C. E. WOODSON. ATTORNEY-AT-L AW Offlci In Palaca Hotel Heppner, Oregon Sam E. VanVactor. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offloa oa went end of May Street Heppner Oregon. S. E. Notson ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offloeln Court Home, Heppner, Oregon. GLENN Y. WELLS Attouney at Law Heppner - Oregon Oflice on May St. opposite Palace Hotel. F. H. ROBINSON, LAWYER, lone, - - - Oregon W. H. DOBYNS. ATTO R N E Y-AT-LA W lone. - -. - Oregon. W. L. SMITH. ABSTRACTER. Only oomplete set of abstract books in Morrow county. Heppner, - Oregon J. P. WILLIAMS Justice of the Peace. Office with S. E. Van Vactor DR. M. A. LEACH DBNTIST Fermanently located Id Heppner. Office in tbe oew Fair building. Gas ad ministered. F. DYE, D. M. D. Dentist Permanently located in Odd Fellows buil.ling, Rooms 4 and 5. OSTEOPATHY AND M ECU ANO-T 1 1 EH A FY Dr. Martha S. Arledqc. D. 0. Dr. J. P- Conder, M -T- D. Treatment of all diseases t9 per cent, of c-Bes successfully treated without operation N. E. WINNARD M. D. PHYSICIAN & SSI' RUEOH 'Graduate of: Lenox College, 1885. Chicago Homeopathic Med Collect 1890. Rusk Medical College, 1892. F. E. Boyden. M. D. Physician & Sukgkon Office in rear of Patterson & Son's Drug Store. HEPPNER OREGON WELLS & CLARK. SHAVING PARLORS Three Doors South of Postoffice. . Shaving 25c Ilaircutting 35 Bathroom in Connection. PATTERSON & ELDER 2 Doors North Palace Hotel TON SO UI A L ARTISTS Fine Batiih Shaving 25c J. H. BODE Merchant Tailor UEPPXER - - OREGOX f. H. ROBINSON W. S. SMITH ROBINSON & SMITH. lone, Oregon. Real Estate Farms and City Property for Sat. Farms to rent. Correspondanc solicited. Children Cry The Kind You Have Always In use for over 30 years, unu iuis uccu uiauv uuu, rv- Iff i sonal supervision since its Infancy. Vrt&r-y . J-cccwvi Allow All Counterfcfta, Imitations -., . j. i,ln ., If 1i Infants and Children Experience against lapeiimenU What is CASTOR I A Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare coric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other JSarcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys AVorms and allays Fcverlshncss. Tor more than thirty years It lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CCNTAUN COMPANY. TT MUIIWOY STRtCT, NEW YORK CITY. 5000 Mead of Thorough bred, Fine Wool Sheep FOES SALE The entire stud band of thoroughbred sheep of the NUNAMAKER LAND & SHEEP COMPANY are now offered for sale at a bargain. This band consists of 2000 ewes with their lambs, and 1000 yearling ewes, together with thoroughbred bucks enough to breed the band. This is the finest bunch of fine wool sheep in Eastern Oregon. 2000 head of these ewes sheared 14 pounds, and they weigh on an average 140 pounds. For further information, addreSs GAZETTE-TIMES Heppner - - Oregon i a n a y i r . V..-J, tn age climb. The steel lining gives the speed grips the powder charge with just that compression needed to put all the drive of the explosion behind your load. And with Eastern Factory Loading, You're Mire of the tame speed a uniform spread of pattern in each an' every shell. Shoot Arrow and Nitro Club steel lined Eastern Factory Loaded Shells for speed plus pattern in any make oi shotgun. Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 299 Broadway ,2 Naw York City Ice Cream Soda, Ras. Porter, Orangette, Red Lemonade Cigars and Tobaccos In fact everything good to drink and smoke at THE PASTIME HENDRICSON & GURDANE, : : : Props. WEEKLY OREGONIAN - - GAZETTE-TIMES Both papers one year for $150 Subscribe now at this office. Bargain period closes October 13th for Fletcher's 4 Booght, and which has been has borne the signature ot no one loueccuo . and " Just-as-good "! are but and ?iI:inrrr tlie llCUltU OI Signature of NITRO CLUB fal T inorl - m . & . be a am., lta ' 3 If: . . waking their bajf. ;t''.'. 'Uut down the lead Cut down the guesswork Shoot the speed shells and . . ... wai tch your field and trap aver- LEXINGTON. Mr. Reed and wife were lone visitors on Saturday. The Ladies, Aid met at the reading room, Wednesday. Mr. Allen of Hardman was a caller at Mrs. Pickett's last week. Just to remind you call for your packages at the depot as soon as you can. j Mrs. Breshears was a Heppner visitor on Friday to have some dental work done. David Hynd and Will Furzer of Hynd Bros.' ranch of Sand Hollow, were Lexington callers, Saturday. Now that the Round-Up is over our town begins to look natural. It was almost deserted during the fair. Misses Etta Cork and Susie Munkers went to Cecil last Sat urday, returning on the special, Sunday evening. Even if there is a lot of wheat to be hauled yet, a good shower of rain would be welcome to set tle the dust. The roads are a fright with dust and chuck holes. The J. W. Flood Co. will give a big show here on Thursday and Friday nights, October 4th and 5th. Admission for children, 25c and for adults,' 50c. Everybody come. Another pretty home wedding was solemnized on Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock by Justice of the Peace Marsh White, when Miss Sadie McCormick, daughter of John McCormick, became the bride of Charlie Grey.. Only brothers and sisters of the bride and groom were present. The bride, who is 17 years of age, was very becomingly attired in white, while the groom, age 20, wore the conventional black. Both are well known Lexington young people and have a host of rela tives and friends who wish them every