The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, August 08, 1912, Image 5

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Local and Personal
All kinds of good ice cold sodas at
The Palm.
Do you want books? See adv. of
T. F. Boylen.
Go to the Bakery for your bread.
26 loaves for sfl.OO.
Four head of work horses for Bale.
Inquire at City Meat Market.
Louis Pearson and Hanson Hashes
left for Portland on Friday to stiend a
short vacation.
Highest earth prices paid for hides,
pelts and furs. Morrow Warehouse
Milling Co.
J. L. Wilkins and family will de
part for a short outbg at Herren's
Mill on Saturday.
John Stevenson departed for Prine
ville on Friday to acoept a position in
a saddle shop there.
Prewit Cox and Will Ball departed
on TneHday for Teal Spring, via Pen
dleton whare they will spend their va
cation. It may bs to your interest to get
my prices before buy Inn watches,
clooks or jnwelery. C. K. Johnson,
Sam E. Van Vaotor and family
scent a few days of rest and recreation
in the mountain in the vicinity of
Herrdn's mill this week.
An article that adds comfort and
beanty to your home brings real satis
faction. Our new rugs are that kind.
- Case Fnrniture Company.
W. . B. Barratt departed on Friday
for Vancouver, B. O. to visit with' a
brother residing near that city. He
was accompanied by his son Garnet-
A liberal reward to anyone showing
us a better investment than a com
fortable home. Let us help you make
yours that aiud. Case Furniture Co.
A reception will be given Rev. and
Mrs. E. P. Warren at the M. E. church
south Saturday evening. A good time
Is planned and everybody is invited.
Fred Cilngen and family, of Burns,
are visiting at the home of Mrs.
Clintren's mother Mrs. Emma Hale.
Ihey expect to remain during the
Mrs. A. K. Higgs and daughter
Lillian, of Portland, are the guest
of Dr. N. E. Winnarand family this
week, having arrived on last Friday
Phil Cohn went to The Dalles on
Tuesday to get his new Ford touring
car, recently purchsed from Albert
Bowber, the agent for this machine at
AT THE BAKERY Get away from
the heat of baking by buying your
bread Cream loaf, plain loaf, whole
wheat and rye. Nothing better than
our cream loaf.
Don't use harsh physics. The re
action weakens the bowels, leads to
chronio constipation. Get Doan's
Rfigulets. They operate easily. 25
cents at all stores.
Mr. Henry J. Allen of Sherman
county was united in marriage to Miss
Anna Lelits at the Court House on
Saturday afternoon. August 3, Judge
C. C. Patterson officiating.
The family of Ohas. Thomson are
enjoying an outing at the Herrin null
where they are assisting to gather the
harvest of huckleberries that is rapid
ly maturing in that vicinity.
The family of J. 8. Young departed
for the mountains on Sunday to har
vest a lew huckleberries In the vicin
ity of Ditch creek. They were ac
companied by Grandma Boydeu.
"I was coied of diarrhoea by one
dose of Chamberlain's Colio, Coolers
and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes M;
E. Gelihardt, Oriole. Pa. There is
nothing better. For sale by Patterson
& Son.
Mrs. Frankie Luper departed on
Monday morning for Portland where
she will spend a few weeks selecting
her Fall millinery stock. During her
absence her address will be Imperial
Rata in the vloiuity of Heppner on
Friday night laid off the harvest
crews and many of them spent Satur
day in town. Header bed were most
too small to hold so ue of them when
thev had to be haoled out of town.
Mr. W. S. GunsafoBf a farmer liv
ing near Fleming, Pa., says he has
used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoe Remedy in his family
for fourteen years, and that he has
found it to ba an excellent remedv,
and takes pleasure in recommending
t. For Bale by Patterson & Son.
Mrs. Dr. Hiegs and daughter de
parted for Long Creek cn Tuesday
where they wil' spend the rest of this
month. They will be joined in a few
days by the Doctor from Portland who
goes out there for his summer vBcatiou.
J. W. Cradick came to town on Mon
day with his first loud of grain from
his Eiuht Mile farm. "Una" had
contemplated the purchase of a couple
of nw automobile! this Fall tut
fears he will have to forego the pleas
ure fur another season owing to the
fact that the recent hail storm cut
down his yield some 3000 bcshels
The storm of Satordny slruk his
Eight Mile place and the one on Sun
day following damaged his crop heat
ily on his Dry Fork ranch. Accord
ingly, Mr. Cradick has deoided to Btay
on the earth for yet another season
and continue to associate with the
common herd.
Roy Cupenhaver, a young son of
W. L. Cupenhaver, of Sand Hollow,
was auite seriously hurt on Friday
last by being cut on a barbed wire
fence. He was rifling atter the cattle
to bring thm in to water on the Hynd
place and his nonv becoming frightened
boltd straight for a five wire fence.
