u u lJ XZJ kj ttUtUAMWM .."5... WEEK'S NEWS. Local and Personal Happenings. Do you want buoka? See adv. of T. F. Boylen, Delicious sodas and ice cream sodas at The Palm. Dr. Bovden returned home from Portland on Friday evening. Oscar Schafer la over from Monu ment to "lny In" some supplies. SEED RYE For Sale Inquire of A R Turner, Basey ranch, Clark's Canyon. tf. Hiahest cash prices paid for hides, pelts and furs. Morrow Warehouse , Milling 06. A lady of experience wants place us housekeeper for winter. Inquire nt this oftlce tf. Mrs. F. Luper will have her first disday of fall millinery, Saturday, Ssoemlier 7th. Mrs. L. E. Oolin and daughter, Glad vs. returned from Portland ou Monday evening, For croup or sore throat, use Dr. Thomas' Electic Oil Two sizes . 85c, nd 50o. At all drug stores. Commissioners oourt wag in session yesterday and today. Full aocountof proceedings will appear in our neit issue. Mrs. W. P. Dutton arrived home from Pprtland where she has been for the past three months, on last eve ning. .It may be to your iuterest to get my prices before buylna watches, clocks or jewelery. C. R. ( Johnson, Jeweler. , Mrs. J. W. Rasmus came un from Portland on Monday evening to join her husband who has been here for soma time. W. 0. Bryant, an attorney of Moro. was in Heppner on Tuesday to attend to some legal business before the pro bate court. Harrv Johnson is prepared to do .all kinds of work In the lineof car pentering. Contracting, building and job work. Give him a chance to figure with you. . tf. Uncle Jake WatUnburger is over from' Echo with a wagon load of honev which he will dispose of to the people cf Heppner. Dist. Attorney Van Vactor departed for Pendleton on Monday to attend the regular term of the circuit court now in session there. John Kinsman ot home from Port land on Monday evening. He went down the latter part of the week with a car load of fat cattle. The day of harsh physics is eone. People want mild, easy laxatives. Doan"s Resalets have satisfied thou sands 25c at all stores. Miss Elm'ra Brewer arrived from Angola, Indiana, on Tuesday. She ie one of the teachers of the Heppner school for the coming year. Mr. V. J. Patterson arrived from Portland on Saturday evening, and on Monday went oat to Lena where he will teach a term of school. Heavy rains of Friday night and. Saturday forenoon had the effect of layin off all the harvest crews of the county for a day or so. Earl Gordon returned on Saturday evening fiom Middleton, Idaho where he spent pleasant two weeks visiting with his father, Wm. Gordon. Do you contemplate having any work done In the line of building? If so give Harry Johnson a chance to figure with you. First class work and satisfaction guaranteed. tf. Mr. and Mrs. W. W Smead and Mrs. Dr. Winnard spent Wednesday at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Biyless on Rhea cieek. Olsn Hayes arrived borne from Portland on yesterday evening with bis new Flanders. He has the agency at Heppner for this machine. Eczema spreads rapidly; itching almost driyea you mad. .For quick relief, Doan's Ointment is well reo ommended. 60o at all stores. Misa Virginia Crawford announces that ahe is now ready to resume teach ing. Those contemplating lessons on piano can arrange with her to begin at once. ' Miss Mabel Cameron is conducting! the eighth grade examination for this district at the Court House today It is boned that all the pupils will pass this time. . W. E. White departed on Tuesday morning for his home at Monument after getting his family located in Heppner where they expect to remain for some time. Miss Edna Woolery and Mr. Alfied Johnson, au attornsy of Portland, weie married at lone on Tuesday, the 3d int. The young people will male their home in Portland. Mrs. Eugene Noble ia visiting with relatives at Monmouth. Oregon and Vancouver, Wash. She will be absent for some time. On her trip below she was accompanied by her niece, Miss Lillian Goodnight, of Vancouver, who spent several weeks visiting the Noble family in Heppner. Rev. W. A. Pratt, pastor of the M. E. Church at this point the past yoar. bas received appointment at the hands of the conference recently held at Ellensbum to the pastorate of the church at Bend. Oreuou This is a new field and the M. E church has just recently completed a new church building there. Mr. Pratt will leave for his new field of labor at onoe. Marshall Phslps departed yesterday moiaing for Bellevue. Neb. wher he will attend school this winter. He goes via Denver, and will try to see some' of the