rSOTXaSIODTAXi OAEM C. E. WOODSON. A T TOSNE Y-A T-LA W Olllce In Pale. Hotel Heppner, oregoa Sam E. VanVactor. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office oo wit end ol Mey Street Heppner Oregon. S. E. Notson ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlcetn Court Home, Heppner, Oreon. F. H. ROBINSON, LAWYER, lone, - - - Oregon W.H.DOBYNS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . Oregon. lone. W. L. SMITH. Only oomplete set of abstract booki in Morrow oouuty. Bkffnbb. Oregon J. P. WILLIAMS Justice of the Peace. Ollice with S. E. Van Vactor DR.'JW. A. LEACH DBNTWT Permanently located in Heppner. Office in the new Fair boilding. Qaa ad ministered. OSTEOPATHY AND MECIIANO-TTIERAPY Dr. Martha S. Arledqe, D. 0. Dr. J. P- Conder, Jtt -T. D- Treatment of all diseases )9 per eent. of eases succensfully treated without operation N. E. WINNARD M. D. PlirXll'IAN i SC RUEOJI Graduate of: Lenox College. 1885. Chicago Homeopathic Med College 1890. Kuk Medical College, 1892. F. E. Boyden, M. D. Physician & Sirgkon Office in rear of Patterson & Son's Drug Store. HEPPNER " OREGON WELLS & CLARK. SHAVING PARLORS Three Doors South of PoBtoffice. Shaving 25o Haircutting S6 Bathroom in Connection. PATTERSON & ELDER 2 Doors North Palace Hotel TONSOKIAL ARTISTS FlSK BATIIH - - - SHAVING 25c J. H. BODE Merchant Tailor UEPPSF.R OREGON F. M- ROBINSON w. S. SMITH ROBINSON &. SMITH. lone, Oregon. Real Estate Farms and City Property for Sale. Farms to rent. Correspondence solicited. Electric Bitters Made A New Man Of Him. "I was suffering from pain in my stomach, head and back," writes II. T. Alston, Kaleigh, N. 0,Mand my liver and kidneys did not work right, but four bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man." PRICE 50 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. fj- H-H KZ THE i B b m m Heppner's Leading Confection-! ery and Ice Cream ranors i Robert ml hart, Can serve you now with nice, fresh Ice Cream. None better to be had in the city. I beading Brands Cigars and Tobacco t tM Contracting and Building, Painting and Paperhanging Am prepared to do all lines of repairing and job work at my shop in old Gazette Building on Main street, Heppner. See me for any kind of work in these lines. Heppner Garage BertBowker, Prop. : ; ; Automobile for hire. Repair work' of all kinds done. Gasoline and oil for sale. Machines housed, cleaned and oiled. Agent for the 381 Notice! Call and look over the new line of IT SPRING & SUMMER SAMPLES jj Just Received. LOUIS PBARSOIN, Tailor. aJL 18C 5000 Head of Thorough bred, - Fine Wool - Sheep FOR The entire stud band of thoroughbred sheep of NUNAMAKEIl LAND & SHEEP COMPANY are now offered for sale at a bargain. '-.! Tli is band consists of 2000 ewes with their lambs, and 1000 yearling ewes, together with thoroughbred bucks enough to breed the band. This is the finest bunch of fine wool sheep in Eastern Oregon. 2900 head of these ewes sheared 14 pounds, and they weigh on an average 1-40 pounds. For further information, address GAZETTE-TIMES Heppner - - Oregon the delightful Columbia River Route on the Steamers "T. J. Potter," "HsssaSo" and "Harvest Queen" From Ash Street Dock Steamer, "T.J, POTTER" iH'fiiiinliitf July 3 will leave Portland at 10::!0 p. in (daily except Suinlayiind Monday I arriving: Awtoria f:00 a. in. and Metier lit 7::0n. in. Returning leave Astoria dailveveeptSundav, Mon day and Tuemlay at 7:00 a. in , Metier at !.:I0 a. in.. AKHIVIXO Port land 4::i) p in. On Sunday leavex Metier !:tK1 p in. nrrivinjr Portland 5:00 a in. (Passengers may remain on board until S.-00 a. in.) Steamer "HASSAL0" leaves Portland daily (except Saturday and Sunday) at S:00 a, m , Saturday at 1 p. in., arriving Astoria l:-'iO p m . Metier 2:15 p.m. On Saturday arriving Metier 6:.!0 p in. HETUUXIXG leaves Mejjler dally rxcept Sunday at 1:45 p. m. arriviny Portland 10:00. Sttaxr "HARVEST QUEEN" leaves Portland daily (except Saturday and Sunday) at S:(M) p. in.. Saturday at 10:iM) p. in. for Astoria and way landings. Returning, leaves Astoria dally except Sunday at 7.