The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, August 07, 1913, Image 1

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VOL. 30. NO. 19.
Bussiness Men and Citizens
Manifest interest by Lib
eral Subscriptions Over
$1765 Raised.
The coming Morrow County
Fan- is to be a success if finances
will make it. In an hour's work
one day the past week, $1275.00
was secured by the finance com
mittee from the citizens of our
city. Another testimonial of the
liberality of our citizens.
On Monday night the city dads
took up a numerously signed pe
tition of taxpayers asking that
the city climb on the bandwagon
and tune up. They accepted the
invitation and put up $500 more,
and then adjourned with the con
sciousness that they had perform
ed a righteons act.
Below we give the list of those
boosting the fair by liberal sub
scriptions :
City of Heppner $500
Heppner Milling Co 50
Phill Cohn 50
Minor & Co 50
Thomson Bros 50
First National Bank 50
Vaughn & Sons 50
Palace Hotel Co 65
McAtee & Aiken 50
Frank Roberts 50
Herb Fant 50
"Vic Groshens 50
Dennis McNamee 50
Gilliam & Bisbee 50
Phelps Grocery Co 30
Hendricson & Gurdane.... 35
Slocum Drug Co 35
Patterson & Son 25
J. B. Sparks 25
M. L. Case 25
R. M. Hart 25
M. T. Gentry.... 25
The Gazette-Times 25
Dr. J. P. Conder 20
W. P. Scrivner 15
S. E. Notson 15
Elk horn Restaurant 15
O. K. Restaurant. ........ 15
C. E. Woodson 15
Sam E. VanVactor 15
Bert Bowker 15
Vance & Westoff 15
Dr. H. T. Allison 10
Louis Pearson 10
Oscar Borg 10
Wells & Clark 12
Patterson & Elder 12
Dr. F. N. Christenson.-.. 10
Ben Ben Restaurant 10
F. N. Frye 10
Sam Hughes Co 35
J. S. Baldwin 5
Wm Hay lor 5
J. W. Cowins 5
Frank Hall 5
Bill Stewart 5
Mike Ilealey 5
John Sprouls 5
H. C. Ashbaugh 5
Wm. Wilson 5
J. H. Bode 5
C C. Patterson 15
F. T. Fuchs 10
IL H: Hoffman 10
WIghtman Bros 10
J.C. Kirk 5
Total 175 00
Willis Scott Duniway.State Printer
of Oreeon since 190(1, Jied suddenly
at an early Jioui last Wednesday morn
ing in Portland, of valvular diseasn
of the Heart from when he had been
a sufferer for many years.
Mr. Dtmiway belonged to a disting
uished family. His gifted mother,
Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway. is per
haps the best known woman on the
Pacific coast. His four brothers are
each of them prominent in their
sevreal calling.
He was born in Clackamas county
Oregon 57 years ago and was a ilfe
long citiron of his native State. In
1906 he was first elected State Printer
and at the end of his term was re
elected to thn same office He was
a wise and conscientious publio servant
and instituted many reforms and
economies that saved large Bonis to the
State. "He wts very much in earnest
in his efforts to aceure reforms in the
public printing and succeeded over
strenuous and often acrid opposition. "
J. H. Bryaon and son went tip to
the mountains last Tuesday to spend a
few days in the shade.
Rufus Cochran and wife were Port
land visitors last week. They returned
the latter part of the week.
. E. L. Padbeg went to Heppner last
Tuesday morning on a business trip
making the trip in his auto.
Mat Hnlvorsen made a fiving trip
to Heppner last week to look after
some business matters up there.
M. Bright one of The Dalles law
y era was business visitor last week,
He remained in lone a couple of days,
W. P McMillau was an lone visitor
last week. He is looking after some
of the warehouse interests down here.
Dr. McMurdo of Heppner is in lone
these days looking after the physician
part of the dure store in the absenoe
of Dr. Chick.
It is so warm these day that it is
very hard to get an? one to stir up
much excitement, so onsequently
news is lather scarce.
Gus Walker of Portland has been up
at lone for several days shaking hands
with old friends He left for his
home Tuesday morning.
B irn at the home of Mrs. E. B.
Williams on Thursday July 81 to Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Brown an eleven
pound girl. Mother and child getting
along nicely.
Lac McMiirry had his hand severely
hurt one day last week. We hope it
will socn be alright as it is not the
nature of Lao to be lying about in the
busy season.
Dr. Chick and family left last Mon
day to their auto for a vacation.
They will so as far as Crater lake.
We wish them a successful trip and a
jolly good time.
Little Doc Christenson the used to
be pill twister who has been down
about Portland fot some time is up
looking after the drug department
while Dr. Chick ia gone.
Ike Howard returned from Portland
last week with a load of very nioe
cattle. He brought forty back with
him. This will make our end of the
creek look good deal more like
dairying. We hope Ike has so much
milk and batter now that he will
buliu iilu a cre&wtuty ui his ranch.
