The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, September 26, 1912, Image 6

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    Liberty Meat Marker
B. F. MATLOCK, Prop.
The Best Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal,
Sausage and Home Cured Meats.
JANUARY 1ft 1905
L T 7 0 Anatomy, Sanitation,
ICenSe 1N0. L Embalming
By Oregon State Board T T p A CC
of Health to 1V1. W-WHi
City Meat Market
KINSMAN & HALL, Proprietors
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal,
Good Lard, About 10 lbs. $1.50
Lowest Prices on Meat for Harvest.
Plenty of them in Ileppner, and
Good Reason for It.
' Wouldn't any woman be happy,
after years of backache suffering,
days of misery, nights of unrett,
the distre.-s of urinary troubles,
when she finds freedom. Many
readers will profit by the following:
Mm. Victor Groshens, Heppner,
Oregon, says: "I first learned of
I oan's Kidney Pills when living in
Pendleton about nix years uj-'o. For
a long time my back ached constnnt-
lv and I was induced to try Doan s
Kidney Pills by readlnir of them In
the ne wkiiii tiers. The erinteiits of
two boxes drove the backache away.'
"When Your Back is Lame Re
member the Name." Don't simply
ask for a kidney remedy ask dis
tinctlv for Doan a mdnev fiiis
the same that Mrs. Gr shens had
the remedy backed by home testi
mony. 50c. all stores. Foster-
Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N.Y
Contracting and Building,
Painting and Paperhanging
Am prepared to do all lines of repairing and job work at my
shop in old Gazette Building on Main street, Heppner. See me
for any kind of work in these lines.
Fuel Dealer
Rock Springs Coal, Pine, Fir and Oak Cord Wood
and siao wooa.
Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company
and they will receive prompt attention.
eppner Garage
BertBowker, Prop.
Automobile for hire. Repair work of all kinds
done. Gasoline and oil for sale. Machines housed,
cleaned and oiled.
Agent for the 1912 FORD
Mrs. Josie Brown is visiting at
Mrs. Al Zmk s.
We see Bennie Boon back in
our town again.
Ed Pointer and wife have moved
to the Pointer ranch to live.
Tom Scott and wite. of near
Salem, are visiting relatives here.
Jos. Burgoyne is having new
wagon scales put in at his ware
house. Mrs. Emma MeAlister of Hepp
ner was a Lexington visitor on
Gertrude Beymer, accompanied
by her grandmother, leit ior me
Dalles on Friday, where she will
enter the Sisters' school.
Anyone who wishes to buy 35
or 40 yards of new rag carpet,
hit and miss with a striped warp,
please write at once to Box 55,
Grandpa , Burchell, who has
been visiting his sons, Ed and
Charlie, for several weeks, re
turned to his home at Portland
the first of the week.
Miss Ida Copenhaver, a well
known and respected young lady
of Lexington, left for Portland
on Saturday where she was mar
ried to Matt Hughes of Heppner.
Chas. Breshears and wife
Grandna Wrie-ht. Messrs Fitzsim
mons and Devine attended the
first mass by Father Marshall at
St. Patrick s church at Heppner
Miss Pearl Reaney, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reaney,
was united in marriage on Sun
day evening at 7 o'clock to Mr.
Arthur Parker. The bride and
eroom are both well known young
people having a host of friends
who extend to them heartiest
M1KEHEALT, Proprietor
Livery Stable
Heppner's Leading Confection
l ery and Ice Cream Parlors
X Can serve you now with nice, fresh Ice Cream. None
J tetter to be had in the citv. Fine line of fresh Candies.
Leading Brands Cigars and Tobacco
The Trials of a Traveler.
"I am a traveling salesman, "writep
E. E. Young. E. Berkshire. Vt. ,"ann
was oftiu troubled with constipation
and indigestion till I begun to use Dr.
King's New Life Pills, which I found
m excellent remedy. " For all stom
ach, liver or kidney tronbles there if
nothing better. Ouly 25 cents at
Slocum Drug Co.
University Faculty Bars All
. Drinkers.
To make dryness doubly dry,
the faculty of the State Univers
ity has assumed control over the
actions of the students not only
while they are in Eugene, where
no liquor can be sold, but even
when they leave the college town
for other cities. A drastic rule
has been passed under which
Hrinkinc in anv saloon makes a
student subject to dismissal.
