The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, August 15, 1912, Image 4

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Liberty Meat Market
B. F. MATLOCK, Prop.
The Best Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal,
Sausage and Home Cured Meats.
City Meat Market
KINSMAN & HALL, Proprietors
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal,
Good Lard, About 10 lbs. $1.50
Lowest Prices on Meat for Harvest.
Contracting and Building,
Painting and Paperhanging
Am prepared to do all lines of repairing and job work at my
shop in old Gazette Building on Main street, Heppner. See me
for any kind of work in these lines.
Fuel Dealer
Rock Springs Coal, Pine, Fir and Oak Cord Wood
and Slab Wood.
Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company
and they will receive prompt attention.
Heppner Garage
Bert Bowker, Prop.
Automobile for hire. Repair work of all kind3
done. Gasoline and oil for sale. Machines housed,
cleaned and oiled.
Agent for the
MIKEHEALY, Proprikto
Livery Stable
lm b r nil nrnnttTfrTTT-'T""
M '
Heppner's Leading Confection
ery and Ice Cream Parlors
Can serve you now with nice, fresh Ice Cream. None
J J-ttter to be had in the citv. fine line ot iresh candies.
1 Leading Brands Cigars and Tobacco
1912 FORD
"? - """'?""
A Queer Decree of Divorce Issued by a
Pari Court,
Some years ago, it Is said, a legal
blunder of a most extraordinary char
acter was committed In one of the dl
vorce courts In Paris. By some misap
prehension on the part of the presid
ing Judge, whose papers and mini had
got confused, he usually tnlstovK the
name of an advocate who hud been ar
guing a petition for the name of .nc
petitioner himself and In granting ..ud
slgulng the decree of dissolution of
marriage of the petitioner unwittingly
substituted the advocate's name foi
the petitioner's and thus divorced the
lawyer from his wife Instead of grant
lug the prayed for release of the advo
cate's client. As the lawyer had no de
sire for separation from his wife and
as there was no process for annulling
an absolute decree for divorce, even to
meet such a remarkable case, it be
came necessary through this judicial
error for the man of law to remarry
his spouse without delay, and this be
A somewhat similar error was com
mitted In the English court of chun
eery. There bad been a litigation over
some property, wblcb was held by one
man and claimed by another of the
same name. In evading some order of
the court the holder of the property
hnd committed a contempt, and on
this being called to the attention of
the Judge an order IsRued for tbe sum
monlng, not of 'the guilty party, but of
the claimant of the same surname, and
the order, a very severe one, was ac
tually in execution before tbe error was
discovered. New York Press,
Trained Slav Copyists Turned Them
Out Quick and Cheap.
There were In Augustan Home es
tablished publishing bouses which Dot
only turned out large numbers of
booUs. but many editions of them and
at an incredibly small price. That
their arrangements were businesslike
may be inferred from tbe testimony
of Horace. He relates that when an
author failed to please tbe metropolis
tbe publishers shipped tbe entire edi
tion of his works to the provinces, ant
If be still failed as a writer they made
arrangements to bring them back again,
and sell thera as paper to the pastry
and spice shops.
One great firm In Rome had over
3.000 trained slave copyists, and their
work was swift and cheap, for Mar
tial writes that they bad ready an edi
tion of a thousand copies of his "Epi
grams" In just one hour, to be sold at
10 cents a copy. The exceedingly
large reading public which all this in
dicates mnst have been many years In
growing, and one may assume that
Rome bad long been a city of readers.
Atticus, tbe publisher of Cicero, had; a
great many modern, methods In th
conduct of his business, aud the far
that Caesar's "Commentaries" were
very quickly dlspntcbed to ' the etrt
posts of civilization shows that rtr
machinery of distribution was also
well organized. Thus we may ro-
clude that tbe advertising and pwbtfc
Ity department was In good shape.
Husky Dogs of Labrador-.
