Oregon HiHtorteal Hocle t city uM y A 77TTi TTTXTT O I I HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1912 SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PEK YEAR. VOL. 20. NO. 19. FROM OVER THE STATE. BUCKS FOR SALE Pure Bred Lincolns, Cotswold and Shrop Rams from the best flocks in the country. All orders promptly filled and delivered at Heppner. If you have anything to sell in the Sheep line send your list to me; I will find a buyer. T. F. BOYIXN, Pendleton, Or. O pifcaj .... 8 Are You Boosting R2or- 8 row County ? Are You Patronizing Wome industry ? HIE ARE MANUFACTURING Flour and Feed lift superior to any imported article. If you m yy are not using our products call at, our office on Main Street and get a testing sample. Our flour is made exclusively from selected Morrow County Bluestem Wheat. IL Seed Grain, Rolled Feed; Alfalfa Seed. We Solicit the Storage of your Wool MORROW WAREHOUSE MILLING CO. 3E 3E ;; Liberty Meat Market B. F. MATLOCK, Prop. !! The Best Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage and Home Cured Meats. A STRICTLY CASH MARKET FUNERAL DIRECTOR and PRACTICAL EMBALMER A rural conference that will deal with all phases of farm life will be held at the Oregon Agricultural Col lege this fall. Dates have not been set vet, due to desire to avoid noSBible conflicts with other state gatherings. . The farm home will bo studied at the coming conference. It is expected to have excursions run from various parts of the state, bringing represen tative farmers in large numbers. Experts on jural problems will tain and teachers and clergymen will give sngaestions as to how country life may be made more pleaBant and profit able. The gathering is being arranged by Prof. Ralph D. Hetzel, director of extension at the colleee and he hopes to make it comprehensive in soope and expects the results will be help ful. Oregon has contributed the tallest flaa pole in the world to the Panama Paoific Exposition. The stick meas ures 25 feet in height and was sent to the Astoria Centenial last Snmmer. The pole was stowed iu a log raft and taken to San rrancisco. Portland people have promised a flaa, 50 x 100 feet in size to fly from this big staff. Picking of the Rogue River Valley fruit cron is now under wav and it is the bigeest in the history of this fam ous section. It is estimated . there will be from 125 to 150 cars of pears shipped this season and from 500 to 600 cars of apples, all of fine quality. Investigations without end have been directed at rural life and the end is not yet, but now comes the Govern ment with its announced intention of muckraking the cities, and they need it more than the country ever did. A survey is to be mad of urban life with a view of solving come of toe problems that are found in every municipality. A government official who passed through Portland the past week told of the plan and savi a great municipal exhibit will probabjy be gathered for the Panama-Pacific Ex position. A small forest of fruit trees has been donated by members of the Nur serymen's Association of the Pacific Coast as special prizes to be given at the Pacific North west Land Products show. The trees will be kept in good condition bv the nurserymen and de livered upon the order of the manage ment of the land show at planting time next Spring. Flax will make quite a showing this year in Oregon, according to re ports from those sections where the crop has been planted. Plantings made in the Willamette Valley last spring are looking exceptionally well and experts say it is as good flax as ia usually seen. It is believed there is a great future in the Pacific North west for the flax industry. About 5,000 acres have been planted to this orop this year. Cant' look well, eat well, or feel well with impure blood. Keep the blood pure with Burdock Blood Bit ters. Eat aimply take exercise ceep clean and, good health is pretty sme to follow. $1.00 a bottle. . Exposition of Eugenics. The Slate Fair Board has appropri ated t500.00 this year to cover pre miums and expenses of a department to be called the "Exposition of Eu genics," to be held at the State Fair, Salem, week of September 2nd-7tb. This will be a showing of ohildren under fonr years ot age, at which physical perfection rather than doll like beauty will be the standard. Certain medical standards of weigths and measurements will be use 3, and every child compared with these standards and anoroaoh to perfection will be figured on a percentage basis. A corps of well known women physi cians will make the test, at the same time pointing out to the mother the strong and weax points in the child's makeup. A "Child's Welfare Exhibif'under the auspices of the Oregon Mothers' Congress and the Oregon State Grange will be made a part of the Exposition of Eugenics, at which all the approved methods of handling babies, their food, clothing, and other features will be demonstrated daily bv trained nurses. Children will be shown in the fol lowing classes: BOY Over 6 months and under 2 years. 