.4u,-". V, ). Mil k The'itav5atiactorY Rwitfe a ci w Make your cooking a duty pleasant by buying your Range of CASE FURNITURE COMPANY City Meat Market KINSMAN & HALL, Proprietors Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, SUGAR CURED HAMS Try Some of our Sausage. CUT FLOWERS OR ALL UCCASIONS at The Jewell Greenhouses THE DALLES - - OREGON NOBODY SPARED Kidnkv Tkoi iii.km Attack Hkimwhk Pkopuc Oi.i AM) Yoi:n. Kidney ills tieize young and old. Otfen (tome with little warning. Children suffer iu tlieii early veara Can't control the kidney senretlons. Uirla are languid, nervous, suffer coin. Women worry cant' do dailv work. Men huve lame ar.d aching backs If you have any form of kiduny ills You rnuat reach the cbubb the kid neys. Doan'a Kidney Pi Its are for weak kidneys Have brought relief to Heppoer people. Henpuer teHtimony proves it. Mrs. M. E. Barton, HeDpnnr, Ore., Bays: "I do not know of a better kidney medicine than Doan'g Kidney Tills. We have used them in our family for the cast two years and they I avo proven so effective in relieving kidney complaint that I consider it my duty to give this public state ment." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MilLurn Co. Buffalo, New VTorg, sole agrioU for the United States. Remember the name Doan's ard take jo other. GREATEST OF COM- MONWEALTH DAYS. Prominent Speakers Take Part in the Exercises at the State University. HENDR1CSON & GURDANE carry a full line of Candies, Nuts, Cigars and Tobaccos and defy competition. We will also keep our Famous Morrow County Ice Cream in Stock Made at Home from Home Products "That's the sixth Studebaker we've passed the only kind to invest in" "The only kind because, as I always say, when a man puts money in a thing he wants to know that he's going to get the worth of it out again." "That's plain business as I look at it" "That's why I say the price doesn't tell you any thing at all. There's only one thing that talks except the wagon itself. That's the name of the maker." "When you buy a Studebaker you're buying a vehicle that has behind it and in it sixty years of ex periencesixty years of success and sixty years of reputation for the square deal. That's why a Stude baker always looks good to me." "My father used to say that Studebaker honor was a sure at a United States bank note. He was talking after having used Studebaker vehicles since he was a lad, and he told me his father before him said, 'Be safe get a Studebaker." "Vehicle builders can't hold that sort of reputation now-a-days without delivering the goods. A Studebaker wagon has the bal in it That's why a man gets the moil out of it why it's always an economy. "Dealers may say to you something else is 'just as good.' But wben you buy a Studebaker, you're making a safe investment every time." See our Dealer ot write ut. STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind. HT.W YORK CHtCAOO DALLAS KANSAS CITY PF.NVF.R MINNEAPOLIS SALT LAKE CITY SAW TOANCISCO PORTLAND, OKK. ffl. L. CASE (Funeral Director ( and Embalmer CALLS ANSWERED DAY OR NIGHT. (Akthch CkAWFOISI)) "The greatest 0f Commonwealth davs" were those that were jmt held at the University of Oregon, the 16th aud 17th. Promineut speakers from various carts ot the United States were present and toog part in the ex eroises. "Through the annual com I monwealth conferences the state Uni- 'versity of Oregon is rising: to its true stature as the normal developmental agency, outlining measores for an ever higher organization of the busi ness, civic and social life and interests of the people of Oregon." The discussions at thesfl sessions of the different state problems are inte gral Darts of and supplements to the institution's regular curiculum work and they demonstrate to the students as well as to the people of the state, the true relation of the university ed ucation to the industrial and social progress in Oregon. FIHST KKSSiON The first speaker of the Conference was Herbert" R. Sands of the iNew York Bureau of Municipal Research. He spoke on the subject, "Ways and Means of Securing Better Efficiency in Public Affairs. " Mr. Sands said that the city should buy wholesale. Port land could save $100, 