f 1 ' f i Ml V 1.1 Revolver The RtmlrtfonU-M-C Cubist the Revolra Match. nnrl Pistol Cartridges The red ball brand ia chosen by the majority of revolver and pistol experts because they know that the ignition is prompt, uniform and sure, the accuracy is guaranteed by records World's Indoor Fitry-Stiot Pistol Record held by Gre Armstrong;, score 482 500 World Indoor Twenty-Five Shot Pi.tol Record held by Georje Armstrong, score WorWfeventy-Five Shot R.pid Fire Record held by A. P. Lane, score 605 es 750 t . -t i i i n I . D.Mnl I iH K A. Vtorld s umooor rwiin vvw.. -' Lane, score 211 250 World's Grsnd Areste Individusl Record held by A. r. Lane, score 1236. World's Miliury Record held by Samuel Peterson, score 215 ei 250, all made with Remington-UMC ammunition Rmington-UMC the perfect shooting combination Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 299 Broadway 3 " Yorl G" mm mi a anamiiTSl M. S. CORRIGALL, President J. H. McMALtY. i . J- "!r' ,., J. B. NATTER, Vice Pres. Vice Pres. CLYDE BROCK., Asst. Cashier FlUST NATIONAL BAN EC l&L-LT U I "Mi We offer to the Public the services of a strong and well equipped Bank, with the experience of twenty-five years in this community. Accommodations extended to cus tomers consistent with safety, and balances carried with us. For chapped hands, face, sunburn, tan, etc., use WITCH HAZEL CREAM DERMINE CREAM Guaranteed by SLOCUM DRUG CO. Hot Lake Sanatorium piBffiMlllEHMSilNGi 'A NATURTlHEALTHREST.ORATIVE Hot Lake Sanatorium oflers much to health and rest Keekers. The preat boiling mineral spring provides naturally medicated water and mud containing medicinal properties of great value. The three hundred room Hotel Sanatorium affords ample accommodation. Use of the water is prescribed according to the needs of the patient, determined by skillful diajrnonis. The result is. the Hot Lake Sanatorium is really a cure place. Thousands who have suffered from rheumatism, blood, skin, stomach and kidnev disorders have found relief and permanent cure there. The rates are made to conform to the requirements of all classes. Open the year round. Hot Lake Sanatorium is located in Union County, Eastern Oregon, in the heart of the Blue Mountains, directly on the main line of the Oregon Washington Railroad CD. Navigation Co., and can be conveniently reached from anv railroad point in the Northwest. Social reduced round Trip fares are made from all points on the O.-W. II. & N. Write for free booklet to HOT LAKE SANATORIUM, WALTER M. PIERCE. Pre, and Mar. FUNERAL DIRECTOR and PRACTICAL EMBALMER - IONE. Mr. Oronan went down to Portland Monday of last week to have a visit with his- family. The telephone ting been moved from the drug store OD to the post office. Uncle Sam )'a the faello girl theie days. Mrs. Rufua Cochran went down to Brownsville last week to vleit with friends and relatives for a short time. Opal Cochran and Muriel Cason were Heppner visitors last week, going op Tuesday and returning the same week. Miss Kittie Wilniot, of Portland came np to lone Wednesday of last week to visit friends and relatives for some time. Walt Puyear and Billie Bergerwent down to Portland last Wednesday morning on a business as well as a pleasurs trip. Cassie Wade, of Wallla Walla. who has been visiting with friends at lone for some time returned to her home last week. Jack Knieriem went up to Heppner one day last week where he had a few wants attended to. Jack is help ing E. M. Shutt put up his seoond crop of hay. Harvest, harvest .harvest is our only excuse for shcrtage of news this week. somebody get htsy and do something oat of common so that we will have something to talk about. Mae and Dot Ganger returned to lone Monday from the harvest field where they have been cookinz for Art Pierce. The girls had a good time and a jolly good crew to cook for. 3 he Walker Esttte installed a new gasoline pumping outfit, anJ are now preparted to fill np automobiles on short notice and as c ieap as el e where. Come iu and sse the machine operate. Indian Hilled on Track Near Rochelle III. , an Indian went to sleep on a railroad track and was killed by the fast express. He paid for his carleesness with his life. Often is that th ewav when people neelect coughs and colds. Don't risk your life when prompt use of Dr. King's New Discovery will cure them aud so prevent a dangerous throat and lung trouble. "It comuletely curSd mo, in a short time, of a terrible cough that followed a severe attack of Grip, writes J. R, Watts, Floydada, Texas. "and I regained 15 Dounds in weight that I had lost" Quick, safe, reliable and guaanteed. 