The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, September 19, 1912, Image 4

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Easy Payment
$5 Oowfi and $5
per Month With
out Interest.
Local Agent
Gilliam, Sherman and Mor
row Counties
Best display of Livestock, Poultry, Agri
cultural and Horticultural exhibits in
JEastern Oregon.
Running:, Trotting-, Relay, Hippodrome,
and Pony Express races; Trick Hiding
and Broncho Busting each day.
Arrangements are 1 t i madeto secure
Arnold's Amusement Company for the
three cays.
Music by two bands. Parade each day.
" Biff Dance each evening.
BER 15 -
Gilliam Bisbee
- - 5
16 - 17, 1912
I The Heppner Gazette, Established March 30, 1883
The Heppner 1 ime, cuaDiienea o,
Consolidated February 15, 1912.
VAWTER CRAWFORD. . Editor and Proprietor
ltued every Thunday morning, and entered at
(he Poiloffice at Heppner, Oregon, a second
class matter.
One Year l-50
Six Months, 75
Three Months 50
Single Copies -"5
Display, transient, running lens than one month,
first insertion, per inch, 25c; subsequent in
sertions. 12 l-2c; display, regular, 12 l-2c.
locals, first insertion, per line, 10c; subsequent
insertions, per line, 5c; lodge resolutions, per
line, 5c: church socials and all advertising ol
entertainments conducted lor pay, regular rates.
Thursday. September 19, . . 1912
"The sucoess in the presidential
campaign of Wilson and the Demo
cratic party depends wholly on 10
what extent the Republican party has
been divided by the Roosevelt secess
ion" save the New Orleans Pioayunr,
If the Republican party should be
found standing together as it did in
the election of 1908, there would be no
possibility of beating it In 1908 Judge
Taft receive! of the popular vote a
plurality of 1,296,880, as well as a
majority of 159 electoral votes, over
thoe cast for Mr. Bryan, and should
the Rebnbliran party be able to main
tain itself up to the standard of four
years ai there would be no hopes of a
Democratic victory.
These are the words of a shrewd
and able Democratic journcl. They
express the view of every sane Demo
cratic newspaper and politician in the
oountry. The Rooeevelt defection
give Democrats their only hope of
tnumoh. Tha Republi inns could lose
1.000,000 votes and atill elect Taft.
The fear that the Roosevelt defection
will deprive the party of a greater
number of vott-s depresses the Repub
licans and encouraiea Democrats. If
there were any approach lo unity in j
the ratiKS in 1912, they would win a:
digger victory even than they gained
in 1S108, for the states which are
usually Republican made a greater in-
increase in representation in Congress
and in the electoral college the new
apportionment than did those which
are generally Democratic. This being
the situation, the duty of the leaders
of the two factions of the Repubican
party to patch up their differences is
plain, President Taft, is the regularly
selected candidate of the partv. He
was honestly chosen ar.d should 're
ceive the Bupnort of every man who
calls himself u Republican. He will
not withdraw, Fealtv to the men
who placed him in nomination, as well
as his duty to the country, compels
him not only to stay in the field, but
to aid his suDPortera in their legiti
mate efforts to secure his election.
United, the Republ'cans nave a
large majority of the electorate.
Jodge Stephen A. Lowell, of Pend
leton, is quoted by the E.O. as ssyiog
the following concerning the recent
vinit of Col. Roosevelt to Oreaon:
' 'Roosevelt's tour through Oregon
mast be a disappointment to bis
friends. He has Leen weighed in the
balances and found wanting. Many
men awaited his coming to learn
where he stands upon the vital ques
tion of the hour; thev asked for bread
and he has given them a stone. I
read with such care as nobble his
Portland address to ascertain his views
upon the trust rjroblem. and found
that he had dodged the question. I
wanted to know from h'm the con
nection of Perkins of theteel tinst
and tbe harvester trust with his
candidacr, but when a La Grande
auditor asked regarding; that Roose
velt lost bis temper and refused to
answer. Two weeks ago he proclaim
ed that Jonathan Bourne as the only
man who had ever aoproaehed him in
the interest of the Standard Oil Com
pany, and yet in Portland he exDressIv
endorsed Bourne. It peenis to me
Roosevelt's caudidacv his waxsd to
its limit, and will now wane to its
death. His friendship for the trusts
and pubic sentiment against the third
term must alienate thinking men
everywhere. In my judgement bis
continued candidacy can only result in
the easy election of Governor Wilson.
