The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, July 25, 1912, Image 4

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    jNobody Spared
Avftlney Troubles Attack Heppner
2iJen.and Women, Old and Young
" Ttvtey ills seize youag and old.
--Often come with little warning.
tiik;ren suffer in tneir early years
O.o't control kidney secretions.
fCSMs re languid, nervous, softer
Women worry, can't do daily work
Jvcm have lame and aching backs
:If ou have any form of Kidney ills
'3fi must reach the canse the kid
roans. Doan's Kidney fills are for
icws,fc kidneys
EE&yo broaht relief to Heppner poe
ileppcer testimony proves it.
3irs. M. E. Barton, HepDDer, Ore
f.'va ss-vs : "I do not know of a bet-
r Jivdney medicine than Doan's Kid
iA-fi i?Iiia. Tie have used this remedy
w family for the past two years
; it lias proven so effective in re
ft.tevjag kidney complaint that I con
iriiH it mv duty to give this public
. is-l-tfiRKseat."
iSfeir sale by nil dealres. Price 50
t6c. FosterM-ilbarn Co, Bnafflo.
York, sole agents for the United
eoanaber the name Doan's and
'.take no other.
iRed Front Livery &
Feed Stables
Willis Stewart, Prop
" -Kept constantly on hand
.-.and -can be furnished on
vjliort notice to parties
wishing to drive into the
' 'aafcerior. First-class : :
Macks and Buggies
7rO THE : ; : : . :
$ ' A; Great
Clabbins Offer
', .s-imi!j-v Weekly Oregon Jour-f-j.
one year SI -50
'4, one year $1-50
p rrttBi $3.00
"f T86t3i Papers One
r "Year - - $2.00
Oregon Journal
vt tX4Aiiet the latest eni most complete
ntpliic new of the worM; Rives reli
Vj M.Vtt nt ml; et eports, as It is published t-t
;i ,', wteve the market news caj be
j?, ftVtVxm corrected to date tor each Issue. It
j3 t.fjt- i ts a pa(?e of spcciil icr tter for the
fsar .nd home, an entertaining story page
njiepuR'orEnrc of comic each week,
! 'tcci O. jot to the subscriber every
St ' vMhti units a year.
fj Ttse Gszestc-TSmes
fl'. ijfvuf i", ihe local news a d happnines
AX? -iniui ehoo.'d be in every home in this vi-
( j TV( trea pc.pers make a solendid corabl
'..'!. tts sl you ve fl by sending your
& e.'rriptlon to the GAZETTK-TIMES.
'.; Ktv. r.i 4to gi ve our nuWrilKrs a good
' 4 :xctin l?er for the Dally and Sunday,
' J a-!tt dry Join nal, in toun ciion with the
J .
i -.: EX
I K til f
,'2f-.r.v-JrTTbsae the NEW HOME you will
.-, r v1 at the price you roy, and will
r-nf. xt endless chain of repaira.
. 1"
tV "r-antna- iripf machine, write fo
r..r , w?. BUikg'ie btfore yo j urrbase.
n ra n
y 1 U U
:$'nt4$y Cheapest
T v t T. m the end
i.'xfciL to buy.
Odd but Effective Way of Attaching a
Man's Property.
Attaching a man's property for debt
Is supposed to be a legal process, but
an incident -which occurred years ego in
the city of Natchez, as related by Davy
Crockett in his "Life and Adventures,"
shows that there are other "attach
ments" whiih sometimes accomplish a
beneficent purpose.
An odd affair occurred when I was
last at Natchez, declared Mr. Crockett.
A steamboat stopped at the landing,
and one of the crew went ashore to
purchase provisions. lie went into a
saloou on the way, and the adroit in
mates contrived to rob him of all his
money. The captain of the boat, a de
termined fellow, went ashore ia the
hope of persuading them to refund,
but they declined.
Without further ceremony the cap
tain, assisted by bis crew and passen
gers, some 300 or 400 in number, made
fast an immense cable to the frame
buildlne where the theft had been
committed. Then he allowed fifteen
minutes for the money to be forth
coming, vowing that if it were not
produced within that time he would
put steam to his boat and drag the
house into the river.
The thieves knew that be would
keep his word, and the money was
promptly produced.
Earl Kent His Head, and
Highwayman Lost His.
In "Sporting Days and Sporting
Ways" Ralph Nevill relates two inci
dents of the early nineteenth century
In which English highwaymen figure:
In August, 1S1J. Lady Stanley,
traveling from York accompanied by
her servant, was stopped by a high
wayman, when the maid in her alarm
took up a bottle of ginger beer, and
the cork flying out mnde such a report
that the highwayman Instantly gallop
ed off in great alarm."
