The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, August 15, 1912, Image 5

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Local and Personal
All kinds of good ice cold sodas at
The Palm.
Do you want bunts? See adv. of
T. F. Boylen. ,
Go to the Bakery for your tread.
26 loaves for $1.00.
J. 0. Walton and wife were in from
Batter creek, Tuesday.
0. C. Rhea and family were in
from Bhoa creek, Tuosday.
Four head of work horses for sale.
Inquire at City Meat Market.
J. R. Olden was in town on Tues
day from his Rhea creek farm.
G. H. Beymer was in Heppner the
first of the week from Monument.
E E. McClaran, the architeot, came
up from Portland, Tuesday evening.
Highest cash prices paid for hides,
pelts and furs. Morrow Warehouse
Milling Oo.
When preparing for a trip you will
find the trunk you need at the Case
Furniture store.
M. S. Corrtgall came in from the
Butter creek ranch, TueJday to look
after interests in Heppner.
The Rev. W. A. Pratt returned on
Monday's train from his vacation in
O'ofino and Lewiston, Idaho.
It may be to your interest to get
my prices before buying watches,
clocks or jewelery. C. R. Johnson,
Mrs. Johnson and children letf on
Monday's train for Pendleton, where
the family is to make their home for
the present.
Oregon made, Felted Cottton Mat
tresses. The very best in price aod
quality. Call and be oonvinced
Case Furniture Co.
D. S Barlow and wife were in from
Eight Mile, Tuesday, transacting bus
iness with Heppner merohants and
looking after other maters.
Fredench The Tailor has the agency
for the celebrated International Tail
oring Co. Leave your measure here
and save (5 to flO on every suit.
AT THE BAKERY Get away from
the heat of baking by buying your
bread. Cream loaf, plain loaf, whole
wheat and rye. Nothing better than
oar cream loaf.
Dr. Winoard is now able to look
after his office practice again after a
long siege with his injured foot. He
is still obliged to walk with crutch
and cane, however.
F. H. Watts and wife, of The
Dalles, arrived in Heppner on Mon
day, coming in by auto. Mr. Watts
is looking lifter business in connetion
with his marble works at The Dalles.
Don't use harsh physics. The re
action weakens the bowels, leads to
chronio constipation. Get Doan's
Rnguletg. They operate easily. 25
cents at all stores.
"I was cuied of diarrhoea by one
dose of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholers
and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes M.
E. Geuhardt, Oriole, Pa. There is
nothing better. For sale by Patterson
& Son.
LeanderPavid departed for Portland,
TneBday morning, after having spent
the past two weeks visiting friends
in Heppner. Leander expects to en
ter the University of California this
winter and his visit may be the last
for several years.
J. H. Cox received word the first
of the week of the death of a sister,
Mrs Ida Green, at Shelbina, Missouri.
The news of her death came aa a
shock to Mr. Cox, ai he had not been
Informed of her illness. The remains
were laid to rest at Shelbina.
Clarence, the seven year old son of
Conductor and Mrs. Fiske had the
misfortune to break a leg Tuesday
vening. The little fellow was found
hanging from the too of a pioket fence,
having fallen in each a manner as to
fracture the limb just below the knee.
Mr. W. S. Gunsalns, a farmer liv
ing near Fleming, Pa.. says he has
used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoe Remedy in his family
for fourteen years, and that he has
found it to be an excellent remedv,
and takes pleasure in recommending
It. For sale by Patterson & Son.
Notice to All Fruit Growers and
Dealers No scaly or wormy frnit will
be permitted in any market in Morrow
Fruit Inspector of Morrow County.
One of the most common ailments
that hard working people are afflicted
with is lame back. Apply Chamber
lain's Linlmeont twice a day and
massage the parts thoroughly at tach
application, and you will get quick
relief. For sale by Patterson & Son.
Rev. E. P. Warren and wife depart
ed for Trov, Idaho, Tuesday afternoon
to attend the annual conference of the
M. E. Church, South, for this die-,
trict. They are making the drive
overland with their horse and buggy
and expect to pat in seven or eight
davs on the road. As Mr. Warren s
foture location depends on the decision
of the conference he does not know
where he will go from here. The
WarrenB have been residents of Hepp
ner for the past three years, during
which time they have made a host of
warm personal friends. Always ready
to aid those in need they have left
nothing but the memory of eood dsods
behind them. Through the labors of
Mr. Warren the petple of his faith
have been housed in a comfortable,
modern little church edifice which
stands as a monument to his energy
and enterprise. A wish for con tioaed
success and happiness goes with them
from their many friends in Heppner
and Morrow oounty.
The finest apricots seen in Heppner
this seaaou are some raised on the
residence property of J. H. Cox.
They simply outclass any of the fruit
hipped in here and have been raised
with only ordinary care. The tree is
heavily laden with nice big apricots
far above the average size and the
flavor is ail that could be desired.
The land on which this fruit is raised
is not superior to other places in
Heponer. Many of our people could
do the same thing with but very litle
care. Peaches can be raised here
quite successfully and no doubt many
other things for which our citizens
pay out their hard earned dollars
could be raised right on their own
p Heponer has been unusually favored
with entertainment the past week.