Last Sunday was a jovial day at
Parker's mill in ha mountains. Four
auto loads from lone and vicinity went
up to the mill and joined forces with
those wtio were already there. Joe
Knappenberg iraeched Sunday before
last to the crowd of Ioneites who were
there. His topic was "Budweiser".
He departed for the springs last week
so he left S E. Moore to fill his posi
tion as preacher nd we fully expect
ed to hear a goed sermon when we
lauded in the t&i timber last Sunday,
but, ikias, S. . ot tangled in the
dates and when we arrived he was
wandering down tJie creek iu search'
of some kind of amusement so we did
not get to hear him lay the law down;
to us. However we spent one of the
bpst dars we have ever spent any
where in Oregon. We had fried
spring chicken, nice fat mutton, all
the dandy cream w wanted and every
thing else that pertains to a fine din
ner and to cap it all we had some of
those deiiciouse huckleberry pit's also
all thn huckleberries we could eat
fixed up in any. manner we wanted
them. Hero ia a list of the jolly
crowd who were there. J. H. Br) son
aud family, Louis Padberc and fam
ily. Lee Tadberg and faiuilv, Bert
Woods, Bill Cronk, Frank Woods and
Mr. Wood's sister, Marie Caeon, Etta
Akers, J. II. Wilt and fuuiily, W. J.
Blake and family, S. E. Moore and
family, E. J. Bristow and family and
C. J. Anderson and two children ap
peared on the scene; this makes a
grand total of 40 and we all had ths
time of our lives. Let's have some
more of these jolly times; it makes
us all feel younger and drives dull
care awav.
Secretary Smead Urges
Farmers to Prepare Grdin
Exhibits at Once. Now
Is the Time.
Farmers, now is the time to get
your grain exhibits ready for the com
ing Morrow County Fair. It will
only take you a short time to gather
four or five small sheaves of your best
wheat, oats and barley. Get it unl
foim size for the heads and about
four inches in diameter. Lets make
Morrow county's exhibits of grains
the best in the State. The best of
these exhibits will be sent to the
Eastern land shows where due credit
will be given the grower and the lo
cality where grown.
Wc beg of you not to overlook this
important feature of the Fair.
W W. SMEAD, Secretary.
Of Interest to Investors.
Since Morrow county has called in
its warrants, those who have been in
the market for warrants can now find
a good investment in I. O. O. F.
Willow Lodge will float a bond
issue of 118,000 00 in denominations of
$100 each, secured by mortgage on the
stone building. Interest 7 per cent
payable smi annually.
T. J. Mahony will act as Trustee
and First National Bank special depository.
This makes a sure and absolutely
safe investment for any one having
$100 or more to invest.
The issue lias the full sanction of
not only the local lodge, but the
Grand Lodge of Oregon.
We are receiving applications from
Odd Fellows Lodges throughout tne
State, and also from local inidviduals
hut must sell more. Applications
received iow and bonds will be issued
on or about Oct. 1st No money re
quired till then. Information and
application blanks cheerfully furnished
fov any Oddfellow, or
A. M. PHKfiPS, Sec.
Willow Lodge No. 66 I. O O. F".
At the close or morning servic
Sunday, Aug. 10, there will be
special called meeting of the members
of the Federated churoh and congre
Ration. Matters specially relating
to the coming year will be considered
It is most important that evevone in
terested be present.
Ihe Rev. Elijah Hull Longbrak
will pieah lu the Federated chuic
both morning and evening the M. E
cnorcn.bouth, uniting in the evening
service. .
The public cordially invited to
Go to the Bakery for
26 loaves for 41.00.
your bread.
can da so now with safety for there is
a party who is looking' after it, that
is, seeing that it is shipped as soon
as it ia briugt to tre depot.
The cvclone Saturday afternoon
done 'considerable damage to Mr.
Burgoyne's warehouse. Haven't
hear I of any other losses unless it
was some dust getting on the ladies
Mr. Tabor will preach his farewell
sermon at the Methodist hucrh on the
third Sunday in August. He will
then leave for Confereiiee at Milton
and tin less he is reappointed, he will
he in charge of some other parish.
We hone brother Tabot will come
beak to Lexington.
Mrs. Anna McMillan had quite an
accident while ;anning fruit Saturday
night. Site was placing the lid on a
jai cf boiling hot fruit when the jar
slipped and crushed, her hand went
through the jar into the hot fruit
uausiinu a couple of deep ruts to the
hone. Mis. McMillan who is wear
ing: her hand in a sling, says fie
doesn't want any more berry canning
this Reason.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Morrow Uonty.
Appiloation No. 12
NOTICE. In the matter of the ap
plication of Daniel C. Wells, to regis
ter the title to a strip of land Forty
one feet wide by bixty-six feet in
length off of the Northeast corner of
Lot Ten n Block Three, in the origin
al town of Heppner, Morrow County,
Oiegon, and more particular desuribed
as follows : Commencing at the North
east corner of Lot Ten in Block Three
of the original town of Heppner
Morrow County, Oregon, and running
thence West Sixty-six feet, thence
South Forty-one feet, thence East
Sixty-six feet, thence Noth Forty-one
feet to the place of beginning.