000 a year. This would be accomplished by the salaries being standardized and all purchasing centralized. ''The mnuicipal reports should be made intelligible to every I citizen. Edward E. Gray, Mayor of Astoria proposed a bureau of trunicipal re search for the University of Oregon in connection with the department ot economics and sociology. KKCONI) SKSSIOX Porter J. Neff, foimer City Attor ney of Medford, spoke on the munici pal market and described its success in his home town of Medfoid. A gen oral discussion followed Mr. .Neil's paper, on the subject of Co-operative Marketing in Agriculture, Hoiticul ture and Dairying. Other speakers of this session vfere: Z. W. Commer ford, who spoke on "Co-operative Distribution; J. Geore Johnson, mas ter Lane County Pomona Grange, who spoke on Rural Co-operative Credit Associations and a paper by O. M. Plummer. Secretary of American Eugenics Society. THIKll 8F.HS.ION A. II. Hairis editor of the Port land Labor Press was one of the speakers of the Friday evening ses sion. Pie read a paper on "State Planning." This was followed by a piper on "City Planning," bv Ellis F. Lawrence, a Portland architect. KOCRTH SESSION Saturday morning discussion by William G. Foster president of Reed College, aud Eugene Brookings, pres ident of Citizens Educational League took place on, "Readjustment of the Curriculum and Organization of the American Educational System to meet the Industrial, Civic and Social needs of the 20th century. Other speakers of the morning were Professor Ellwood P. Cubberly, of Stanford University and director of Portland Sbnol of Survey and J. E. Newman , of United Status Department of Education. FIFTH 8F.KSION Three simultaneous meetings were held Saturday afternoon. The Wil lamette Valley division of the State Editorial Association met to discuss the cost of producing a newspaper in Oregon. At the same time, the l Woman's meeting took place. Some of the speakers at this meeting were; Mrs. II. O. Wortman. Miss Mary F. Irtorn. Mrs. Henrietta Calvin, Mr. Minnie R. Trumbell, and Mrs. J. B. Comstook. The subjects discussed were: " What the Women are doing for the State." "What the Universi ty can do for the Women of the State," "What the Women of the State can do for the University. " The feature of the Oregon Editors Conference was the ppsech of D. O. Sanderson, editor of the Freewater Times. Mr. Sanderson's speech eon stated of a personal relation of his newsapaner life. He was formerly a minister, hut as he said, I saw a greater opportunity in the press. He took over the Freewater Times for its debts, five years ago, which amounted to $285. At that time the paper had a little over 150 subscribers. Today his paper has over 1100 sub scriners and he is worth upwards of (20,000 which he has made entirely from the earnings of his countiy weekly paper. He pays the best of wages. Mr. Sanderson attributes his suooess in the newspaper business to his olosq personal acquaintance with every citizen in the Flee water dis trict. After the meeting the editors were taken on a sightseeing trip over Eugene as guests of the Eugene Com mercial Club, and later attended a banquet at the Hotel Osbarn. Children Cry for Fletcher's Tle 31 J rid You Have Always Bought, and which has hcen In ai.se lor orer JO years, has borno the signature of . and lias been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy; 1 j." " 1 1 1 II ll.r V 1 . j if VI l.l I 1 . 7 iu 111 L M 1.1. .All Cmmlerferts, Imitations and "Just-as-good ' are but Jiiwrimcntu that trifle with and endanger the health of Jjuiiiui ;aud Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castoxia. is a (harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- f Srxri, lrops and. Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It i contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic aratalanice. Its iige is its guarantee. It destroys "Worm si nil allays lserisbness. Por more than thirty years it Ymm Tbeen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Ilatuleucy, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and. Diarrrxea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food .giving healthy and natural sleep. Hm Children's Panacea The mother's Friend. ceiuiHE CASTOR I A always tBears the Signature of NOTICE to all Fruit Growers and Dealers No scaly or wormy fro.it will be permitted in any market in Morrow county. HARRY CUMMINGS, Fruit Inspector of Morrow County M20-6m. How Do You Account For It The di sea tc ties tell us of one Elihu Fry of Marshfield. Ore. while walking in his sleep at tbe hotel at Goldbeaeh, slipped from the third story window and fell forty feet striking ths ground before awakening. He was not in- iured in the least by the fall. How do you account for such a miraculous I escape. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THCCTHTUB COMPANY. TT MUHRAT TBCIT. NEW YOflK CITY. r rsiow is tne time to leave your orders with the Morrow Warehouse Milling Co. for Alfalfa seed. No seed handled unless guaranteed free from dodder and weevil. tf. Premium List Out. The 1013 premium list of the Walla Walla County Fair Association has been received at this office. The fair is scheduled for Sept. 22-27, and in connection therewith wilt be staged for three dsys an exhibition similar to I tKe Pendleton Round-IIo and stvled 'Frontier Days." This feature promises to be a great drawing card for the Walla Wnlla fair. FOR SALE. Telescope attachment for Savage! Rifle. Inquire at G.-'l. office. For Sale or Trade. Will sacrifice my sis-room, modern house, corner lot bi x 10H, cement sidewalk and curb, in Vancouver, Wash. This is closn in on one 01 tne main business streets. Will sell for cash or trade for stock. For further particulars see owner, A. W. Johnson, 2J miles south of HeDDner. WHERE DO YOU TRANS ACT YOUR BANKING BUSINESS? Heppner i tlw business center of a large territory. It t.s our purjKise to maintain a strong, serviceable bank vdildi will truly represent the business iutrts of this section. We scant to ask your assistance by transacting your banking business with us. The benefits will be mutual. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER, OR. CAPITAL :-: :-. :-: $100,000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS :-: :-: $20,000 Directors and Offrcers (elected for 1913: M. S. COI1RIGALL, President, CLYDE BROCK. Asst. Cash. J. is- NATTEK, Vice President, J. IL MeHALEY, Vice Pres. i. MAHONEY, Cashier, A. L. AYERS. W. O. MINOR, FRANK GILLIAM. -J jO -JLo 1- ! SOS 8 You Can't Build Up 8 Estray Horse. I have at my plice, north of Lex ington. Oregon, a stray horse, in color brown and aged about 5 years; brand ed figure 7 on left hip. Owner can have same by paying pasture bill and costs of advertising. JOHN McENTlRE. Highest cash prices paid for dry hides and re Its by the Mjrrow Ware house Milling Co. tf. A Home Institution by Patron izing Outside Concerns Harry Johnson is prepared to dot nil kinds of work in the Iuh cf car pentering, ('ontraetin.ir. building and job work. Give hiin a chance to figure with you. tf. POPULAR J MECHANICS Popular Mechanics Magazine " WRITTEN SO VOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT" A GREAT Continued Story of th World' Progress which you may begin reading at any time, and which will hold your interest forever. 250 PAGES EACH MONTH 303 PICTURES 200 ARTICLES CF GENERAL IHTZREST The "Shop Notes" Department (3) paces) Rives easy wiys to do thm.es how to make useful articles lor home and shop, repairs, etc "Amateur Mechanics" (10 piRfs) trll how lo make Mission furniture, wireless out tits, boats, engines, magic, anJ all the things a boy loves. $1.50 PER TEAR. SINGLE COPIES IS CEXTS Ask your newsdealer, or writs: ron met sample coy today POPULAR MECHANICS CO. SIS W. WnMniM St.. CHICAGO We have spent several thousand dollars during the past summer remodelling our Flour Mill and now have a modern, up-to-date plant. If you are not using our flour we would ask you to give our new brand a. t SaL Special Exchange Offer To Farmers : Leave wheat in mill fo. your season's flour supply, aad protect yourself against advance in price. Specially Prepared Rolled Barley and Wheat Bran Shorts Millfeed MORROW WAREHOUSE fun i iir, rn o 3 o E3 O EU Licensed Embalmer Lady- Assistant J. L. YEAGER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone Residence. Heppner. Oregon