One of the most novel as well as one
of tbe most instructive exhibits at the
annual Umatilla-Morrow couoty fair
will be tbe demonstration of scientific
bee culture which is gradually begin
ning io assume an imnottauce in the
indnstrial life of eastern Oregon. All
r.retjatations have been made for a
thorough exemplification of the best
methods of making bee cuture profit
able and the exhibit will be supple
mented by two Ie:ture daily. The
exhibit will be in charge of T.
J. Barringer of Stanfield, an apiarist
of forty years exDerience. Twice
each day, once once in the afternoon
and once in the evening, ho will de
liver a letture, treating of tha culture
of tbe honeybee from its elementary
principle to its most intricate prob-I
a the novice will receive valuable
information. The bees will be k"pt
within street's so that they can not
become too friendly with the audience
and will ba fed on candy sugar and
sweetened water during the wtek,
Should any one inter-sted wish to in
spect the hives, he or she will ba pro
vided with a bee veil wHch will en
able them to enter toe screened area.
In order to be of assistance to bee
raisers as well as to demonstrate
better the proper way of hiveina the
busy little insects, Mr. Barrirger
will examine any hive brooght to
him to determine whelher or n t they
are infected with any fool brood or
other bee diseases and will transfer
the bets info soientiflo hives it desired.
The district Fair at Pendleton and
the Round-up, which is becoming an
attraction of nation-wide fame takes
place at Pendleton next week and a
large number from this section are
planning to attend. Morrow County
will have fine exhibits at the fair, and
it should not be over looked that this
will be a good onoorl unity for adver
tising the advantages of our section.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bough!
Bears the
Signature f
House and Lot For Sale.
Good residence property in
Heppner. House has five rooms
with bath and pantry. Two lots,
chicken house, 15 four-year-old
fruit trees and some shade trees.
Price reasonable. This is a good
pickup for some party wishing
to send his children to school.
Inquire of Gazette-Times Real
Estate Agency.
For Sale
At Palace Hotel forty-gallon
oak barrels at $2.00. Gallon
stone jugs, each 10 cents. Cups
with handles off, platters, plates,
side dishes, sauce dishes, and
other dishes that are chipped,
we will sell at your price.
Lexington and lone Congre
gational Services.
Preaching services at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. in Iotie on the 1st and 3rd
Sundays of the month ; in Lexington
on the 2ud and 4th Sundays of the
Notice for Publication.
Public Land Sale. Department of
he Interior U. S. Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, August 7, 1912
Notice is hereby given that as di
rected by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provisions
of Act of Congress approved June 27,
1900 (34 Stats., 517). pursuant to the
nDplication of John E Stevens. Serial
No 09G91, we will offer at public sale
to highest bidder, but at no less than
$1.25 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on
the 25th day of September, 1912, at
this office, the following tract of
land: SW'i SW1. Sec. 18.NE1NW1,
Sec. IS). 1'. 5 S., R. 26 E. , W. M.
Anv persons claiming adversely the
above-described laud are advised to
file their claims, or objections on or
before the time designated for sale.
C. W. MOORE, Register.
A. 15-S. 19.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
August 0, 1912. Notice is hereby
given that, as directed by the Com
missioner of the General Land Office,
under provisions of Act of Congress
approved June 27, 190(! (34 Stats. 517,),
Duisuant to the application of Harley
Matteson, Serial No. 09(i67, we will
offer at public sale, to tbe highest
bidder, but at not less than S1.50 per
acre, at 6 :30 o'clock A. M. , on the
25th day of September, 1912, at this
office, the following tract of land:
SWi NEJ. Sec. 10, T. 5 S.. R. 26 E ,
W. M. Any persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described land are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before the time designated
for sale.
