The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, August 01, 1912, Image 2

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SPIES OIRMEaufiLlSgl i t
Ice Cream Soda, Ras. Porter, Orangette, Red
Cigars and Tobaccos
In fact everything good to drink and smoke at
Stiff Hats
The Celebrated
Soft Hats
J lltl? lilllfflll
An ttachment for hoe drills as Illustrated here
has two very valuable and impor ant features
which eve-y progressive farmer will appreciate t
once. They are made to tit any hoe. are easily
ndjusted and snswer the double Durpof e of. regu
lating the depth of sowing and at he same time
pressesthesoilnrmly around the grain thus insur
iiik immediate germination.
.Splendid results are obtained from their use,
Manufactured by
Pendleton Iron
iirci ris TON, OREGON
Th Heppnar Gaiatta, Eitabliahed March 30, 1883
The Heppner Timei. F.t.bluhed Nov. 18, 1897
Conaolidatad February 15, 1912.
VAWTER CRAWFORD, Editor and Proprietor
luued every Thuriday morning, and entered at
tha Poatorfice at Heppner, Oregon, at aecond
claaa matter.
One Year $1.50
Six Montht .75
Three Montha,..'. .. .50
Single Copiea .05
Display, transient, running lets than one month.
hrst insertion, per inch, loc; subsequent in
sertions, 12 l-2c: display, regular. 12 l-2c
locals, nrst insertion, per line, 10c; subsequent
insertions, per line, 5c; lodge resolutions, per
line, ac; church socials and all advertising ol
entertainments conducted for pay, regular rates.
Thursday, August 1,
Pendleton people have arranged to
enlarge the stadium where the roundup
is staged, so that many neople mav be
seated at the coming show. The man
genient has invited Theodore Rooso
telt to attend and he writes he is con
siderinst a plan to arranae his (Unary
so he may be in Pendleton during the
Appropriations for Oregon "Rivr
and Harbor improvements, that aeenj
sure to be forthcoming, amount to over
$2,300,000. The bill has passed both
houses of Congress and has been ap
proved by committees, awaiting only
the President's signature. The. big
gest single item is $1,000,000 for the
month of the Columbia worb, while
the Lower Willamette is scheduled for
1180,000. Tillamook Harbor and the
Nthalem River and harbor improve
ment each set $100,000. The Dalles
Celilo canal is listed for $700,000.
Through the farmer's fleency
Walla Walla, the grain growers
that section have been saved a consid
erable sum of monev in the ourchase
of grain bags for the present rroD
shipment of a half a mililon bags
ust received recently relieved the
shortaee verv considerably. These
had been contracted for at $6.71 per
1000. Such bags ate now Boiling for
ill CO per 1000 at Walla Walla, and
the farmers have been saved 123000 on
this shipment alone because of con
tracting through the farmers agency.
Single Taxers claim that when pri
ate propery fn land is abolished, with
it will go the unequal distribution of
wealth and all the ills and imoerfeo
tions of society. Then will be the
dawn of the dreamer's social millen
ium. We have heard of oeopte who
insist on spending the greater oortion
f their time in sleeo so that they
may dream sweet dream', thus defying
environment. Single Taxera are far
dvanaed in the science of dreaming,
for them bIbpo is not a necessary
condition. It is certainly a marvel
ous age !
WZtfx-k'si; . y Ann Wfs,:c 4a', :&tli m?si
SAY ! !
Gilliam &i Sisbee
Success has followed the experiment
f C. S. Hudson, csshier of the Firs
National Bank of Bend, who last year
hiDned in a carload of lire oil sows
nd sold them to nearby farmers, tak-
ng their notes at one year in uay-
ment. He writes D. 0. Lively, of
e Portland Union Stock Yards Co
that the hous aie crovitg a profitable
investment and he has a report from
each man who purchased, showing a
profit of as high as 200 Derreht in
some instances He says he believes
the average will be J00 percent or
more on each hng.
