The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, September 19, 1912, Image 7

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)i TAX
I came Into a biggish town
'Twas big In point of size,
I met a melancholy clown !
With misery In his eyes.
"Good slr," quoth I, and glanced
"What alls tho town and you,
Is everyone vacationing,
And have they naught to do?"
He fixed his mournful eyes on me,
And sadly shook his head
I glanced at all who wandered past
And In their faces read
Despair 'Twas plainly written there'
That all who ran might read,
"Good sir," cried I, "Pray answer me
To my demands give heed.
"The town is big, but empty quite
And when I last was here
The streets were swarming day and
The native shed a tear.
"Why, stranger, have you never
What happened here of late?
Upon the last election day
We held within this state?
"No! you shall hear the story now,"
He cried with loosened tongue;
From one who witnessed all the row
And saw how It begun.
"You see, the Single Taxer men
Accomplished their design
And I have lost unto the state.
The farm that once was mine.
"And when I've earned a little coin
I'll hie me to a train
And leave this town far, far behind,
And ne'er come back again."
This tale they told me far and wide,
The reason now I knew
For hopelessness on every side,
As towns more empty grew.
"The outcome of the Single Tax,
Or tax on land alone.
Which puts all on land-owners' backs"
They answered with a moan.
'Twas sad to see the once strong
Into hopelessness relax,
And to know that all the wrong thus
Was caused by single tax.
Hew Flames Can Swoop the I mid of
Even a Matal Ship.
The danger from lire on a transat
lantic liner Is more serious than is gen
erally believed. It Is much greater
than the danger from collision and Is
becoming mo" and more dangerous
with the liictt sod outlay upon luxury
and display. The inn in structure of the
ship and most of Its essential parts are
of metul, but many of the fittings, near
ly every feature of ornament and every
trapping of luxury,' are highly inflam
mable. No one who has not been aboard the
Spanish wrecks at Santiago can con
ceive how fire can sweep the inside of
even a metal ship. Admiral Cervera
described to me the experience on
board the Teresa In these words: "The
second shot that came on bourd set us
on fire. The fire main was damaged.
Soon we were unnble to cope with the
fire. It swept through her from bow
to stern. There was not a space as big
as the palm of your band where life
could hare been sustained. An insect
could not have lived on board. We had
to get overboard or be burned."
It is lrue the Spaniards had not cut
out their woodwork and thrown over
board nil unnecessary inflammables, as
wp had In the American fleet, but the
inflammability of one of their war
shlpH was much less than that of a
luxurious ocean liner. Captain Rich
mond Penrson Ilobson in Engineering
They Do Not Die After Fruiting, but
Reproduce Themselves.
Pineapples do not grow on trees. Im
agine a plant -four feet in extreme
height from the ground to the tip of
leaves, a single stalk at the surface,
but dividing at once Into swordlike
blades os leaves, fifteen In number,
from the center of which appears a
stiff, upright stem, at the top of which
is the fruit This stem is short, and
the crown of the fruit when fully
growu Is a foot or more below the
points of the leates.
At the end of a year and a half from
planting each plant produces a single
fruit, even as a cabbage plant produces
a single bead. But the pineapple does
not die after fruiting once. t)own on
the stem below the fruit and among
the long, narrow leaves? a sucker ap
pears. If allowed to remain this will
soon become the head of the plant, and
within another year It will yield an
other fruit This process may go on
for a term of years. In the meantime,
however, other suckers will make their
.These are broken off. and when stuck
Into the ground they put out roots and
become other plnnts. Thus a single
pineapple plant may produce a dozen
or more others while It Is yielding
fruit from year to year.
U'Ren the Moses of the modern day,
Hath lifted to High Fels, his mystic
And heralds forth the latest message
From solemn Oregon City's Sinai;
Letting us wandering, baffled tribes
men know
That which .should fill us with
sublime elation
That U'Ren, who hath led us on so
Hath doped us out a new tax
Far had we wandered, 'neath th'
Egyptian code
Of private ownership of land, which
The base of all our state's prosperity
And led to growth, with certainty
Fondly we dreamed of greater, sta
bler growth;
But a new vision to the Seer ap
pearing, Leads him to warn us that the
promised land
Lies farther on, in Single Taxer's
Neath the old code, by U'Ren sup
plemented, We wandered on, well guided In the
light time
By bright cloud castles, and also
By pillars of hot air within the
night time.