Hearde'a Overland Company gave a
vaudeville performance at the Star
theater last Thursday evening and on
Monday evening the Royal Flayers
entertained a fair sized crowd at the
same place. This aggregation carries
a tent for show purposes but on accoun .
of the lateness of the train that eve
ning they were obliged to engage the
theater for one night. Their show of
that evening was in the nature of a
variety performance. Tuesday even
ing the troupe presented "Uncle Tom's
Cabin" in their big tent. This is one
of the best organizations that has
appeared in Heppner In recent years.
palace: hotel
To our Swedish friends it may be
interesting to note that of all the crop
mortgages in Morrow county, totalling
the sum of $100,286 61, there is not
one cent against a Swede. Consider
ing the fact that most of the Scandin
avians are not looated in the choicest
sections of the county tbis speaks vol
umes for their thrift and prosperity.
Tnis is accounted for in a large meaa
nre by the fact that the Swede can
stand prosperity better than his
American brother. He lives very
modestly when his credit is good,
hence is'alwavs in a position to meet
the conditions resulting from poor
crops and other reveises.
Thomson Bros, are this week mak
ing some changes iu their store build
ing. A new arch has beon cut in the
partition separating the grooery de
partment from the gents famishing
department allowing passage between
the rooms at tr front of the building
instead of the center as before. They
are also building in new show windows
whioh will be much more convenient
In displaying goods. These improve
ments add materially to the general
appearanoe and convenience of the
The .editor of this great family
journal has cast dull care to the breezes
and hied himself to the tall uncut for
a two weeks' stay in the neighborhood
of Herren'a Mill. In the meanlme
the destiny of the G.-T. is , in the
hands of the mechanical department,
so if the paper is not up to its usual
standard the reader will appreciate
the aforesaid department's capacity
for laying off when the boss is nut
J. L. Wilkins and family went to
the mountains Tuesday afternoon to
enjoy the scenery and live the simple
life for a few days. Joe expects to
make fishing in the Potamus a thing
of the past after his visit there. If
lie and Smead and Herren all go over
there the same time there surely will
not be many trout left for other nim
rods. ,Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Underhill of
Salem are putsts a t the home of Dr.
and Mrs. Winnard this week. Mr.
Underhill is connected with the Town
send Creamery Co. Mrs. Underhill
will be remembered hv Heppner peo
ple as Mrs. Carrie Fankboner. She
clerked in the Fair store several
months previous to the disposal of
that business to F. 0. Maquardson.
FOR SALE-A span of work
mares with colts. See J. L. Yea
ger. t.f.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pheloa went
down to Portland Mondav, to enjoy
a short vacation In that city and vi
cinity. Ms Elizabeth accompanied
them as far as the Shutt ranch, where
she will visit until the return of her
parents. In the absence of A. M.,
Thomas Ohidaey is doing the counter
jumping stunt at the corner grocery.
A FEW HOGS (175 lbs)
Palace Hotel
Wm Stauffer, of Hood River, was
in tho city on Monday looking after
business connected with his Morrow
county interests. At present Mr.
Stauffer is busy looking atfer the har
vesting of the wheat crop on his large
farm west of Lexington. A field of
800 acres is turning off an average of
twenty bushels.
The Rev's. Deal, two ministers
in the Idaho Conference, of the M. E.
Church, pastors at Narnpa and Fruit
land were in town over Sunday, one of
them preaching in the M. E. Church
Snuth Sunday night. They were
looking op two timber claims that they
own in this vicinity.
Wiley Wattenburger hai purchased
a tract of land a quarter of a mile east
of Pendleton and wiU nicve his family
there in the.jmmediate future. The
ranch consists of thirteen acres and is
set to fruit trees and berries. He
will rent his Heppner property if he
is unable to dispose of it otherwise.
Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum
seta you crazy. Can't bear the touch
of your clothing. Doan's Ointment is
fine foi skin itching. All druggists
sell it, 50c a box.
We see Gas McMillan clerking
again iu Leach Bros.
Miss Edoa Carmichael was an lone
visitor on Wednesday.
Mrs. L. W. Hill, formerly of Lex
intgon visited Iexington on Saturday.
We understand a good show under a
canvass is booked for Lexington on
Wednesday, August 14 and 15.
There are a few farmer in this
locality who have not yet finished
There wasn't much of a crowd to
attend Herde's Overland Bhow on Fri
day night yet a good show was given.
Henry Burchell formerly of Lex
ington, but now of Portland is back
at Lexington for a while accompanied
by his son Roy.
Joe Osbern is seen on our streets
after an absence of six years. He is
here on a visit with his parents and
Mrs. Ohas. Breshears is entertain
ing her sistnrs, Mrs. Mulligan and
Mrs. McMann, of Walla Walla. Mr.
and Mrs. Breshears and sisters left
for a trip to the mountains on Satur
day. Rev. and Mrs. Powell, who have
been residents of Lexington for some
time left Lexington last Tuesday.
