The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, September 19, 1912, Image 5

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    ""V '
Local and Personal
Do you want bucks? See adv. of
T. F. Boylen.
Delicious sodas and ice cream sodas
at The Palm. k
Charley Beymer is ovsr from Mon
ument looking after business matter'.
SEEL) RYE For Sale Inquire of
A R Turner, Basey ranch, Clark's
Can von. tf.
Banker Mahoney returned on Mon
day from a visit of a few days in
R. F. Wiglesworth loading Butter
creek rancher was in Heponer on
A good, practically new Remington
typewriter for sale. Inquire at this
office, tf.
Di 0. C. Chick of lone was in
HsDoner over Monday night on profess
ional business.
Joe Waters and Bert Maann. lead
ins merchants of lone, were Sunday
visitors in Hepper.
For croup or sore throat, use Dr.
Thomas' Electic Oil Two sizes 25c,
and 60o. At all dru stores.
People wlHhinjr woodsawing done
will kindly leave orders with Hen
dricsoii & Uurdane at the Pastime.
lino. It. L. Mkkkick.
Harry JohriHon In prepared to do
Jill kinds of work in the line of car
pentering. Contracting, building
and job work. (Jive him a chance
to figure with you. v. tf.
Chas. Vaushn and wife took their
departure for Portland on Monday to
speud a week of pleasure and recrea
tion in the metropolis.
Bishop Robert Taddock of the Episco
pal church was in Heppner over Sun
day and held services at his oburch
both morning aud evening.
Eczema sDreads rapidly; itching
almost drives you mad. For qick
relief, Doan's Ointment is well reo
ommended. BOo at all stores.
Miss Virginia Crawford announces
that she is now ready to resume teach
ing. Those contemplating lessons on
piano can arrange with her to begin
at once.
J . H. Padbera was in town Mondav.
He lias finished the heading of his big
acreage of wheat and is new ready
to nut it through the thresher. He ex
pects a good yield.
Rev. W A.Pratt and family departed
yestetday morning for their home at
Bend. Oregon where Rev Pratt will
have charge of the Methodist chorea
for the coming year.
J. A. Adams came in from Hard
man with his family on Suodav after
noon, and on Mondav Mrs. Adams and
children departed for their home at
Corvalis where they will reside during
the winter and sohool their children.
Dial. Attty. VanVactor returned to
Pendlet in on Sunday to he in atten
j dence upon Circuit Court, the regular
September term of Umatilla county
)ooenina on Monday. He his promise
of plenty of ciiminal work befor hirr.
' Dr. F. Dye, dentist, recently
arrivoJ from Vancouver Wash, and
lias opjned ud an office in the I O O F
buildina. Ho has purchased the Dr.
Metzler tools and offioe equipment and
occupies the rooms formerly used by
Hanv Morgan came over from Can
yon City on Tuesday, bringing home
Mrs. J. P. Condor and Mies Mary Mor
gan who have been on a visit of a few
weeks to relatives over there. Harry
returns to Canyon ou Saturday and
will enter eohool there for the winter.
Mr. Farmer, yon are getting ready
for your Fall seeding. Why not save
some money when you come to by your
drill? The lat st style EMPIRE
. DRIILL,16-disc. Is for sale by W. P.
Scrlvner for $90.00 cash. Thii will
save you about $30. See Scrlvner. 2c
Mrs. -J A. Kfiihn, who resides a
few miles northeast of lone, met with
a very painful accident oue day last
week. She was carrying hot water
from the stove to the wash tub and
fating ypilt the wat r over her shoulder
and breast A very bad burn was the
result and she has suffered much
from the accident sinoe.
Geo. Mead was in town on Saturday
and claims that he has made t!:e cham
pionship rnn with bin header this
season; if any one has doie Better it
has rot been rerjorttd as yet. His
crew pot in 51J days and cat 141 acres.
He worked in fields all the way
from the uorth of lone to BUkhorse
and with the exception of one mm
finished with the samo crew that he (
beean with.
One Thousand Dollars down and
balance of$13()0 on easy terms
will buy one of the nicest resi
dences in Heppner. A six room
cottasre, well located, with bath
and electric lighting. See Gazette
Times real estate ageney.
Rev. Chas. MaoCaushev of Spokane'
was in Heponer over Sunday and de
livered to very escell nt sermons nt .
the Federated chuich. Rev. Mac-!
Oaughey rereived the aopointment at'
trie lecent oonirenoe oi me metnonisi
church lo be the head of the Deacon
ess Hospital and also the ' Home for
the Aged nt 8pokn, and has moved
to that city to begin his work. He
came to Heponer to speak on last
Sunday by special request and those
who were fnrtnnrte enough to hear
him, speak very highly of the splendid
DulDit ability of the reverend gentle
man. Until recently Mr. McCaoghey
was engaged in the rmwapaper busi
ness at Freewarer being one of the
owners of tile Freewater Times, and
be hsa a well earned sympathy for
the country newspaper mn. We ac
knowledge a very pleasant call from
the preauher and hope that he may
come this way again.
tne Christian Choroh. At the
Christian churoh in this citv regular
preaching gerv'ces will be resumed on
next Sundny, Sept. 22nd Rev. H. A.
