The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, September 12, 1912, Image 5

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Local and Personal
Do you want bunks? See adv. of
T. F. Boylen.
Delicious sodas and ice cream sodaH
at The Palm.
J. H. Wyland waa dawn from Hard
man and i still voting for Taft. .
Miss Ooal Rri rs boenn a terra of
school out at Clarka Canyon on Monday
SEEL) RYE For Sale Inquire of
A H Turner, Basey ranch, Clark's
Canvon. tf..
Hiahent cash prices Daid for hldea,
pelts and furs. Morrow Warehouse
Milling Co.
Jack Devnre moved his family to
town so that the childien could enter
school on Monday.
People winning woolnawinj? done
will kindly leave orders with Hen
drlcHon & Uurdane at the PiiHtime.
lmo. K. L. Mekihuk.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Simpson, spent
Sunday at the farm home of Mr. and
Mrs. J R. Olden on Rhea crtek.
It may be to your interest to get
my prices before buyintt watches,
clocks or jewelery. C R. Johnson,
Emmet Cochran Rot In on Mondav
with a bunch of mutton sheep which
weie shipped out to Portland market
on Tuesday.
Rev. J. V. Crawford has gone to
Centerville, Wash., where he w"ill re
main for a while as pastor of the
Christian church.
Mr. H. S. Parcel I and children ar
rived on Fridav last from Gold Butte,
Montana, to visit her parents Mr. and
Mrs. F. M. Gentry. . .
The families of A. S. Aker and Fred
Lucas returned to their citv residence
on Stuiday in order that the children
could enter school on Monday.
Do you contemplate having any
work done in the line of building?
If ho tfive Harry Johnson a chance
to figure with you Flint class work
and satisfaction guaranteed. tf.
Hairy Rood went down to Portland
on Tuesday. Harry has not fully de
cided on the question of entering
school and may not do so this year.
0. B. Cox has Invested in the gro
cery business in Heuoner, having
puichased an interest with A. M.
Phelps and taken up work there Iba
first of the month.
F. E. Bell and wife were io from
their Blackhorsa farm for a short
time on Saturday. The threshers are
now at work on Mr. Bell's grain and
he expects fine yield.
Miss. Marie Haeer departed on
Tuesday for Portland, and from there
she will go on to Eugene to enter as
a student for the coming year in th6
University of Oregon.'
Moyer Brothers, of Blackhorae. this
week received a new J. I Case thresh
ing engiue from Portland which re
places their old engine that was
found to be ton small for the work.
Walter C. Froman, olvil engineer,
assisted by Harrv and Harold
Warner, arrived from Portland ou Fri
day evening and made survey of the
new siding fo the Farmers Warehouse
Mrs Dr. F. E B)vden returned
home from Portland on Tuesday. She
has been absent for some weeks with
her young son whie he was under the
care of a physician. The boy is now
rapidly recovering.
Mis. Ellen Hunter, organizer for
the Nirthwest of the Christian Wo-'
mem' Board of Missions will speak at
the Chiistian church on tomorrow,
Friday evening. Members of the
chnrch are especially urged to be pre
J. H. Miller who resides about ton
miles northwest of lone, is advertising
a big auotion sale of horses and farm
implements to take place at his ranch
on Saturday, Spt.21, begining at ten
o'clock in the foreuoc n. Ed. Miller
of lone Is the auctioneer in charge.
Strayed From the Jake Pearson
place on Butter creek, a sorrel mars
with star in forehead, aged 3 years;
branded anchor T ou left shoulder,
and also bearing Paul Hisler brand on
stifle. A reward of 13.00 will be paid
for information leading to recovery of
animal. George R. Pearson. It.
George Ourrin and Mike Kenny
will do some threshing this Fall.
They received a new thresher through
Vaughn & Suns on Friday last and the
machine has been taken out. These
Kentlemen will each thresh "a lot of
grain and have raised much more
than they need for home consumption.
J. H. Pearson is circulating a peti
tion to get a mail route established
between Heppner and Lena. A pout
office ban been running at Lena for
several months and the patrons resid
ing in that locality bate been carrying
the mail free of charge to the gov
ernment. They think the time has
arrived for Uncle Sam to taVa up this
burden and pav for having the mail
carried out from Heppner twice a
Mrs. Jacknon Silbaugh of Seattle,
National lecturer and organizer of the
W. C. T. U. will be in Heppner Sept.
18-19. Thursday the 19th, at 2:30 P.M.
she will address the Missionary Union
at the M. E. church. Following the
address refrshments will be served
and a social hour enjoyed.
Thursday evening she will give'an
address at Christian church to which
all are cordially Juvited. Special
music is being prepared and every
thing possible is being done to make
these meetiugs enjoyable and profit
able. Many of the , Heppner people
have heard Mrs. Silbaugh before and
those will not miss an opportunity to
har her again whiln those who fniled
to hear her formerly can not afford
to miss hearing her this time. - She
sneaks on subjects of vital importance
to the home and nation in a pleasing
and forceful manner.