Owes Much to the Country
Newspaper Man. f
A leading editorial recently pub
lished in the Timberman. of Pottland.
a journal devoted to the lumber indus-
rv of the Northwest, discusses " What
tne Lumber. Industry Owes to the
Country Newsoaper Man. While
much of the article deals with the
lumber trade there is a lot of good
things eaid touching other lines, and
we are disposed to give the entire
article for the good it obtains.
There is no set of men engaged in
anv linp of business effort who give
more and receive less in the way of
compensation than the editor of the
average country newspaper. He is
expected to be the mouthpiece and
personal crgan of every cause in which
his community is interested. It rarely
ever happens when a local organiza
tion for mutual benefit to the town in
which he lives n to be formed by a
few live, Drorgessive, but often very
thrifty citizens, that the cost of the
necessary and absolutely essential pub
licity is pnid to the local editor. He
is supposed to be a charitable mega
phone and too often he is lor any
body or anvthicg that happens along.
The local merchant oltcn feels that
the small monthly pittance doled out
in exchange for a generous advertis
ing space, like money donated to any
charitable institution omhan asylum
or a home for the feeble tuicded. It
rarely occurs to the local, merchant,
irrespective of whether he is a dry
goods merchant, grocer or local retail
lumber dealer, or simnlv an individ
ual who has decided that merchandis
ing consists in buying a few goods and
marking uo the price without regard
to qnality or previous condition of ser
vltude. And this la often too often
the type of merchant he has to deal
To succeed, the average country
newspaper man has to be as wise as
serpent and harmless as a dove. The
plea of many of the merchants against
ktipDorting the country newspaper i
based upon the theory that either
everyone In the community knows the
store is in existance, or the big mu
order houses of Spokane, Great Falli
Billings. Salt Lake, Seattle, Tacoma,
Portland, San Francisco, Minneapolis.
cnicago, new xom, or Paris, -are
getting tha business, and hence adver
lining would be probably of little more
value than a serenade at a funeral.
The editors of the Inland Empire
met at Sookane on June 22, and or
ganized an assooiaion for mutual help
fullness, at which it was the pleasure
of The Timberman editor to be present
The resolution which hits the nail
squarely on the head when a lot of
maudlin sympathy is, being exteneded
to the mossback merchant, is to the
point. Here it is:
We further believe that the n er
chants of the small cities and towns -ire
in a measure responsible for the in
roads of the mail order houses upon
their trade. Having the advantage of
immediate and personal contact with
their customers, they should. by
adopting modern merchandising meth
ods and through intelligent and persis
tent adveitisiug, be able to oomDete
successfully with said mail order
The resolution also deprecated the
sending of money away to the various
large cities when the goods can be
purchased at home for less money,
believing that such a course is inimi
cal to the development and upbuilding
of the community. Sound.' reason
able and logical doctrine; but only
country newspaper men who have
hied, suffered, and died realize the
poienancy of grief and shedding of
crocodile tears by the average mer
chant who feels that his best interests
are often served bv sending away . fot
his job work, in direct contravention
to the policv he is attempting to cam
out for the benefit of the town and
aptly illustrating the "difference
twixt tweedledum and tweedledee "
This no brings us no to the crux
of this article: What the lumber
manufacturing in teres s owe to the
country newspapers, and the policy
they should pursue towards tem.
A reoital of a few of the active
campaigns which these powerful lonal
organs for moulding public opinion
have assisted to carry to success:
The forest fire legislation of the
various Western States was made pos
sible largely through thier advocacy
of the cauf-e. '
Without the aid of the country
newspapers the strong and vigorous
Dublic sentiment which sustains ' the
efforts of the local state forest fire
a?sociatinns, and the brrader work of
the Western Forestry and Conserva
tion Association would not be posai-
In National affairs the country
newspapers of the States of Montana,
Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Cali
fornia did their full share in the pas
sage of the amendment to the Inter
state Commerce Act, which gurantees
to every shipper the right to be hear J
before his rate can be advanced. A
table freight rate is as essential to
the manufacturer as a stable currency.
