The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, July 25, 1912, Image 5

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Local and Personal
All kinds of good ice cold sodas at
The Palm.
Delicious sodas and ice cream sodas
af The Palm.
Go to the Bakery for your bread.
26 loaves for il.OO.
Four head of work horses for sale.
Inquire at City Meat Market.
Work wanted during harvest by
man and wife. Call or address this
Everybody eats at the Palace Hotel ?
Why? Because Demand Determines
Quailty. '
Highest cash prices paid for hides,
pelts and furs. Morrow Warehouse
Milling Oo.
Wanted Wheat haulers, at once.
Call up Spencer Akera on phone for
W. L. Smith returned home on Mon
day evening from his two weeks' va
cation in Portland.
Roast domestio goose witli oyster
dressing and vanilla ice cream, Pal
ce, Sunday, July 28.
Oscar Davis is up from the Willam
ette VallflV on a short visit witb rel
atives in this vicinity.
S. W. Spencer and wife returned
op Sunday evening from an outing of
a week at Parkers Mill.
Mr. Max Rogers is vistiing his rel
atives at Spray this week. Jeff is
prettv lonesome during the absence of
. It may be to your interest to get
my prices before buying watches,
clocks or jewelery. C. R. Johnson,
Mrs. R. N. Crawford departed for
Corvallis on Tuesday and will visit
for a short time at the home of her
parents in that city.
Miss Venice Jones came up from
Portland on Friday and will visit
with relatives at Heppner and on Rhea
creek for a short time.
An article that adds comfort and
beauty to your home brings real satis
faction. Our new rugs are that kind.
Case Furniture Company.
Rev. John McAllUterand wifo de
partud on Monday morning for Glen
wood, Wash. , where they will spend
a vacation of some three weeks.
R. F. Hynl returned to his Port
land home on Saturday morning after
having spent the week at Heppner in
looking after his business interests.
A liberal reward to anyone showius
us a better investment than a com
fortable home. Let us help you make
yours that Kind. Case Furniture Co.
AT THE BAKERY Getaway from
the heat of baking by buying your
bread. Cream loaf, plain loaf, whole
wheat and rye. Nothing better than
our cream loaf.
TIia Heppner flat farmers are set
ting into thier harvest quite lively
this week and in a few days more the
newlv harvested grain shoud be roll
ing into town.
Gelnn Y. Wells has opened up his
office in the Bnrg building and will
become one of the regular practising
attorneys of Heppner. We bespeak
for him success.
"I. have been somewhat costive,
but Doan'g Regulets give just the re
sults desirel. They act mildly and
regulate the bowels perfectly." Geo.
B. Krause, Atloona, Pa.
W. W. Stabler will handle a bunch
of about 800 head of the Nunamaker
thoroughbred bucks. They go to Wy
oming and shipment from Heppner
will be in charge of Frank Roberts.
Jerseys to Sell I nave some
choice young Jersey milcb cows for
sale at ranch one mile below Rhea
Siding. Address O. L. Lundell,
Arlington, Ore. , for further particu
lars tf.
Dr. E. R. Hunlook, of Portland,
formerly engaged in business at Hepp
ner, is in the citv this week. He is
engaged in writing life and accident
insurance these days and meeting with
J F. Lucas began catting his big
crop of wheat on Monday. He has
about 500 acres to harvest, 200 acrt-s
of which ia volunteer forty-fold and
should bring a yield of from 16" to 18
bushels to the acre.
For soreness of the muscles,
whether induced by violent exercise
or injury there is nothin better than
Chamberlains' Liniment. This lini"
ment also relieves rheumatic pains.
For sale by Patterson & Son.
W. W. Stabler and wife arrived at
Heppner on SituHay evening from
their home in Wvoming. Mr.. Stab
ler is after some sheep providing he
can get what he wants He denlret
to purchase some 8000 head of yearling
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blackman de
parted on Saturday morning for Port
land after iiaving spent the week in
Heppner. Mr. Blacxman will oon
tiuue his journey on to San Francisco
where he is at the present engaged in
business, tho stil claiming to be a
resident of the State of Oregon.