The Benedictine Nuns will cpen
their Aralemy for boarding and day
pupils in its temporary location Mr
A. Minor's residence on Monday Sept
16. In Addition to the grammar
school pours a high school course will
be ad led. GeonTetrical aud ornamei -
tal drawing, music, painting, stenog
raphy and typewriting are included in
the curriculum of the Benedictine
Academy. The terms for day tupiU
as also for music pupils vary according
to the grade. For full information
consult the Superior Sister Coletta
The Sistprs are also thoroughly equip
ping the Swaggart residence for hos
pital purposes and expect to have it in
rediness for patients about September
18th. Donations of linen etc. for the
hospital will be greatly appreciated.
Harold Oohn and Arthur Crawford
departed for Portland this morning
on their way tov Eugen?, where they
for the winter. Oohn will taks the
law course while Crawford has been
registered for the literary and liberal
arts course.
Mv Malaga, Muscat and Thompson
Seedless grapes are now ripe and ready
to ship. Prices will be made to pros
pective buyers on application. Quality
and quantity guaranteed. Write or
phone L. B. Kicker, Irrigon, Oregon.
A regular meeting of Ruth Chapter
No. 32, 0 E. S. . will be held on to
morrow , Friday , evening, at the Ma
sonic hall. All members are re
quested to be present. By order of
May Perry, W. M.. pro tem.
W. R. Irwin and fanfily returned
from a stay of two months down at
Portland. Mr. Iiwio is rapidly re
covering from hi recent seveie at
tack of typhoid. His sioknesB cut him
down considerably but he is beginning'
to put on flesh again.
Bishop Robert Paddock will visit
Hayoner Sunday and bold services in
the Episcopal church both motning
and evening. The public cordially
invited to these services.
Henry Scherzii.ger came in with a
load of his household goods on Satur
day and will finish moving to town
as soon as Mr. and Mrs. Dutton va
cate the residence.
You who borrowed the natter off Mc
Allister's horse Tuesday night return it
and you will be rewarded on the great
judgement day.
R F. Hynd came up from Portland
Tuesday to look after business i ffairs
at this place. He will be here for a
few days.
The Rev. Father Maxwell, recently
ordained, will celebrate solemn high
mass in the Catholic ohorch here on
Sunday Sept. 22 at 10;30.m. On this
occasion Father Maxwell will be
assisted by Father Driscoll of La
Grande, as deacon, Father Brady of
Condon, as sub deacon, and Father
Kane of St Francis church, Portland,
as assistant priest. Father Brady of
Condon will deliver a sermon appro
pi fate to the solemn event. Father
Maxwell before ordaination spent t-ome
time with the local pastor Father
O'Rourk and during hia stay made
quite a hoBt of friends.
A large number of his friends and
well wishers have expressed their in
tentions of being present on this the
occasion of Father Maxwell's first ap
pearance in Heppnir atfei ordination.
After the high mass the newly ordair
ed priest will give his blessing to'the
J. Hi Edwards started out with hia
threshing machine this week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bell were
Sunday visitors ta J. H. Fred's.
Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin and family
spent Sunday on the Penlan Buttea.
Mr.and Mm. Kiocaid have been stay
ing with Scott Boa. during the past
week. , ',
Mrs. J. N. Phelpa of Granger,
Wash, la visiting her sister Mrs
The Misses Mary and Kathleen
O'Rourk have been spending the week
at J. G. Doherty'a ranch.
Frank Mover's new threshing engine
arrived in Heppner Friday and they
are busy threshing out wheat.
W. H. French of Forest Grove who
has interests in Morrow county has
been here the past week, leaving for
home yesterday.
I Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at LaGraride, Oregon,
July 19th 1912. Notice is hereby
given that George Penegor, whose
post-office address is 371 Cable Street,
Portland , Oregon, did on Ihe 85th day
of September. 1911, file in this office
Sworn Statement and Application. No.
09812. to purchasn the EA NE1, Sec
tion 7. Township 8 South Range 27,
East Willamette Meridian, and the
timber thereon. undr the provisions
of the act of Juno 3, 1878, and acts
amendatory, known as the "Timber
and Stone Law," at such value as
might be fixed bv aupraisement and
that, pursuant to suoh application,
the land aud timber thcr.on have been
appraised, at $333 00 the timber esti
mated 312 ,000 board feet at 50 cents and
tl OOperM, and the land $40.00; that
siiid applicant will offer final proof in
support of his application and sworn
statement on the 14th day of October,
1912, before C. O Patterson, United
States Commissioner at his office at
Heopner, Oregon.
Any person Is at liberty to , protest
this purchase before eutry, or initiate
a contest at any time before potent
issues, by filing a corroborated affidav
it in this office, alleging facts which
would defeat the entry.
F. C BRAMWELL, Reigster.
A 8-0 10 -
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the
estate ot Julius Keith ley, deceaed,
has filed his final account in the above
entitled estate and that the County
Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County has fixed Monday, the
7th day of October, 19l2, at the hour
of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of aaid
day as the time and the County Court
Room in the Court House at Heppner,
Oreogn." as the place of hearing said
final aocount and objections thereto:
objections to raid final account should
be filed on or before said date.