In the-passage of the Borah irriga
tion bund bill, providing for the issu
ance or yzu.uuu.uuu or bonds to com
plete the National irrigation projects
in the West Senator Borah will bear
testimony to the Invaluable service of
the country press. Irrigation means
more to the lumber business of the
West than to any other single indus
In thia brief cursory review of some
of the mesures which the country press
has aided, the writer speaks with au
thority, as it came to his hand to help
create the sentiment which made pos
sible the enactment of much of this
When labor troubles come and
they come unbidden like a plague of
locusts the I. W. W. horle swept all
before them for a time. The country
press, always conservative, counselled
the men to remain and work, and dis
couraged the movement in every way
possible. .
Iu financial crises in many a con-
muuity the persoual equation of the
editor of the local newspaper often
scarcely known and little appreciated,
ias helped them stem the tide of dis
aster. . But why continue?
What can be done by the lumber
industry to repay an' continue to de
serve the support of these brave coun
try newspaper men who with often
only a hatful of type help fight the
battles? One word tells it all: Ad-
veitise and advertise liberally. See
that every man jack around the mill
and office subscribes for the paper.
Have your job work printed by the
local press, wherever possible. If
the local newspaper offices are not
equipped to do the work, let them
handle the order. The big printer in
the city w 111' pav a commission and in
time, as the community develops, the i Charlie
local plant will be prepared to do the
work; but give him a chance first.
- We are hearing a great deal these
days of what the retail iomber dealer
owes the local newspaper. This is
doubtless true but the manufacturer
of lumber owes more. He owes the
very creation of just laws which he'o
him to do business. This means more
than anything eke to a manufacturer.
Mr. Reed lett Saturday to visit hit
family at Mt. Hood.
Mrs. E. L. Reaney left for a trip
to Salem on Monday.
Mr. ai d Mrs. Breshears were Hepp
ner visitors on Sunday.
Miss Susie Munkers Is now clerking
in W. P. McMillan's drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. John
Wednesday morning
trip to Portland,
Bracstater left
for a business
riylita; men lull
victims to Btomach. liver and
In the passage of the snlemlirt work
man s compensation law now in effect
n the State of Washington, the zeal
and disinterested advocacy of the
country press was the real dominant
power which forced this meritorious
Dicce of homane legislation through a
rone too willing legisla nre. Backed
by the ambulance-dinning lawyer, the
casully insurance comnany, which fat-
ena at the expense of the injured
workman on one hand, and the iniper-
tive necessities of the employer ou
the other. I
The pRace of similar taws in the
arious states can only be made possi
ble through the co-cperation of the
nnntry newspaners. '
Fr reasonable and just taxation
laws affectire every class of rroDerty
troubles just like other peoDle, with
like results in loss of appetite, back
ache , nervousness , headache, and tired,
listless run-down feeling. But there's
no need to feel like that as T. D.
Peebles. Henry, Tenn. , oroved. "Six
bottles of Electric Bitters." be
writes, "did more to give rue new
strength and good appetite than all
other stomach remedies I used." So
they ht lo everybody. Its folly tc
suffer when this great remedv will
help you from the first dose.
Only 50c at Slocum Drug Co.
Try it.
Mr. Willet, who was formerly a
resident of Lexington, is a caller' in
our city at preseut.
Mrs. Waterhury, who has been stay
ing at the Lexington hotel for some
time, moved up to Heppner on Mon,
day evening.
Don't forget to get your express at
Jos. Burgoyne's store. A new supply
of granitware on hand inwhich to do
your harvest oooking.
Mrs. Wilniot, of lone, visited with
her daughter, Mrs. McMillan, of Lex
ington over Sunday. Miss Kittie ac
companied her mother.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Gus Mc
Millan at thier horn near Lexington,
a son, on Thursdavafteruoon. Mother
and child doing nicely. Gus is also
able to be around treat to cigarj.
Mr and Mrs. Joe Devine and two
children left Friday morning for a
pleasure triD to Batton. Ore. Mrs.