Lord Berkeley's encounter with one
of the famous "gentlemen of the road"
had more serious consequences:
Being driven over Hounslow Heath
he was awakened from sleep by nis
conch being brought to a standstill
and a threatening face looking in at
the window.
'I have you at last, my lord," said
gruff voice, though you said you
would never yield to a robber. Deliver!'
Certainly,' was the earl's reply.
but tell me first who is that looking
over your shoulder?"
The highwayman turned bis hesd
to look and at the same moment Lord
Berkeley shot him through the bead
The Lion of St. Mark.
The symbol of the Venetian republic
the famous Hon of St. Mark ia mnde
of bronze. There is a tradition among
the Venetian people that its eyes are
diamonds. They are really white, ag
ates, faceted. Its mane is most elabo
rately wrought, and Its retracted, gap
ing mouth and its fierce mustaches
give it an oriental aspect. The crea
ture as it now stands belongs to many
different epochs, varying from some
date previous to our era down to this
century. It is conjectured that it may
have originally formed a part of the
decoration of some Assyrian palace.
St. Mark's lion it certainly was not
originally, for it was made to stand
level upon the ground and had to be
raised up In front to allow the evangel
to be slipped under its fore paws.
The Very Oldest Inn.
Which is the oldest Inn in England?
The title deeds of the Saracen's Head
at Newark date back to 1341. and local
antiquaries cite documentary evidence
to prove that the Seven Stars at Man
chester existed before the year 13.'(i.
There Is even a legend that the wtfe
of Earl Godwin stayed at the Foun
tain at Canterbury in 1020. "But what
are all these compared with the Fight
ing Cock at St Albans, mentioned in
'Old Country Inn,' and said to be
the oldest inhabited house tn England?
A few years ago its signbonrd modest
ly chronicled the fact that it had been
rebuilt after the flood.' "
The Tree Frog of Paraguay.
In the manner of disposing of their
eggs many species of frogs exhibit re
markable peculiarities. A tree frog, j
natire of Paraguay, makes Its nest In
a bush overhanging a pond. The low
er ends of a number of leaves are
drawn together and fixed In that posi
tion by a number of empty esg cap
sules. The eggs are nlso covered with
a shield of empty capsules to protect
them from the nun and air. When the
egss nre hatchpd the plug at the bot
tom appears to fall out and the tad
poles tumble into the water.
Out of His Class.
Dissatisfied Patron Gent! flisposl
tionl Why. he wauts to bite the head
off every dog he meots. I've been
swindled! Dog Merchant You didn't
ought to keep dogs at all. mister. The
animals you ought to keep wiv your
temerament Is silkworms! London
Strict Golf.
"You mustn't touch the ball. Use a
"How am I going to get It out of a
mud bole with a stick? Caddy, go over
to the clubhouse and borrow a pair of
tougs." Pittsburg Post
nowell He doesn't know much.
Powell No; h couldn't tell a 6og
watch from a cuckoo clock. Ex
change. Knowledge and timber shouldn't b
much used nntil they are seasoned.
Holmea. ' ,
Cooking at tha Top of a Chimney.
To cook a potato pie at the top of ft
chimney 300 feet high by means of the
heat generated in the fires below would
seem an impossible task, yet such a
feat was on one occasion accomplished
by .Toliu Faulkner, a famous Lanca
shire steeplejack. The Incident was
the outcome of a wager between Fuulk
ner iind the manager of a Manchester
gas works, who doubted John's state
ment regarding the excessive heat. A
targe iron kettle was procured, and
this, being filled with the necessary in
gredients sixty-six pounds In weight
was hoisted to the summit of the huge
chimney stack. Faulkner placed the
receptacle on the outer ana coolest sloe
,f hip brickwork, but despite this the
contents wore found to be thoroughly
cooked in one hour ana twenty min
utes, or ten minutes less than the stipu-
intpd time. Faulkner won bis wager,
nri.i the rile, which. It was said, was
slichtlv burned at the bottom, was
afterward distributed nmong the poor
of the district Loudon Answers.
Our Denatured Food.
