WEEK'S NEWS. Local and Personal Happenings. All kinds of good tee cold sodaa at The Palm. Do you want bunks? See adv. of T. F. Boylen. Dr. Harry Lane, Court house Fri day evening. Hear him. If you want to save money on your Fire insurance, see Smearl. tf. Born In Heppner, October 1, 1912, to the wife of 0. A. Fink, a son. SEEL) RYE For Sale Inquire of A R Turner, Basey ran'h, Clark's Canvon. tf. Mis. Chas. H. CurtiB.of Marshfield, Oregon, is visiting at the home of her mother Mrs. W. W. Smead. J. D. Cronan, cashier of the Bank of lone was in Heppner over night on business oounected with his bank. - It my be to your interest to get my prices before buying watches, clonks or jnwelery. C. K. Johnson, Jeweler. Dr. Hairy Lane, demorratio nominee for Senator, will address the cltizsns of Heppner and vicinity at the Court lioue. tomorrow evening. Fredench The Tailor has the agency for the celebrated International Tail oring Co. Leave your measure here and save 15 to flO ou every suit. Waiter Matteson informs this naner that he has resinned deputy game warden for Morrow county which pos ition he has held for the pas' J"- Miss Virginia Crawford announces that she is now ready to resume teach ing. Those contemplating lessons on piano can arrange with her to begin at ooce. Peoole of all political fait! s are in vited to hear Dr. Harry Lane at th courc house tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Come and bring your friends. ' Hurry Johnson Is prepnrert to ilo nil kli.ds of work in the line? of eur- jwnU'riiiix. Contracting, buildins' mid job work. (Jive him u chance to fljrure with you. tf. -fc Pos s For Sale I have for sale at my place at Herren'g mill, a large quantity of p-sts: also log wood. You can get me by phone. W. H. Herre.i. 'Mr, Elizabeth Keeney of Pendle ton, and her sister Miss Juanita Mat lock are visiting this wnek at the home of their father, T. J. Matlock, in H'ppner. F. M. Holmes, for a number of years a leading firmer of the Goose berry . snct ion, called n Eeapner friends yesterday. Ha now resides at Lents, Oregon. How does this look to you? The Gazette-Times and Weekly Oreuouian to Nov. l!)l3 for $1.50. Now is the time to net both papers and save just half your money. Henry F. Blahm is making son-e needed improvements on his farm down the crepk. building a new and commodjous barn J .11. Cox is doing the carpeutor work. E. H. Gary who h a been visiting for tin past two weeks at the home of his neice Mrs. Civile Wells, in HepD ntr, departed fur his home at Stock ton, Calif. , on Tuesday The railroad crew have been very busy putting in tho siding fo the now warehouse the Farmers' Union is building. The work being done at the depot grounds is changing the apnerance of flings down t at wav quite materially. Mr. Farmer, you are getting ready for yonr Fall seeding. Why not save some money when you come to by your drill? The latest style . EMPIRE DRIILL,16-diec. is for sale by W. P. Scrlvner for $90.00 cash. Thii will save vou about $30 See Scrlvner. 2t Work on the new school building is progressing raoidly at present and the and the concrete foundation will soon be comoleted. Sufficient crews are at work to posh the building along ra pidly and the hopes of the teachers and children that the new school will be ready for occupancy by the first of the year should be realized. r. M . Griffin was in from his lowe Eight Mile ranch yesterday. He has finished his thre-ihirg and sold a cart of the ersii Frank fails much better over the outcome this Kali and hones to s e the p. oplj of this se:tton get a scccession of good t rops that they may once rrore get ou their feet financially and be ante to look the bauker and storekeeper in the fce. Alice Foster. Forty three years ago Alice Mote was bom in a sunny Oargiun home. In. early girlhood she became the bride of Albert N. Foster of Missouri Later these people came to On gun, locating near Spray ' I To this union eight children weio born six of whom ar now .living These are Daisy Ritchie and Ella M G Iverv of Si-ray, Oregon; Pearl Kitkoatrick of Hood Riyer, Oregon Howard, May and Wilbur. One child died in infancy mid ono was accinent a'ly kille ) s jveial yeais ago. Mn--. Foster knew what physical suffering imant. For mor t"an a year she en dured the pnirg and a hue that tlegh is heir to. A year ago the family moved from Sprav to White Salmon, Wash., hoping the change might benefit her but getting no relief she rtturnel to Snrsy. Different ohysi clans were consulted: shewas finailv broDErht to the Heppntr Sanitorinui where she passed from this life Tues day Spt. 26. 