C. W. MOORE, Register.
A. 22-S. 19.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
AugUBt 10, 1912. Notice is hereby
given that Henry Miles Warren, of
lone, Oregon, who, on March 18, 1911,
made Homestead Entry, No, 08061. for
SWi, Section 11, Township 3 South,
Range 23 East, Willamette Meridian
has filed notice of intention to make
Commutation Proof to establish claim
to the land above described, before
Register and Receiver, United States
Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon,
on the 27th day of September, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
A. B. Grover, Frank Everson, J. L.
Kincaid, R. H. Hess, all, of lone.
C. W. MOORE, Register.
A. S2-S. 19.
The Bank of lone, at lone In the
State of Oregon, at the close of
business September 4, 1912.
Loans anil discounts - - $54 248 54
Overdraft, secured and
unsecured - - - - 4(10 01
Stocks and other securities 7 (Mil) 00
Banking; house - - - 4 500 00
Furniture and fixtures - - 1 723 00
Due from banks (not reserve
banks) - 10 00
Due from approved reserve
banks - - 14 550 7
Cash on hand . - - 3 560 95
Total - . - S6 060 17
Capital stock paid In - $15 000 00
Surplus fund - - - 1 000 00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid - - 358 51
Due to banks and bank
ers 793 48
Individual deposits sub
ject to cheek - - - 49 135 66
Demand certificates of
deposit - - - - 1 500 48
Time certificates of deposit 3 273 04
Bills payable for money
borrowed - - - 15 000 00
State of Oregon,
$86 060 17
Conntv of Morrow
I, .1. D. Cronan, Cashier of the
above-named bank.dosolemly swear
that the above statement is true to
the best of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 10th day of September, 1912.
Seal Notary Public.
J. E. Cronan, E. L. Padberg.
Delinquent Tax List 1911.
Notice is herehy given that the
first half of the taxes for the year
1911, on the property hereinafter
described, which was assessed to
the respective persons herein named,
have been delinquent since the
First Monday in April,
1911, that if said taxes are not
paid within six months from said
date, a Tax Certificate of delinquen
cy will issue thereon, as provided
by law.
A penalty of ten per cent,
interest at one per cent per
month and the cost of this
notice will be added to the
respective amounts as herein
Akers, Matilda, lone, tract
No. 1 1100
Alexander, T J. et al nw sec
Hi, Tp3n, r Zi J.d
Austen. J N lot 4. blk 34 west,
sec 23, tp .) n. r z, e w m J. it
Baker, Leonie ses( sec 23
8vswJi sec anil nnw
sec 25, all in tp 5 s, r 25 e w in 9.12
Baker. Ida seViit see 23, sl-2
