1 n. ei- M t y t $24n come their return to Heppner. . , L- , . iL , n , , in coyote bounties during the M George Parsons and four 1S13 M th most of his best musicians etme up ., , from Portland vesterday to fur- Prosperous month for trappers, nish music for the Palace Hotel for during that month $1034.50 dance. was paid out for "scalps."