19)2 ' Death was caused bv a complication of diseases. The remains w.ra taken to Haystack whre interment took place on Sun day ast. Mrs. Foster needs no euligy. The every day life she lived in her home and the lommunitv speaks louler than words. She was a. true Christian, a faithful and loving wife. a devoted mother kiud and accommo dating neighbor and filenrl. Sho hns left behind a sweet and holy In fluence which will act as a guiding star to her loved ones while lite shall last. , ; REPUBLICAN TICKET. STEEL RAILS A MARVEL The Strain, ths Pull, the Pounding and Grinding They Endure. Have you uu Idea of the strain, to which a steel rail is subjected today? Let us cousider oue for a moment lu the time of its greatest torture and see. The Cannon Ball express is com ing. It,ls drawn by two engines. The largest weighs 100 tons.. Seventy seven tons of the weight are carried on the six - driving wheels, which means almost thirteen tons to a wheel. Thirteen tons of weight upon each wheel! That means thirteen tons of weight Impinging for a flying Instant upon a rail surface perhaps no more than an Inch square and then moving forward all the time, a succession of whirling blows from a thirteen ton hammer. If the train Is going thirty miles an hour an Imnginnry square Inch has but one fivwJiiiiidred-andtwenty-eishth pnrt of a second In which to receive the blow, wince uuder it. dis tribute the terrible force of It through Its elastic elements to the surrounding muss of the rail, brace Itself to help, distribute stresses that nre being net up ou ndjacent surfaces and zigzag ging back and forth In all sorts of ways through the content of the rail and then almost Instantly lift Its de voted head to receive the blow of the next driving wheel. If the train Is goinsr sixty miles an hour Instead of thirty this all has to be received, withstood and passed on In one ten-hundred-and-Bfty-Blxtb part of n sec ond. And yet this isn't nil that is happen ing to the nerves of the rail. This Is only taking account of the compres sion strains. There Is another set of strains, for those big driving wheels are pulling the train. They have caught hold of tho rails Just as your hands grip the rope in a ttiK-of-war. and they take a fresh hold every frac tion of a second. The tendency Is to pull the top or head off the rail, to pull It all to pieces. It is the business of the rail to stick together, head and web and flange, in every single and separate molecule with all the tenacity of which steel Is capable. But we have stated only one-half the tension strain. This strain is revers inc nil the time, for while the bujre drivers are pulling one part of tho rail toward them they are pushing another part away from them. This plucking and spurning, hauling and kicking, tension and compression go on continuously. Complete reversing from compression to tension or back nsaln takes plnce with every half turn of a driving wheel and at a frightfully rapid rate. The marvel Is that the rail Is not ground to powder. Metro politan Magazine. . . . For Hectors, Taft and Sherman . , E. V. Carter, of Jackson County. . , M. J. McMahon, of Multno mah County. McKinley Mitchell, of Mult nomah County. Phil Metschan, Jr., of Mult nomah County. John L. Rand, of Baker County. For United States Senator Ben Selling, of Multnomah County. For Representative in Congress, Second District .. N. J. Sinnott, of Wasco Coun ty. For Secretary of State Ben W. Olcott, of Marion County. For Justice of Supreme Court Robert Eakin, of Union Coun- ." ty. For Dairy and Food Commissioner John D. Mickle, of Washing ton County, (Republican Progressive.) For Railroad Commissioner, Second District Clyde B. Aitchison, of. Mult nomah County. For Circuit Judge Gilbert W.Phelps, of Uma tilla County. For District Attorney Frederick Steiwer, of Umz - tilla County. For Representative 22nd District, Joint Robert N. Stanfield, of Uma tilla County. For County Judge L. W Briggs, of Heppner. For Sheriff Marion Evans, of Heppner. For County Clerk W. O. Hill, of Heppner. Fou County Siipt of Schools S. E. Notson, of Heppner. For County Treasurer Frank Gilliam, of Heppner. For County Surveyor . LoyM. Turner, of Heppner. For County Coroner Dr. C. C. Chick, of lone. For County Commissioner John Kilkenny, of Heppner. For Justice of Peace, 6th DisL Alex. Cornett, of Heppner. For Justice of Peace, 3rd Dist E. T. Perkins, of lone, 'or Justice of Peace, 4th Dist J. M. White, of Lexington. Pd. Adv. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Bears tha Signature f Th Explanation. Robert Ilenri. the artist said In New York of a bogus "old master:" "Some of these experts must be very Ignorant. Judging from the facility with which they are duod. They must be ready to swallow anything. It's like the Velasquez story. "An auctioneer, you know, put up the picture, saying: " 'Here we ore. ladies and gentlemen this exquisite Velasquez "Battle of Waterloo." What am I bid? Oue million nine hundred thousand' "'But.' Interrupted an expert in a puzzled voice "but I thought Velas quez died before the battle of Water loo r " 'So he did. sir.' explained the aue tioner. "so he did. but this, you see. Is one of dear old Velly's posthumous works.' "New York Tribune. Do vou contemplate- having nny work done in the line of building-? If no give Hfirry Johnson a i-hiuu-i' to (inure with you Flrwt cluss work and rathsfuction jiinrnntoed. tf, Tie Rq Favorites Wherever women follow the fashions most seriously the La Vogue garments prove to be the real favorites a Mi Ilfiiji Yet STYLE alone is not the only factor which has served to popular ize the La Vogue label. Genuine quality and good service have been factors. JThen there's the work of high-class man tailors which lends a touch of cleverness and distinction readily appre ciated by the women who know. All tliene features jou get in a La Vogue Suit or Coat at prices which are no higher than you've been in the habit of paying. 111 fill If you are not acquainted with La Vogue quality let us show you and point out the reasons why these garments are so likable and so popular with most women. C o Dr. Winnard has taken a .neoial course on eve jiseafsand is prenarel to fit glasses Droperly. Heaters ? Yes, Sir. Call and see them we think they are fine. Case Furniture Co. MAVE YOU THOUGHT About That Nsvar Tampted. Washington never told "George lie." "Well, be wasn't much of a Usher an any way." St Taul Pioneer Tress. CALIFORNIA TRIP? It's Time and The Way Is Via Prtty Grouchy. Gnbe Smith Is a (rrouchy guy. Isn't he? Steve Grouchy? Why. he hates to look at himself in a mirror. Cincin nati Enquirer. To PORTLAND Thence SHASTA LIMITED to the Land of Palms Let Me Outline Your Trip J. B. Huddleston Agent O-W. R. it N. HEPPNER, OREGON FOR COUNTY CLERK. To the Voters of Morrow County: At the solicitation pf many of the voters of Morrow County, I have accepted the nomination as an independent candidate for the office of County Clerk. Having resided in Morrow County for the yast seven years, I sincerely trust that my record is such as to merit your support. If I am elected I promise economy and efficiency in office and a square deal to one and all. Respectfully, Pd Adv. E. R. HUSTON. The It ' v For- County COMMISSIONER L L YOUNG of Eight Mile Precinct Favor strict economy fn County expends: against proposition of commissioners doing roml work, ex cept as overseers of the work: nlo favor redisricting; of the county iuto smaller districts for road Avork. Independent Candidate. GIVE ME YOUR VOTE Pd. Ada. KKYPTOK nfA Without wtsgjT .ViSION.' You read and look afar with equal facility, but no one ob- aerves that you are wearing bifo cals because the usual "lines" are absent. Wear the genuine KRYPTOKS awhUe and you will never willingly return to old style bifocal glasses. Oscar Eorg, Jeweler, Optometrist HEPPNER, OREGON earn Watch, i :.: '. 1'-. ( Men of The Hour meet the hour by the time of a South Bend Watch. Poor time has its ending good time its beginning in a South Bend Watch the Standard for Docket timepieces. These master "minute men" aremarvelsof accuracy. Every South Bend Watch must pass 411 inspections and run on-the-dot in freezing cold and boiling heat before leaving the factory. This takes a full year. But the result is chronometer like accuracy. Buy A South Bend Watch and end forever the incessant annoyance of an inaccurate watch. South Bend are the watchwords among men who know. When you buy a South Bend watch from us you secure our expert regulation service. I his is important lor watches don t run the same lor everybody. 1 hey ve got to be regulated to one s person ality. If you will come in we will tell you why. Prices Very Reasonable vA VVa 'XT Don't think that because the South Bend Watch U high clan la every respect that the prices are way up. On the con trary the cost ol a south Bend Watch is very reason able. Come in and look over our etock and Both will Drove a pleasant suronse. loday i a good day to drop in. C. R. JOHNSON, JEWELER HEPPNER, OREGON A if ' ,Vi DontPut Off Until To- morrow What Should be Done Today. This applies directly to those who intend taking ad vantage of the opportunity of placing their order early for a new fall and winter suit or overcoat. We are in receipt of about 500 samples of the very latest patterns. We are also in receipt of new samples from Ferlberg Co. and Universal Tailoring Co., Chicago's leading mail order tailors. These should particularly appeal to those who desire a good garment, perfect fitting and at a medium price. Come and see the new Light Weigt, Waterproof Overcoat now on Display j TAILOR