n ui-2swi see tp l u ru o.u
Balfour-Guthrie & Co, ( A. F
Young, owner) ej2ne sec 18,
tp 2 s r 23 7.05
Barlow. Mary E se sec 2, tp
3 s, r 24 e w m 21.35
Barnes, Dwight A seswl-4
see 3. nel-4nel-4 sec 9. nl-.'nwJi
see 10, tp 1 n, r 23 e w in 10.02
Barlow, D S 11)4 sec 3,'nw see
ll.tpSs, r24;sni t
im see 22, HWneJ. n,
nwl-4swl-4 sec :.':!; uel -4s wl-4,
nwl-4sel-4 see 23; swl-4swl-4
see 23, tp 5 s, r 2li; s! see 34,
s w 1-4 sec 35. tp 2 s. r 24 e w in 148.33
Benson, Win L uw'sec 32, tp
2 n, r 25 e w m 8.00
Bergeron, J A w, snel-4. n-wl-4nel-4
sec 3(i, tp 3 s r 23 e
w in 40.31
Reyiner, Thos C Lexington,
lots 6-7. blk 5. Lots 9-10, blk 5 0.40
Bevmer, Eflie B Lexington, lot
3, blk 1(5 9-00
Blalock Island Garden Co All
fractional sec 30, tp 4 n r 27 16.88
Brenner, Peter wl-2sel-4, nl-2
sec 10. tp3s, r24 52.07
Broadly, (i W Lexington, Pen-
land's add, lot 2. bin 2(i 80
Brivles, Sarah Castle Rock,
lots 1-2-3, blk 10 12
Brown. David nwl-4 sec 12, tp
2 s, r 20e w m 27.21
Brown, Chas L nwl-4sel-4, n
l-2swl-4, nwI-4sel-4 sec 15, tp
3 s. r 23 e w m 26,52
Brown, John W sl-2sel-4 sec
18. nl-2nel-4 sec 19, tp 5 s, r 27
e w in. Heppner, part tract
No. 09 16.71
Buchanan. Mary E Irrigon,
lots 11 to 14 Inc. blk Ki 30
Brown, Eflie Miller nl-2nel-4
see 21,-nl-2nwl-4 sec 22, tp 3 8
r 23 e w m 10.14
Burnev, W. F. All of sec 1C, tp
5 a, r 29 e w m 35.S4
Burroughs, French swl-4neI-4
wl-2sel-4. sl-2swl 4, nwl-4-swl-4,
swl-4nvl-4. sec 24; nw
l-4nel-4, sec 25. nel-4 see 20, tp
1 s, r 24; nwl-4 sec 19, tp 1 s r
25 e win 117.83
Burroughs. I). H. Irrigon, lots
1 tr S Inn 1.1k li .27
Campbell, John A sel-4 sec 3
nwl-4, nel-4 sec 11, tp 2 s, r 2b
e w ni 55.50
Campbell, Win A wl-2 sec 16,
tp 4 n, r -' e w m i.t3
Clarke, N. A si secv 10,
w4' sec II, se.'ine sec 24,
all in tp 3 r 24 e w m.... 101.24
Clark, Leona WJ'nwi,
se'nw1 , sw'r.eJi' sec 14,
ne,1; sec 15, tp 3 s r 24 e
w m 40.71
Clarke. John NlneJ, sejoej
sec 23, nwjni sec 24, tp 5
s, r 26 w m 7 67
Ooohran, Alice lone, ClufT'i
6th add, lots 5 and 6, blk 1 16.n0
Cole, Allen L Blei seo 29,
eiueJ-4 sec 83, swisw)i seo
28, tp l s r 25 e w m . . . . . 10.24
Conser, Lillie NJseJ, sjsfj
sec 86. tp 4 r 28 e w m
Heppner, lots 9 and 10, blk
7. n 27 ft lots 13 and 14, blk
7. N 27 ft lots 2 and 3 blk
14 18.97
Cook, Vm T WJ seo 16, tp 2
n r 26 fl w m 14.08
Cox, EdS lone, lot 6, blk 1 6.60
Gulbertson. Geo D Wi, wJfI
sec 19, tp 2 s r 23 e w m. . . 43 96
Oumaiings. E H Hepnner,
lots 9 and 10, blk 2, Loon
ey's add: all n creek, lot 11,
b'k 2 ; Shioey's add, part 1
to 4 inc. bis 2: 5 to 8 inc.