Devine has been in rather ooor health
and we hope the change will be bene
.Another one of our young men who
belives in the Bible, saying that man
should have helpmate, too unto
himself a wife, the solemn occasion
being at Heppner on last Saturday.
We wish Mr. and Mrs. Butler every
success all through life's journey.
Mr. II. E. Burchell, better known
a Grandpa Burchell arrived Thorsday
evening to visit his two sods, Ed and
during the harvest. Mr.
Burchell, who sow resides in Port
land, was for several years a resident
here and no doubt will enjoy a visit
with liis many friends.
Are tCver at War.
There are two things everlastingly
at war. joy and piles But Budcklin's
Arinca Salve will banish piles. It
oou subdues the itching, irritation,
inrlamation or swelling. It gives com
fort, invites joy. Greatest healer of
burns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises,
eczema , scalds pinnules. skin eruptions.
Only 25 cts at Slocum Drug Co.
There was a quiet wedding at the
Star Hotel in this cily last Saturriav,
the 27th, the connecting parties bein
Pinknev M. Butler of Lexington and
MHs Lucy B. Spake. The ceremony
was performed by thi Rev. W A.
Pratt, local Methodita pastor, in the
presence of the host, and a few friends.
Cant' look well, eat well, or feel
well with impure blood. Keep the
blood pure with Burdock Blood Bit
ters. Eat simply take exorcise aeeD
clean and, good health is pretty suie
to follow. tLOO a bottle.
Oregon Agricultur
al College.
This gteat instiution opens its doors
for the fall semester on September
20tb. Cnuises of instruction include:
General Agriculture. Argonomy Ani
mal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry,
Bacteriology, Botany and Plant Path
olovg, Poultry Husbandry, Horticul-
j tuie, Etoniology, Veterinary Scienoe,
Civil Engineering, Eluctrical Engin
eering, Mining Engineering, Highway
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Domestic Science, Domestic Art, Com
meice Forestry, Pharmacy, Zoology,
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics,
English Language and Literature, Pub
lic Speaking, Modern Lannae, His
tory, Art, Architecture, Industrial
Pedagogy Physical Education, Military
Science and Tactics, tnd Music.
, Catalogue and illustrated literature
mailed free on application. Address:
F.egistrar, Oregon Agirmiltural Col
lege, Corvallis, Oregon.
BER 20th.
Where you can keep cool.
Just installed a big electric fan and will guaran
tee to keep you cool.
The Kheriff'H Punishment Wpstt-rn ntory. A' crnekerjack.
Sir I ieo rw ami t lie HeiresH or the Stolen Klopiuent. A
Sons "Hit t v Rose."
Out of the Shallow. A comedy, anil to know that It 1 made by
the Liograph Company in enough naiil.
Friday and Saturday.
PATHE'S WEEK I A Stockholm. Sweden The Iuten
ant Colonel I'njfe linn jiint perfected a new airial tore(lo.
.rojected into space ly its own energy nml aide to carry ;5
jiouikIm ( f explosive 3 i niiiillti .
. Tarix. France The annual ltnly foot ball game to deter
mine the Kclect ion of the team to represent France in the
International Championship (iamcH which take place nt
I'riiici'ss Park.
Long Kan. Kentucky Four pcrsitm nre killed, five fatally
injured and a score seriously hurt when a special ChesapeHl'e
& Ohio train crashes into a regular Louisville & Wnshville
passenger train.
Special for the ladies Paris, France The new coiffures re
quire the addition of ribbons, flowers and airgretts.
Peggy. The Moonshiner's Daughter, an Idol of the hills. Drama.
In the Shadow of Mt. Yestiviousi Scenic.
Jimmiethe Detective. He assumes liiany disguises nml plays W
mary parts while bringing a rogue to justice. -U,
Though slight may cause
much annoyance which
usually appear in the form
of itching eyes or dull
headache. If you are suf
fering from strained vis
ion, our scientific examir.
Will reveal the cau.-e-
Eye$ Examined
Glasses Fitted
Lenses Duplicated
Registered Optometrist