Daniel C. Wells, Applicant,
Rachel Ladd, Mills Androgs. Eva
Androsa, C. W. Ladd, and Alice Ladd,
and all the unknown heirs of John R
Ladd, deceased, and all the nnknown
creditors of John R. Ladd, deceased,
and all to whom it may concern. De
To all whom it may concern : Take
notice that on the 7th day of Angust,
1913, an application was filed by
Daniel C. Wells, iu the circuit court
for Morrow County for the initial
registraton of the ritle of the land
above described.
Now .unless you appear on or before
the 7th day of September, 1913. and
Bi.oA cause whysuch application should
not be granted, the same will be
taken as confessed and a decee will
be entered according to the prayer of
the application, and you will be for
ever barred from disputing the same
W.O. HILL, Clerk.
Attorneys for Applicant.
FOR SALE Ten 40-gallon oak
barrels, 12 00 each.
Palace Hotel.
See Nichol & Co. of Mosier Oregon
for good 16 inch Pine Wood..
If you want to save money on your
Fir insurance, see Smead, tf.
ine oumt cars or tne sectiou men
are now in Heppner and the "hands"
are enjoying "Heppner sights" for a
Mr. and Mrs. Doak, our school pro
fessor are enjoyirg an outing in the
mountains. SVe know they will enjoy
Dr. Crutchtield, head of the Uni
versity of Milton is here in the in
terest cf the college. He lectured
Monday night in the Methodist
A. P. Banion who has been work
ing for Newlon's, well drill for six
months, moved his household goods to
Fairview. Oregon. His wife proceed
ed him there vbout two woeki ago.
All those who iutend shipping
cream to the Tbe Dalles Creamery
It is a distinct pica-
sure to sell a watch that
w ill literally astonish its
owner by its wonderful
accuracy a watch that
will stay accurate year
after year through all
kinds of sen ice. That's
why we offer you
4 i
ThU watch is a marvel of ac
curacy, thinness and beauty.
Made in all sizes, for men
and women. Also Hamilton
movements sold separately to
fit almost any case,
Oscar Borg
Jeweler and Optometrist
E. F- Day, Plaintiff,
E. H. Andrews and Mary
E. Andrews, his wife, H. SUMMONS
M. Malzacher and D. A. I
To H. M. Malzachcr, one of the
above named defednants:
OF OREGON, you are hereby required
to appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above entitled
court aud cause on or about Six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons: and if you fail so to
appear or auswer for want thereof,
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief praved for in his complaint,
whiah is as follows :
For judgment aeainst thi defend
ants. E. H. Andrews and Mary E.
Andrews for the sum of 14.122. 00,
with interest thereon at Eight per
cent, per annum from May 28th,l!il2,
aud for the further sum cf $400.00,
attorneys fee and for the costs and
disbursements of this suit ; and for a
decree that the certain mortgage I
made and executed by the defendants,
E. H. Andrews ani MaryE. Andrews,
on the 2Slh day of May, 1911, is a first
lien upon ths real propetty therein
described, -to-wit: The SWJ of the
NEJ and WJ' of the SEJ of section
13, and the NWJ of the NEJ of section
24, in Tp. 1 S R 24 E. W. M. That
said mortgage he foreclosed and such
real property sold to satisfy said judg
ment, and (112. 11 taxes paid by plain
tiff; and that the defendants including
yourself be forever barred and fore
closed from all right title and interest
in and to Faid real property save only
the statutory right of redemption and
for euch other and further relief as
mav be meet and equitable.
This summons is published by order
of the Hon. C. C. Patterson, Judge
of the County Court of Morrow County
State of Oregon made on the 5th day
of August, 1913. The date of first
publication cf this summons is tbe 7th
day of August. 1913.
Attorner for Plaintiff.
1 st Annual
(F (Of IWnf
yiLii ii n
r M
El 11
EPT. 25, 26, 27, 1913
$1 C AA AA Premiums for Agri
I JUU.UU cultural, Horticultural
and other Products of the famous
Morrow county soil.
SATURDAY, SEPT. 27 Pioneer
Day. Every Pioneer of Morrow
county expected to be present on
that day. Prizes for the old men;
prizes for the ladies who are well
along in years.
Special Features chiidrenPaS
Auto Parade, Children's Exhibits,
Pioneers Day, Baby Show, and many
other attractions that will be named
soon as arranged for.
Suitable prizes will be given for
Articles not named in
Premium Book.
Now Now Now Now
is the time to commence getting ex
hibits ready. Farmers of Morrow
County must get busy and aid us by a
good display of exhibits or the Fair
cannot be what it should be.
W. W. SMEAD, Sec.
Pres. Director.