50o and $1.00. Trial bottle fiee at Slocnm Drug Co. IRRIGON. Mr. Bagen, liveryman from Stan- field, made a flying trio to Itrigon Friday last week. Mrs. Carl Doering has the honor of raising the first ripe watermelon this season, namelv, July 23. The third crop of alfalfa is being cut now and every body concerned is rolling up his shirt sleeves to make quiok business of it. reter Susbauer says he would just as soon sleep out in the melon natch at night as in the house if it were not for the mosquitoes. Grandma Doble was very ill one day last week, bat feels greatly improved at present. Ihe heat no doubt aggra vated the situation greatly. Mr. Doble has started his hay baler and is now busy in getting his alfalfa ready for the market. He estimates that he will have somewhere aronnd 200 tona of hay this summer.' Ditch riding atfer dark now is not a very pleasant job to cay the least, but it ia Also extremely dangftroos: especially where one has to pass near a turkey roost or watermelon patch. Ask Charley Johnson, he might ven ture an explanation. 2 A vast amount of ill health is due to impaired digestion. When the stomach fails to preform its functions properly the whole system becomes deranged. A few dose.s of Chamber lain's Tablets is all you need. They will strenghten your digestion, invig orate your liver, and regulate your bowels, entirely doing away with that miserable feeling due to faulty digestion. Try it. Many others have been permanently cured why not you? For sale by Patterson & Son Married. At M. E. Parsonage in Shedd, Ore gon, July 24, 1912. by Rev. Hocking, the pastor, Mr. Charles Edwin Leezer and Mrs. Phoebe N. Wills, both of Linn oonnty. Mrs. Leezer is well known here where she resided for a number of years before going to the Willamette Valley. The G.-T. ex tends congratulations and best wishes to the newly weds. "Were all merlin! nea a meritnrinna as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy the world would be much better off and the percentage of suffering creatlv reduced." writes , Lindsay Scott, of Temple, Ind. For .sale by Patterson & Son. . Oregon I The . Plce, Health, hustle and prosperity are to be found In- Oregon according ; to Thomas W.' Lawson,' the Boston finan cier. ' In answer to the question of the New York World,' "What Should the Young College1 4 Graduate ' Do ? ," Mt. Lawaon'says: 1 After careful study of the problem set forth in your telegram, were I graduating to-day from college East, West or South, I would head straight for the great, undeveloped Northwest. I wonld bnv my tirket for Portland, Ore. I would spend my first week in that splendid prototype of our old, conservative and intellectual but with al courageous and hustling'New Eng land capital of a half century ago. While in Portland I would haunt the renortorial departments of the daily newspapers, the ever-welcoming rooms of the numerous business clubs and the booming departments of the great railroads and navigation ilnes center ing in that supreb Pacific metropolis. Then 1 would light out and into the modern paradise of happiness - and dollars, the virgin interior of that wonderful State, a world in itself, confining to spare and theu lots more everything that makes for healih, hustle, prosperity and contentment for man, woman and child. If I were possessed of $20,000 to $50,000 capital in a twelvemonth I' would telegraph back to Bradstreet and Dun to mark my rating $150,000, and then three twelveuiontlis lattr I would wire them to make it from half to throequarters of a million. If I only had mv carfare. J3ibl, dictionary a:id fountain pn. I woul l send word to the old folks to watch out for the Christmas coming nf the old home mortgage lifter, and I would bet iry pal dog, for of coi rse I'd have liim along, aeainst a pouch of tjbacco that whon Christmas came I wouldn't be making excuses fi r cot coming East. Details? Bush ! ' ' When vou wake dd in Golconda you should not wasto time looking for a Dusinesi guide ah you need is n rake and a biig. Citation. MOTOR TRUCKS ON EASY PAYMENTS. Oar saleB plan enables your truck to nay for itslef. Remember vou buv direct from the manufact orer. No commissions or bonuses to pay. There are no jokers in this proposi tion, just practical good business Per ception on our part, which accomo dates a . long felt, need among -many presont and would-be truck nsers. A simple note of inquiry, which will be treated as stricly confidential, will rtcfive our prompt response. . ADDRESS. E. E. GERLINGER SALES MANAGER, 688 Washintgon St. Portland, Oregon. AUTOMOBILE AGENTS I WANT Local agents in evarv county in Ore gon to handle a popular-iriod line of automobiles; good name and reputa tion for integrity counts more with us than money or experience': if you have 1475 and can furnish bond, yon can procure the agp.ucy for our high-grade car and we will furnish you with demonstrator. For