-1H) a. ni. arriving Portland 6:00 p. in. Excellent Restaurant Service Meals a In car'e Trains meet nil boats nt Megler for North Bea-h point. Astoria f 1.50 Saturday to Monday tickets 3.00 North Beach Season tickets 4.00 Five Ride Round Trip tickets 15.00 ONE DAY RIVER TRIP, Portland to Megler and return 2.00 State Room Reservations can be niade at Ash Street D(k, or O. W. R. & N. City Ticket Office Third and Washington Streets, PORTLAND. OREGON. WMHtIMMIHU bT"X 71T H 1 PALM . m m " - - proprietor? .. i Fine line of fresh Candies. 1912 FORD ZZ Hal 10 SALE the' North Beach VIA Blind Arabs of ths Dsssrl The Arabs have a saying to tbe ef fect that "when you travel through the country of tbe blind be blind yourself," and, though, like all proverbs. It Is doubtless not Intended to be taken literally, still the malady of blindness la so common In Algeria, especially among tbe tribes tbat Inhabit tbe oases of the Sahara, that tbe traveler may almost stop and ask himself If be bas Indeed come to tbat country of tbe blind. ' The prevalence of eye disease Is due perhaps to tbe intense dazzling brilliance of tbe desert sun and to tbat complete absence of shade which must be endured by the wunderlng Sabaran. Tbe Arabs are normally very kind and respectful to tbe aged or infirm, and a blind man or woman will seldom lack an escort of one or more children to pilot them safely along tbe roads, and who. If they are still young and active enough to work, will assist tbem In hoisting their load of sticks or barley upon their backs and see tbem safely home to the bumble dwelling that aheltera them. Wide World Magazine. Jumping Jaok Tars. The rhythmic Jumping of 350 blue jackets saved'H. M. & Commonwealth from tbe fate of the Montagu when she ran aground In a dangerous place. The battleship Montagu was abandon ed as a hopeless wreck off tbe Cornish coast, but her sister ship, the Common wealth, was safely got off by the mus cular exertion Of her crew. Tbe Com monwealth ran on to an uncharted rock when returning from target practice and was badly damaged. She was, bo nlcejy balanced In her lodgment, bow ever, tbat it was decided after revers ing the engines had failed to extricate her to try tbe experiment of mustering all the available bands on the extreme aft and setting tbem to Jump in uni son, 1 The regular Jumping of twenty flve tgns of solidly built seamen had bad the effect of making the huge ves sel rock seesaw fashion until she grad ually floated off with the rising tide. In fifteen minutes she was afloat and saved. Pearson's Weekly. Ths Liar's Mound. Dyaks, natives of Borneo, are ex treniely truthful. So disgraceful, in deed, do the Dyaks consider toe de ceiving of others by an untruth tbat such conduct Is handed down to poster ity by a curious custom. They heap up a pile of the branches of trees in mem ory of the man who has uttered a great He so that tbe future generations may know of his Wickedness and take warning from it The persons deceived start the "tagong bula" the liar's mound by heaping up a large number of; branches in some conspicuous spot by the side of tbe path from one vil lage to another. Every passerby con tributes to it and at the same time curses the man in memory of whom it Is. . The Dyaks consider tbe adding to any tugong bula they may pass a sa cred duty, the omission of which will meet with supernatural punishment ' ' Shs Was Buried Alive. "Lady Catherine Wyndbain, daughter of tbe Dnke of Somerset, wife of Mr. William Wyndham and mother of the first Earl of Egremont, died (as was supposed) at Orchard Wyndhams, the family seat in Somersetshire, and was buried in a vault beneath the Church of St Decuman's, near Watcbet The sexton wujnt down Into the vault at night opened the coffln and