The boy was badly cut on the left
forearm and on the leg. His wounds
required the attention of a physician
and had to be stiched up. The little
fellow is doing well at this tiro, but
his escape from death was little abort
of miraculous.
"Barney Oldfield" Rasmus. George
Thomson Harry Johnson, Hairy Dun
ran and "Casv Jones" Beardsley con
stituted a party that made a record
breaking trip to Pendleton on Saturday
evening. They left Heppner at 8:30
and arrived at the county seat of
Umatilla the next morning at 3 This
is oertaiuly record breaking ' time as
the trip il usually made in three
hours. A punctured tire caused de
lay. The boys returned on Sunday
From a little plat in bis back door
yard, less than 15 x 80 feet W. O
Minor this season picked 96 boxes of
(strawberries and they were fine ones
too: Figure this out at the rate of
ten cents per box, and an acre would
bring about $900. How is this. Ten
acres of soch a berry patoh would
make a pretty good investment.
palace: hotel
J. H. Wyland was in town on Sun
day, having just come in from his
sheep and cattle range. The recent
hail storm hit heavily on part of his
stock range. Sunflower Flat, a por
tion of his cattle range, was in full
blofsom just at the time of the storm
and it was completely devastated,
every spear Of grass and every flower
btivg beaten to the ground and cov-
e ed with about tbrca inches of ice.
Mrs. Sara Saams and her daughter,
Miss Mary Saams, of St Louis, Mo ,
who have been visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Phelps for the
past ten days deoarted for their home
on Monday. Mrs. Saams is an aunt
of Mrs. Phelps, and the ladies enjoy
ed their short stay with relatives here
very Bunch. They were also highly
pleased with our city and surround
ings. Long Creek Ranger: Jack Parker,
the noted race liorsu man of John Day
stayed over night here the latter part
of last week, enroute to Walla Walla
to take in the race fair which is to be
held there in the near future. He
had with him a race horse that lie in
tended to leave in Pendleton to take
part in the races that will be held
there during the Round-up this fall.
Long Creek Ranger: Apropos to
the article whioh was ' quoted in our
issue last week we are requested to
state that J. J. Murphy was taken to
Portland on a false accusation. His
case was dismissed withont trial aa
the leases which he held provel con
clusively that he was in no way con
nected with the illegal business upon
which the charge waa based.
Max Crandall. of Hillsboro. who is
the auditor for the State Game War
den, visited Heppner on Saturday and
checked op the accounts of Ccuniy
Clerk Hill concerning the issuance rf
game licenses. He foond them OK.
Mr. Crandall is also assessor of Wash
ington county. ,
One of the most common ailments
that hard working people are afflicted
with ii lame back. Apply Chamber
lain's Linimeont twioe a day and
massage the parts thoroughly at each
application, and you will get quick
relief. For sale by Patterson & Son.
Automobile parties cousisting of the
families of W. E. Leach, W. G. Scott
and W. T. Canobell. all Lexington
people, passed through Heppner yes
terday murning enroute to the huckle
berry patches at the head of Willow
Notice to All Fruit Growers and
Dealers No scaly or wormy fruit will
be permitted in any market in Morrow
Fruit Innotctor of Morrow County.
Joseoh T. Knappenberg was tip
from lone on Wednesday boosting
for the Bull Mocse party. Kit. I
Mr. Angelo Garosio, who registered
at the Palace Hotel on the 8Ut of
July from San Francisco, died 111 h
(room there on Saturday tvening last."
He was sick whun he arrived at Hepo-
net, evidently suffering from a very
jevere attack of asthma; in fact he
Mated to Mr. Wilkins who waited on
him that he had come to this seotion
of the uonutry to gut relief from his
sufferings bv a change of climate.
The hotel management tried to gxt the
man to go to the hospital and receive
medical assistance, bot he refused to
do so an j apparently died very sud
denly while preparing to retire on
Saturday evening. Mr. Wilkins dis
covered him lying on Hie floor, dead,
about 9 o'clock on Sunday morning
when he went up to wait on him. He
had removed his shoes and shirt and
was lying as thoneh tin had fallen off
the e ge of the bed. Coroner Chick
was at once informed and came up
from lone immediately. Upou mak
ing an investigation, the coroner con
cluled an inquest was unnecessary,
and the remains were turned over to
Undertaker Cse awaiting instructions
from the man's peope in San Francis
co. These arrived oo Monday and
Mi. Case prepared the body for ship
ment to San Francisco on Tuesday.