full particulars addiess E. E. Gerlinger, Sales Mana ger, 688 Washingtou St., Portland, Ore. IiN.THE. COUNTY,, COURT OF , THE State of Oregon for the County of Morrow ,. , : . , . , . ' . . In the matter of the Estate of E. M, Woolery, Deceased. , , . To Ernest Oolvln, Frank Golvin, Birdie McNabb, Mlra Hale, Emma Howard, Theodore Wober, Kate -Har-rah, Minta Valentine, Henry Howard, Jesse Warfield. May Weber, Wilber Harrah, Waverly Oolvin, Oliver II Colvin, Jessie Oolvin, GREETING: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE of Oregon : xou ana eacn ana ail ot you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, at the Court room thereof, at Heppner in the County of Morrow on Tuesday, the 8d day of September. A. D. 1912, at 9 o clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why the petition of Ad mlnistrator, for an order of sale of the real estate of the said estate, to-wit: Lot. numbered Two (2) of Block numbered Three (3) of Cluff's Eighth (8th) Additio-i to the City of lone, in said county and state, shoo Id not be granted as prayed for; the said property sold at private sale, not less than fifty per cent, cf the" pur phase price to be paid in cash, bal ance in not exceeding one "year, de ferred payments to be secured bv note and mortgoge of usual commercial form, bearing interest at 8 per cent, per annum, all as provided by law, and subject to confirmation by the court. WITNESS, The Honorable C. C. Pattprson, Jndgo of tho County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, wi h the eal of said Court affixed this 10th day of July, A. D. 1912. Attest: W. O. HILL,' (Seal) Clerk. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oiegon, Julyl'Oth, 1 9 12. Notice ib hereby giv en thai William O. Smith of Ilepuner, Oregon, who. r.n Mav 12th, 1906, made Homestead Entrv No. 15003, Serial, No. 04804, for NEi SWi, Ni SEJ. and SEi SE1, Section 23, Town ship 4 Souh. Kango 27 East. Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to iiiiike Final five-year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Commissioner, at his office, at Heppner Oregon, on the 14th day of September, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Edward B Hunt, Arthur Dykstra George W. Dykestra, and Jerm O'Conner, all of Heopner, Oregon. F. O. BRAMWELL, J 25-A 29. Register. Registration of Land Title. In the Clroult Court of the Estate cf Oregon, for the County of Morrow. In the matter of the application of I. W. Shultz to register the titli to the West half (1) of the . Southeast quarter (i) and ' the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter (1) of Seotion Fourteen (14) Application and the Northwest quar- No. 9. ter of th Southwest quar- (i) ot Seotion Thirteen (13), Township One (l) North, Range Twenty six (26) E W. M. Versus Olive P. Brown, Hattie A. Henderson, A.G.Hen derson,- A. H. Pracht, aud Jesse Brooks and all whom it may con cern : Defendants. To all whom it may concern: Take notice that on the 22nd day of May A. D. 1912 on application was filed by said I. W. Shultz in the Cir cuit Court of Morrow County for in itial registration of the title to the land above described. Now unless you appear on or before the 9th day of August A. D. 1912 and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed and a decree will be entered according to the pravnr of the appli cation and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. W. O. HILL, Clerk. Bv A. M. MALLORY. Deputy. (Seal) S. E. Notson and O. E. Woodson, Applicant's Attorneys. Notice to Creditors. of Have Your New Fall Suit Tailor-Made Every man likes his suil'to be not only smart in PATTERN but smart in FIT, too. You'll get this COMPLETE satisfaction here for the New Fall and Winter Detmer Samples Are Now on Display And this new line ia a real Olympian winner with every aample a top-notcher. Drop in today and see for yourself. You can be suited exactly in Fabric, Pattern, Fit and Up-toDate Tailoring. FREDERICH The Best Tailor Heppner, Oregon n the County Court of the State Oregon, for Morrow Countv. Iu the matter of the Estate of Laura Anna Gilliam, Deceased. The undersinged having been ap pointed by the Countv Court of the State cf Oregon, for Morrow County, Andministrator of the estate of Laura Anna Gilliam deceased, notice Is here by given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said decease, to present them verilied as required by law, within six months after the first publication of this not ice to said Administrator at his office in Heppner, Oregon. FRANK GILLIAM, Administrator of the Estate of Laura Anna Oilliam deceased. Dated July 4, 1912. J 25-A 22. ER 6S YEARS- EXPERIENCE J Trade Marks DC8I0N 1 COPVWIOHTB 4C Snrnnft sprtdlnfl skf rh and dMcrtptlon mar quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention ts prnhnhly patentable. Oomtniinl',a tlontrtctlrcon(li1entlal. HANDBOOK on Patents ieut free. Oldest aaenry for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. recelr tptriai notics, without chane, In tb Sciemmc inKncatt. A nandsom!? lllnatraf 4 wkly. J.nrt rfr- 1 erm, f 3 fir: four monioa, . eoianxsui rewnraiern. MUNN & Co.36,B"- New York Branch Oftlee. at T St. Waahlnglon, 1). C. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow.County. In the matter of the Estate of Wil lam Gililam. Deceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, Administrator of tbe estate of William Gilliam deceased, notice is- hereby given to the creditors of, and all per sons having claims aeainst said de ceased, to present them verified as required by law within six months after the first publication of this notice to said Administrator at bis office in Heppner Oreeron. FRANK GILLIAM, Administrator of the estate of William Gilliam deceased. Dated July 24 1912. J 25-A 23. Seed Wheat For Sale. I have for sale at my ranch near Lexington, for seed, a quantity of the wheat known as No. 128, a cross of Turkey Red and red chaff elub. Will book orders for thii wheat at 80c per bushel. Wheat is not threshed yet and can be seen growing on my plaoe at this time. I also have red chaff club, shipped from Adams, Oregon. Call on or address F. E. MASON, Lexington, Oregon. FOR SALE Two mares, an organ and carpet. For further particulars, call or address this office. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, A (JOOD 3-HORSE GASOLINE ENGINE AT A BARGAIN. Sale of Bonds. Notice is hereby avien that I will rPceive sealed bids in my office ir Heppner, Oregon up to 10 o'clock A. ' M. on Friday the 2nd day of August, A. D. , 1912, for the nurchaas of $1 ,80O school site bonds and $38,200 school buildiner bonds for School District No. 1 of Morrow County, Oregon. Said bonds will be dated Julv 1, 1912, due in 20 years and redeemable at the nloasure oMhe District in 10 years. Bonds to bear interest not exceeding: 6 per cent per annum, .interest payable semi-annuallv. Said bonds will be sold ai the best price obtainable, and said bonds or no part thereof will be sold for le'ss than par. Bidders will he required to deposit an uncondition al certified check upon a . national bank, amounting to teu per cent of the face value of the bouds, with, each bid. and no conditional b!ds will be considered. Bidders, required to take up and pay for tho bonds within ten davs from date of sale or check' will be forfeited. Kighc to reject anv-and an bids ts hereby reserved. FRANK GILLIAM, County Treasurer. Notice, of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ICxecutor of the Estate of Eliza Beaman, deceased, has riled hia final account as such executor, and thnt the County Court of the State of Oreeon for Morrow Countv has fixer Monday, the 5th day of August, l'.)12. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, as the time and the County Court Room in the Court House at Hepnner, as tne place, for the bearing and settlement of sid final account. Objections to said final account should be filed on or before said date. E. E. BEAMAN. Executor. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office The Dalles, Oregon, Jul 5th 1912. Notice is hereby giver Robert E. Green, of Lexington, Ore son, who, on July 6th, 1906, made Homestead, No. 15254 Serial, No. 02954, for Eh NEJ, and EJ SEJ, Sec tion 21 , township 2 South, Range 2$ East, Willamette Meridian, has filed, notion of intention to make five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before O. O. Patter son, U. S. Commissioner at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 24th day of Aueust, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses : Nathanial L. Shaw, William II. Padbnrg, Lewis E. Fridley, Clifford E. Fridley, all of Lexington, Oiegon. O. W. MOORE, Register, j 11-a 15. Notice for Publication. Department of the Intericr, U. S. Land Office at LaGrande.Oregon, June 21st 1912. Notice is hereby given that Joseph Doherty , of Heppner, Ore gon, who, on April 1st, 1908 made Homestead Entry, No. 15909, Serial, No. 05344 for WJ NWJ, WJ SWJ Sec tion 8, Township 2 South, Range 29 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final com mutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before O.O. Patterson , United States Commissioner at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on tbe 10th day of AtHtust, 1912. Clalment names as witnesses: Phil Hirl, Arthur P. Hughes, Frank McCabe, and Charles A. Hinton, all of Heppner Oregon. J 27-a 1. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. Designated Act February 19, 190!.