wonderful sights of that route while on the wav. t The school Marshall will attend this yer Is pre sided over by his Grandfather Phelps and he will take a preparatory course. The two warehouses atxHeppner ate beginning to receive wheat quite live ly but the real rush has not started yet. Most of the wheat so far deliv ered has been Eold and is being ship ped out." .A shortagejot cars is loosed for a little later and then the grain will pile up in such quantities as never before witnessed in Heponer. E. O. Slocura now runs the "Slow Train Throuhg Arkansaw" and de livers the jpail to and from the depot to the postofnee daily. Cnx & Beamer refused to carry the mail any longer for the price they were getting and now Elmer is taking it to and from trains until other arrangements are made. ' i R. J. Carsner came in from Spray yesterday with a fine bunch of beef cattle which were shipped out to Port land this morning. At prevailing prloes this carload of cattle will be worth at least $2000, and some of the steers will sell for above 170. W. H. Bowman came in from Mon ument on SundHy evening. He was accompanied by Mrs. Roy Bowman and son. They left on Monday morn ing for Portland where Mrs. Bowman ia taking her boy for treatment for weak eyes. Percy Jarmon and wife, of Butter creek, visited friends in Heppner over Monday. Mr. Jarmon says they are experiencing a very prosperous year on" the creek, crops of fruit, veget ables, hay and grain being very abun dant. Mrs. Henry Johnson was an over Sunday visitor at Heppner, coming up from Salem on Saturday evening and returning on Monday. We are informed that this family contem plates returning to Heppner to reside. wheat Is rolling into Heppner from the near-by farms at a rapid rate these davs, and the heavy-laden wag ons look mighty good to the denizens of this burg Henpner will matket a large amount or grain this Fall. Farmer E. J. Merrill was in town from Hardman on Tuesday to get a supply of the necessaries of life. Ed says he has not finished putting up all his hay yet, and is pretty anxious for some giod weather. Misa Glen Ward, of Portland, ig writing upon an examination for a temporary certificate today. She for merly resided at lone and decided that she would return to this county to teach. Dr. N. E. Winnard was called to Hardman on Sunday to wait ot) Mrs. M. E. Devore who was quite ill from heart trouble. He left the patient much relieved noon his return to town. Rev. Wm. DeWeese, of Goldendale, Wash. , will occupy the pulpit of the Federated church next Sunday morn ing! and evening. Everybody cor dially Invited to attend the services. Mrs. L. E. Colin invites the ladies of Heppner and vioinity to the first display of Fall and WinW millinery Satardav, Sept. 7th. The new suit and cloak samples are now ready. Woman loves a clear rosy complex ion. Burdock Blood Bitters is splen did for purifying the blood, olearing the skin, restoring sound digestion. All druggists sell It. Price $1.00. W. G. Scott wns up from Lexington yesterday and states that wheat ia coming into the warehouses there very fast Numerous sales have been msda but the market is off at present A business meeting of the Library Association will be held at the library on next Wednesday afternoon at 8. AU members of the Association ur gently requested to be present. AT THE BAKERY Get awaytfromJ the heat ot baking by. buying your bread. Cream loaf, plain loaf, whole wheat and rye. Nothing better than oar cream loaf. S. W. Spencer and wife spent the week en J at the home of John M Spencer on lower Butter creek, enjoy ing a f east of watermelons' and other good things. Wm. Beymer and wife, of Monu ment, aro visiting at the home of Mrs. Beymer'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. E Farnsworth. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yen Have Always Eaught Bears the Signature f Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, July t9th 1912. Notice is hereby given that George Penegor, whose post-office address is 371 Cable Street, Portland, Oregon, did on the 85th day of September. 1911, file in this office Sworn Statement and Application. No. 09812, to purchase the El NEJ, Sec tion 7. Township 6 South Range 27, East Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon. undr the provisions of the act of Junn 3, 1878, and acts amedat,orv, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed bv anpraisement and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber ther.cn have been appraised, at $332 00 the timber esti mated 312,000 board feet at 50 cents and ll.OOperM, and the land $40.