Liberty Meat Market B. F. MATLOCK, Prop. The Best Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage and Home Cured Meats. a stricHTg HAPPY WOMEN 33z. jlm. Elsies FUNERAL DIRECTOR and PRACTICAL EMBALMER City Meat Market KINSMAN & HALL, Proprietors Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, SUGAR CURED HAMS Good Lard, About lO.lbs. $1.50 Lowest Prices on Meat for Harvest. wiAim 1 HIM jyiitiiMC Contracting and Building, Painting and Paperhanging Am prepared to do all lines of repairing and job work at my shop in old Gazette Building on Main street, Heppner. See me for any kind of work in these lines. ELMER BEAMAN Fuel Dealer Rock Springs Coal, Pine, Fir and Oak Cord Wood and Slab Wood. SELLS FOR CASH ON DELIVERY. Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company and they will receive prompt attention. Heppner' Garage Bert Bowker, Prop. Automobile for hire. Repair work of. all kinds done. Gasoline and oil for sale. Machines housed, cleaned and oiled. Agent for the 1912 FORD MIKEIIEALY, Proprietor Telephone... Livery Stable TELEPHONE 201 i i ( i 1 LOWER MAIN STREET gCOf CCCCCCCCCCCCCtCCCCCCigCC THE HOME OF THE SPOTTED HORSES COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND FIRST-CLASS SERVICE, t WE PAY FOR ALL TELEPHONES FOP RIGS. HEPPNER, OREGON THE PALM I Heppner's Leading Confection- ery and Ice Cream Parlors 1 ROBERT M. HART, - N - PROPRIETOR J X Can serve you now with nice, fresh Ice Cream. None J :j better to be had in the citv. Fine line of fresh Candies. j i treading Brands Gi&ors and Tobacco I Plentv of them in Jleppncr, nnl - - Gooil Reason for It. Wouldn't any woman 1? Jmppy, after years of backache suffering, days of misery, nights of unrest, the distress of urinary troubles, when she finds freedom. Many readers will profit by the following: Mrs. Victor Groshens, Heppner, Oregon, snvs: "I first learned of Doan's Kidney Pills when living in Pendleton about nix years ago. For a long time niy back ached constaiit lv and I was induced to try Dona's Kidney Pills by reading of them in the newspapers. The contents of two boxes drove the backache away." "When Your Back is Lame lie- member the Name." Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ask dis tinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. G nations had the remedy backed by home testi monv. 50c. all stores. Foster Milburn Co.. Props.. Buffalo, S.Y IONE. Red Front Livery & Feed Stables Willis Stewart, Prop FIRST-CLASS LIVERY RIGS Kept constantly on hand and can be furnished on short notice to parties wishing to drive into the interior. First class : : Hacks and Buggies CALL AROUND AND SEE US. WE CATER TO THE :::::. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS AND CAN FURNISH RIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : HEPPNER, - OREGON New Calcutta GRAIN BAGS Ready at PORTLAND. SEATTLE or TACOMA for immediate shipment upon receipt of order E.T. B.MILLS Agent for Importer Imperial Hotel. PORTLAND. OR. Write for Prices Oregon Agricultur al College. This gteat instiution opens its doors fox the fall semester on September 20 Mi. Cnutaes of instruction include: General AgricultoreArgonomy Ani mal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, Bacteriology, Botany and Plant Path oloyg, Poultry HnBbandry, Horticul ture, EtomoloEy, Veterinary Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engin eering, Mining Engineering, Highway Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. Domestic Science, Domestic Art, Com meice Forestry, Pharmacy, Zoology. Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, English Language and Literature, Pub lic Speaking, Modern Language, His tory, Art, Architecture, Industrial Pedagogy Physical Education, MiliUry Science and Tactics, and Music. Catalogue and illustrated literature mailed free on application. Address: Registrar, Orfgnn Agircnltural Col lpge, Corvallis, Oregon. SCHOOL YEAR OPENS SEPTEM BER 20th. Mr. Seymour Wilson one of our old time farmers is in and about lone shaking hands with friends. ihose aluminum cookina utensils at Walker's store are fine and dandy. Better come in and loon at them. Mr. J. W. Osborn came up from Cecil last Wednesday to get a few supplies to feod his hungry threshers. Don't forget to take a peek at Mies Audrey Woolery's new sky pieces- She has all shape and sizes and kinds. Barney McDevitt was a passenger to fortland last Monday momma. He went down to attend to some business matters. trick Bergstrom andwife were in lone bright and early Monday morn ing and went dowu to Portland for a few days. Mrs. Ralph Hymer and family re turned from Hood River last week after spending about ten days among the tall treea. ectric itters Made A New Man Of Him. "I was suffering from pain in my stomach, head and back," writes II. T. Alston, Raleigh, N C., "and my liver and kidneys did not work right, but four bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man." PRICE SOCTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. No Wonder That Friedrich The Tailor is busy even this dull season.. Of course he is turning out the best made and shape-retaiuing clothes for lees money than any other concern. tf. . i Lost, somewhere between the depot at Heppner and Blackhorse Canyon, a coat Finder please leave at this office. tf . FOR SALE--A mares with colts, ger. span of work See J. L. Yea-t.f. Nellie Carle came in on Saturday's train and will stay with her grand parents and go tc school, until Jiei parents return. Mr 8. F. H. Robinson and her son Harold came in on Saturday evening's train and Frank's face is cracked wide open thesa days. Mrs. George Henry who was ud at Lexington visiting with her sister, Moriel Cason for a short time, return ed to lone Wedneday morning. Miss Smith of Oakland came in on Wednesday's train".. Miss Smith is one of the new school teachers and will take care of the third and fourth grades. Mrs. Ralph Hymer has gone out to F. H. Wilsons to help Mrs Page feed the hungry threshers who are always ready for their hash three times a day. Lon Markham and Frank Baker from Walla Walla came over in their auto last week to visit with friends for a few days, also to attend to some matters. Miss German and Miss Hogan, two of our teachers who taught heie last term came in on Saturday night's train and are prepared to take care of their former duties. Mrs. J. W. Osbonre and Mrs Streeter came up from Cecil oi last Tuesday evening and visited with E. B. Gorton and wife for a day, re turning Thursday morning. Mrs. Dr. Chick and son Charles who have been back East for the past three months, returned home last Saturday evening. Mrs. Chick says she is glad to get back home again. Louis Pad bora took Fran It Engle- roan, wannie rettevs, anct J. h. Bryson over to Pendleton in his mach- ne last Sunday. The boys had a pleasant day and made the round trip fine and dandy. Mrs. Briggs, our new principal's wife, came in on Saturrday s iriin and Mr. Briggs wears a larger smile since she has arrived. They will live in the house formerly occupied by J. O. Kincaid. A nice auiet wedling was held at the home of Mrs J. T. Knacoenrerg last Thursday, Sep. 5th. when Rev. Pratt of Heponer married Miss Edn Woolery and Mr. Johnson The groom one of Portland's attorneys, and Mies Woolery was one of our Ion iris. Mrs. and Miss Johnson of Portland were present also Mr. Mac- Elwain. Our best wishes go with tne voung couple as they journey through life. i The Trial ol a Traveler. "I am a traveling salesman, "writes E. E. Yourg. E. Berkshire. Vt. , and was often troubled with constipation and indigestion till I began to use Dr. King's New Life Pills, which I found an excellent remedy." For sll stom aoh, liver or kidney troubles there is nothing better. Ouly 25 cents at Slocum Drug Co. ARROW aim ky K.i NITR( CLUB i WJ in A "ii'yiNJj: . -.Vial ' " -H-V-. 