No improprieties had been re-
rw-irtefi hilt, it. was thousrht best to
go on record at once, and let the
students know what to expect.
The faculty feels that this exten
sion of authority is justified by
the fact that many of the students
are under age, and are entrusted
to the University by their parents
and that it will be sustained by
the public sentiment of Oregon.
In Eugene the anti-liquor law
has been enforced for six years.
Wanted The Cosmopolitan Group
requires the service of reoresenta-
ve in Heponer and acrrounding terB
ritory, to look after eubicriptton re
newal!, and to extend circulation ry
peolal methods which bave prored
nnnsually successful. Salary and
Commission. Previous experience
desirable but not essential. Whole
time or spare time. AddreM, with
reference. Charles C.Scbwer, The Cos
mopolitan Group, 381 Fourth Ave.,
New York City.
it Brings Many Surpriaei at the Eng
liih Royal Academy,
When tbe lianuliiL' committee uf th
RukIIbu Royal nciu'.emy bun completed
the work of "lmuiii)i. the artist
whose pictures are exhibited on tin
academy walls are forwarded a plea
of pasteboard knowu ,ns a "vurnlshliiK
card." This card Is the first Intlniu
tion the artist receives that bis plcturt
has passed triunnilmutl.v through the
processes of judging and iniiiKing.
and It allows him to visit the uendetn
on a particular day "varnishing day
Just before the galleries are throw
onen to the public, lluiidreds of
knights of the brush are to be found
In the galleries of Uurllngton House
ou "varnishing day." and here and
there are (lights of steps and lmpr
vised platforms covered with artists
putting the last loving touches to tbel
canvases. Here, perched on the to
rune of a nnlr of stens. is a young lady
with smiling face scraping her picture
with a palette knife and putting In
fresh spots of paint occasionally, while
on tbe floor at ber feet Is a young man
whose features are the. picture of nils
ery, his eyes roaming toward tbe cell
Inc. His canvas Is hopelessly skied.
and he Is silently abusing the members
of the hanging committee for their
lack of Judgment
"Varnishing day" brings many stir
prises to the exhibitors One man will
find his canvas wrongly named, and
another, n impressionist, may be star
tied to discover that his glorious sun
set. over which he has taken so much
Dains. is unslde down. And for the
first time be realizes that an Impres
slouist's pictures can be turned about
any way without greatly endangering
the effect
Turner had one of bis paintings
hung upside down, and old academi
cians well remember that a little can
vas, "A Sleeping Naiad." was once, ow
ing to lace of space, placed on tbe wall
In an upright position and renamed
"Tbe Waking Naiad." National Maga
Carries an Umbrella, Has a Whip Tail
and Walks Like a Bird.
The frilled lizard is found In Austra
lian woods, being tolerably abundant
In north Queensland and the Klmber-
ley district of Western Australia. It
lives on beetles such as are found on
tbe tree barks. It Is about three feet
long, measured from head to tall point
Wbat'makes it remarkable consists of
two things Its hurried walk and Its
fighting anger.
It carries a sort of natural umbrella
tot) about its neck, which It elevates
suddenly with an alarming effect even
to ordinary lizard killing dogs, scaring
them as an umbrella opened In the face
of a charging bull; hence it Is called
the frilled lizard. Its teeth are not or
much use as a defense against a vigor
ous animal, but when it fights it uses
Its long, lithe tail in a ,way to bring
long bruises on one's hands in fact
could It be properly trained, it might
serve ns an automatic switch, which,
like the magic rub-a-dub-dub stick,
would at tbe word administer a thrash
ing to the disobedient child.
From the scientific point of view tbe
creature's peculiar method of ambula
tion is most interesting, because It pre
sents an absurdly grotesque appear
ance at such times, more especially
from tbe rear. It walks bipcdally or on
two feet, like a bird, and so much does
It resemble a bird In Its walk that It
seems to be the connecting link be
tween the ancestors of birds and the
lizards of today.
A Real Disciplinarian.
The other night we heard a father
speak thusly: "William, your mother
tells me that you must have n dose of
castor oil before retiring tonight It
is your bedtime now. Take your medi
cine and go to bed at once "
"But papa, I dou't wanta take no
aster oil."
"You must take It. and immediately."
"Aw, papa, Idowanter!"