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his appilcation and sworn statement on the 14th dav of October, 1912, before C. O. Patterson, United States Commissiouer at his office at Henpner, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before eutry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corroborated affidav it in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. F. C BRAMWELL, Reigster. A 8-0 10 Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate ot Julius Keitbley, deceaed, has filed his final account in the above entitled estate and that the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County has fixed Monday, the 7th day of Ootober, 1912, at the hur of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day as the time and the CoUDty Court Room in the Court House at Henpner, Oreogn, as the plaoe of hearing said final aocount and objections thereto: objections to raid final account should be filed on or before said date. C. L. KEITHLEY, Adminisrator. S 5-0 3. People wishing woodsawlng done will kindly leave orders witlt Heu drlesou & Gurdane at the Pastime. lino. R. L- Mekkick. Frederich The Tailor has the agency for the celebrated International Tail oring Co. Leave your measure here and save $5 to $10 on every suit. When preparing for a trip you will find the trunk you need a the Case Furniture store. (S TT V 11 School begins, rain or shine, Monday morning, September 9th. The boys must have a new school suit. Aside from our regular line of Knickerbockers, we are offer ing a line of Straight Pants Suits at Real Bargain Prices. We have placed on these suits a discount of 25 per cent to 50 per cent. They originally sold from $4.00 to $6.00. Remember they are not old shelf-worn, moth eaten goods, but Real Boys Suits in cotton mixed, serge and worsted cloth. Come in and look them over. We can fit you out from the hat down to the shoes ur merchandise is dependable Past favors appreciated, future patronage solicited. MINOR GO. . For chapped hands, face, sunburn, tan, etc., use WITCH HAZEL CREAM DERMINE CREAM Guaranteed by SLOCUM DRUG CO. BUCKS FOR SALE Pure Bred Lincolns, Cotswold and Shrop Rams from the best flocks in the country. All orders promptly filled and delivered at Heppner. If you have anything to sell in the Sheep line send your list to me; I will find a buyer. T. F. BOYLEN, Pendleton, Or. At the Theatre Tonight The Higher Toll A Romatlc Drama. Swift Wind's Hekoism Pathe An Indian Story. Captain Barnacle's Mkssmatk Featuring John Bunny, our Friend. Fat Friday and Saturday. P ATI IK'S WEEKLY- Tarry town, N. Y. Powerful tug boats breaking up solid ice. Paris Franco A tailor, who Invents a parachute attempts to Jump from Elfel tower; Is dashed to death on ground. Davos. Swltscrland-Tlu" annual ski contest. Houston. Texas The great n re. A loss of ..000,000.00. Springfield, Mo. A passenger train suow bound 42 miles from town for twelve hours. Spkcial for Laimks Paris. France Advance spring stjles ia walking suits and afternoon house gowus. The Heart of a Boss Drama Lubin. . The New Editor Comedy Edison. Star Theatre. Dont Put Off Until To morrow What Should be Done Today. This applies directly to those who intend taking ad vantage of the opportunity of placing their order early for a new fall and winter suit or overcoat. We are in receipt of about 500 samples of the very latest patterns. We are also in receipt of new samples from Perlberg Co. and Universal Tailoring Co., Chicago's leading mail order tailors. These should particularly appeal to those who desire a good garment, perfect fitting and at a medium price. Come and see the new Light Weigt, Waterproof Overcoat now on Display TAILOR M. S. CORRIGALL. President i. B. NATTER, Vice Pre J. H. McHALEY, Vice Pres. T. J. MAHONEY. Cahier CLYDE BROCK. Ami. Cahier We offer to the Public the services of a strong and well equipped Bank, with the experience of twenty-five years in this community. Accommodations extended to cus tomers consistent with safety, and balances carried with us. House for Sale. Owing to the fact that we expect to move into our new home soon we will sell the bouse and )o and three acres inclndine chicken house and cow barn. Near Bite of the proposed Catholic Hospital. tf. ARTIE MORGAN COXDER. Lexington and lone Congre gational Services. Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. in lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month : in Lexington on the 2nd and 4th Sundats of the month.