C. L. KEITHLEY, Adminisrator.
S 5-0 8.
Notice of Final Accounting.
Notice is hereby Riven that the un
dersigned Executrix of the Last Will
and Testament of Ann Roe, deceased,
lias riled with the County Court of
Morrow County, Oregon, her final
account as such Executrix, and that
said County I ourt has appointed
Mondav, the 14th day of Octolwr,
1!12, at 10 o'clock a. in. ns the time
and the County Court room in the
Court house in the t ity of Heppner,
Oreiron. as the nlnce for Hearing: said
account and the settlement , of the
Estate of said deceased. Any person
having any objection to such account
is notified to present same before the
dHte last aforesaid.
sl2-ol0 , IDA B. AVOODSON,
' ' Executrix.
n .. .
n Tliuirsclay, Friday szicl Saturday,
September 13, 20, and 21
We will have on display at our store large sam
ples of the entire stock of a leading wholesale
house. A competent representative direct from
the house will be here to take your measure.
Good Clothes, Consistent Prices
Cloth, Linings, Fit, Style and Workman
ship Guaranteed or your money back
This is an opportunity to have your clothes made to order
at a cost no more than you have to pay
for ready made garments
.Alfalfa Hay for Sale.
I will have about Three Thousand
Tons of alfalfa hay to sell, or I will
sell liay and take cattle or sheep for
pay. We also have a large alfalfa
pasture to rent for beef cattle. Ranch
15 miles south west of Echo on But
ter Creek. Postoflice address
' C. P. Bowman.
Echo, Ore., Box 65 R. F. D.Xo. 1.
Woman loves a clear rosy complex
on. Burdock Blood Bitters is splen
did for purifying the blood, clearing
the skin, restoring found digestion.
All droggists sell it. Price $1 00.
Coming soon at the Star Thea
ter "The Coming of Columbus"
in two reels. This great picture
cost $50,000, and is without doubt
one of the:finest ever produced.
Watch for further announcement.
James Farley, John Doherty,
John Kenny and James McNamee
depart for Portland Saturday
morning to attend tne annual
state convention of the A. O. H.
Sunday and Monday.
Mr. G. E. Mudgett and wife of
YnlW Citv. N. D. are visiting with
Mrs. Eleanor Cameron and family
of this citv. Thev are making an
extended visit on the Coast, having
spent come time at juarsnneia,
Portland and ancouver. Ihey
expect to stop over in Idaho for a
time on their return home.
Pure Bred Lincolns, Cotswold and Shrop Rams from the best
flocks in the country. All orders promptly filled and delivered
at Heppner. If you have anything to sell in the Sheep line
send your list to me; I will find a buyer.
T. F. BOYLEN, Pendleton, Or.
At the Theatre Tonight
On the Edg of th PrecipicePathe Western story.
A Timely Rescue Thrilling rescue on the field of battle dur
the Boer war by the man who had annoyed hin friend utmost to death
and confessing, right the wrong and restores the rescued man to his
The Widow of Richer O'Neal A comedy dealing with many
eccentricities of every day life. Sclltf.
Friday and Saturday.
The Poor Relation Lubin Head this etory In February ninn
ler of Motion Pictures Magazine.
PATHF'S WFEKl Y I'vos, Switzerland; coasting down the
Ali)airwves one of the winter seasons most enjoyable astiine
Jamalca, N. Y.; Lewis Dlsbrow tests his H) horse power F. I. A.
T. car In which he expects to travel at the rate of 3 miles a min.
n'te on the Iteaches of California.
Melstead Via ; The New York to New Orleans limited Is dernl'ed
nnd wrecked. O. e killed, six Injured. Many others.
The Crip Snatcher An uproariously funny comedy Essanay
Star Theatre.
D6nt Put Off Until To
morrow What Should be
Done Today.
This applies directly to those who intend taking ad
vantage of the opportunity of placing their order early lor a
new fall and winter suit or overcoat.
We are in receipt of about 500 samples of the very
latest patterns.
We are also in receipt of new samples from Perlberg,
Co. and Universal Tailoring Co., Chicago's leading mail order
These should particularly appeal to those who desire .
a good garment, perfect fitting and at a medium price.
Come and see the new Light Weigt, Waterproof
Overcoat now on Display
M. S. CORRIGALL, President
J. B. NATTER. Vice Pret.
Vic Pre.
T. . MAHONEY, Cahier
CLYDE BROCK, Ait. Cashier
We offer to the Public the services
of a strong and well equipped Bank,
with the experience of twenty-five
years in this community.
Accommodations extended to cus
tomers consistent with safety, and
balances carried with us.
House for Sale.
Owing to the fact that we expect to
move into our new home soon we will
sell the house and lo' and three acres
including chicken house and cow barn.
Near aite of the proposed Catholic
Lexington and lone Congre
gational Services.
Preaching services at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. in lone on the 1st and 3rd
Sundays of the month ; in Lexington
od the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the