1 v f Sleel Lined SHOT SHELLS The Remington Cubs cut into a guodoim. Each and Every One a Speed Shell The speed that breaks your targets nearer the trap. That's why Remington-UMC. Steel Lined Shells have won 13 out of the 15 Handicaps held in the last three years. The speed that jets that mile-a-minute "duck" with a shorter lead that's why it takes over 50,000 dealers to handle the demand for Remington- UMC Steel Lined Shells. The Shooting fraternity are speed wise. They know loose smokeless powder won't drive shot. They know that the drive depends on the compression. The powder charge in Remington-UMC shells is gripped in steel. This lining is designed to give the exact compression necessary to send the load to the mark quickest. It insures speed the same speed in every shell. The steel lining is moisture proof no dampness can get through. Jar proof no powder can get out. Waste proof no energy is lost. Shoot Ktmington-VMC Arrow and Nitro Club Steel Lined Eaatera factory loaded sheila (or Speed plus Pattern in any make of shots no Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 299 Broadway 0 New York City Arrived This Week! Full Car Load! VAUGHN & SONS, Heppner GET TOGETHER and come to in a bunch the Umatilla-Morrow Fair Stamp the dates upon your memory: September 2328 inclusive The most extensive Livestock, Agri cultural and ' Industrial display in Eastern Oregon Bumper exhibits of bumper products Miniature hatchery and game preserve Vaudeville and band concert each evening An occasion to celebrate a prosperous year , Bring the whole family For premium lists, apply See. Lee Moorhouse, Pendleton, or Pres. G. L. Hurd, Stanfield. House and Lot For Sale. Good residence property in Heppner. House has five rooms with bath and pantry. Two lots, chicken house, 15 four-year-old fruit trees and some shade trees. Price reasonable. This is a good pickup for some party wishing to send his children to school. Inquire of Gazette-Times Real Estate Agency. Wan'el The Cosmopolitan Group requires the service of a reoresenU tive in Hefner and surrounding terj ritory, to look after subscription re newals, and to ext nd circulation ty speuiil methods which have proed unusually successful. Salary and Commission. Previous experience desirable tut not essential. Whole time or spare time. Address, with reference. Charles O.Schwer, The Cog mcpolitan Group, 381 Fourth Ave., New York Uity. Frederich The Tailor lias the agency for the celebrated International Tail oring Co. Leave your measure .here and save 5 to 10 od erery suit. THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON COR . RESPONDENCE SCHOOL offers, FREE, with the exception of eont of postntre on papers and eont of the UniverKirv ExteiiHion Bulletin, to CITIZENS OF OKEUON, forty- UNI VERSITY COURSES by MAIL. Ability to profit by the courw-H selected Ih the only requirement for enrollment in the Correspondence Department. Courses are offered In the departments of Botany, Debating, Economics, Education, Electricity, English Literature, English Composition, History, Mathematics, Mechanical Drawing, Physical Education, Physics, Physiol ogy, Psychology, Sociology, and Surveying. Write to the Secretary of the Correspondence School, University of Oregon, Eugene, for information and catalogue. COURSES IN RESIDENCE at the Univerjity prepre for the Profetiiont ol ENGINEERING, JOURNALISM. LAW. MEDICINE, and TEACHING. Kali wmnlr open Tue.d.y, Sept. 17. Ad drest the Registrar lor catalogues descriptive of the College of Engineering, the College ol Liberal Arts, trie Schools of Education, Commerce, Law, Medicine, and Music. J "n a hew mini An ttarhment (or hoe drills rn lllimtratert he ' hat two, very valuable and Imnor ant fcatui ere res which eve-y rrogrcnnlve farmer will appreciate 't once. They are made to tit any hoe. are easily adjusted and answer the double nurpoteof regu lating the depth of sowing and at he same time fresHes the soil Arm ly around the grain thus lnsur ng Immediate germination. Splendid results are obtained from their tine. Manufactured by Pendleton Iron Works, Fi2vriErro, OREGON