rxtoncsaxosfr.A.x antra C. E. WOODSON, A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W 9M!c In Palace Hot I Heppner, Oregon Sam E. VanVactor. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on West end o! Mar Street Heppner Oregon. S. E. Notson ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlceln Court House, Heppner, Oregon. F. H. ROBINSON, LAWYER, lone, - - - Oregon W.H.DOBYNS. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW fone. - - Oregon. GLENN Y. WELLS Attorney at Law Heppner - Oregon Oflice on May St. opposite Palace Hotel. W. L. SMITH. ABSTRACTER; Only eomplete set of abstraot booki in Morrow county. Hkppneb, Obboon J. P. WILLIAMS . Justice of the Peace. Office with S. E. Van Vactor OR. m. A. LEACH DBNTiaT Permanently located in Heppner. Offiot in the new Fair building. Qa administered. OSTEOPATHY AND MECIIANO-TIIERAPY Or. Martha S. Arlcdqe. D. 0. Dr. J. P- Conder, M -T- D- Treatment of all diseases 99 per cent, of canes successfully treated without operation N.E. WINNARD M. D. PHYSICIAN & 81HVEON Graduate of: Lenox College. 1885. Chicago Homeopathic Med College 1 890. Rusk Medical College, 1892. F. E. Boydcn, M. D. Physician & Surgeon Office in rear of Patterson & Son's Drug Store. HEPrNER OREGON WELLS & CLARK. SHAVING PARL0R8 Three Doors South of Poetoffice. Sbavlng 25c Haircuttlng 35c Bathroom in Connection. PATTERSON & ELDER 2 Doora North Palace Hotel TONS O It I A L ARTISTS Fins Baths Shaving 25c J. H. BODE Merchant Tailor UEITXER OREGON p. ri ROBINSON w. S. SMITH ROBINSON & SMITH. lone, Oregon. Real Estate Farms and City Property for Sale. Farms to rent. Correspondence solicited. Notice to All Fruit Grower and Dealers No scaly or wormy frnit will be permitted in any market in Morrow counly. HARRY CUMMINGS, Fruit Inautctor of Morrow County. Al-Cm. Children Cry for Fletcher's u rjrti i 1 I I H 1 11 V Tho Kind You Have Always 5! in use for over iu yours, uas m , , ff . , gonal supervision since its Infancy All Counterfes, Imitations and " Jut-as-good aro but Experiments that trltlo wun aim euuK " ,"" V Infants and Cldldren-Expcrience against Jxperiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria Is a harmless snbstitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor t her arcot o aubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys JVonns and allays Fcvcrishness. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Si The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years thi eriTo( company, tt muwiitr stwcct, ncw yowk cut. 5000 Head of Thorough bred, Fine Wool Sheep FOK SALE The entire stud band of thoroughbred sheep of the NUNAMAKER LAND & SHEEP COMPANY are now offered for sale at a bargain. This band consists of 2000 ewes with their lambs, and 1000 yearling ewes, together with thoroughbred bucks enough to breed the band. This is the finest bunch of fine wool sheep in Eastern Oregon. 2900 head of these ewes sheared 14 pounds, and they weigh on an average 140 pounds. For further information, address GAZETTE-TIMES Heppner - - Oregon I t- -1 I ISsT U.JT. ; III . I 1R MGmOf ! r ill . J vzv ljvi t rr a b t : tv i i septemeeb, gs-7-e. isi2 EK6U Ml FARES TtCHffTS OM SALS (IFTIMMR H.MIT- WWW. l"T Hf IDMU A ! Wild and Wonderful PONY EXPRESS RACES BRONCO BUSTINC INDIANS, COWBOYS OUTLAW NORSES Get Fares and Particulars XS From any 3entO-W.R.N, Furious and Exciting Nw ContMt.nl lor Clocy Old Ch.rptoi, irn and bMM, Hold You Spellbound with Th.ir Norv. .nd Dsrinc Ice Cream Soda, Ras. Porter, Orangctte, Red Lemonade Cigars and Tobaccos In fact everything good to drink and smoke at THE PASTIME HENDRICSON & GURDANE, : : : Props. LEXINGTON. Mrs. Delia Phelps is viuiting her ptrenta and relatives. Am sorry to report a lot of sickness in our town at present. Mr. Millet of Junction City, has been a Lexington visitor for a few days. Mr. Will Furzer of Hynd Brm ranch was in town Monday for a load of coal. Al Ziuk has moved his family from Knob Hill down to the property back of the hotel. Prof. Doak and wife are living in the Duran house on the hill from the sohoolhouse. Grandma Booher was quits Rics the latter part of this week. She is better at this writing. Mrs. Joseph Bargiyne and her daughter Mis. Ed. Pointer left last Wednesday inornir.g for a weeks visit at Milton. Every team and wagon that can be eotien are in os3 hauling wheat. Nothing but wheat but that is what we line to see. Miss Olmstead who was enn&ged to teach the 3rd and 4th tirades arrived Saturday morning and commenced her duties on Monday morning. Mr. ami Mrs. John Branstater left for their home at Seaside after a visit of two months at the home of bis par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W Branstater. The .Ladies Improvement Society wish to announce that anyone who can or will donate any money to bring it in at once as they wish to start the new fence around the gravevard as soon as possible. H