Now he would cast those tables down
and bust them.
Whereon Is graved our present tax
ing system,
And carve anew his Felslnsplred
commandment 1
The latest revelation of his wisdom.
Oh, "Moses," we have followed you
some seasons, i
And were beginning to learn how
to take them
The laws by which you strove to
lead from Egypt,
' But now. alack, you're planning to
remake them.
Some of the dope you carried to
Might, after all, be quite the part
of wisdom.
But the thin soup of Single Tax doth
drive me
To he the fleshpots of our pres
! ent system. .
The Intruder.
A certain boat coming up the Mis
sissippi one day during a flood lost
her way and bumped up against a
' frame house. She hadn't more than
1 touched it before an old darky ram-
mod bis bead up through a hole in the
j roof, where the chimney once came
i out, and yelled at the captain on the
, roof : "Whar's you gwine wld dnt boat?
i Can't you see nothin'? Fust thing you
knows you gwlne to turn dis bouse
ober. spill de old woman nu' de chil'en
out In de flood an' drown 'em. What
you doio' out here In de country wld
your boat, anyhow? Go on back yan
der froo de co'nfields an' get . back
into de rlbber whar yon b'longs. Ain't
got no business sev'n miles out in the
country foolin' roun' people's bouses
nohow!" And the boat backed out
The Largeit Described Snake.
Speke In his narrative of the Jour
ney to the source of the Nile describes
the largest snake that has ever been
seen by man. "I shuddered," he says,
"as I looked upon the effects of his
tremendous dying strength. For yards
around where he lay grass, bushes and
saplings in fact, everything except
full grown trees were cut clean off.
as If they bad been trimmed with an
immense scythe. The monster when
measured was fifty-one feet two and
one-half Inches in extremo length,
while around the thickest portions of
Its body the girth was nearly three
feet" '
' Looking Ahead.
It was the first night of a new play.
"1 say," remarked the author to the
manager, "that scene shifter over there
is a most peculiar looking fellow."
"Yes; he's an Eskimo," aald the
manager. '
"An Eskimo! What on earth made
you take him on?"
"Oh. I thought it would be a com
fort to see one happy face if the play
turns out to be a frost!"
"iS OF
Pairing lite Bargain Period
Ending Oct 31, 1912
To New or present Subscribers
Who Hand Us Their 75c. Now
Mail or bring' your subscription
today to tbe office of
Bargain Day Agents of The Weekly Oregonian
hepherd Check"
Cases In Point.
Rivers Brooks, that's the second
time I've heard you use the phrase
"aching void." I wish you would tell
me bow a void can ache.
Brooks Well, not to speak of a, hol
low tooth, don't you semetlmes have, a
headache? London Telegraph. r
In the Mountains. .
Climb the mountains and get their
good tidings. Nature's peace will flow
into you as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own fresh
ness Into you. and the storms their
rnergy. while cares will drop off Ilka
autumn leaves. John Muir.
Punishment For Whomf
Boss Barber What? Tou have cut
the gentleman four times? Well. Just
for punishment you must shave him
ail over again right away! f llegende
hepherd Check Worsteds are in the
height of good taste now, and are
being selected in the making of the
Season's mo fashionable garments.
The genuine Shepherd Check Worst
eds we are showing are handsome, ser
viceable fabrics with great textile
We will make to your order and
fit a suit in three button style sack
or in any style that you select for . .
Shepherd Checks wear satisfactorily and
make up into natty attractive suits.
Call on us and look over the Fall and Winter
line of Detmer Woolens including Shepherd
Check and other novelties.
The Best
Tragic and Romantic Episodes tn
Its Historic Career.
The Bloody Climax to the Attempted)
Raid by the Lord Gordon Riotore A
Financial Coup That Was Spoilad kj
the Duchess of Marlborough.
No other banking Institution ba so
romantic a history as that pertaining:
to the Bank of England, the "Old La-iy
of Threadneedle Street."
One of the bloody episodes In the fei
tory of tbe bunk is that embraced itt
the story of Charles Walter Godfrey
line of Its early partners in the bemta.