1st $25 cud: 2nd SlQ cup; 3rd 85 cup. Over 2 years and un der 3 years, 1st $25 cup: 2nd $10 cun,;3rd$5 cup. Over 3 years and under 4 years, 1st $25 cup, 2nd 210 cup, 3rd $5 cup. GIRL Ovei 6 months and under 2 years, 1st $25 cup: 2nd $10 cup: 3rd $5 cup. Over 2 years and un der 3 years, Is $25 cup. 2nd $10 cup; 3rd $5 cuo. Over 3 years and un der 4 veara, 1st $25 cup; 2nd $10 cup; 3rd $5 cup. Grand Champion Boy, $50 00 Oup. Grand Champion Girl, $50 00 Cup. Your Commercial Club or Grange is requested to interest itself in a pre liminary Show along these lines and after selecting the best boy and best girl in its community the babies and mothers are to be sent to Salem as representatives of your town or sec tion, with their expenses paid by your organization. The sending of a boy or girl to the State Fair who was afterwards determined by corps of noted thysioiana ,to be tbe beat in the State of Orpcon. would attract more attention to that locality than thou sands of dollars spent in advertising. Many towns in various parts of Ore- con have signified their intention of entering this Contest put yours on the map by holding a preliminary Show. Any ehild may re brought to Salem direct without having been en tered in a preliminary show. For full particulars and score cards address O. M. PLUMMER, Supt Exposition of Eugenics, North Portland , Oregon. 0 VaMF ri"ti'n 0 Thomson's Lightening struct in several places on the ranch of George Sperry out at Sanford during the recent storm and he suffered the loss of a fine cow tbat attracted the foroe of a heavy .bolt. His range was hit at various points by hail but the loss was inconsiderate. Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch of your clothing. Doan's Ointment is fine foi skin itching. All druggists sell it, 50c a box. Cecil 1. Humphreys departed lor the Willamette Valley this morning to join bis family who have been vis iting with relatives down mat way for the past three weeks. He will be absent a couple of weeks. "My child was burned terribly about the face, neck and chest. I ap plied Dr. Thomas' Electic Oil. The pain ceased, and the child sank into a restful sleep." Mrs. Nancy M. Han son, Hamburg, N. Y. . Carpenter Hill has this week com pleted a new walk around the Palace Hotel on Main and May atreeU, and has also built in new steps to tbe var ions entrances of the building, all of which adds much to the appearance of tbe building. Mrs. J. H. Cox and daughter Vivian left for Portland on Monday morning Mrs. Cox will te absent but a short time while Miss Cox expects to remain away for the balance of the month on her vacation. A E Mens Oxfords in Black and Tan; $4.50 and $5 shoes at $2.50 Ladies' Oxfords, lace and but- ton shoes, $3, $3.50 and $4 for - $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Very remarkable reductions on Ladies' Waists $1.00 Waists for $ .60 $1.00 Waists for - $1.00 $2.00 Waists for - $1.25 $2.50 Waists for - $1.50 $3.00 Waists for - $2.00 $3.50 Waists for - $2.50 Agents for Standard-Patterns - Thomson Bros. 0 DOC 0 BJ The Trial. ! a Traveler. "I am a traveling salesman, "writes E. E. Young, E. Berkshire. Vt. , "and was often troubled with constipation and indieestlon till I began to use Dr. King's New Life Pills, which I found an excellent remedy." For all atom nh liver or kldnev troubles there is nothing better. Only 25 cents at Slocum Drug Co. M. E. Church South. The services for next Sunday will be as follows: Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by Bev. H S. shangle, Presid ing Elder, of Oreogn District. A meeting of all members of the church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock." These are the last services of the Conference year, and everbyody is cordially invit ed to come. We have been with you for the past three years. Our purpose has been to help everybody, and if we have offended any one, it has been of the head, not of the heart. We could not subscribe to everything that people do, bat every man has a soul. God hates sin, but loves the sinner. We leave next Monday or Tuesday for Troy Idaho, the seat of our conference. If we should not return we say good bye to all, but friends shall we. in dulge the hope tbat we may meet you in heaven's pure world where sorrow and death can never come. We can truly say we love you all, and we are loath to leave you. Let us all come together Sunday and have a good day. E. P. Warren, Pastor. Ar. Krer at U ar. There are two things everlastingly at war. joy and piles. But Budcklin's Arinca Salve will banish piles. It oon subdues the Itching, irritation, inflamation or swelling. It gives com fort, invites joy. Greatest healer of burns, boils, uloers, cuts, bruises, eczema, acalds pimples, skin eruptions. Only 25 ets at Slocum Drug Co. Dr. Winnard has taken a special course on eye diseaios and is prepare! to fit glasses properly. DON'T FORGET Ao ML PHE ID) THE GROCER s still doing business 0