happiness all through life. Items of State Interest. That Crater Lake is the great est wonder in America was the decision of the party of seventy noted scientists who have just visited Oregon. They were amazed at 'the spectacle and as a result of their visit this great at traction will be widely advertised throughout the whole world. Hundreds of photographs were made of the lake and as many foreign geographers of note were in the party, the pictures of Ore gon's great scenic feature will appear in many scientific mag azines of the world. The Portland Floral Society will stand sponsor for a number of flower shows each year. A chrysanthemum display will be the first of the series and will occur in November. Another show of flowers is planned for next Spring and in the late Sum mer a dahlia show will probably be held. With a 20 percent, increase over the gram crop of last year, the Pacific Northwest states have their granaries full to the burst ing point and the railroads are hustling to furnish cars enough to haul the gram to market. Re ceipts in the Portland yards al ready aggregate 800 carloads more than for a like period last year and the movement continues heavy. Thousand of yonng Douglas fir trees will be planted in the forest reserves of Oregon and Washing ton this Winter. Twelve thous and acres are to be reforested and reseeded. For this purpose 100, 000 saplings, mostly two years old, will be used, also a large quan tity of seed. In the Siuslaw Mountains 6,000 acres will be planted and in the Mount Hood region 3.000 acres additional. Loggers and lumbermen are again having their inning. After a summer in which there was less loss from forest fires than for many years, the lumber market is in better condition than for a long time. Both rail and steam ship buisness is good and indica tions are that the Winter will be a good one for the sawmill busi ness. My Malaga, Muscat and Thompson Seodlesa grnoes are now ritie an4 ready to ship. Prices will be made to pros pective buyers on application. Quality and quantity guaranteed. Write or phone L. B. Kicker, Irrigon, Oregon. Notice to All Fruit Growers and i Dealers No scaly or wormy froit will , be permitted in any market in Morrow couniy. I HARRY CUM MINGS. Fruit Inspector of Motrow County. Al-6m. Go to the Bakery for yonr bread. 26 loaves for $1.00. ! I AN OREGON MADE RANGE Guaranteed Satisfactory Sold by CASE FURNITURE COMPANY. c R C E T " '" ' ' r '?rr-a' i yi i - ij i u i. v. Vv - i j - t I' j ' . k tthht1. 1 N Farmers Mention! Best Grade of Formaldehyde And Blue Stone Use both and save your grain 9 C I Slocum Drug Company ? y - Maxwell the Tailor before buying your fall suit. I have a full line of samples. Will make your suit here or order from the East. Cleaning and Pressing Ladies' and Gentlemen's Clothes a specialty For Sale At Palace Hotel forty-gallon oak barrels at $2.00. Gallon stone jugs, each 10 cents. Cups with handles off, platters, plates, side dishes, sauce dishes, and other dishes that are chipped, we will sell at your price. House and Lot For Sale. Good residence property in Heppner. House has five rooms with bath and pantry. Two lots, chicken house, 15 four-year-old fruit trees and some shade trees. Price reasonable. This is a good pickup for some party wishing to send his children to school. Inquire of Gazette-Times Real Estate Agency. Alfalfa Hay for Sale. I will have about Three Thousand Tons of alfalfa hav to sell, or I will sell hay and take cattle or sheep for pay. We also have a large alfalfa pasture to rent for beef cattle. Hunch 15 mile's south west of Echo on But ter Creek. Postolliee address C. 1 Bowman. Echo. Ore., Box 65 It. F. D.No. 1. House for Sale. Owing to the fact that we expect to move into our new home soon we will sell the house and )o and three acres including chicken house and cow barn. Near site of the proposed Catholic Hospital. tf. ARTIE MORGAN CONDER. Lexington and lone Congre gational Services. Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. in Ioue on the 1st and 3rd Sundavs of the month : in Lexington on the 2ud and 4th Sundavs of the month. One Thousand Dollars down and balance of$13()0 on easy terms will buy one of the nicest resi dences in Heppner. A six room cottage, well located, with bath and electric lighting. See Gazette Times real estate ageney. Highest cash prices paid for hides, pelta and furs. Morrow Warehouse Milling Co. r I c 9 jf Red Front Livery 8c Feed Stables Willis Stewart, Prop FIRST-CLASS LIVERY RICS Kept constantly on hand and can be furnished on short notice to parties wishing to drive into the interior. First class : : Hacks and Buggies CALL AROUND AND SEE US. WE CATER TO THE : : : : : COMMERCIAL - TRAVELERS AND CAN FURNISH RIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : HEPPNER. - OREGON Made A New Man Of Him. "I was suffering from pain in my stomach, head and back," writes II. T. Alston, Raleigh, N C"and my liver and kidneys did not work right, but four bottles of Electric Hitters made me feel like a new man." PRICE 50CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. No Wonder That Friedrich The Tailor is busy even this dull season,. Of course he is turning out the best made and sliape-retaioing clothes for lets money than any other concern. tf. AT THE BAKERY Get away from the heat of baking bj buying your bread. Cream loaf, plain loaf, whol. wheat and rr. Nrthira hettd than our cream loaf. Electric Bitters i