All along tbe coast at every Eskimo
encampment and about the cabins of
the Uveyeres are numbers of busky
dogs. In winter these animals pnll
tbe sledges and form tbe sole means
of travel or communication from set
tlement to settlement During fhe
summer they are not fed by their
owners, but are left to seek tbelr sus
tenance as best they can: hence the
hungry brutes range tbe land near the
coast and add to the problems of Lab
rador, as they permit no creature to
live that they can pnll down. If a
horse were to be turned out to grass
overnight only Its bare bones would
be found in the morning. Even to hu
man beings they are sometimes dan
gerous when night begins to fall, and
on occasion when bard driven by hun
ger they have been known to attack
children In tbe day. Considering they
are hardly ever fed In tbe summer,
one' only wonders that there are not
more 111 deeds to set to their account.
Wide World Magazine.
A Tramp's Story.
"Ton say you were once the editor
of a newspaper?"
"Yes, lady, and It was a very blight
little sheet, if I do say it."
"How does It happen, then, that you
are forced to ask at back doors for
"It is merely a case of the Irony of
fate. I bad a printer who was near
sighted, aud one afternoon when be
made np the paper he got a wedding
notice aud a murder trial mixed, so
that after describing the costume of
the bride It said the condemned man
almost collapsed wbun sentence was
pronounced." Chicago Record Herald.
A Way to Do It
lira. Bin ks The people in the next
suit to ours are awfully annoying.
They actually pound on the wall every
time our Mamie sings. I wish wt
knew of some way to drive them out
of ibe flat
"Why not have Mamie keep on sing
ing?" -Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Hard Work.
"A mounted policeman must have a
hard time."
"How soT
"It can't be an easy matter to sleep
on horseback." Judge.
Cheering Him Up.
Pe Broke So the tailor called again
with his bill? Did yon say I was outl
His Man-Yea. sir. and I told htm that
I thought he was, too. Boston Tran
script. ,
The Gift Dumas Bestowed on a Friend
Who Insulted Him.
Alexandre Dumas the elder, the
great novelkt, hud, as is well known,
some black blood In his veins aud wus
of an unforgiving if not almost cruel
nature. In his earlier days he re
ceived a dire insult from one whom
he culled his friend. To the surprise
of nil who knew him Alexandre tooI
no appareut notice of the wrong, but
Instead applied himself to lookinj.'
carefully after the welfare of his sup
posed friend. He took lilin with him
Into society, introduced him here, pre
sented him there nnd so continued for
three years, at the end of which time
he stood as "best man" at his frlend'e
The wedding feast being concluded.
Alexandre Dumas was leaving tin
house when au acquaintance Joined
him and as they walked along said:
"I have often wished to say h(v I
have wondered at your great kindliest--to
M. X., whom we have Just seen
married. You have the most forgiv
ing nature that I have ever met with.
He insulted you grossly some years
ago, and yet ever since you have de
voted yourself to his happiness and
at last assisted him to get married."
"That's it precisely," remarked Du
mas slowly, with a sinister chuckle.
"I flatter myself that I have glveu
him the most furious and lynx eyed
mother-in-law in France." London
The Hand, the Pace and the Cubit of
the 8criptures.
The first "natural measurement" to
which the memory naturally recurs Is
the band, four inches, employed in
determining the height of horses. This
measure is, of course, derived from
the breadth of the palm, and it has
become so well fixed in popular esteem
that it is unlikely i t will ever be-superseded.
Another popular natural measure Is
the pace, and probably every country
man who has had to do with laud has
used it. The usual method is to stride
off, taking as long steps as possible,
calling each pace a yard.
A natural measure much employed
by a dressmaker is the yard as- dies
tennlned by stretching tbe materiaili to
tie measured between her chini amd
her outstretched hand, or if It be- a
matter of Inches she will fold! the
bended upper Joint of her thuinUaibng
the cloth. These natural measure aw
generally close enough to serve- all
practical purposes.
