The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, August 29, 1912, Image 4

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Liberty Meat Marker
B. F. MATLOCK, Prop.
The Best Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal,
Sausage and Home Cured Meats.
City Meat Market
KINSMAN & HALL, Proprietors
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal,
Good Lard, About 10 lbs. $1.50
Lowest Prices on Meat for Harvest.
Reports of 30,000 Cases of Kidney
Trouble, Some of Them
Heppner Cases.
rcch of mima fl. 000 newspapers of
the United States is publinhinp; from
week to week, names of people in its
particolar neighborhood, who have
used and recommendel Doan's Kidney
Pills for kidney backache and urinary
disorders. This mass of proof includes
over 30,000 testimonials. Heppner is
no exception. Here is one of the
Heppner cases.
A. S. Buroh, farmer, Heppner, Ore-
eon, says: "tor about; nve years i
had gravel and kidney trouble, there
was much pain through my kidneys
and at one time I was laid up for two
weeks. The doctor's treatment help
ed me slightly, but it was not until I
tried Doan's Kidney Pills that I re
ceived any great benefit. This prepar
ation has done so much for me that I
gladly recommend it to other kidney
For sal 9 by a deaers, Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milbuin Co. Buffalo. New
York, sole agents for the United
. Remember the name Doan's and
ake no other.
Contracting and Building,
Painting and Paperhanging
Am prepared to do all lines of repairing and job work at my
shop in old Gazette Building on Main street, Heppner. See me
for any kind of work in these lines.
Fuel Dealer
Rock Springs Coal, Pine, Fir and Oak Cord Wood
and Slab Wood.
Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company
and they will receive prompt attention.
discriminate agalnsf land? Let us
As Henry George was the author
of Single Tax and as his master work
on this subject Is his book, "Prog
ress and Poverty," from which all
Single Tax advocates draw their in
spiration and to the fundamental prin
ciples of which they subscribe; and
as Joseph Fels, who Is financing the
present Single Tax campaign In Ore
gon Is an avowed Henry George Sin
gle Taxer, openly declaring for the
abolition of private property in land,
let us consult Henry George In
"Progress and Poverty" and learn
what this Single Tax movement In
Oregon means.
Quotations From George.
"The truth is. and from this
truth there can be no escane. that
there Is and can be no Just ti
tle to an exclusive possession of
the soil, and that private prop
erty in land is a bold, bare,
enormous wrong, Tike that of
chattel slavery."
Again he says:
"If the land belongs to the
people, why continue to permit
land owners to take the rent, or
compensate them in any manner
for the loss of rent?"
No Possible Question.
Is there room for further question
as to what Single Tax means? Can
you' not see that the object In plac
ing all the burden on land is to
destroy land values, to drive the dag
ger deeper and deeper Into private
ownership of land until the rent value
is taken In the form of taxes.
Then Single Tax will have accom
plished the death of private prop;
erty in land the purpose for which
It wfls designed. The state will then
jwn the land. Oregon will have pass
ed from a state of home owners to
one of tenants. Which do you prefer?
Effort to Place Whole Burden
Land Arouses Suspicion In
. Minds of Many Confiscition
Is Sole Aim and End.
Secretary, Oregon Equal Taxation League.
From all over Oregon I have re
ceived inquiries as to what Single
Tax really is. Widespread and ex
pensive as the campaign in its favor
has been, there is yet much ignorance
regarding it This I propose to dis
pel herewith.
Single Tax is offered as a system
of taxation. It is offered as a tax
reform. It is offered as a panacea
for all the ills of society. We are
told that under the magic influence
of Single Tax, the inequalities so
apparent in society will completely
disappear; that crime, want, misery,
and even physical imperfections will
vanish with the introduction of this
peculiar system of so-called taxation.
Appeals to Emotions.
Single Tax appeals to the emotions
to those whose envy and prejudice
are easily awakened, and most gen
erally, to a class who are not direct-
An Abla Manager,
A western senator was telling a sto:
ry about an able campaign manager.
"He Is a remarkably economical
chap," said the senator. "He can make
a dollar go further In a campaign than
any man I know. They tell a story
abont him a story that shows what
a manager he is. It seems he went
Into a cigar store one day to get a
light. Well, as he was lighting up a
man entered and bought three live
cent cigars. As soou ns the man left
our friend said quickly:
" "Those cigars are six for a quarter,
ain't they?"
" 'Yes, sir,' said the salesman.
"Our friend laid down a dime.
" Gimme.' he snkl. "the other three
then. "New York Tribune.
A Ghost Story.
A London daily tells a short modern
ghost story. A man was traveling on
a northbound train out of Loudon. Op
posite him was a silent stranger, his
only companion. Between London ami
Derby no word passed. Then, us the
train drew out of Derby, he said pleas
antly. "Good line, this. sir. eb?" The
stranger replied: "I think it's u beastly
bad line. I was killed on it two years
How Grant Cured a Badly Scared Staff
One of General Grant's newly ap
pointed staff officers had never been in
ly interested in the class of property nny serious engagement. But almost
affected thereby. Even Joseph Fels, tne nrst ay tnat ue reported to Grant
the multi-millionaire of Philadelphia,
Heppner Garage
Bert Bowker, Prop.