Were we a gastronomic nation we
should Insist on having French or
German bread, with crisp, tasty crust,
refuslug the soggy loaves made of
bleached, bolted flour robbed of nu
tritious phosphates and sources of
flavor, refusing also the machine pol
ished rice deprived of its nutritious
outer parts, in which lies the delicate
flavor of this cereal, leaving it pretty
to look at, but as one of the gov
ernment agricultural experts, David
Faircbild. has forcibly expressed it,
"as tasteless as the paste that a paper
hanger brushes on his rolls of wall pa
per." We should exclude the chemi
cally greened teas dumped into ourgro
ceries because not wanted in any other
country. We should protest against
the peaches and other fruits, Iormeny
brought into our markets, soft, eun
ripened, luscious, but now offered to us
hard, unripe, flavorless. Century.
Tea Drinking In Sism.
Ton is to be found in every tent and
dwelling in Slam. There is always a
kettle on the fire filled with tea and
prepared for drinking, which is cone
hv ndrlinir milk, butter and salt This
is their way of fixing this beverage
and is said to be pleasant alter one
becomes accustomed to it A peculiar
mode of hospitality is shown by these
npnnlo in reference to their tea. It is
always at the disposal of every stran
rrpr nnrl traveler. He need not ask for
it Neither is it expected that he
should, but he must have nis own cup.
This is Imperative, and accordingly
every one carries a cup with him at all
times. Some of these utensils are mar
vels of workmanship and are highly
valued. They are generally made of
some fine grained wood and ofttimes
are lined with silver and gold.
Temperature of Voleanoea.
Scientists have secured an accurate
measurement of the temperature of
boiling lava in a crater. The experi
ment was a very dangerous cue, and it
was considered a triumph of precau
tion no lives were sacrificed in making
the test. The crater of Kllauea, in
Hawaii, was selected for examination.
The work progressed very slowly. For
a loug time it was impossible to obtain
results, but after several thermome
ters had been destroyed a pyrometer
was substituted to advantage. The
temperature recorded was 1.010 de
grees C, which is the same na 1,830
degrees F. Iron is still unmelted at
this heat but gold, silver and copper
become a molten mass at a lower tem
perature. Harper's Weekly.
A Pessimiet.
The "duffer" at golf becomes so used
to finding himself in all kinds of out
cf the way places that he hits every
ball in the confident expectation of
getting into difficulties with it Such
a player was he who speaks thus In
the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
"Is this your ball over here?"
"Is it in a hole?"
"A deep hole?"
"With slightly overhanging banks, so
you can't possibly get at It?"
"Then it's my ball, all right"
Drinking Horns.
Drinking horns were beloved of the
early Saxons, who always took their
mead In this manner. Many of the old
drinking horns were fashioned from
the horns of the rhinoceros umler the
belief that "it sweats at the approach
of poison." Hence, according to this
superstition, the drinker would be In a
position to tell at once whether an ene
my had been tampering with his bev
erage. London Globe.
Getting It Straight.
"What did you say to your wife that
night when you got home at 11:30?"
"Do you mean to say"
"I mean to sny that by the time I
could get a word in it was no longer
Inst night, but this morning." Boston
An Inherited Weakness.
"Your daughter Is Improving," said
a music teacher, "but when Rhe gets
to the scales 1 have to watch ber pret
ty closely."
".lust likp her father." said the moth
er. "He made his money In the gro
cery business."
Sarved Them Right.
II They have dropped their anchor.
She Mo her Crat trlpi Serres them
riKht. ft has been hnngintc oTer the
side all dny Ions.
TIs not yonr posterity, but your e
firms, thnt will perpetuate your meaa-
01 i llUU tilUiuO.
He GueiEed Four Times Before Ht
Properly Labeled the Crowd.
At a banquet attended by nearly S00
members of a fraternal order lu one
of the large cities not long ago, given
In honor of a citizen who had bean
elected president of the order, the or
chestra, after playing several selec
tions, struck up "Wearing of the
Green." Apparently everybody pres
ent began to sing it, almost drowning
out the instruments.
"It's easy to see," remarked one of
the guests, "that this is an Irish
Presently the orchestra began the
well known strains of "Die Wacht nm
Rhein." and the audience saug it en
"I see I was wrong," said the guest
"This Is a German crowd."
A few minutes later 'the musicians
started up "Dixie." There was the
usual clapping of hands, and every
body present turned his voice loose.
"Again 1 was wrong," he said. "This
is a southern crowd."
At last the orchestra began to play
"My Country, Tls of Thee." It Is
scarcely necessary to say that every
body stood up and sau with all his
"I take it all back," said the guest.
"This is an American crowd."
Yet he was right, in oue sense, in
all four of his guesses. Yes, this is
a wonderful country. Youth's Com
Curious Contagious Disease That At
tacks Tin, Brass and Lead.