endeavored to force a ring off her finger. Lady Catherine awoke from her trance, got up and lighted herself home with a lantern which the sexton had left be hind in the vault when he fled In ter ror. A few months after she presented her husband with twins, one of whom became Sir Charles Wyndhum and Earl of Egremont London Truth. Homeopathy. Homeopathy is a theory of medicine promulgated by Dr. Samuel Hahne mann (1755-1S43 of Leipslc in 1810. It asserts that any disease should be treated by medicines in mintrte doses that would produce In a healthy pa tient symptoms similar to those mani fested by tbe disease requiring treat ment This Is the principle of "like diseases are cured by like remedies" (Latin, similla simlllbus curantur) and is based on the theory that two simi larly diseased conditions cannot sub sist in the same organ at the same time. ' Anything to Make Talk. "Some of these arguments about pol itics" said Senator Sorghum, "remind me of debates we used to have in the society I joined when i was a boy." "I suppose you talked a great deal on impractical lines?" "We did. We spent almost one en tire winter discussing tbe question, Which makes tbe best ear muff, a corn fritter or a buckwheat cake?" " Washington Star. Not the Same. "You seem to think it's pretty well settled." said Miss Passay, "that I'd marry hhn if be proposed." Yes." promptly replied Miss Knor. "The Idea! So yoa think a giri should be ready to say -yes to any man who asked her?" -No. I don't say that a gu-r should." Catholic Standard and Times. A Practical View. "He's nothlnir but a hypocrite. Isn't It disgusting for a man to us bis reli gion as a cloak 7" "Yes. and. what's more. It's foolish. for religion such as his Is necessarily so flimsy that he's liable to catch cold la It" Exchange. Good Advloe. Merchant-Well er-the truth h my bnMnes Is hardly worth advertising. Hustling Canvasser Then advertiss 11 for safe. - . . i, Wtatt CODDdl- f a HamicBii D3)(D Ym WanmK Arc you interested in getting hold of land for a home? Do you want a place suited to diversified farming? We have bargains to offer in the three tracts listed below. No. 1. Consists of 1100 acres, divided into 250 acres of wheat land, 30 acres now set to alfalfa, with 20 acres more that can be put in, and all under good ditch ; 800 acres grass land. This is an ideal dairy and heg ranch, lying on the creek, with plenty of water the year around. One of -Eastern Oregon's Best Propositions. $14 per acre; $8000 cash; good terms on balance, No. 2. Is a creek farm of 950 acres; 500 acres of good wheat land; 25 acres now oTowino alfalfa, and as much more can easily be put in as it comes under ditch. Small orchard, small house with water piped in trom good spring on place; Darns and other buildings. $11 per acre; half cash; terms cn balance. A GENERAL PURPOSE FARM. No. 3. A BIG BARGAIN. 3800 acres, on which is now growing 65 or 70 acres o,f alfalfa, and 25 acres more can be put in, making nearly 100 acres that come under ditch. On this ranch three good crops of alfalfa are grown each year and but one irrigation is required; it is sub irrigated by from 15 to 20 springs on the place. There is a good orchard of 150 choice bearing fruit trees; 9-room resi dence with water piped in "from spring; large sheep shed and other outbuildings. About 1000 acres of this farm is good wheat land with 600 acres now in cultiva tion. 1 1 miles from Heppner. Price $11 per acre; half cash; easy terms on balance. This is one of the best rural homes in all Eastern Oregon and is certainly a snap at the figure offered. To the homeseeker or the investor there are no better propositions offered than these; nowhere in the North west can such land be had at anything like such fig ures. These farms join and can be had all in one deal or separately as desired. For further particulars, call or address The Gazette-Times Real Estate Office HEPPNER . - - icci - - OREGON