Automobile for hire. Repair work of all kinds
done. Gasoline and oil for sale. Machines housed,
cleaned and oiled.
Agent for the 1912 FORD
, ai
iff? :
who is financing
Livery Stable
f Heppner's Leading Confection
ery and Ice Cream Parlors
Can serve you now with nice, fresh Ice Cream. None
rtter to be had in the citv. Fine line of fresh Candies.
L.eodin& Brands Giars and Tobacco
he was placed under a fire of the hot
test nnd most severe kind. The scream
ing of the balls, the roaring of the can
non and the sharp crack and rattle of
the musketry thoroughly demoralized
him. He became absolutely sick and
paralyzed with fear. lie was s6 weak
from nervous excitement that he lost
physical control over himself.
General Grant came up at the very
climax of his fright, and, noticing his
pale face, his blue lips and chattering
teeth, lie salil: "Captain, you are fright
ened. That Is natural enough You
will get over It. Suppose," continued
Grant, "1 should come to you with a
hat containing niset.v-nine while beans
und one black one and I should ask
you to thrust your hand Into tlrt; hat nt
a venture nnd pick out the black bean.
Do you think your chance of getting
that black bean would be very good?
Well, your chance fur being hit under
this lire is no greater than yolir chance
for drawing the black beau."
This officer at once took heart, and
from then on he never showed the
slightest sign of fear. Life.
the Single Tat
movement in Oregon, owns but 1 ttle
b.iul. lie has made his millions from
the manufacture of soan, and under
the Single Tax system he would pay
lititle or no taxes.
-Single Tax means what the t?rm
implies one tax a single tax a
tax on but one class of property, just
one source of raising revenue to sus
tain the government.
Suspicion is Aroused,
The very fact that Single Tax
means a tax on one class or nron- ,
erty should he suffic'ent to arouse j by the story of Musa. the leader of
s;ir,:icion on the part ' f a iv thinking j the Moslem host which won from
mm or woman. It should at once Christendom in three and a half years
be clear to them that there was ; dominions which it took the soldiers of
It Probably Chpngsd the History of the
Whale Human Race.
The most striking case hi history of
t ho importance of trilles is furnished
s,ome specinc design m inns reliev
ing from taxation all forms of prop-e-ty,
except land, ether Than a mere
reform In the system cf taxation.
A tnx reform measure would seek
to have all '.vr.o avo fortunate enough
In this great, strwr'Jle for existence,
to posses', property to pay their
shire of the operating exnenses of
the govemn'ect in the form of a tax
upon their hoM'-igs.
Single Tax ignores this principle
entirely. There must, then, b- some
other motive in urging its adoption
in the sta'e of (Vpgon, other th'in
a desire to reform the present system
of taxation.
Object Is Apparent.
The fundamental principle of Sin
gle Tax Is positively at variance
with the accepted principles of taxa
tion and is condemned as a svstem
the cross twenty generations to Win
back. He had a red beard This was
a trillo.
Musa, though a very great general,
was a very v.iin man. and he dyed hi
beard black. This was nnotner trlile.
One of his captains chaffed iiioi on the
subject, and Musa forthwith had liim
fit ripped ai.d scourg-d For this, nt
(lie very height of his conquering ca
reer, Musa was recalled by the caliph
and disgraced. This mad-j it Impossi
ble for him to command the Moslem
nruiy at the battle of Tours, on the is
sue of which, as nil historians agree,
the destinies of Europe and perhaps of
the whole h'.iniau race depended.
It is almost certain that if the genius
of Musa had replaced the Incompetence
of the half dozen tribal loaders whose
Buy I H C Wagons for True Economy
YOU cannot farm without a wagon any
more than you can keep house without a
stove. You use your wagon every day
and work it harder than anything else on the
Buy a wagon that lasts longer than the aver
age. It is an easy thing to do, even though
all wagons which are painted alike may look
alike. The difference in wagons is underneath
the paint. It is the material and workman
ship entering into the construction of I H C
Weber New Bettendorf Steel King
which make them the best wagon investment.
We tell you how our wagons are built, and
we want every purchaser to convince himself
before buying, that when I H C wagons are
advertised as having oak hubs, hickory axles,
and long leaf yellow pine box bottoms, these
are the materials actually used.
When an I H C wagon reaches a farmer's
barn, that farmer has one of the best wearing,
easiest running farm wagons that skilled labor
can make or that money can buy. There is
no need to speculate in buying a wagon.
I H C wagons are made for nation-wide uses,
with special features adapted to local condi
tions. Weber wagons have wood gears. New
Bettendorf and Steel King have steel gears.
The I H C wagon dealer in your town sells
the wagon best suited to your neighborhood.
Ask him for I H C wagon literature, or write
International Harvester Company of America
Portland Ore.