For many hundreds of year there
was; employed the measure of tile- fore
arm from point of elbow to tip of mid
dle flnser. This was the cubit of the
Bible. St. Louis Republic.
Church Theaters.
Few people know that play in Eng
land. Germany, Italy aud Fiance were
fostered for religious purposes by the
church centuries before thoy were tak
es up as a separate seculan- business.
Moreover, few visitors t St. Paul's
cathedral. In London, realize- that that
church during Elizabeth! reign and
the first years of the relign of James
I. set aside one of its adjacent build
ings for use as a secular theater. Its
little stage was famous and the com
pany of choir boys as. actors presented!
many of the great pteys of Shake
speare's time. They acted from about
1598 to 1608 under the management
of Edward Pierce,, their great master
In music, who as church almoner had
business control of these adjacent
buildings owned by the church. Lfl
don Standard.
Colored Rain.
Showers of red rain have fallen
more than once in tne worm s awiory.
In the middle ages they were loosea
upon as awful omens of war and
bloodshed, but nowadays we know the
hue of tbe "rain of blood" to be due
to the presence of a tiny red; Insect, a
variety of water flea. Red rains are
very rare, but in volcanic regions gray
rain Is comparatively common. Sicily
has had many showers of this shade.
They are caused by the upper atmos
phere being full of aah colored vol
canic dust from Etna. This dust Is
Inflnlteslmally fin and colors the rain
as It falls.
A Good Age to Stop At.
A certain London merchant had for
years given a dinner to his employees
on the occasion of the birthday of his
daughter. How long this custom had
held may be gathered from the follow
ing. The head clerk of the office rose,
as was also the custom, and proposed
this toast:
"Gentlemen, we enjoy this evening
the felicity of celebrating, as we do
every year, thanks to his generosity,
the twenty-ninth birthday of the re
spected and always amiable daughter
of our worthy employer. I give you,
gentlemen, her health and happiness."
London Mail.
"He has a mean disposition, hasn't J
"I should say bo.. He's the kind of
man who'll rake In a Jack pot on a
bluff and then after he's stacked up
the chips will spread out four hearts
and a spade for everybody to look at."
Detroit Free Press.
A Mean Swindle.
"The meanest man has been discov
ered." "What has he been doing?"
"Swindling amateur poets. Getting
them to send 10 shillings for a poetic
license." London Tit-Bits.
Whatever government is not a gov
ernment of laws Is a despotism, let it'
be called what it may. Webster. ;
A Source of Pleasure That May Win
Fine and Imprisonment.
If tbe American tourist carries bis
amera to 10 u rope with him be must
e careful to avoid photographing per
ions, private property and particular
y government buildings, forts, docks
ind ships without permission. Many
cou rlsta have got 'themselves Into
much trouble In this way, especially
In Russia, where the restrictions are
unusually rigid, and In Germany also.
A few years ago Germany passed a
special bill through the relchstag deal
ing with this matter and imposing
heavy penalties upon those who In
fringe the regulations. - Damages to
the amount of $1,500, with a Que of
I2.r0 or two months' Imprisonment,
will be tbe fate of any one who snap
shots a private person, a work of art
or tbe Interior of a private building
and circulates or publishes tbe picture
without permission.
Persons in the public eye, such as
members of tbe royal family, states
men, actors and well known divines
are excepted, anys a writer In Country
Life In America. So, too, are public
buildings and works of art Id public
In Italy the camera of the tourist Is
made a means of providing revenue
for that somewhat Impoverished coun
try. If you carry your camera when
on a visit to Pompeii or others of tbe
recently excavated ruins you may take
as many photographs as you please.
but you are forced to pay a sural) fee
for each plate exposed.
They Were Once Very Common1
Very Popular In Europe. .