liat We Mever Forg-et according to science, are the things assocaited with our early home life such as Buckiln's Arnica Salve, that mother or grandmother need to oure our burns, boils, scalds, sores, skin eruptions, cots, sprains or bruises. Forty years of cures prove its merit. Unrivaled for piles, corns or cold- sores. Only 25c at Slocum Drug Co, ' HARDMAN BRIEFS. Miss Hazel Hams is preparing to go to Portland to enter school this week. Happy Emry is still borrowing furniture catalogues, but ns yet lias made no orders. Mrs. E. E. Bleakman returned from McDuffv Springs last week very much improved In health. Mr. Geo. Bleakman and family returned from the springs last week and report a good time. The Hardman school opened Mon day with an enrollment of 6ixty-live pupils and a full corps of teachers. Farmers are rejoicing over the fine weather this week; most of them will get through heading in a few days. Mrs. Meakins, of Portland, arrived in Hardman Sunday and is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Gaunt. Miss Margaret Osten, our primary teacher, is taking hold of her new work in earnest and success is al most assured. MiHs Olmstead, our old teacher, passed through Hardman last week enroute to Lexington where she will tench this winter. Tete Profit, an ex-merchant of Hardman, Is visiting the little burg this week aud is looking after his ti naucial Interests here. Master Vernon Leathers, the twelve-year-old son of Nick Leathers, went to Heppner Saturday and saw for the first time a real train. Miss Margaret Allen, our Intermed iate teacher, has organized a Sunday school aud has an enrollment of fifty- one. This is real good for our town Dr. Winnard of Heppner was called to Hardma to wait upon Mrs. Ben Devore who continues ill from heart trouble. The patient seems to be ha proving. The Bates Bros, began to thresh grain in this locality Monday morn ing. They have purchased a new gasoline engine and repaired the old Stevens separator at their own ma chine shop in Hardman and can now thresh anything from a bunch of cats to a barley stack. GlY. LEXINGTON DRUGGIST DESERVES PRAISE W P McMillan deserves praise from I-exington people for introduc ing here the pimple buckthorn larK :iini clvcerine mixture, known as Adlcr-i'-ka. This simple German remedy first Ix-came famous hy cur ing appendicitis and it lias now lieen discovered that a SLXCl.K DOSE relieves sour stomach and constipa tion in stantly. W. P. McMillan, Druggist, I'xington, Ore. A Plain Statement of I H C Wagon Value SOME farmer saves money every time an IHC wagon is sold. Not because it costs less money to begin with, but because of the length of service it gives, an I H C wagon is the cheapest wagon you can buy. The longer a wagon lasts the cheaper it is. That is why it is economy to buy the best wagon one that will outlast any ordinary wagon. When you buy an I H C wagon Weber New Bettendorf Steel King you invest in a wagon built of the highest grade material which experience and care can select or money can buy; built in the most thorough, painstaking manner, by skilled workmen, in factories which have modern appliances for doing work of the highest standard at the lowest possible cost. The conditions under which IHC wagons are built are nearly ideal. All lumber used is air-dried in sheds with concrete floors. This insures toughness and resiliency. All metal parts are made of especi ally prepared steel, guaranteeing the longest service. Each wagon undergoes four inspec tions before being shipped so that it reaches the purchaser in first class condition, ready to be put to work at once and able to carry any reasonable load over any road where a wagon should go. Weber wagons have wood gears, New Betten dorf and Steel King hav-e steel gears. The IHC local dealer knows which wagon is best suited to your work, will tell you why, and will sell you that one. When you see him have him show you all the good points of I H C wagons. You can get literature from him, or, write International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) jf Portland m Jrc IHC Sarric Buraaa The purpose of this Bureau is to furnish, free of charge to all. the best Information obtainable on better farming. If rou have anr worthy Ques tions concerning soils, crops, land drainage, irri gation, fertilizers, etc.. make your Inquiries specific and send them to I H C Service Bureau, Harvester Building, Chicago, USA AN OREGON MADE RANGE Guaranteed Satisfactory Sold by CASE FURNITURE COMPANY. 5 ft 1 :, J For chapped hands, face, sunburn, tan, etc., use WITCH HAZEL CREAM DERMINE CREAM Guaranteed by SLOCUM DRUG CO. AT THE BAKERY Get away from the heat of baking by buying jourj bread. Cream loaf, plain loaf, whole wheat and rye. Nothing better than oar cream loaf. Lady .Assistant Licensed ELmbalmer J. L. YEAGER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Heppner - - Oregon