The alleged contagious diseases of
metals is a topic that has been men
tioned from time to time, but shall be
mentioned again because it tends to
promote uniformity in our views of
mineral life and other kinds of life
and to discredit the fashion of regard
ing anything in nature as dead and
In a lecture before the Societe de
Chimie Physique at Tarls n professor
spoke of the fact that tin when 'ex
posed to a temperature below thtf
freezing point of ajercury shows a
kind of eruption of pustules in which
the metal loses its ordinary shining
surface, becomes gray and on being
cut with a saw either falls to powder
or breaks up into a bundle of fibers.
This affection is capable of being com
municated by contact, for the applica
tion of a few grains of the powder to
the surface of a block of perfectly
sound tin brings about its transforma
tion in a few days.
In another transmittable disease of
tin the structure of the metal is chang
ed and becomes crystalline. This dis
ease has a special tendency to attack
joints which have been soldered, but
it attacks brass and lend as well.
Metals do seem more alive and or
ganized than the earthy minerals.
Century rath.
Punished For Looking Healthy.
In the days of the Puritans the stocks
were not unknown as a penalty for look
ing too healthy. Ruddiness of complex
ion was a crime when a gaunt visage
was regarded as an outward sign of
sanctity. Dr. Echard. writing in the
early eighteenth century, remarks:
"Then It was they would scarcely let
a round faced man go to heaven. If
he had but a little blood In his cheeks
his condition was accounted dangerous,
and I will assure you a very honest
man of sauguiue complexion if he
chanced to come nigh an official zealot's
house might be set in the stocks only
for looking fresh on a frosty morulng."
Few of the January faces to be seen
in a London street, however, would run
any risk of drawing down this penalty.
London Chronicle.
Murder as a Fine Art.
It has been popularly supposed that
Napoleon was directly and Indirectly
responsible for more deaths than any
one else of modern times. But that
estimate must be revised If the state
ment of Miss Southey in "Storm and
Sunshine In South Africa" is to be
accepted nbout the great Zulu king
Tshakn. a contemporary of Napoleon,
who "is believed to have accounted
for the lives of over a million of his
fellow creatures." There still existed
at the time of Miss Southey 'a visit a
very old lady who had known the des
pot and had many reminiscences of
"Noblesse Oblige."
In Mrs. Walford's story o Lord
Mansfield In her book entitled "Recol
lections of a Scottish Novelist" the top
note o'f propriety Is reached.
The noble lord's young nephew, see
ing him annoyed at a railway station
at having no servant at hand to got
hi5 newspapers, ran posthaste and
procured thorn. Lord Mansfield show
ed no gratitude whatever.
"Edward," was all he would say.
"recollect, Edward, that a gentleman
should never hurry himself In public."
t Easy Money.
"I nm working my nay through col
lego." 'Brave alvV. How do you earn mon
ey '!"
"Well, father gives me J10 for every
streina le-Json I don't take." Louis
vine Courier-Journal.
f Hie Protest.
Doctor Now. nurse, take the pa
tient's temperature. Patient (feebly)
Oh, doctor, do leave me something
in my system.-Baltimore American.
Not Like Baby.
Mrs. Renham Atlas supported the
earth. Beuham-That's all right. He
didn't have t walk the floor with It.
New York I'ress.
s imtiai nig trie FoodandRcdula
ling tlie Stomachs aiidBowaf
Promotes Digestionlwrful-
neSs nnrl Rpst fnnt.ilns npiftur
Opiuai.Morpb.itiE rtorKiucri.
Flmpkut Seed'
Jiw,wrint '
la iajiiwm'i-Stda
hattarmi Flanr.
.j1 rv,
Anorfprf Rpmprlv for fmrcflna-
Hnn Knur Sfnmnrh.niarrhoca
"!w I ,
:t' I.'
Facsimile Signature of
E.xat -opy Of wrapper.
nim. . Hffitf Will ii 1 1' i inn .. n
The Steward Machinery the World Over
VAUGHN & SONS. Heppner
Rock Springs Coal, Pine, Fir and Oak Cord Wood
and Slab Wood.
Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company
and they will receive prompt attention.
MIKEHEALY, Proprietor
Livery Stable
- - TELEPHONE 201 -
City Meat Market
KINSMAN & HALL, Proprietors
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal,
Good Lard, About 10 lbs. $1.50
Lowest Prices on Meat for Harvest.
ii n t i it a
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
TMI e,MTAUB cokwinv. von errr.
i m mi . 11 r m nil nil Ira '"" 'Wi "to J
the Lj