Lotteries were common in ancient
Rome, and during the middle ages lot
teries were utilized by the Italian mer
chants for the disposal of their goods
Some of tbe Italian states then adoptedi
the lottery as a means of raising reve
nue, and the Institution of state lotter
ies afterward became very coramoni
and very popular throughout Europe.
Tbe earliest English state lottery of
which there is any record was in 1501),
when 40,000 chances were sold at 10
shillings each, the drawing taking place
la tbe west door of St. Paul's catbe
Tbe prizes consisted of articles of
plate, and tbe profits were employed
for tbe repair of certain harbors. Early
In tbe reign of Queen Anne private lot
teries were suppressed "as public nui
sances' bnt government lotteries, how
ever, were still maintained, and from
170J to 1824 considerable sums were
annually raised In lotteries authorized
by acts of parliament.
Tbe average yearly profit to tbe gov
ernment from 17113 to 1824 was over
340.00 Uu tbe ground of Injury to
public morals lotteries of ail kinds
were abolished In England In 1820.
London Saturday Review.
A stores Fearlessness.
Jiotrn. Jacob Astor. who went to hle
deutb. fearlessly on the Titanic, was
always noted for his great personal
courage. One of bis friends told a.
stiwy some years ago of the cold'
blModed bravery of the head of the
Astor family. An Insane man or a.
dasperate criminal met him In Flftbi
avenue one mornlug and, stepping:
ctose to blm. thrust the muzzle oft a
revolver against Astor's ribs. "Protnr
toe me that you will give me $5,GW
said be. "or I will Ore."
Astor gin red Into bis eyes. "1 your
eld gun cocked T' be asked.
The other man said that It wift.
"Then shoot!" be roared.
Tbe other fellow backed away. TH
get you the next time," he salii
Astor walked on without! bothering
to turn bis bead. He did no even re
peat the story to the police,
Ancient Dress SJfcU YVorw.
In tbe little town of Munsledel, In
Bavaria, there exists ee of tbe most
curious charitable foundations In the
world. One of the burghers, Chrlsto
pher Wanner, died la 1451 and left his
fortune for the establishment of a
home for aged poor. He attached, bow
ever, the condition that every old man
who was taken in should wear his
beard and the same cut of clothes and
cap aa be himself used to wear; con
sequently the ancleut pensioners are
still to be seen wandering about the
streets of Munsledel In tbe costumes of
tbe fifteenth century.
A Good Excuse.
Ethel has taken a great dislike to
rice, and lately her mother has not of
fered It to her. The other morning
she asked what Ethel would like for
"Oh, give me some rice so as 1 can
fuss about It" was ber reply. New
York Times,
The One Perfect Boy.
"1 never beard of but one perfect
boy," said Johnny pensively as he sat
in the corner doing penance.
"And who was that?" asked mamma
"Papa when he waa little." was the
answer. Then silence reigned for the
space of five minutes. Exchange.
Sound Reaaone,
"Ton seem to be able to draw a
great deal of interest from that gen
tleman." "Of course I do. He's my principal."
k-Roltltnore American.
Bill Have yon done any research
work? Jlll-Hava I? Well. say. I've
looked for this same collar button I'm
wearing now at least fifty tlmes.
Tonkers Statesman.
Order Is man's greatest need and hi
true weal being AmleL
Not In a Financial Way, but by Carry.
ing It Off Bodily.
No stranger theft was ever commit
ted than the "lifting" of an entire
rniirond, twelve and one-half miles In
length, which once connected Birr and
Portumna. in Ireland.