Henry does not talk politics much
these days, yet he is somewhat rejoic
ed over the prospects of democratto
success in the presidential election
this Fall and expects Woodrow Wil
son to be our next president. He
feel quite sure that this would be so
could the elHCtiou be held within the
next few wetks.
A rather slim crowd attended the
performance at Heppner last Wednes
day evening of the Girl of Eagle
Ranch Co. These same people gave
a tent show in Heppner a little over
a year ago and this performance was
largely a repetition of the first show.
It depicted some of the life of a
cowboy ranch on the border of Arizona
and Mexico and was a fairly good
mixture of comedy and tragedy. It
would be refreshing to Heponer, how
ever, to have a change from this
"Wild West" performance: it hag
kind of gone to send in these parts and
we should be pleased to see somethirg
A small riot was started down
about the brick saloon on Satordav
evening in which several parties
were engaged, but no serious damage
resulted as the officers were on hand
to quiet the beligerants in short order.
Some follows are mighty bad when
they get filled up on booze and imag
ine they have to start something to
create a little exoitment Jndge Wil
liams taxed four of them $20.00 each
for their fun.
John H. Hayes same up from Port
land on Monday to look after some
business interests here. He has been
somewhat under the weather since
leaving Heppner and hopes that a stay
up here will restore him to health.
This county is a great health resort,
and the wonder is that more people
rio not come here fnr the purpose of
renewing their youth.
During the summer months mothers
of young children should watch for
any unnatuarl looseness of the bowels.
When given prompt attention at this
time serious trouble may be avoided.
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoae Remedy can always be de
pended upon. For sale by Patterson
& Son.
Spencer At era started up bis com
bine on Tuesday and expects to gather
in a good yield of grain. The hail
storm at his place on Saturday shat
tered the wheat to some extent caus
ing a loss of perhaps one bushel to
the acre. Rain p;eceeded the hail
and wet the grain so that' it did , not
Through the efforts of J. L. Wilkins
the water wagon was put on the job
again this week and will make regu
lar rounds keening down the dust,
when Jupiter Pluvius is off duty.
When it comes to raising money, Joe
in a daisy, for he cannot be talked out
of what he wants.
Rev E P. Warren will hold ser
vices at Liberty school house, Eight
Mile next Sunday morning and eve
ning. This will he the last service
for the Confereuce year at this place.
A good dny is planned. Everybody
requested to be present.
Theo. Anderson was in town on
Mouday getting ready to start his
combine. He begins work with hi
machino this week. The hail storm
of Saturday did not strike at Mr.
Anderson's place with sufficient force
to do any damage.
Buy it now. Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is
almost certain to be needed before the
summer is over. Buy it now and be
prepared for such an emergency. For
sale bv Patterson & Son.
Dr. N. E. Wiunard is now able to
get about the streets by the aid of
crutohes. His injuries were much
more severe than at first thought and
it will be a long time before he is
able to walk without the aid of crutch
or cane.
Dysentery is always serious and
often a dangerous disease, but it can
be cored. Chamberlain's Colio, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured
it even when malignant and epedemio
For sale by Patterson & Son.
Messrs. Smith and Ualdwell have
opened up a cleaning and pressing
establishment in the rooms just north
of the Liberty Mirket. They expect
to put in a line of gents' furnishings
connection. '
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Maddock and
son Cretton, returned from a visit of
two weeks to Portland and other Val
ley points on Monday evening. ' 'Dai"
reports a mighty good time while
I have for sale at my place on Eight
Mile, Brown Leghorn eggs for hatch
ing at SI. 00 per setting of 15. .A good
strain of splendid egg producers.
in 16. Alfred E. Anderson.
Misses Opal Cochran and Muriel
Cason, of Imie, are visiting at tbe
home of Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Turner
in Heppner.
Full Statement of Receipts
and Disbursements.