blk 2: 1 to 3 inc. bk 3;5 to
8 inc. blk 3; 7 and 8 bkl 2.. 20.30
Gyrus, Margarette ri Ejfc wl
sec 4. tp 1 n r 28 e w m.... 6.86
Davidson, Jessie M lone, lot
5, blk 1, duff's 5th add 88
Deshon, H Hardman, lot 4,
blk H 48
Doan, J Nwi sea 8, tp 1 n r
25 e w m 15.45
Ericksnn, Chris, & M T Elliot
SwJ seo 31 tp 5 si r 28 e w
m 8.96
Ellis, 0 F Irrigon, lots 34 to
36 inc blk 25 2.07
English H S Lot 6 b'k 15 west
sec 25 to 5 n r 20 e w m:
lot 6 blk 3 east seo 21 to
5 n r 27 e w m: lot 17, blk
37, Irrigon 4.14
Fairbanks P H Heonner, lots
40 x 132 ft, 5, in blk 6; lot 6
in blk 6: Avers 2nd add; lot
1 in blk 2; lot 12 in blk 2:
Tract No. 11 17.50
Finley, A A sec 27, tp 2
n , r 26 e w m 25. 83
Fleming, Walter W Sisel
sec 19, nwjnwl bc 29, e
ne?i sec 30, all in tp 5 h r
26 e w in 7.58
Frazer, R P sec 14; e
gel, swjsel sec lo; nwi een
10, all in to 3 s r 23 e w tu 55.43
Freeland.E L Heppner, Ayers
2nd add: lot 3, blk 3; b 26
ft lot 4, blk 3: Ayers 4th
add, lot 2, blk 3.. 10.93
Furlong, John Hardman, Fer
guson's add, lota 1 and 2,
blk 1; Adams add, Tract
No. 1 3.84
Gilbertson, Martin, Lot 11;
blk 23 east, seo 20 tn 5 n r
27 e w m 1.53
Gilman, Bertha D Heppner,
Ayers 4th add: lot 6, blk 1 72.80
Gist, J E All sec 3 tp 2 s r
24 ; nnwJi sec 10 tp "2 s r
24 e w m 71.08
Gilman, D E NJ, seo 6 tn 1 s
i 26: se J, eej nej seo 8 tp 3
a r 25: snj,, less 106
A, sec 9 tp 8 s r 25: sw,
swJi sel sec 10 tp 3 s r 25
w J4, gelswjnej sec 15 tp 3 s
r 2b; all except awjawj sen
16 tp 3 s r 25: v)4, nJsswJ
sec 22 tp 3 s r 25; seo 17
p 3 g r 25; ne, neiaetseo
20 tp 3 s r 25; n.g. except
nej nel, njsj sec 21 tp 3
s r 25; wjwi seo 8 tp 3 s r
2H;n)i sec 4 tp 3 s r 26;
swi eel seo 6 tp 3 a r 26;
nine!, neinwl-4 sec 36 to 3
s r 29 e w m ; Heppner,
Looney's add; pt lot 13,
blk 2 382.60
Green, J W EJeJ sec 24 to 1
n r 26; eje. swl-4sel 4 sec
17 to 1 n r 27: sel-4, lots 2-3-4
sec 18 tp 1 n r 27; nel-4,
si seo 8 tp 1 n r 27: nel-4,
nsel-4, twl-4sel-4, el-2-wl-2.
lots 2-3-4 see SO tp 1
n r 27 e w in 76.67
Grimm. R C. & P C Hunter
Tract 146 acres sec 22 tp 5
nr26ewm 3.94
Grotkopp, ETC El -2 sel-4,
nw 1-4 89 1-4 less 4 1-2 rds,
sec 22; nwl-4 sel-4, sel 4
nw 1-4, e 1-2 sw 1-4 sec 24;
n 1-2 ne 1-4, nl-2nwl-4, less
4 1-2 rds, sec 25 tp 3 s r 25
sl-2ewl-4 sec 10 tp 5 s r 27 ;
1.3 acres tract in nwl-4 nw
1-4 seo 33 tp 2 n r 23.. 40 61
Gunn Est., A M Heppner, nj
lots 4 & 7, blk 2: Johnson's
add, lots 6 & 7 blk 1 28.00
Haines. Etta Heppner, lot 2
blk 6 Ayers 5th add 42
Halvorsen, Mathias Sl-2nei
nel-4sel-4 gee 9: swl-4nwl-4
nwl-4swl-4 sec 10: sel-4
nel-4. el-2sel-4; ew1-4snl-4
sec 10: n.nwj. swjnwj. wi
Bwi. sel-4nwl-4 sec 14; ne
l-4nel-4. el-2sel-4, Bwl-4se
1-4, sel-49wl-4 sec 15: all
of seo 16: wl-2el-2. el-2w
1-2; swl-4nwl-4. wl-2swl-4
eo 22; wl-2nwl-4. Bel-4
nwl4, swl-4nel-4 sec 28;
nel-4nwl-4. nwl-4nel-4 see
28; all in tn 1 g r 24 e w m.
Ionn lots 1 to 3 inc blk 2.
Lots 7 to 10 ino. blk 2.
Tract No. 25. Tract No. 3
B. Tract No. 2 304.95
Concluded on Page 6.
lems io that the experienced as well!