The line had cost $450,000, and for
years it did service for the Great
Southern and Western Hallway com
pany uutll the year 187G. when the
company, which had been running It
at a loss, washed its hands of It. The
lino was derelict Nobody wanted It
For a few years It stretched its use
less length through north Tlpperary
Then its neigh bora began to turn cov
etous eyes on It
Bolts nnd screws and other portable
trifles began to vanish. A few prose
cutlons were instituted, but the
chnnres were withdrawn. Nobody
seemed to care. The thieves, thus en
invl. crew bolder. Farmers
brought their carts nnd horses and
loaded them with spoils of rails, sleep
r. awavhes and semaphores. One
irrvndlv station vanished, to its last
brick and door. In a single nlgbt
They were great times for Tipper
ary. Boatloads of booty, hundreds of
tons of rails, were sent away from
Portumna by unlleewsed "contractors,
and the work of spottntlon went on
until not as much aw a turntable was
left Argonaut
Dickens' Dto.
Dickens' cere for his- material nur
roundlngs did not end" wit Is bis bed
room. His favorite writing pac at
Gadshlll was a Swiss chalet ha tne
shrubbery, and this he fltPet up ha a
most Ingenious fashion. "!' have put
mirrors In the chalet where f write,"
be says In one of his letters-, "nndl they
reflect and refract in all kinds-o ways
the leaves that are quivering ad the
windows and the great fields-of war
line corn nnd the sail dotted river. My
reom Is up among the brunches-oft the
trees, and the birds nnd the-butterflies
fly In and out. nnd the greetv branches
shoot In at the open window, audi the
lljrbts nnd the shadows of tho- clouds
come and go with the rest or the-company.
Tbe scent of the flowers- and
IndW-d of everything that is growing
fbn miles and miles Is most delicious,"
London Chronicle.
Judging the Colt.
Tiae Arabs have two method of! esti
mating the height to which n coltt will
grow, the first being to stretch Hi cord
ffon the nostril over the ers nod
dbwia along tbe neck and compare-this
meuwnreraent with that from tbe with
er to the feet and the other method
, belne to compare the distance between
the- knee and the withers wlthi thai
.fron the knee to the coronet lni the
first method It Is considered that a
colt will grow as much taller as- the
flrs measurement exceeds that) on the
second, and In the second utettledi If
telle- proportion Is as two to one the
uotrse will grow no taller.
A teacher In a primary school, was
endeavoring to make clear to-herclas
th meaning of the words Nwiuestnlnnt
Inra" nnd "pedestriauismV when, she
part this query to one stnalliboy:
"What Is a pedestrian?"
"He is one of those follows," said
tbe boy. "who makes an. awfuli kick
wben an automobile runs- him down."
New York Press.
No Further Delay.
Abner Slopoak (desperately)i-Mrmay
I name the day? Jemima Jones (de
cislvely) Not Abnvr Slopoak. (in
alarm) Why? Jemima Jones (frank
ly Because If you put It off na Ions
you did your proposal we neve wll4
be married. I'll name the dnjt my
self! Cleveland, lender.
"They say Mrs. Jelliffe has. gle '.
that pet whate poodle of hers," said
Mrs. Johnson.
"Tea," saM Mrs. WhIUIer. "Shea In
deep moiarnlng for Mitr. Jelliffe. yov
know. so. she has exctutaged! Tobe-y for
a black and tan."-Hw.n''s Weekly.
Reports of 30,000 Cases of Kidney
Trouble, Son a of Them
Heppner Cases.
Each of some 6.0C0 newspapers of
the United States is publishing from
week to week, names of people in ita
particular neighborhood, who have
used and recommendel Doan's Kidney
Pills for kidney baokache and urinary
disorders. This mass of proof inclndea
over 30,000 testimonials. Heppner It
no exception. Here is one of the
Heppner cases.
A. S. Burch, farmer, Heppner, Ore
gon, says: "For about five years 1
bad gravel and kidney trouble. TJiere
was much pain through my kidneys
and at one time I was laid op for two
weeks. The doctor's treatment help
ed me slight!, but it waa not until I
tried Doan's Kidnev Pills that I re
ceived any great benefit. This prepar
ation has done so much for me that I
gladly recommend it to other kidney
For sals by a deaers, I'rioe 50 cents.
Foster-Milbutn Co. Buffalo, New
fork, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
ake do other.