First Natioal Bank I 25 00
Frank Gilliam 1 00
Hendiioson & Gurdane 30 00
J. B. Sparks . ' " 25-00
McAtee & Aiken 35 00
Vio Groshens 35.00
Dohertv & Cunningham 35 00
Fant & Gentry, 35.00
M. L. Case 6.00
Thomson Bros 20-00
Mionor&Oo. 2 00
Wells Barber Shop 7-50
Patterson & Son. 4 10 00
MnNally & Keegan 85.00
Robt Halt 25 00
Sam Hoehos 10 00
A. M. Phelps 30.00
M. W. M. Co 20.00
Phil Cohn 15 0
Vaughn & Sons 10 00
Oscar Borg 5-
Palace Hotel 70.00
Elkhorn Restaurant 20. 0C
O. K. Restaurant 10.00
Gonty Bros. 6.00
W. W. Stewart 10.00
Evans & McRoberts 15.00
M. O Healy 10.00
Star Hotel 5 00 not paid
Pa'aie Barber Shop 7.50,
Slocum Drug Co. 10 00
Light & Water Co. 10.00
Sam E. Van Vactor 5 00
S. E. Woodson &.0C
Dr. Boyden 6 00
W. P. Scrivner 6 00
Mrs. Luper 2 50
Albert Bowker lt'-00
J. M. Cowens 10 00
Steam Laundry 5.00
Joe Hayfs 5-
Gazette-Times 5.00
City of Heppner . 40.00
C O. Patterson 2.r0
Bert Sigsbee 5.00
S. E Notson 5.00
Kinsman & Hall 10.00
B. F. Matlock 10 00
Dr. Leauh 5.00
Louis Pearson 5.00
J. H. Bode 2.50
W. W. Smead 50
E. G. Noble 10.00
Clyde Brock 2.50
S. W. Soencer 1-00
Carl Rhea 1 00
E. E. Beaman 3.00
O. R. Johnson 7.50
Fro, Pond Restaurant 5.00
M. E. Johnson 1.00
L. W. Briggs . 8.50
Mac Smith 1-00
J. O. Rasmus 1-00
Gus Mallorv l.n0
Heponer Bakery 10 00
Rock Resaurant 2.50
Cash 5.00
F. N Fry 5.00
Goddess of Liberty contest 62.00
Star Brewery 20.00
Olympia Brewery 10.00
Rothchilds Bros. 10.00
Fleckenstien & Mayer 10.00
Hendricson & Gurdane 7.50
A. D. Ried doll raok 5.C0
John McDevitt merry-go-round 10.00
J. M. Kamon Confetti 20.00
Palace Hotel, lumber 10.00
Ball games 105.00
Doll Rack i day 3.50
Stamcs returned .50
Walla Walla Brewery 25.00
Mason & Ehrman 10.00
TOTAL $1105 40
Fry hauling dray $ 5.00
Vaughn & Sons 6.40
Speaker's expanses 10.00
Martin Johnson 1.2b
Thomson Bros. 3.60
Minor & Co. 7.85
Mrs. Loner 12 60
J. W. Cowins 8.00
J. L. Wilkins, General expense 6.95
J. P. Land, labor 1.25
Willis Stewart, team, 4.U0
J. K. Simons, labor, 5.00
Gazette-Tlmes,add and printing, 36.50
Martin Johnson, labor, 8 45
Mack Smith, Gen. expense. 7.80
Palace Hot3l, band boys, speak
er and baseball team, hotel
bill, 127.80
Orve Rasmus, gen. expense, 12.50
lone Band, and R. R. Fare, 132.00
J. K. Simons, labor, 2.50
Hermiston base ball team 150.00
Heppner Library, prize 15.00
A. M. Phelps, prize, 10.00
Andrew Patterson, prize, 10.00
Slocum Drug Co. gen. expense 10.00
Dave Mc Atee, prize 50.00
Ad Moore, prize 10.00
Joe Moyers, prize 10.00
Ed Adklns. prize 25.00
Fred Crump, prize 20.00
Ad Moore, prize 10 00
Bill Padberg, prize 10.00
Edith Reaney. prize 1.60
Vier Hale prize 1-00
F. J. Hiatt, prize 5.00
Harold Mason, prize 5.00
Edith Reaney, prize 6.00
E. R Lundell, priize 7.50
Jared Aiken, prise 2.50
J. S. Matoon. prize JO. 00
n.ti McAtee. prize 15.00
i Harold Smith, prize 7.50
.Jess Hale prize. 10.00
niadvi Wattenburgsr. prize 5.00
Grocery Special
First Quality Roast Coffee - - - 27 l"2c
Heppner Blend " 10 lb tins - - $3.25
Steel Cut Ground " 1 lb tins - - 45c
First Quality Tea 1 lb cartons - - 45c
Ridgeway's Black Tea 1 lb cartons - - 75c
Best Baking Powder 1 lb cans - - 45c
" , " " 2 1-2 and 3 lb cans - $1.00
5 lb cans - - 1.65
Pink Beans 15 lbs for - - 1.00
Small White Beans 15 lbs for - - 1.00
Bayo Beans 15 lbs for - - 1.00