It appears that Godfrey while cross4c
the channel In the midst of a territic-
torm and laden with i 10.000 in draft
for the aid of King William, who w
Just then besieging Namur against tbs
forces of Louis XIV., Insisted upon bis
right to deliver the warrant for the
money Into the bands of the king. tbea
In tbe trenches under hot tire. As her
banded the document to the king, say
ing. In response to William's growl ot
remonstrance. "Am I. then, more ex
posed to danger than your majesty?
a cannon ball swept away his bead.
Not so very many years ago there
stood over the massive fireplace In th
directors' room of the bank three rurtjc
snectmens of the old "P.rown Bess." to
gether with a number of ronghljr
shaped bullets. In these relics was eiu-
bodleri a nicture of the November nisi it
In 17S0 when tbe mob of Gordon riotf
ers marched down from Newgate, -
tine fire to everv Catholic Chanel ca
the way and advancing with a force off
6.000 upon the bank itself.
Tbe clerks, armed with mosksMj.
were annrovided with shot Before
them lay rows of leaden lnbstaBds.
suggesting the possibilities of ft Bw
nse. In less than half an hour tbe toto-
standa had been melted and tnrwdl
Into bullets. The muskets were team
ed. At every window of the banae
stood two marksmen, their guns trail
ed on the mob below. Yet the rtotr
cam on until they were within w
yards of the bank gates. Then sttann
and clear above the frightful din.
the order to fire, and from th vnim-
dowa poured a deadly volley. Wteeai
the smoke finally cleared away.
lay dead or dying Id the open spar
now covered by the esplanade- tiw
Royal Exchange. The attacking- arras
wavered, stooped, broke line ana BMt
and the Gordon riots were at an enA
During the first part of the reign- em
George IL It was the practice of
hnnk tn rlve a recfiint In payment of
a deposit, the receipts being passe
from hand to hand ana serving n
same purpose as the check of today.
At that time Childs' bank, a privat
concern, which had the backing of m
great part of the English nobility, ex
hibited such signs of future greatness
that the Bank of England became
greatly alarmed, especially In view of
the fact that the "Old Lady's" note
were at a discount of 10 per cent fe
little by little, through their agents,
the managers of the Bank of England
bought op every receipt bearing the
Childs signature, allowing the colleo
Hons to accumulate each year until to
Hmo should be ripe, during a shortage-
of gold, to present the receipts In one-
great mass for payment it was ureu
ed a certainty that Childs' would nc
be able to meet the demand and wonl
thus be ruined.
rrh. nrincinnl flirure In tne a ram
that ensued was no other than the fa
mous Sarah Jennings, In whom cmiaar
hunk found its stanchest supportea:
One night there came a wild clanging:
flf th hell of tbe great gate of tba-
town of Blenheim a clanging thatsoo
awakened every one In the town. A
white faced, travel stained man staff
gered Into the ducal hall, begging a
audience with her grace. When tbe
ducbesa. In ber dressing gown, appeal
ed, demanding to know tne reasoa ie
thia unseemly visitation, the man ex
plained that the Bank of England b
the Childs' receipts In the amount
f (520.000. that those receipts would b
presented for payment at uoon folloias
Ing. that there was not at ChiU2f
enough gold to meet tbem, that kg-
ian th dpmand could be satlstloa wrtav.
ln eight hours Childs' was ruined asd
that there was but one person in ta
world her grace to whom tuey tmgoe
Wherenrjon the redoubtable ducbes
sat down and wrote out a check. wtUck
she banded to the agent It was as
order on the Bank of England ror tn
nqvmpiit of 700.000. He was Instruct
ed to take this check to the Bank oT
England and to say that if it hesitated
for a ainele instant in paying it U
duchess would proclaim it as a defaulter.
At 12 o'clock that day there appeal
ed at the Childs' counter an agent of
the Bank of England bearing a big bna;
ful of receipts and blandly suggennc
Immediate payment At tbe same mo
ment tbe Childs' agent was In Thread
needle street receiving cash oa tb
check of the duchess.
The cashiers at Childs naturally took
their own time in scrutinizing the re
ceipts, spending fully half an hour over
lhA first hutch alone. Tbe? were atthe
lend of the first hundred when tbrtr
messenger arrived. Then they quick
ened the procedure a little, and wlthhe
ten minutes the Bank of England next
been paid in its own coin. The net;
result was that Childs was many thou
sands of pounds richer. Harper's.
j We never see the target a man tin
at In life. We see only the target ae
hits. Jordon.