VanWlrtkle. the pastor, has arrived,
and his wotk with this chuich begins
on the above date. The church has
promise of a very ' successful year
before it onder the pastorate of Mr.
Van Winkle and he comes to this com
munity well recomendrtd as a man aid
preacher. He announces services for
r.ext Sunday as follows: Bible school
at 10:00 a. m Let no one miss this
very important service. The' subject
for the eleven o'Moca service will be
"A Year for our SaTiour'; Young
people's meeting at 6: 45 p.m. The
subject for the evening service which
will begin at 7:30, will be a "A
Bank Deposit." The pastor desires to
meet all the singers at the church
Friady evening, Sept. 20 at "7:30.
Rosann Brns rave this week opened,
up the old Simons blacksmith shop,
put in a new outfit of tools for both
blacksinithing and wood work and are
prepared to take oharge of all work in
this line that may be entrusted to
them. Ihe doors of this shop have
been closed for sometime and it looks
good to see business going on there
again. TheRoson Bros, are eiperinced
workmen in both liues of the trade and
we bespeak for them success.
R. F. Bicknell of Boise, Idaho, is
credited with boying and shipping
more sheep than any other buyer in
the West The Boise Capitol News
says he has already shipped 500.0C0
sheep, lambs and wethers and that he
haa orders for two trainloads or 18,000
a week for the next six weeks. As
these sheep all come from Eastern
Oregon and Western Idaho, there nust
be a few breeding sheep still doing
business. Rural Spirit.
Thos. Morgan has rented his place
adjoining HPPner Bd expects to
leave on an extended visit to difereut
points In the Northwest. He will go
to Pendleton to tike in the Dis r:ct
Fair and Round-Up, and from there
he will go on to Walla Walla and
Spokane, spending some time each of
these cities after which he will visit
different points in the Willamette
Geo Burnide and family recently
from Kansas, have located on a farm
in Rood Canyon, having come to Moi
row County to make their future
Mrs. W.O. Minor and family re
turuei from theii visit to Portlan 1
and the Coast, where they have been
for s. vdral weeks, on Monday evening.
Frederich The Tailor has the agency
for the celebrated International Tail
oring Co. Leave your measure here
and save (5 to $10 ou every suit.
The day of harsh physics is gone.
People want mild, easy laxatives.
Doan"s Reaolets have satisfied thou
sands 25c at all stores.
If you want to save money on your
Fire insurance, see Smead. tf.
Mv Malaga, Musoat and Thompson
Seedless graces are now ripe ani ready
to ship. ; Prices will be made to pros
pective buyers on application. Quality
and quantity guaranteed. Write or
phone L. B. Kicker, Irrigon, Oregon.
Woman loves a clear rosy complex
ion. Burdock Blood Bitters is splen
did for purifying the blood, olearing
the skin, restoring icund digestion.
All druggists sell it. Price 1100.
It may be to your interest to get
my prices before buying watches,
clocks or, jewelery. , C. R. Johnson,
Do you . contemplate having any
work' done In the line nf building?
If Hi give Harry Johnson a chance
to figure with you First class work
and Katlwfactlon guaranteed. tf.
ff', 't ( i' " " '
Stop that Squinting
Relieve ydur overworked nerve
from the wasteful strain of those
ill-fitting glasses and let us make
you contented and comfortable
with our new
Alfalfa Hay for Sale.
I will have about Three Thousand
Tons of alfalfa hny to sell, or I will
sell hay and take cattle or sheep for
pay. We also have a large alfalfa
pasture to rent for beef cattle. Ranch
15 miles south west of Echo on But
ter Creek. Postolliee address
C. I Bowman".
Echo, Ore., Box 65 K. F. D.No. 1.
House for Sale.
Owing to the fact that we expect to i
move into our new home soon we will
sell the house and lo and three acres
including chicken house and cow barn.
Near site of the proposed Catholic!
Hospital. -
No Causs For Hurry.
When Martiu V. LIttletou was pre
paring the case of Harry Thaw for
trlnl he sent word to Thaw one day
that he would see bim in the prison at
3 o'clock that afternoon. Littleton
renched the Tombs an boor late and
found Thaw bigbty indignant because
of the delay.
"Wbut on earth does this mean?" de
manded the prisoner. "You're an hour
lute for this appointment."
-Well." explained Littleton calmly.
"I figured that I would certainly find
you here, no matter bow late I was."
New York Tribune. 1
The Fits-U Eyeglasses are made
for the man or woman who cares
about personal appearance and
better. eyesight. Will you come
in and see them . .
Jeweler and Optometrist
Heppner . - Oregon
n Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
September 19,20, and 21
We will have on display at our store large sam
ples of the entire stock of a leading wholesale
house. A competent representative direct from
the house will be here to take your measure.
Good Clothes, Consistent Prices
Cloth, Linings, Fit, Style and Workman
ship Guaranteed or your money back
This is an opportunity to have your clothes made to order
at a cost no more than you have to pay
for ready made garments
&, CO.
H The One Great Show That . fl j
H ' ' You'll Never Forget ! W
1 I FT T.R Rllflf A' J I
WW ; yll'h f " " :yv".i j ii
H Life-like Motion! , y
jgj Pictures. j ( H
Pi L ' f
' .dJ of Real Thrills - M
B ' club y
( Building X
8 - . Sat. Eve B