I H C Service Bureau
The purpose of this Bureau is to furnish, free
of charge to all, the best information obtainable
on better farming. If you have any worthy Ques
tions concerning soils, crops, land drainage, irri
tation, fertilizers, etc.. make your inauiriesspecific
and send them to I H C Service Bureau. Harvester
Building. Chicago, US A
Why It I Essential That They Should
Be Recorded.
As the value of land to the owner
Increases so does the security of mort
gage Investments given ou that laud
increase. A mortgage may be consid
ered as a deed of the land which re
vests the title In the original owner or
his successor on the paying on: or the
mortgage or the bond or uote which
the mortgage secures.
Mortgages are recorded In public
offices, called registers, recorders or
county clerks' offices, in much the same
way that deeds are, so that nny one
buying the land Is bound to take no
tice of them, and the land Is bound by
them, no matter to whom the land Is
conveyed, and no one has a right to
say that he bought the land uot know
ing that a mortgage was on it. for he
Is presumed by law to know such
facts, as a search of the title in these
public oflices would reveal.
If, however, the holder of the mort
gage does not cause the mortgage to
be recorded then any innocent pur
chaser of the land can take it clear of
the lieu of the mortgage.
In no particular has the law of this
country gone further than in the elTort
to secure the title of the landowner
and the security of the mortgage hold
er, and no Investments are more, high
ly regarded by the conservative busi
ness man than those founded on the
ImperWhable surface of the earth.
Christian Herald.
or other open ' form a ring or ovnf or
square Is grafted to the natural stalk,
bound closely, and left to grow into
place. Harper's.
of taxation by all economic writers, ( dissensions made victory Impossible
worthy of the titK i tlie foroP9 nf Islam would have Joined
The object of Single Tax. or a 1 hanfls from the west to the east nnd
fax on land only, should at once be ! ,nclosed Elirope ,n grasp.-Lou-anparent
to those who would Klve " '
the subject a moment's thought , dn Standard.
iiscrimjnation against lanjl. Iiut why
In France Thsy Shape Them at They
Grow In Nurseries.
Most of the handles of canes, alpon
stocks, parasols and umbrellas used in
Trance are grown in nurseries. Ash.
maple, oak, chestnut and other woods
are used. In the early part of the first
year after planting the young trees
iire cut near the ground to bring about
the formation of numerous sprouts
The lower branches are removed, and
only a plume of leaves is left.
Early In the spring the sprouts are
subjected to a surgical operation.
Their bark Is cut. and the wood Is
carved in different designs, which are
swollen by the sap and grow in high
relief as the tree develops Special in
utrumenls are used for the cutting and
designing. Thus curved, the sprouts
grow for three years
At the end of the third year the for
pst of umbrella handles is ut. and the
cuts are dried in the sun and then giv
en a vapor bath, after which they are
put into the hands of skilled workmen,
who H-el them with one quick move
ment. When skinned the peeler cut them
to the required lengths nnd send tlieni
to the umbrella maker, who varnishes
them. If the shape desired is a rh'tf
Extra Buttons.
"It takes stout people to break all
rules regulating the number of buttons
od a coat or waistcoat," said the tailor.
"Tbey can't follow the fashion; their
size won"t let them.
" 'Three buttons on a coat this year,'
tailors' conventions may decree, or two
or four or Ave. or whatever number
thev think nrooer. but the man with
j a figure that is constantly trying to
escape its environment does not care
about conventions. What be wants Is
buttons enough to keep his clothes In
Tut "em closer together." be says,
'so the strain won't all come on two
or three buttons.'
'So we put them closer together,
nnd the result is that stout people fre
quently have twice as many buttons
on their clothes as fashion calls for."
New York Times
Bow Logged Men.
Do not revile the bow legged man.
for he plays an important part in the
world. It is estimated that ):) per cent
of mankind nre bow legged, so nu
merically this class Is entitled to great
respect. I'.ow legs invariably nccom
nnnv a robust physique. We find them
lone of the conspicuous features of
athletes. Comedians are almost al
ways bow legged. Of the bow legged
geniuses to which humanity points
with pride the mosf illusl rious exam
ples nre Caesar. Horace. . Napoleon.
Wellington. Schopenhauer and flavour,
the celebrated Italiau statesman. Lou
don Answers.
Where Did They Put It?
Vrast When they do bousecleanlng
at ho ne I have the greatest trouble in
finding anything. Crimsonbeak -Me
too. 1'Tiey cleaned bouse nt my place
the other day, and when I gt home,
do you know. I couldn't find the key
hole for the longest time. Vonkers
He Shouldn't.
A man with a donkey for sale, hear
ing that a friend wanted to buy one.
sent him the following, written on a
postal card:
"Dear Jack, if you are locking for n
really good donkey, please don't forget
me." Exchange.
A Revised Edition.
I should have no objection to n repe
tition of life from the beginning, only
asking the advantage authors have in
a. revised edition to correct some faults
In the first. Franklin.
We should te ns careful cf our words
s of our actions Cicero.