Mr. Powell cams back on Friday night
to straighten up affairs as he will not
be rhe Methodist minister of Lexing
ton next vear. Mr. and Mrs. Powell
made many friends during their brief
stay in Lexington and we wish them
success in their new venture.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature f
Lexington and lone Congre
gational Services.
Preaching services at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. in lone on the 1st and 3rd
Sundays of the month ; in Lexington
on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the
month. ' r
Sunday School 10 a. m. "I was
glad wben chey said unto me, 'let na
go into the house of the Lord'."
Remember this announcement and the
humble Pastor. E. P. Warren.
Services next Sunday aa follows:
Sunday School at 9:45. Morning
worship at 11 o'clock. Union service
at the Baptist chucrh at 8 o'clock p.
m. W. A. Pratt,' Pastor.
For Sale.
Holt side hill combined Harvester
in good running order with 6 horse
equalized hitch, some good young work
mules and horses. Address C. S.
Whitcomb. Moragn, Ore. It.
House for Sale.
Owing to the fact that we expect to
move into our new home soon we will
soil the house and lo and three acres
including chicken house and cow barn.
Near site of the proposed Catholic
Frank Roberts and H. H. Hoffman
returned from Fairmonnt Montana,
Friday evening where they delivered
four carloads of the Nunamakei high
grade Rambouillet bucks. An inter-
view with the Professor reveals the
fact that they had a highly enjoyable
trip through the mountainous region
which septritas that section from the
rest of the world and it will not be
surprising if his many friends in this
oity receive complimentary copies nf
a booklet' entitled "Through the
Rockies on a Boxcar.
To introduce our very complete
Fall line of beautiful wool suitings,
wash fabrics, fancy waistiDgs. silks,
handkerchiefs, petticoats, etc. Up-to-date
N. Y. Uitv Patterns. Finest
line on the market. Dealing direct
with the mills you will find our prices
low. If others can make $10.00 to
130.00 weekly, you tan also. Samples
and full instructions pacaed in a neat
sampe case, shipped express prepaid.
No money required. Exclusive terri
tory. Write for particulars. Be
first to apply. Standard Dress Goods
Company, Dept. 608, Binghamton
N. Y.
The Railroad Time
keeper of America.
The timekeepea that Jewel
ers place first among American
watches; and that 56 per cent
of railroad men on roads where
there is official time inspection
endorse by their ownership as
the highest type of timekeeper
produced in the world.
Let us show you this
celebrated watch at var
ious prices.
Jeweler & Optometrist.
New Dry Goods
You are invited to come in
and look over our new line of
for Fall and Winter which has
just been opened up and placed
in stock ready for your inspection.
Hot Lake Sanatorium
Nature's Cure for Rheumatism
A Natural Health Restorative
Hot Lake Sanatorium oilers much to health anil rest seekers. The
great boiling mineral spring provides naturally medicated water and mud
containing medicinal properties of great value. The three hundred room
Hotel Sanatorium affords ample accommodation. Use of the water i
prescribed according to the needs of the patient, determined by skillful
diagnosis. The result is, the Hot Lake Sanatorium isreallv a cure place.
Thousands who have suffered from rheumatism, blood, skin, stomach and
kidney disorders have found relief and permanent cure there. The rates
are made to conform to the requirement of all classes. Open the year
round. . , ,
Hot Lake Sanatorium is located In Union County, Eastern Oregon. In
the heart of the Blue Mountains, directly on the main line of the Oregon
Washington Railroad CO. Navigation Co., and can be conveniently
reached from anv railroad point in the Northwest. Special reduced round
trip fares are made from all points ou the O.-W. K. & N. Write for free
booklet to
WALTER M. PIERCE, Pres. and Mar.
School Notes.
Br 8u.t. Notson.
On the 2nd inst . I drove down into
the "banana belt" to visit the school
in District No. 9. The number and
size of stacks of wheat in that section
of the country is simplv astonishing.
Miss Florence Piargott is the teacher
In District No. 9 The school is
somewhat larger than it was last year.
The enrollment is eleven. Ihe record
of attendance shows that the warm
weather is not affecting the attendance
unfavorably. Now adjustable single
form desks have been installed. They
are quite an improvement over the old
desks. This is one of the few coun
try schools which have the light ad
mitted fiom the left and rear, which
is quite an advantage to tbe pupils.
A little more care in lighting our
school rooms and a little more care
on the part of teachers to adjust the
shades properly would save tbe eyes
of tho pupils very much and niase the
discipline less difficult.
Op last Thursday I visited the
school in District No. 59, where Miss
Margaret Oaten is at the helm. The
call of the huckleberry patch has been
so strong that the number of pupils
in attendance is greatly reduced. It
seems almost a waste of money to
maintain a school wben only a few
will attend. The teaoherjean not keep
up the interest among the pupils when
the attendance is irregular. It might
be better to have a vacation during
tbe time that it is difficult to secure
a full attendance.
Not many teachers have reported
the completion of the reading circle
work. Under the new law, all cer
tificates must be registered each year,
and tbe reading circle work must be
done to entitle a teacher to have his
or ber certificate registered. Tha
reading circle work is not burdensome
but is a benefit.