Mr. Caroiio was a man of some means
being a member of the firm of Carosio
& tawarino, .commission merchants
of Washington street, San Francisco.
and bad on his person $70 in cash, be
sides papers showing that he was en
titled to check on his bank where his
firm evidently does business.
There was some livelv bidding for
the I4C.000 issue of building bonds of
School District No. One of Morrow
county on last Friday. The School
Board met at 10 o'clock to open bids,
and upon request from parties from
the outtide who deisred to be present
the meeting was continued until 7
o'clock in the evening at which time
County Treasurer Gilliam opened bids
from various bond dealers of the
Northwest and the bonds were award
ed to Morris Bros. , of Portland at 6
per cent, and a premium of $9C9.00.
The next highest bid was by Causey,
Foster & Co. of Denver, at the same
rate of interest and ptemnim of $325.
The sale is considered a good one. and
wo are informed by the - purchasers
that the boopds will be taken np at
once, thus putting the district in 'pos
session of the funds necessary to push
the work on the new school building.
The plans for the new school are
now in the hands of the Directors and
advertisement is being published ask
ing for bids for construction to be filed
either with the architect, Mr. E. E.
McClaran. at his office in Portland or
the Board of Directors in Heppner not
later than the 14th of this month.
A FEW HOGS (175 lbs)
Palace Hotel
Frederich The Tailor has the agency
for the celebrated International Tail
oring Oo. Leave your measure here
and save $5 to $10 on every suit.
Harry Johnson is this week put
ting a new roof on the deck of the
Morrow building, .an improvement that
was beginning to be much needed.
Rev. W. A. Partt departed for Oro
Fino, Idaho, on Monday morning and
will spend the week at that place
looking after some property he has
Because of the absence of the mayor
and several members of the council
from the oityT the regular monthly
council meeting waa not held on Mon
day evening.
Nels Johnson came in from Goose
berry on Tuesday to get some needed
repairs for bia seperator. He is in
harvest up to his eyes and getting a
good yield despite the fact that he
figures the recent hail storm damaged
him to the extent of five bushels to the
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Lexington and lone Congre
gational " Services.
- Preaching snrvicea at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. in lone on the 1st and 3rd
Sundays of the month ; in Lexington
on the 2nd and 4th Sundava of the
For Sale.
Holt side hill combined Harvester
in good running order with 6 horse
equalized hitch, some good young work
mules and horses. Address C. S.
Whitcomb, Moragn, Ore. It.
House for Sale.
Owing to the fact that we expect to
move into our new borne soon we will
sell the house and o' and three acres
including chicken house and cow barn.
Near site of the proposed Catholic
The plans for the new Heppner
HUh Shool can be seen at Atty. S. E
Van Vactor's office in Heppner. Oxe
eoh. and at the office of E. E. Mc
Claran, Architect, 652 Lumber Ex
change Building, Portland, Oregon,
fnr which bids will be received for
the erection of until August 14 at 9
o'olock. at Herner and at the office ot
the Architect until six o'clock p. m ,
Aogust 13th.
Chairman School Board. .
To introduce our very complete
Fall line of beautiful wool suitings,
wash fabrics, fancy waistings, silks,
handkerchiefs, petticoats, etc. Up-to-date
N. Y. City Patterns. Finest
line on the market. Dealing direct
with the mills you will find our prioes
low. If others can make $10 00 to
$30.00 weekly, you tan also. Samples
and full ingtiuctions packed in a neat
sampe case, shipped express prepaid.
No money required. Exclusive terri
tory. Write for particulars. Be
first to apply. Standard Dress Goods
Company, Dept. 608, Binghamton,
n. y.
The Railroad Time
keeper of America.
The timekeepea that Jewel
ers place first among American
watches, and that 56 per cent,
of railroad men on roads where
there is official time inspection
endorse by their ownership as
the highest type of timekeeper
produced in the world.
Let us show you this
celebrated watch at
ious prices.
Jeweler & Optometrist.
New Dry Goods
You are invited to come in
and look over our new line of
for Fall and Winter which has
just been opened up and placed
in stock ready for your inspection.
Fuel Dealer
Rock Springs Coal, Pine, Fir and Oak Cord Wood
and Slab Wood.
Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company
and they will receive prompt attention.
Bert Bowker, Prop.
Automobile for hire. Repair work of all kinds
done. Gasoline and oil for sale. Machines housed,
cleaned and oiled.
Agent for the 19X2 FORD
MIKE HE ALT, Pioriuroi
Livery Stable
Heppner's Leading Confection-1
ery and Ice
Can serve you now with
J better to be had in the citv. fine nneoi iresn uanaies. j
t Leading Brands Cigars and Tobacco
Cream rarlors
nice, fresh Ice Cream. None t