No. 1 Japan Rice 14 lbs for - - 1-00
Italian Prunes 10 lbs for - - 1.00
Pickles, mixed and plain per keg - -v, 1.35
Bacon, Pioneer 12 to 16 lb - - 20c
10 lb Rex Lard - $1.65
Toilet Soap 6 bars for - - - 25c
GG01 MINOR & CO. pods
Chas Wattenburger, prize
Leon Lundell, prize
Harry Dinges, prize
Frank Nash prize
Mrs. J. E. Temulpton, prize
B. P. Stone Co.. prize
Jess Hale Co.. prize
Mao Smith, gen expense
Martin Ried, lumber,
J.K. Simons, labor
McRoberts & Evans
Carl Rhea, gen expense
Bill Ayers. labor
Total expense
Cash in Bank
State of Oregon
County of Morrow ss.
I. J. L. Wilkins being first duly
sworn gay that I am secretary of the
4th of July Committee in the Celebra
ion held July 4. 1912 and that the
foregoing is a full true and correct
statement of all receipts and disburse
ments of such committee.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
July 24. 1912. C E. WOODSON", v
(Seal) Notary Public.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature !"
Church Announcements.
Sundav school, 9:45 a.m., morn
ing worship at 10:00, a. m. Epworth
League at 7:00, p. m. Evening wor
ship at 8:00; p. ro. This is the Un
ion service, and everybody is invited
to attend. The last quarterly con
ference will ba held next week Tues
day night, the ROth, conducted by the
Rev. H. O. Perry, the District Super
intendent, and ail official members
are requested to be present with re
Lexington and lone Congre
gational Service.
Preaching services at 11 a. m. and
8 p, m. in lone on ths 1st and 3rd
Sundayi of the month : in Laxingtoa
on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the
1 ..EyC" C" a
We want 500 dozen fresh
eggs for winter use. MttSl "
not be more than 4 days Id. y
Bring them in at once.
A Ion iso Reid is building a new barn
on his homestead.
Lola Matteson says evreybody does
not dislike red hair. We noticed
that Lola.
Will McFerrin and wife went down
on McKenney creek Tuesday to visit
Cbas. roller and family.
John and Willie Ridgeway have
gone over on the John Day to look at
a place. John ia talking of renting
over there.
The Matteson shearing craw has re
turned from the John Day river.
Thev had two months run over there
this summer.
Kenneth MoFerrin is working for
Chas. Fuller through beading. He
was np home Sunday and brought
Bud Medlock with him.
Rather hot weather in these parts
lately. There ia not much advantage
in coming to the mountain for cooler
weather bow. Jbonnie Hiatt says it
is just about as warm at borne as in
the harvest field. Everybody thought
he was at work, but when he comes
and goes no one knows.
Charley Ridgeway is tending camp
for Jim Wyland. He came down last
Sunday and while pulljng the shoes
off of a horse the animal struck him
in the bead, cutting quite a gash and
knocking him sensless for an hour or
so. He went to town to a doctor and
had his head patched no and is feel
ing fine now being able to go back to
House for Sale.
Owing to the fact that we expect to
move into our new home soon we will
sell the house and lo and three acres
including chicken house and cow barn.
Near site of tbe proposed Catholio
Money to Loan.
We have thousands and thousands
of dollars to loan on farm land at fair
rate of interest, lorg time, privelege
paying any interest period. Garfield
Land Company, GarrWd, Washington.