"William. If you don't take that med
icine I'll put yu right to bed this min
nte without giving you a drop of it"
William was so scared that be took
it That's the way to enforce disci
ullue. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Eye Photographs.
An Imniri" impressed upon the retina
of tbe eye remains there an apprecia
ble time Thiii is the reason' wby a
torch swung rapidly seems to be a cir
cular flame.. The sensibility or me
retina is different at different times or
i he dav. Every one has noticed how
mi wn klmr in the morning and looking
at the bright window, then closing the
eyes, he will observe an Impression or
phantom of the window ror an appre
ciable time after his eyea are closed.
Domestio Bookkeeping.
"And what's your reason for Increas
ing the servants' wages. prayT ber
friend asked.
"Because my husband complained
that mv dress and millinery bills
equaled the household expenses, and I
want to show him they Qo not. Lon
don Tlt-Dlts.
Teaching the Teacher.
Mother (whose children have bad an
education superior to her own, to her
small daughter whom she Is In the act
of smacking) I'll learn you not to con
tradict me! 8mall Daughter (between
ber obs Teach, mother, teach. Lon
don Punch.
A Mystery.
Mummy, darling, where does the
fire p when It (foes out?"
"Goodness knows, my dear! Ton
might Just as well ask me where dad.
ij foear London Answers.
Buy I H C Wagons for True Economy
YOU cannot farm without a wagon any
more than you can keep house without a
stove. You use your wagon every day
and work it harder than anything else on the
Buy a wagon that lasts longer than the aver
age. It is an easy thing to do, even though
all wagons which are painted alike may look
alike. The difference in wagons is underneath
the paint. It is the material and workman
ship entering into the construction of I H C
Weber New Bettendorf Steel King
which make them the best wagon investment.
We tell you how our wagons are built, and
we want every purchaser to convince himself
before buying, that when I H C wagons are
advertised as having oak hubs, hickory axles,
and long leaf yellow pine box bottoms, these
are the materials actually used.
When an I H C wagon reaches a farmer's
barn, that farmer has one of the best wearing,
easiest running farm wagons that skilled labor
can make or that money can buy. There is
no need to speculate in buying a wagon.
I H C wagons are made for nation-wide uses,
with special features adapted to local condi
tions. Weber wagons have wood gears. New
Bettendorf and Steel King have steel gears.
The I H C wagon dealer in your town selU
the wagon best suited to your neighborhood.
Ask him for I H C wagon literature, or write
International Harvester Company of America
(Incorporated) ft
I H C Service Bureau
The purpose of this Bureau is to furnish, free
of charge to all. the best information obtainable
on better farming. If you have any worthy Ques
tions concernint soils, crops, land drainace, irri
gation, fertilizers, etc.. make your inquiries specific
and send them to I H C Service Bureau. Harvester
Building. Chicago, USA
Arrived This Week!
. Full Car Load !
VAUGHN & SONS, Ileppner
offers FREE, with the exception of cost of postage on papers and cost, of
tbe University Extension Bulletin, to CITIZENS OK OKEOON, forty UNI
VERSITY COURSES by MAIL. Ability to profit by the courses selected in
the only requirement for enrollment in the Correspondence Department.
Courses are offerer! in jne fieparxmeniu oi . nuum.v, I't-immin. iaumumih-i.,
Education. Electricity, English Literature, English. Composition, History,
Mathematics Mechanical Drawing, Physical Education, Physics, Physlol
ot Psychology, Sociology, and Surveying. Write to the Secretary of
the Correspondence School, University of Oregon, Eugene, for information
and catalogue.
COURSES IN RESIDENCE at the University prepare for the Profeationa of ENGINEERING.
JOURNALISM. LAW, MEDICINE, and 1 tAUIINO. rail aemester opene i uaay, P- -
dreaa the Kegntrar tor catalogue! aeacnpuveoi me - --
the SchooU ol Education. Commerce. Law, Medicine, and Munc.
n ib nun
An attachment for hoe drills a illustrated hero
has two very valuable and inipor "tit filature
which eve-y rrogresBive farmer will appreciate t
once. They are made to lit any hoe, are easily
adjuated and hiiwit the double nurpoteof retrii
Utlni the depth of sowing and at lie name time
f reaaes the toil firmly around the grain thus Iniur
nc immediate germination.
Splendid rcatiiti are obtained from their use.
Manufactured by
Pendleton Iron